《Fire and Water》Chapter Twenty-Four: Picking a fight
Yi Sheng departed early the next day. Before he left he gave dozens of instructions to Yi Xin on how to take better care of Xiao Xue. He also left them two tasks, to locate and acquire the Blister Knot Leaf and the Silver Frost Horn, the two herbs with contrasting yin-yang attributes. The main components of the Phoenix Revival Pill that could only be found in the continent of Lyra.
Aside from leaving instructions to Yi Xin, Yi Sheng boldly left a warning to Xie Yuan. Xiao Xue’s dantian is heavily injured, it has not shattered but if heavy pressure is exerted on it, the consequences would be severe. They are now seeking to fix the broken dantian and in order for it not to be damaged further Yi Sheng urged Xie Yuan to take extreme measures when it comes to Xiao Xue’s protection.
Xiao Xue may not know who Xie Yuan really is and who his family are but Yi Sheng does. If it was up to Yi Sheng he would not want his disciple to be embroiled in Xie Yuan’s affairs. But although the two have yet to perform the ceremony anyone with eyes could see they are as good as hitched. Yi Sheng could only hope that Xie Yuan is capable of protecting Xiao Xue otherwise, even if it costs him his life, Yi Sheng would seek retribution.
Fortunately, Xie Yuan was in accord with Yi Sheng’s perspective which goes to show the importance he places on Xiao Xue. And his attitude gave Yi Sheng peace of mind to leave Xiao Xue in his care.
As the days passed Xie Yuan gradually got over his complicated mood. He’s still worried about Xiao Xue’s condition but with a solid solution at hand it doesn’t bother him as much as it initially did. The matter between the two have not changed much, as always Xie Yuan was never far from Xiao Xue’s side. But there’s a marked difference with how he interacts with her. Perhaps it’s due to suffering the pain of almost losing her or perhaps it’s because of something else entirely, Xie Yuan became more open and demonstrative of his feelings towards Xiao Xue. He would often seek some form of contact, a slight brush of fingers or a hug, no matter how brief or fleeting Xie Yuan would crave and initiate it. It was as if he’s doing such actions as a form of affirmation, to reassure himself that she’s alive and well.
Xiao Xue, in turn, did not deny him. In fact, she good naturedly encouraged his intimate behavior. She did not do it for anything other than to ease Xie Yuan’s psychological burden.
From the moment she woke up Xiao Xue realized one thing, Xie Yuan was mentally stressed. He does not say much about what he’s thinking or feeling but his actions were enough proof for her to assess his condition. From Xiao Xue’s observation it would take some time for Xie Yuan to get over the anxiety that he’s been wallowing on for the past weeks and it would depend on her to help him. The only worry she has with his current actions is Xie Yuan’s over protectiveness and his unwillingness to tell her anything that’s happening outside.
From the snippets she managed to gather from the servants while she was bedridden, Xiao Xue found out that Xie Yuan had shed all pretenses of cordiality with her senior sisters and battled with the people from the temple after the beast tide. It was not mentioned but Xiao Xue realized that everyday disciples from Spirit Temple would gather at the manor’s gates to demand her immediate return. But other than these small happenings, Xiao Xue does not know the recent situation of Spirit Temple or the state of affairs within Infernal Rise Valley.
Given the choice, Xiao Xue would rather stay in isolation, recuperate and ignore everything else. But because her position as High Priestess of Spirit Temple is a bit sensitive, regardless of her current condition or personal thoughts, she has to be aware of what’s happening within the valley.
“Apprentice sister, please have some care for my little life.” Yi Xin begged when Xiao Xue managed to corner him while he was delivering her tonic. He was struggling to pry the corner of his sleeves from her fingers and at the same time making sure not to hurt her in the process. “The Young Lord will have my head if I breathe a word of what’s happening outside!”
Yi Xin was only there to deliver her medication, why does it feel like she’s caught him for interrogation?! Little sister, please let me go. If the Young Lord sees you holding my sleeve, I might lose an arm if I am lucky or I might lose my little life depending on his mood. I love my life and I want to live longer!
“Apprentice brother, I can only rely on you.” Xiao Xue coaxed gently. In terms of medical knowledge and talent, Yi Xin is top notch but his personality is a bit soft. Even Xiao Xue, who does not scheme and plot against others, could easily gain information out of him without using tricks or underhanded means. Xiao Xue only needed to persuade him with a little force and he would, eventually, break. “I promise not to do anything drastic. I just need to know…”
“Know what?” a taciturn and fuming voice sounded from the door.
