《Lycoris》Chapter 5: Be happy and get stronger
Liliana rushes towards the light.
Beam beam
“Don’t let her-”
Beam beam
Liliana sees someone next to the light.
“Haa..hoo..” ‘What was that..?’
My face was sweating, my hand were trembing, and the sun was lighting up my face.
“Oh, good morning lady Liliana, you are already- Oh gracious!”
Inanna was shocked to see me in that state.
“What happened?! Why are you sweating so much and why are you trembling, my lady?!” She rushes towards me.
“I.. had.. a bad dream..”
“What kind of dream did you have that made you look in this state?! Miss Vesta?! Please come here!”
‘mhm.. this is my first dream since the incident of the cliff..’
My body was still shaking a bit.
click clack click clack
Miss Vesta entered the room and approached me.
“What happened? Why is she like that?”
“Lady said that she had a bad dream, but what kind of dream would-”
Suddenly miss Vesta reached her hand out and touched my forehead.
“Miss Inanna, Lady Liliana has a fever.”
“Oh godness!”
“Please get some cold water and a towel, ask Miss Phoebe to get some medicine. I will be staying here.”
‘Ah.. i have a fever?’
click clack click clack
As miss Inanna rushes through the exit, miss Vesta sat next to me.
“Please lay down.”
As i layed down miss Vesta, with the blanket, covered only my knees.
“It might be cold, but cold helps the fever to go away.”
“I think this is.. my first time having a fever..”
“I guess the trainings you did yesterday made you a bit too tired for your body and health. Didn’t you feel anything strange?”
“No.. aside from the fact that my legs were a bit numb and my arms were hurting.”
“Duke Denver did told me that we should be careful about your health and body. He said that, even if you are a powerful kid, you still have a low health.”
“Careful?.. he actually said that?”
“Yes, why?”
I looked to the window and decided not to look at miss Vesta’s eyes.
“What he said to me.. is different.”
“What did he say?”
I sighed. “He said that he would torture me if i’d do something to them.”
“…” She looked at me, still with a cold gaze.
“I don’t understand him…” i whispered.
She sighed. “Duke Denver won’t torture you. Unless you do something that is very unforgivable. He doesn’t kill or torture people without a reason. He’s not like that, well at first he might be like that, but he isn’t. He..”
I looked at her.
“.. he is not that bad of a person. He just doesn’t know how to act in front of people, which leads him to act the same person in front of everyone. He never acted differently in front of other people. He never did. But.. there is something inside in him. Something trapped.
Something that he is keeping it locked inside him.”
At that moment i felt a strange feeling. A feeling where i never got before with miss Vesta.
“are you.. close with him?”
“No. I watched these kid grow up. I tried my best, but failed.”
‘Again.. this strange feeling.’
Miss Vesta then looked away.
“I’ll go get your breakfast. I also need to inform the Duke about your health.”
She then stands up and walked through the exit, closing the doors.
It was my first time seeing miss Vesta this way.
It was also my first time seeing her talking that much.
I glimpsed to the window.
“I wonder.. how is everyone doing.. out there.. Mister Exios.. Miss Crimson.. the people in the tavern..”
‘I hope you are doing okay… it’s only been three days and i miss being out there.’
Shuffle shuffle
Denver is looking through some papers. He is sitting in his chair, in his office room. His room is dark, filled with green, white and black patterns.
His room is well organized, but it seems like he doesn’t even opens the windows for sunlight.
“As i thought..” He sighed.
he puts down the papers.
‘This girl.. everything about her is unknown. Even her identity. I already got a bit of her blood, when i got her from mister Einar’s house. But the dna test..’
He sighed. He then looked at the paper.
“The dna results: Unknown.
It is confirmed that she comes from a emperial family, but it is unknown which one due to her inheritance of the white Lycoris……”
‘The white Lycoris already got through her dna. Mixing up her dna with the white lycoris’s.. resulting her dna to be unidentified.’
