《Unparalleled Emperor》C6. Ying-Yang Hand Attacks


It was very quiet in the room. Zi Yu looked at Dao Lin curiously. Seeing this, Chen Fu was in a state of shock. He had no idea why Zi Yu acted like this because it was uncommon. She had been waiting for more than two hours with the desire for action in her eyes.

In front of them, Dao Lin stared at the fist print showed in the jade slip. It seemed that two fists were moving in his eyes with vague ripples, which were very unreal.

In the meantime, Dao Lin seemed to understand the Martial Art. He clenched his hands with his fist bones bumping against each other and making a crack sound. With a bum, the energy in his body surged up into his fists, making them change in a frightening way. The condensed air was about to explode, and an overwhelming force rushed in.

“What? How is it possible?” Chen Fu cried out. He was stunned as if he had seen a ghost. “He has learned it just in a couple of hours? I am so awkward.”

The sudden sound interrupted Dao Lin. His pupils zoomed out and the energy gathered in his fists scattered. When he turned around and saw the two in front of the door, he became awkward, “I just took a look at random.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Zi Yu smiled. Her eyes were curved with a fluid beaming glance. She had a slender figure and was very beautiful. Now she looked at Dao Lin as if she had picked up treasures. “What a genius. It just took him a little time to learn the Shooting Star Martial Art. His ability of deduction must be great.”

“Genius!” Chen Fu cried in the mind. No wonder he had the bloody-red marble. His master must be a great figure.

“Yes. It doesn’t matter. It’s just a martial art.” Chen Fu said so. He respected Dao Lin because he knew that Dao Lin was not an ordinary person.

Dao Lin gave an embarrassed laugh. He couldn’t help looking at Zi Yu because she was so delicate. Her snow-white skin shone with gloss.

Zi Yu smiled when she noticed Dao Lin was looking at her. She said, “Call me Zi Yu. What’s your name?”

Chen Fu was surprised because it was the first time he heard Miss Zi Yu told people her name on her own initiative. He thought that may be Miss Zi Yu who wanted to have Dao Lin on her side.

“Zi Yu. Just call me Dao Lin.” He shrugged his shoulders and slimed. He could tell that Zi Yu had a powerful background. She must come from the Treasure Collection Hall because Chen Fu treated her with great respect.

“Dao Lin. Dao is your last name?” Zi Yu looked surprised. She surveyed the young man with her eyes. Was he from Dao Clan? But he shouldn’t be because Dao Clan was located far away from Qingzhou City and his capability was meagre.

“Perhaps it’s just a coincidence.” Zi Yu murmured in the mind. She showed the jade bottle in her hand and smiled, “Look, this is the blood of ancient ferocious beast. Are you satisfied with it?”


A loud roar suddenly came out. There was a golden ferocious beast growling in the jade bottle. It seemed like a tiger and a leopard with gold squama all over the skin. It was extraordinarily fierce and malicious.


Although its body was tiny, it was extremely strong and mighty.

“The blood of Leopard-like Beast!” Dao Lin trembled in his heart. Leopard-like Beast was a frightening ancient ferocious beast. It must be a high level one because even its blood had transformed into a concrete beast. The blood flowing in its veins was very strong.

Even if one was the ancient ferocious beast, it didn’t mean its blood vessel was strong. The stronger blood vessel it had, the mightier it would become. Of course, the blood refined from it would be more powerful.

“Hush. Naughty cat.” Looking at the blood of leopard-like beast, Zi Yu quirked up the corners of her mouth, which made her even more charming. She tapped the jade bottle, and immediately the concrete image was gone and turned into drops of golden blood. The blood glowed with a shocking golden light and every drop was shrouded with vigorous animal spirit.

“I am satisfied. Thanks a lot.” Dao Lin gave a wee smile and took over the jade bottle directly. He thought that if he drank the blood, his body must be stronger considerably.

“If you don’t mind me asking, how many kilograms of power do you have in the realm of Body Forging?” Zi Yu asked with a smile. She could tell that he had not been in the realm of Spirit Rhyming yet.

“I have no idea about that. I never take a test.” Dao Lin shook his head slightly. He also wondered about that.

Hearing this, Zi Yu was puzzled. This guy didn’t seem to worry about his strength. She made a timid inquiry, “Will it be convenient for you to take a test here?”

“Sure.” Dao Lin smiled politely. He was somewhat surprised about it and curious about what she was going to do. Anyway, it was okay to take a test here. She already gave him the blood of ancient ferocious beast. It was not likely for her to do harm to him.

All of a sudden, a gigantean rock appeared in the room. Dao Lin glanced at the rock, moved towards it and gave a punch.

The punch made a loud sound. The rock shook for a while. The three of them gazed at the fist print on the rock. Its depth was 13 inches!

“Twenty thousand kilograms!” Dao Lin was surprised about the strength he now had. It had been just five or six days that he made such a great progress. What a rapid speed!

He was very clear that even Wang Lin took more than one year to achieve the strength of twenty thousand kilograms in the realm of Body Forging. However, Dao Lin just took five or six days to get the same achievement. It would make a stir if the news once got out.

“If I drink the blood of ancient ferocious beast, I will definitely get the strength of fifty thousand kilograms or even more!” Dao Lin was extremely excited. The most gifted person in Qingzhou City just had the power of fifty thousand kilograms. He was bound to achieve that!

“He is talented. How could he just have such strength?” Zi Yu frowned slightly. Zi Yu thought that people who had such brilliant ability of deduction like Dao Lin should have at least forty or fifty thousand kilograms power in the realm of Body Forging.