Yi Xin jumped from fright and frantically yanked his sleeve from Xiao Xue’s grasp, not daring to delay anymore. He immediately stepped back to put some distance between him and Xiao Xue. The Young Lord has been giving him the evil eyes lately. Yi Xin doesn’t know how he offended the bloodthirsty monster but he realized it has something to do with his apprentice sister.
Yi Xin initially thought that Xie Yuan would get over it in due course but he was wrong. As the days passed the animosity he felt from the Young Lord did not ebb but only got worse.
Learning from experience, Yi Xin respectfully bowed to greet Xie Yuan and right away excused himself, not once looking back at his apprentice sister. From the dark, murderous look on the Young Lord’s face Yi Xin could safely assume that something big was about to happen and he does not want to be in between the two when it does.
“You’re back!” Xiao Xue smiled as she looked over at Xie Yuan, disappointed that Yi Xin managed to run away from her grasp.
“What did you want to know?” Xie Yuan did not try to hide his temper. He’d been holding it in quite well, to be honest. Hearing that damned Yi Xin calling ‘apprentice sister!’ all the bloody time and Xiao Xue greeting ‘apprentice brother!’ whenever she sees Yi Xin was enough to make his teeth itch and his nerves on the edge. But because Xie Yuan knew of Xiao Xue’s sour relationship with her senior sisters from Spirit Temple, he tried to not mind their apprentice relationship as much. As long as Xiao Xue only looks at him, it doesn’t matter if he swallowed his jealousy in silence. But there’s a limit to his patience!
Due to Yi Sheng’s absence Yi Xin became Xiao Xue’s main caretaker. But because Yi Xin is a single man, who’s still at marriageable age, Xie Yuan does not like it when they are alone even during treatments. It does not matter if Yi Xin and Xiao Xue are now under the same master, Xie Yuan feels that restrictions between men and women should be followed. In consideration to his position, as Xiao Xue’s betrothed, Xie Yuan adamant that they should not be left alone under any circumstance.
Xiao Xue has no opinion and Yi Xin only cares about his little life so as a compromise, they agreed that every time Yi Xin was to administer treatment or provide insights on medical and alchemy matters, they should be accompanied by someone if Xie Yuan was not present.
But what did Xie Yuan see today? Yi Xin hunched over Xiao Xue while she lay on the bed. His sleeve was caught in between her fingers as they whispered to each other with no other person in sight!
“What did you want to know?” Xie Yuan asked again, this time his tone was not as gentle.
Xiao Xue frowned but answered honestly, “I wanted to know what’s happening in the valley.”
“And you cannot ask me because?” Xie Yuan was gritting his teeth so hard his jaw was starting to hurt.
Xiao Xue silently stared at Xie Yuan, confused by his behavior. She did try to ask Xie Yuan, numerous times. But every single time Xie Yuan would not answer, pretend to misunderstand and would slyly divert her attention. So why is he saying she hasn't asked him?
“Are you upset?” Xiao Xue asked cautiously.
“Yes!” Xie Yuan snapped.
Angling her head to one side Xiao Xue asked, “Why?” She has no idea why Xie Yuan was upset. His emotions have been unstable for some time but it gradually improved. Now, why does it feel like he regressed and became more moody?
“Why? Do you even need to ask? Do you even care about how I feel seeing what I saw when I entered the room?” Xie Yuan was beyond furious and his tone was now booming. He might be overreacting but that’s beside the point. He’s passed the line of what he could tolerate, for now, and his anger demands release!
“Huh?” Xiao Xue became more and more confused. She could not follow where Xie Yuan was leading the conversation to. All she could see was how upset he was but could not, for the life of her, understand why.
Xie Yuan could see Xiao Xue’s confusion and the veins on his forehead twitched uncontrollably. His temper raged further and he wanted open her head to see what’s inside. How could she be so dense? Xie Yuan knew from the beginning that Xiao Xue was emotionally slow but he did not realize she was ‘this’ slow!
“You were alone with Yi Xin, again! You were holding his sleeve and whispering softly to him! I am upset because we promised you will not be alone with him under any circumstance!” Xie Yuan felt like he had no dignity left. Trying to explain to your oblivious significant other the reason for your jealousy is quite degrading. But Xie Yuan has no other choice. If he does not explain to her, he doubts Xiao Xue would ever figure it out!
Xiao Xue sat up straighter and looked at him as if she’d just realized something. “Are you jealous?” She asked warily. Xiao Xue felt her wild guess could be wrong but from what Xie Yuan just said it was the only possible reason she could come up with.