Denver then puts his hand on his forehead, as if he was tired and a bit frustrated at the same time.
‘I’ll just have to wait for the messenger.’
Knock knock
He then looks at the door with a serious face and puts his hand on the table.
“Come in.”
As the door opens..
“Greetings from the Ephamour Empire.” Said miss Vesta.
Denver’s face turned into a smiling one instantly. His tone also changed.
“Any updates of the new family memeber?” He smiled.
“Yes. Lady Liliana has a fever.”
“Oh? A fever? Already?”
“Yes. I already asked miss Phoebe to get medicine, but i figured that he, Duke Denver, could heal Liliana with his witchcraft.”
Denver stands up.
“Of course. It is easier and quicker.” He smiled.
“Could you give Liliana a day off? A day without any trainings? She is still a little girl, she should be enjoying her childhood right now, since she has amnesia-”
“No.” He tilted his head while smiling.
“She already wakes up on the afternoon, isn’t that already a long break for her?”
“What i meant was-”
“I know what you are saying, but this girl isn’t getting any day off. She needs to be trained properly and seriously. I want her to be good with her agility and speed in… maybe.. 6 months?”
“6 months?.. Duke-”
“Wouldn’t that be incredible?” He giggles.
“Isn’t that.. too much?”
“Isn’t it almost the same thing that happened to me and my siblings?”
“Well, not actually.. We were given a lot of time, but they were so harsh back then. Atleast.. the little girl should be thankful that i’m not too harsh on her.”
“Well then, shall we go?” He smiles.
click clack click clack
Shuuuwoshh! Inanna opens the faucet.
Inanna gets some cold water and towel at a bathroom on the second floor.
‘I already told miss Phoebe to get some medicine. Now i’ll just go back in to Lady Liliana’s room and take care of her!’
As she finishes she exits the bathroom and rushes through the hallway.
‘I’ll just have to go to the next floor, since Lady Liliana’s room is on the third floor. Why is the cleaning day of the bathrooms of the third floor had to be today? The stairs are a bit too long to take.’
As she was about to take the staircase..
tip tap tip tap
Her eyes widen up.
She suddenly bows quickly, and reaches almost the floor.
“Greeting from the Ephamour Empire! Y-your highness!”
The person which she greeted then got off the staircase and walked to the hallway on the second floor.
She then stands up, still with a shock expression on her face.
Not daring to look at that person from behind she continues to go upstairs.
‘W-was that- a-a ghost or- was he really- real?’
As she finally got to the third floor…
click clack click clack
She encounters Vesta and Denver on the hallway.
Inanna vows to Denver and says her greetings to him.
“Miss.” Said Denver smiling.
“Y-yes?” said Inanna.
“You look.. a bit flustered. Did something happened?” He asked with a smile on his face.
“A-! A-uhm. I-i just met someone..”
“Who would be that someone that also made the water.. spill on the floor and through the staircase?” He tilted his head looking at the staircase and water that was spilled on the floor.
“W-wha?! T-the water!”
“Miss Inanna is everything alright?” Asked Vesta.
“T-the thing is….”
As i was resting on the bed, i fell asleep looking through the window.
But as i was sleeping.. it felt like i could hear the wind breeze through the window. Even tho.. they were closed.
That moment felt peaceful.. it felt like i could sleep easily at that moment, unlike the other days. My head felt a bit lighter too.
Drip drip drip
But then.. i felt something cold on my forehead.. i opened my eyes quickly, as i was shocked about the cold towel on my forehead. I saw Miss Vesta sitting next to me.
“I-it’s too cold.” I said.
“It should be.” She said.
And then i also noticed someone behind her.
“Hello there, Liliana.” He smiled. It was Duke Denver.
“How are you feeling?” He asked.
“Not too good..? I guess?..”
“While you were sleeping i kind of cured you, so you should be fine now.” He smiled.
