《Lycoris》Chapter 2: 2 Choices
I woke up and looked at the window. I scratched my head and got out of bed.
“Is it afternoon again? Why am i sleeping too much in these days?”
I took some clothes in the closet and got down to the stairs.
I entered the bathroom and got changed. I looked on the the mirror and my hair was a bit messy.
“mhm.. Mister Exios told me that the brush is here.. somewhere..”
I tried to search for the brush, but i couldn’t find it.
I entered to the tavern and there was Mister Exios cooking in the kitchen.
“Mister Exios good morning!”
“Morning kid.”
I walked around the tavern and tried to search for the brush.
“Feeling alright? What are you searching?”
“yes, i’m okay… and.. i’m searching for the brush.”
“Brush? Ohhh”
Mister Exios looked at me.
“ahaha, you have messy hair as always.”
“Yeah.. i don’t like messy hair.. it gets my hair all tangled up.”
“Have you tried searching it in your room?”
“Okay, i’ll go get it. The breakfast is on the table”
I sat on the chair and looked at the table.
“Woah.. This is new. I’ve never seen so many good looking dishes at breakfast.”
There were so many good smelling food on the table.
Last week, for “breakfast”, we’d only have toast, egg, milk, bacon, rice, sausages, juice and cheese.
But now? It’s like a feast.
“I wonder if it’s a special occasion today..”
I ate some food and.. i noticed the envelope on the other side of the table.
‘Mister Exios hasn’t still opened the envelope.. but wow. This food is so delicious!’
I kept eating.
“kid i found it!”
Mister Exios walked towards me and gave me the brush.
I started brushing my hair.
“Mister Exios?”
“Why is there.. so much food today?”
“Oh.. today we are going out and do some really tiring things, so you need to eat that much to have more energy.” He said while doing the dishes.
“Oh, okay!”
Me and Mister Exios started going out everyday.. but.
“Mister Exios?”
“What can i do?”
“Nothing, just sit there and keep reading or playing.”
‘Again?’ For almost 2 weeks. AND I SAY 2 WEEKS. We kept on going in and out the tavern. We keep on going somewhere, but it wasn’t like he said. He said that it would be tiring since WE were going to do
a lot of things. But.. he’s the only one doing these tiring things, while i’m always doing nothing. Also Mister Exios keeps waking me up early, i don’t mind it, but it’s strange.
This time we were on a cliff, one of Barner area’s Cliff. I was sitting on the grass, doing nothing, while he was getting wood. It looked like a picnic because we bought food, books and toys.
‘I don’t get why we keep going out in these days.. And.. my memory still hasn’t gotten back yet..’
sighs ‘I’m bored..’
“mhm.. i’ll go and pick some flowers then..”
I got up and searched some pretty flowers.
‘oh, those are some pretty flowers.’
I picked the flowers that i noticed.
‘I guess this is enough.’
I looked in front of me and suddenly..
bzz bzz bzz
A second ago i was at the cliff.. with only a couple of trees and the blue sky that was so visible. But now..
“what.. is this.. place..”
I found myself in a forest. I couldn’t see the blue sky since there were so many trees covering it, and there was only the sunlight coming from some spots.
I looked around trying to find Mister Exios.
“M-mister Exios?”
It was all.. trees.
I walked slowly, still trying to find Mister Exios.
But then..
Beam Beam Beam
I heard something..
Something soft..
Beam beam beam
I turned to my right and saw something shiny.
Beam beam-
Bzz bzz bzz
As i was walking to the shiny light..
I was at the cliff again.
But then..
Beam beam beam
The bzz bzz bzz scenario kept
bzz bzz bzz changing.
Everytime i got closer to the shiny light..
bzz bzz bzz it makes me return to the cliff..
beam beam beam
“----- Where are you?”
A voice afar. I turned around and..
bzzz bzz bzz
I was at the cliff again. This time..
I saw Mister Exios looking at me from afar. He dropped his axe and started running towards me..
“You have two choices.. Kill her now or.. keep her and raise her knowing the consequences.. you need to choose. Her or.. your people?” -Doctor Erfen.
Mister Exios kept getting closer.. and closer.
“I.. choose.” - Mister Exios.
As he kept getting closer.. i felt the wind behind me.
“The wind breeze.. something feels.. familiar.”
I closed my eyes and opened them. It was getting blurry for some reason..
I was about to fall down..
Suddenly.. i felt someone’s warmth.
“Both.” -Mister Exios.
I opened my eyes. I saw the violet ceiling and regconized it instantly. I was in my bedroom.
I got up from my bed and looked at the window.
‘It.. was just a dream.’ I said to myself. I got down the stairs and entered the tavern. I saw Exios and Doctor Erfen sitting on the table.
“Morning..” I said smiling.
Mister Exios instantly turned his head towards me.
“Kid! Are you feeling alright?” He said with a worried face.
“Morning, Liliana” Said Doctor Erfen.
“Yes, i’m okay. I just had a strange dream.”
“Dream? What was the dream about?” Asked Doctor Erfen. Meanwhile Mister Exios got up and got milk and cookies from the kitchen.
“Uh.. a dream about something shiny. I was in a forest and something shiny got me attracted. I was getting closer to the shiny thing then i woke up.”
“Oh, what a strange dream” He smiled.
I sat down and eat the cookie and milk that Mister Exios gave me.
“Liliana do you remember what happened 3 days ago?”
“3 days ago?”
