《Unparalleled Emperor》1. The Young Boy - Dao Ling


"I told you two years ago, your constitution is the primitive holy body, you could only awake it by cultivating Heaven Devouring."

"As long as you practice this skill, you could bear at least five thousand kilograms power in the realm of Body Forging."

A female's charming voice whirled round his ears. Dao Ling laughed at it in the dream. He did not believe that the physical body had this giant strength just at the Body Forging Realm. It would be a joke if it got out, because it was strong enough for people to hold five hundred kilograms strength in the realm of Body Forging.

However, recalling the words once again, a surprised expression appeared on his delicate face.


The table made a loud noise, Dao Ling woke up with his heart quivering fiercely. When he stood instinctively, he saw a glamorous face with a hint of anger.

This was Qingshan College where Dao Ling studied. The beauty was his mentor.

Ye Yun clenched her slender hands and bit her red lips tightly with ferocious charming eyes. This little crap slept on the class again!

Everyone else in class sneered at Dao Ling who was considered as a loser in Qingshan College. He had been in here for two years but still made no progress. Besides, he seemed never get enough sleep so he was always sleeping.

Therefore, he got a nickname 'Morpheus'.

Even the mentor got a charming appearance, he was not in the mood to appreciate.

The sound in his dream had appeared two years ago, which made Dao Ling so shocked.

Two years ago, when he was in the transition of Body Forging, he fainted and heard this sound. He even got a martial art named Heaven Devouring.

At first, he thought it was an illusion and felt that someone was teasing him as following the instruction of that book would mean courting death.

She also mentioned his holy body? Dao Ling snorted that he could not be more familiar with his own body. "I just can't get enough sleep forever, is that the holy body?"

However, after two years this strange sound appeared again and told Dao Ling to practice the skill of Heaven Devouring, which made him feel incredible. Was it not an illusion? And who was talking?

Ye Yun's cheek grew hotter, and she became more pissed.


Being caught sleeping in class, he did not apologize but was still in a pensive state. What did he want? Did she indulge him too much so he began to ignore the mentor?

A cold atmosphere rolling, Dao Ling shuddered and noticed Ye Yun's piercing eyes, which made his scalp tingle, "I'm so sorry, I..."

"Hum!" Ye Yun snorted. She looked grimly at the black rock on the stage and said chillily, "Go on, Qian Lin, go check your present power."

There was a turmoil around and all students looked at this handsome boy admirably. He was Qian Lin. Sticking his back straight, he stood up with great pride and strode toward the black rock.

"Hoo!" With a low shout, his fist rolled in the air, and his whole arm muscles contracted. Suddenly, he hit the rock.

"Boom!" The whole rock shivered with the strong punch.

Everyone was shocked by the inconceivable scene. What would it be if this punch was on a human's body? Everyone froze at this moment. Noticing the shock expression, Qian Lin became more complacent, and turned back with blazing eyes to Ye Yun.

Ye Yun was regarded as the No.1 beauty of Qingshan College. People were all willing to get closer to her. But so far no one ever succeeded. And she got an extraordinary background so many people wondered what she was doing here.

Then, Qian Lin looked toward Dao Ling with a despising look, and sneered in the heart, "This trash is making fool of himself again. Hum! He is worse than shit in my heart!"

"Qian Lin, 6.6 inches fist printing, five thousand kilograms power."

Ye Yun said with satisfaction. All were shocked. It was five thousand kilograms of great power. How strong that power was! There still got half a month before Star College's recruiting day, when Qian Lin could show off.

The realm of Body Forging tested physical talents. The stronger the body was, the higher achievement one would reach in the future. With the power of 5,000 kilograms, one could rush to the next martial realm.

"50,000 kilograms?" Suddenly, Dao Ling clinched his fists because he could not believe people in realm of Body Forging had the power of 50,000 kilograms. Really? The most powerful people in Qingshan College had the highest power of 10,000 kilograms.


Besides, Qing Yifei, the No.1 genius in Qingzhou , shocked the whole city by his talents of bearing at most 25,000 kilograms in realm of Body Forging.

It was not hard to imagine how horrible he was as the first prodigy in Qingzhou, a city abounding with talents and too large to reach its border.

Was the martial art Heaven Devouring real? Dao Ling's breath became rapid, he had read this book many times and he knew how dangerous it was. If someone practiced according to the instruction, he would die.

Ye Yun took a quick glimpse of the huge stone and then her gaze fell on Dao Ling's face, who was absent-minded and breathing rapidly. She became sullen and stepped back.

"Morpheus, how dare you!" Ye Yun's eyes shone with shame and anger. She must have been too close to him just now so he had some evil thought? It must be so.

Ye Yun was a dream lover by all boys in this college. Now, Dao Ling offended her so many times? Immediately, they all looked at him with killing eyes. Who gave him the courage?

Dao Ling completely ignored the surroundings and continued thinking whether he should try the martial art - Heaven Devouring.

Ye Yun's eyes glared with rage. Was he still thinking about her dirtily?

With blushed face, she growled, "Now, it's your turn! Dao Ling!"

Hearing that, Dao Ling shivered. Then, he clenched his fists and peeped Ye Yun's dark face. He thought with bitter smile in his heart, "It's awful! I must have provoked my mentor. I'm done."

People around all burst into laughter. Dao Ling was in trouble. Did he have the ability to shatter the stone?He was more suitable to hit the cotton instead of a rock.

Dao Ling went stiffly up to the stone. In the past two years' studying in Qingshan College, he was teased by every teacher and was used as a tool of entertainment in the classes.

Only Ye Yun didn't. She must be in great anger, otherwise, she wouldn't do that.

"Just get injured once so that it can ease master's inner rage." Staring the rock, a bitter smile appeared on Dao Ling's face.

Dao Ling clenched his teeth, raised his fist and punched the rock.

With the fist getting closer and closer, Ye Yun's eyelashes fluttered. She bit her red lips, and stooped her feet.

She stretched out her hand, immediately a blast of air bursting out from her palm to Dao Ling's body, pulling him back.

With the punch fanning the air, his face became bitter. She was so soft-hearted.

Others were about to watch the show, but they were all startled because their mentor forgave Morpheus. And they all thought that the mentor was too kind to punish him.

This kind of garbage should take a bloody lesson so he could learn from it.

Dao Ling sighed and noticed the thick disappointment in Ye Yun's eyes, which made his heart broken. He clenched his gist tight, his fingers clucking. The sharp fingernails cut into his palm, causing a piercing pain.

The most difficult thing to face was her disappointed look. He had been used to others' disdain and ridicule.

Dao Ling apologized in a low voice when Ye Yun walked by him with a poker face, "I'm sorry."

"Go back to your seat." Ye Yun shook her head and felt very disappointed. She thought that Dao Ling just slept every day and had no goals.

There was just half a month left for the enrollment of Star College. If Dao Ling still remained being a loser, he was destined to be expelled from the college and the rest of his life would be miserable in the future.

In this martial world, he who couldn't cultivate was doomed to be a useless person, not to mention a well-known Morpheus who was a million miles away from the legendary journey of a martial artist.

Dao Ling took a deep breath and returned to his seat. After a long silence, a strong sense appeared in his heart. "I can't get expelled by school, or lame father would be sad."

"Heaven Devouring!" Dao Ling's fists were clenched tight and a look of madness came over his handsome face.

"Fight for the future, I got nothing to lose!" He clenched his teeth and determined that he couldn't go on like this. If he didn't find a way to make a living, should he let lame father raise him for a lifetime?

Dao Ling was quite emotional and he knew that it was a gamble.

Admission ticket was his life!

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