“K-kind of..?” ‘So that means that.. i don’t have a fever?”
“You don’t have a fever, but it seems like your body is still a bit too tired.”
“I-i actually feel fine.” ‘I don’t feel any tiredness from my body..’
“Ah, right! That white haired doctor told me that you don’t feel any pain from your body!”
“…” I just stared at him.
“Well then, i guess that today you won’t be doing anything, but!”
“Tomorrow i want you to be training in the early morning, at 8 o’clock.” He smiled.
“8 o’clock..? But.. i always wake up in the afternoon-”
“I figured that whenever you need to rest, like today, you should be waking up early and do all the things that you haven’t done at the day you were resting. So.. it’s fair.” He smiled.
“i guess..” I looked at the other way.
“By the way, Miss Vesta why are you still putting her the cold towel? She doesn’t have the fever anymore.” Asked the duke.
“Ah. I forgot.”
She took out the towel from my forehead.
“Well now, Liliana rest up for today. I expect you to be early tomorrow.” He smiled.
The duke then left the room, leaving me and miss Vesta alone.
The silence sorrounded the room for a couple of minutes.
“Are you scared?” She asked.
I look at her.
“..a little.”
“Are you okay?”
“….i guess.”
“Can you get up in time tomorrow?”
“...i’ll try.”
“Are you happy staying in the palace?”
“...i.. don’t think so.”
“Then.. were you happy when you were with the people who took care of you?”
“Mister Exios what’s that?”
“Those are little creatures.”
“Mister Exios i want to help you in the tavern!”
“How can you help me?”
“I’ll… uh..” Liliana notices the broom and gets it.
“I’ll use this!”
Exios smiles.
“Hey kid! I got us some pasteries!” Said Crimson.
“Woah!! What are these??”
“These are some pasteries.. some.. very.. good ones..” Crimson started eating a cupcake.
“Go on kid, play with them.” Said Exios to Liliana.
“But.. what are they doing?”
“They are playing hide and seek.”
“Mhm.. i don’t like it.. I want to do something much more fun!”
“...yes..” She turns looking at the opposite of the bed, to the window.
“Liliana..” She suddenly calls me with a soft voice, which i have never heard of before from her.
“I don’t want you.. to become like the grown ups now.”
“…grown ups?” I turned to her direction and looked at her.
“.. i saw how the kids here grow up and many were treated.. differently..”
Click clack click clack
“Miss Vesta! Could you please inform Prince Azra to go to the next training session?”
Vesta looks at the lady-in-waiting that called her.
“Sure.” She then goes to Azra.
As she opens the door..
Breathing heavily “haa..haa..”
Vesta saw Azra on the floor bleeding. His face was covered with blood.
“…?” Vesta was a bit shocked from what she was seeing.
“Leave him like that.” Said a muscular woman, that has a huge scar on her face and on her left arm, with green hair and violet eyes.
“He needs to learn how to be an Ephamour. Useless thing.”
“…” Vesta just stood there, watching Azra bleeding.
“I just wasted my time training this thing that doesn’t even know how to use it’s abilities. Pfft, or his abilities just gave up on him since.. he is such a weakling.” The woman giggles.
“God what a waste of talent. His ability could have been one of the strongest, but-”
“Did you even try to train him, Lady Delilah?”
Delilah looks at her.
“What are you trying to say, Vesta.” She looks at her with a scary face.
“From what i have been witnessing.. you don’t even explain to him what to do. You just.. fight him for a duel and.. beat him up until he is almost at death.”
Delilah looks at her and chuckles.
“They trained me this same way and look at me now! I am one of the strongest here in Ephamour.” Delilah then looks at her with a scary look.
“...then.” Vesta looks at her straight into her eyes.
“.. if you have been training someone who has been failing all the time, wouldn’t you think that it’s not the scholar’s fault, but the…
...trainer’s?” Vesta smiles.
“Are.. you saying.. that it’s my fault. Vesta?” Delilah then gets the wooden sword and approaches Vesta.