“Dao Lin, the stronger the body is in the realm of Body Forging, the more powerful you will be in the future.” Zi Yu looked at him with a pair of big eyes and smiled, “You have such an extraordinary ability of deduction, don’t waste it.”

“I know. But it’s hard to hoist the capability of my body.” Dao Lin gave a wee smile. He thought it was none of her business. He could easily possess the power of fifty thousand kilograms now.

“Oh yeah. I can help to train your body.” Zi Yu thought for a while. She smiled and her hands clasped a little bit. His ability of deduction was really great.

“Help me? How?” Dao Lin was puzzled. He thought no one could help with that.

Zi Yu took out another jade bottle. She compressed her lips and then smiled, “This is the fourth-rank foundation-building liquid. You should have heard of this.”

“Foundation-building liquid, the fourth rank!” Dao Lin’s heart seemed to be grasped by a hand and his pupils contracted. The fourth-rank foundation-building liquid was priceless treasure!

At the auction held in Qingshi City, a second-rank foundation-building liquid was sold at five hundred thousand gold coins!

However, fourth-rank foundation-building liquid was way better than the second rank one. “Why did she give this to me?” Dao Lin felt so incredible as if he was hit by a Rou Baozi from the sky.

One corner of Li Fu’s mouth twitched as he tried to control his worry. This fourth-rank foundation-building liquid was very precious because it was very useful for training bodies. People couldn’t buy it even if they had the money. He thought Miss Zi Yu was a little rash for sending it to a man of unknown past.

“This is too precious. I can’t take it. Thank you for your kindness.” Dao Lin shook his head immediately. It was too much for him.

“Just a small present. It’s not that precious to me. You can take it as a welcome gift. Let’s make friends.” Zi Yu rolled her eyeballs, which seemed like blaming and also smiling. Her charm moved people’s soul.

Dao Lin frowned and his face was slightly frozen. He stared at the fourth-rank foundation-building liquid and asked directly, “Zi Yu, do you have anything for me to do?”

“Yes. But it’s a good thing.” Zi Yu grinned. She took out a jade slip and gave it to Dao Lin, “The thing is, you need to learn Ying-Yang Hand within three months.”

Hearing this, Chen Fu almost died from fright. Ying-Yang Hand was one of the top ten martial arts. Though it was just the introduction chapter, it would still create a bloody war in the Qingzhou City. Miss Zi Yu must be wrong-headed.

“Just this?” Dao Lin was surprised. He was confused because she gave him the fourth-rank foundation-building liquid and the martial art.

“Just this. If you can’t learn it all within three months, don’t forget to return it back to me.” Zi Yu was expectant. If he could do that, she would make a lot of money.

“I’ll have a try.” Dao Lin took the jade slip and said, “If there’s nothing else, I will leave right now.”

Zi Yu nodded and followed him leaving with her eyes. Chen Fu said hastily, “Miss Zi Yu, how can you just send the Ying-Yang Hand to him?”

“What are you afraid of? It’s just an introduction chapter. If he can do that, he can definitely open the place where the ancestor of Ying-Yang passed away. At that time, we can get the full concept of Ying-Yang Hand, the top ten martial art!” Zi Yu rubbed her hands and smiled.

“It’s impossible.” Chen Fu shook his head like shaking a drum-shaped rattle. He said, “So many talented people had tried it but no one succeeded. Miss Zi Yu, you just ask a person at random to learn it, how can he succeed?”

“Besides, he just has the power of twenty thousand kilograms. He is not that talented and can’t compare with other geniuses.” Chen Fu didn’t think Dao Lin could make it.

“It’s uncertain. I just gave him a bottle of the fourth-rank foundation-building liquid. Maybe he can achieve the power of fifty thousand kilograms after drinking it.” Zi Yu touched her lower jaw and said.

“Miss Zi Yu, don’t expect too much of him. Otherwise, you’ll be really disappointed.” Chen Fu made a humph. It’s really difficult to achieve the power of fifty thousand kilograms. Even the most gifted person in Qingzhou City didn’t achieve that.

Moreover, this was just a small place. Even in the whole world, people who had the power of fifty thousand kilograms could be called geniuses. Not to mention those who had the power of eighty thousand or one hundred thousand kilograms. There were just few people and they were formidable presence.


When Dao Lin stepped out of the Treasure Collection Hall, his heart was filled with joy. It was totally out of expectation that he got these things. But he didn’t know how well the fourth-rank foundation-building liquid would be.

After walking along the street for a while, he frowned suddenly. The place changed into a landscape, which was really weird.

“It’s magic arts!” Dao Lin clasped his hands tightly. Who did this? He knew that this kind of magic arts was uncommon.

When he saw the person coming out of the wood, his face darkened.

It was Wang Qian. Her face puffed up greatly. She stared at him maliciously and cried out, “You son of a bitch. I told you that you can’t live through tonight.”

Wang Qian was pissed off. It took her a lot of effort to find a job at the Treasure Collection Hall. Now things were all messed up by him. She couldn’t work off her anger unless he was killed.

“Haha, who is so bold to offend my family? Let me take a look.” A young man sneered. But when he saw Dao Lin, his face darkened.

“Haha. It’s you, ‘Morpheus’.” Wang Li laughed as if he had seen a god. He pointed at Dao Lin and said, “You such a loser. Haha, it really surprised me that it’s you…”

Wang Li almost laughed his head off. This rubbish dared to give offence to people of the Wangs. He didn’t want to live anymore. He would be dead even if he had ten lives.

“Great!” Dao Lin clasped his hands instantly. It was Wang Li, Wang Lin’s younger brother!

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