“Yes! Why wouldn’t I be?” Xie Yuan was so riled up he needed to keep on moving otherwise he would explode! He walked the length of the room and back again, snarling like a caged beast. “You’re mine! All men should stay away. You promised to marry me and you gave me a dowry. You cannot renege, I will not allow it!”
Xiao Xue was starting to get dizzy. Although she’s a bit slow on the uptake she could piece together most of the things Xie Yuan was saying and make sense out of it. But for some things she just doesn’t understand. “What dowry?” She asked dumbly.
Xie Yuan stopped pacing and faced her, his breathing harsh from suppressed emotions. “Your soul jade!”
Xiao Xue nodded in understanding and remained silent after. Seeing her nonchalance, Xie Yuan’s irritation flared again. He started a tirade of grievances that he’s been holding in. Xiao Xue did not interrupt him again. She allowed him to rant and rave with mirth flashing in her eyes.
Xiao Xue knew from the moment they met that Xie Yuan could be unreasonable at times. He’s quite spoiled and used to people catering to his ways. She also knows that Xie Yuan could be somewhat petty. She doesn't mind it. In truth, Xiao Xue finds this side of him quite endearing. Even if at times she doesn’t understand what he’s trying to say, she knows all his actions stem from his deep-rooted feelings for her.
It took a while for Xie Yuan to calm down and when he did the room was plunged into silence. Xiao Xue remained seated on the bed with her head bowed in amusement while Xie Yuan stood by the window panicking for his lack of restraint.
This time he’d really done it! Xie Yuan displayed an ugly side of him that he didn’t even realize existed until today. What would he do if Xiao Xue decides she does not want him after all?
Xie Yuan looked at Xiao Xue’s unmoving form and gathered his courage to sit by the bed. “I’m sorry.” He said somberly, struggling to meet her tranquil eyes. “Were you scared?”
Xie Yuan was reluctant to show Xiao Xue the ugly side of him. In her eyes, he wanted to be different, to be the best version of himself. Xie Yuan wanted to be like his father who was brutal to others and feared by all but gentle and pliant around his mother. He doesn’t want Xiao Xue to fear him, especially now that she agreed to marry him. But his damned temper and irrational thoughts keeps getting in the way.
“No,” Xiao Xue answered honestly. She’d always known there’s a lot about Xie Yuan that she doesn’t know and more that he’s reluctant to show. Sometimes Xiao Xue would see glimpses of the hidden personality, especially when Xie Yuan’s temper is stimulated, but he always managed to rein it in and at the last moment present a perfect calm façade. This was the first time he didn’t manage to do so. She should be upset but instead she was glad. “I wasn’t scared but I was a bit intimidated.”
Xie Yuan reached out and held her hand in his. “I have never felt this strongly towards anyone before. I’ve become unreasonable and petty. I’m not trying to excuse my bad behavior but I really don’t know what to do with myself when it concerns you. I will try to do better in the future, can you forgive me?”
There are sides of him that Xie Yuan would want to keep away from Xiao Xue mainly because he does not want to taint her. If he was a generous and honest man, he would have left her alone. From the time he realized Xiao Xue holds a special existence in his heart, he should have stayed away and maintained a certain distance from her. But he didn’t. Xie Yuan kept her close, hounded her and schemed his way into Xiao Xue’s life because he’s a selfish and avaricious person. He wanted her and now she is his. No matter how ugly it looks, he cannot tolerate sharing her with others.
“I’m not as artless and as kind as you think I am. Just as I know you are not as good-humored and uncomplicated. If we are to marry, there can be no secrets between us.” Xiao Xue said after some thought, lightly squeezing Xie Yuan’s fingers. “Ah Yu, I am not afraid of anger or jealousy. What I fear most is deceit and lies. If we cannot be truthful to each other then we cannot be together.”
Xie Yuan was surprised by her bold statement but was relieved by her straightforward attitude. He gently pulled her to sit on his lap and rested his head on the crook of her shoulder. How could he forget? His Little Xue has always been different. As she said, as long as he remained true and faithful to what they have between them she would allow him to be with her and that’s all he needed to know.
Xie Yuan savored the feel of Xiao Xue lying softly in his arms and sighed happily. But his jovial mood was short-lived.
“I want to go back to Spirit Temple.” Xiao Xue said without preamble.
Xie Yuan was dumbfounded. Why is his little wife bent on picking a fight?
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