“What i’m saying is that.. if the scholar keeps training.. change the method of training, would you?” Vesta keeps smiling.
“Heh. How can a lady-in-waiting say such things to me?” As Delilah puts her sword up..
As she was about to hit Vesta… Vesta closes her eyes.
“..?!” Delilah was shocked.
“...you should not be interfering, Miss Vesta.”
As Vesta recognizez the voice she opens her eyes just to see that in front of her… there was Prince Azra defending her. He was clutching Delilah’s sword with his sword.
Vesta’s eyes widens.
“I thought you passed out, Azra.” Delilah smiles.
“I was just actually trying to recuperate my mana.”
Delilah backs up.
“What now? Do you think you are good? Just because you clutched my hit?”
“No. I think i learned.” Vesta was looking at Azra. Azra who had this beautiful bluish short hair, that covered his left eye, and his violet eyes were astonoshing to see.
There was some blood on his clothes, but he really seemed okay.
“Prince Azra you shouldn’t be-”
“Miss Vesta.”
“For 1 year of training.. i saw how my siblings, cousins and friends were being tortured. Instead of getting proper trainings, they get beat up into pulps, almost at the brink of death.”
“...i.. know.”
“So.. i made something in my mind.”
He looks at Vesta with his right eye.
“I decided to be their target. Whenever i’d know or see that they are getting beaten up.. i would interfere and get beat up instead of them. I decided to be.. the weakest one here so that they could target me more, instead of them.” He smiled.
“..prince.. Azra..”
“But, you know? I didn’t like it.. but.. i did learn a lot of things.”
He then looks at Delilah.
“Delilah. This will be your last duel as a trainer, did you know?”
“Pfft, are you saying that you’re gonna kill me?”
“Then what?”
“...someone will substitute you.”
“And this person will also substitute the other trainers.”
“What the hell are you saying? In order to do that you should be asking for the Emperor to change trainer. Did you really think that he listened to you?”
“...considering that i am.. the little brother of someone important.. then yes.”
“Haven’t you noticed?”
As Azra prepares his sword.
“What the hell are you saying? You are from our bloodline, but from what i know is that you are an only child.”
‘So it’s true. Delilah is one of the strongest here, but.. the most stupid. I’ve heard that she doesn’t even know which is her sibling or relative. She doesn’t even know much about the other Empires. But she is.. really strong.’
“My sister is gonna substitute you.”
Azra rushes towards Delilah. As he jumps into the air, falling right in front of Delilah…
“Her name is.. Iris Achlys.”
Delilah’s eyes widens up.
Bam! Azra hits the ground, creating a fog.
“Coward. Did you really recede?” Azra smiles and looks at Delilah.
“..what an immense strength.” Vesta was shocked.
Azra rushes to Delilah..
And keeps..
On trying to hit her..
But Delilah keeps on..
“Y-you! H-how did you-”
“Just die already.”
Suddenly.. Azra that was falling from the air..
Delilah looks at her back.. and found Azra behind her.
Delilah was on the ground. Bleeding.
“You and the other trainers.. i hope you get tortured to death. But.. you see. I cannot request that, since it would be too much and.. They might think i’m a traitor or something.”
‘Azra.. what kind of ability do you have to.. actually win againts her?’ Said Vesta to herself.
As Azra was about to exit the arena.
“Oh. Do you remember her?” Asked Azra to Delilah.
In the meanwhile Delilah’s mouth was filled with blood.
“You know.. the little girl you and the other trainers.. killed.”
Vesta and Delilah’s eyes widened up.
“You made her suffer, but that wasn’t enough for you and killed her, right?”
“.. pleugh!” She spitted blood.
“..then i’ll do the same thing.. i’ll make you suffer until you die.”
Azra then exits the Arena.
“..p-piece of shit..” Said Delilah.
“…” ‘Azra.. is different.’ Said Vesta in her thoughts.
“..h-he didn’t require.. a-any a-abilities fromt the m-moment he was born..”
Delilah chuckles.
“I am stupid, huh. Should i have k-known when i first m-met him that.. he actually had acquired the power.. of voodoo blood.”
Vesta eyes widens up.
“What..? Prince Azra.. has that power?”
“.. heh.. that kid. He became stronger than me.. studying every moves and.. practicing his powers.”
‘Voodoo blood? That.. for this power.. you will need the blood of the opponent and if you wanted the opponent to die.. you can easily put it on the voodo doll and spell an incantation.. which can make you do anything that you want to do with the opponent. Even make the opponent die. But.. one disvantage is that the power can only resist for 24 hours… due to how unique and rare it is.. it also requires a lot of mana doing the incantation..’
“Prince.. Azra.. has been keeping his powers?”
“Prince Azra kept his powers? What? Why?” I asked curiously. I was actually pretty interested in the story.
“I don’t know.. but he changed.”
“He changed in not a good way.”
“mhm.. i think he changed in a good way. From what i know is that he beat up this bully and made her suffer, since she made suffer other scholars. Also.. she.. killed a girl?”
“… well.. he is not.. a really good person right now. He changed into a cold person.”
“Did you enjoy the little story?”
“Yeah.. i liked it.” I smiled.
“I want to meet this Azra in person.”
“I don’t think that’s possible. But may i know why?”
“I want.. to comfort him. He seemed like a person that went all through this pain for others. And it seemed like no one comforted him. It’s.. sad.”
“Right now he is not in the Emperial Palace. He had to go in a mission..”
“Well.. i’ll wait for him. Once he comes back here i’ll say something like.. “Good job!” or uh…. “I admire you!”.. i guess?”
She looked through my eyes.
“I don’t want you to grow up to an emotionless person. You are still a little kid and i think.. you should be living a happy childhood even.. when you are going through all this.”
“..mhm.. happy?”
“I keep seeing you as a matured and serious person. You do.. not seem like a child at all.”
“All of this is affecting you, i get that you are sad and scared, but i don’t want you to become one of the grown ups in this palace.”
“I don’t get it..”
“Liliana. Try to think positively.
Show them that you are doing fine even without mister Einar.
Show them that you can do it.
Show them that you are not scared about what the future might be.
Show them that.. you are a happy kid with no worries.
Do this and.. you can actually be happy.”
“...but.. it’s hard.. to be happy.. in this situation.”
“If you try then it won’t be hard anymore.
If you show them this is affecting you and that it’s making you scared then.. they will continue to use you as a weapon and not as a person.
They need to know how valuable you are as a person.”
“I’ll leave it up to you. I’ll see you tomorrow morning then.” Vesta stands up.
“Miss Vesta.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For caring for me.” I smiled.
“… i just wanted to help. That’s all.”
Miss Vesta then left the room. It was already dark outside, as i looked through the window.
“Be happy.. even if you are going through a lot.”
‘Isn’t that.. what prince Azra did? He helped.. the people in need.. and sacrificed his own well being, but still.. he was okay with it.’
“In the end.. he became stronger.”
“Now tell me.” Denver asked. He was in a garden filled with violet flowers.. with someone.
“Why were you there?” Denver asked smiling.
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Chaeryeong Imagines (gxg)
requested 💗Hello, lovelies! Welcome to my book of Chaeryeong of ITZY Imagines! -these imagines are female reader only. I will happily accept requests. However, I don't write smut or personal imagines and I make no exceptions with those rules. -please be respectful in my comments! I hope you all enjoy! I adore Chaeryeong so I'm so excited to write for her! 🥰 hope you enjoy this book for her as much as I'm loving writing in it!Happy reading, lovelies 💖Started: 2-6-21Completed:Highest Rankings:♡ #1 in itzyimagines ♡♡ #1 in itzychaeryeong ♡
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