“Yes, when you and Mister Exios went to one of Barner’s cliff.”
“Ah yes. Mister Exios was getting wood, while i was picking up flowers. And then-”
Bzzz bzzz
Beam beam
“What.. is this. Place..”
Bzz bzz
beam beam
“The breeze of the wind.. seems familiar..”
My eyes widened up as i realized that.. it wasn’t a dream.
“And then.. the strange dream appeared..”
“Oh, so that strange dream.. you saw it vividly when you were on that cliff?”
“Yes.. and then.. i don’t remember what happened after.”
“Well.. Liliana.. After that you were at the edge of the Cliff. You were about to fall. Luckily Mister Exios saved you, again.”
“Wait.. i was about to fall?”
“Also you have been sleeping for 3 days.”
“3-3 days?!”
“Yes, i guess you were very tired?”
“Tired? What? No?.. Me and Mister Exios continued to go out for almost 2 weeks and.. for that 2 weeks i didn’t do nothing. I wasn’t even feeling tired.”
“Mhm.. well then.”
Doctor Erfen stood up and took out that ball again from last time.
“I need to scan you, please stand up” He said smiling.
I stood up and..
Click! Shiing!
“Okay we are done! I’ll be back the next week with the results. Also Mister Exios let’s talk tonight, okay? ” He smiled at Mister Exios.
“Uh.. okay..”
“Okay, i’ll see you tonight thenThank you Doctor Erfen.”
“No problem mister Exios, be sure to be careful next time Liliana.”
Ring- ding-ring-ding
“You had me really worried kid..” Said Mister Exios sitting next to me.
“I’m sorry, i didn’t know what i was doing..”
“It’s okay, i’m not gonna take you on the cliffs anymore, i’m worried that the same thing would happen.”
“But..” I said.
“But.. what if.. i’m starting to regain.. my memories?”
I looked at Mister Exios.
“Kid, i don’t think-”
“I mean.. it was the first time that happened. And maybe.. i’m slowly regaining my memories!”
“I think.. we should go back? Maybe this time.. it’s gonna work?”
“Kid.. we can’t go back to the cliff again. I’m worried that something like that might happen again.”
“Yes, but i wouldn’t be in danger cause you can catch me anyway! You’ll be standing next to me so that nothing happens-”
“Kid i said no.”
At that moment. My eyes met Mister Exios’s eyes and.. his eyes were different. They were scary, but at the same time they looked worried.
I looked down and continued eating.
“Okay.. “
“Look kid. I know you want to regain your memories, but i don’t want you to be in danger. I’m sorry, but you will not go the cliffs again. I’m worried that the same thing might happen again.”
“i know..”
Exios stands up.
“I’m going to get something out real quick. Crimson will be here shortly, so just wait in here okay? Don’t go outside.”
He patted my head and left.
“Mhm.. i guess i’ll just clean the tavern.”
I put the plates in the sink and got up the stairs and entered my room. I grabbed my clothes that were in the closet.
“Now.. bathroom”
I closed the door of tìmy bedroom and..
I heard the door getting opened.
‘I guess lady Crimson is here.’
I got down the stairs and opened the door that would lead me to the tavern.
“Lady Crimson-” My eyes widen up.
“Found you.”
“Hey Exios, do you mind getting the wood over there? I’m exhausted, phew.”
“No problem.”
Exios goes and gets the wood.
“I guess we’re done here.. i need to go back now.”
“Thanks Exios- oh right! Give this to Liliana! Last week when you guys came to visit the bakery she liked this strawberry cake. My wife packed one just for her! Haha. Tell the little girl to come by next time!”
“Thanks, i will. Have a nice day.”
Exios carried the wood in his hand, while the other hand was carrying the cake.
‘I made her body tired as possible and tried to slow down the Coris’s process.. but it went wrong..’
“I think she shouldn’t recover her memories. If she does.. she might know how to use the Coris or.. maybe do something else.” -Doctor Erfen
‘I just hope that her memories aren’t coming back.’
As he walks he notices Crimson.
“Crimson? What are you doing here?”
“Oh, hey Exios! I was just going to the tavern now!”
“What? Now? I told you to go to the tavern earlier.”
“I know, but the shadow little creature keeps getting out of the cage. I needed to secure lock it! Or else it’s gonna cause trouble.”
“Didn’t i told you to take that creature somewhere far away? Why are you still keeping it?”
“Well.. i kind of made a discovery?”
“And what is that?”
“Well.. you know when.. i kept going in the tavern?”
“Yeah.. i noticed that after Liliana left, the creature keeps on following.. Liliana.. sort of?”
“What?! What is that supposed to mean?”
“I-i’m saying is that.. the creature keeps on following Liliana- B-but! This creature keeps following her at a certain distance, i don’t know why, but it’s a good thing since she won’t get harmed and-”
“Crimson.. godness.. didn’t you try to stop it?”
“I did, but i couldn’t. It keeps running away and at a certain point the creature returns to me when it’s night and wakes up in the afternoon.”
“What is that suppose to mean?”
“What i’m trying to say is that.. the creatures comes back to me when Liliana is asleep and wakes up when Liliana is awake.”
Exios eyes widens. He realized something and..
“Exios!” Someone called him.
Exios turned to the person who called him.
“Man uh.. there’s something going on..”
“What is it?”
Exios drops his things.
He starts running.
Breathing heavily
“The.. Emperial Guards is in your tarvern. And.. they are.. a lot.” -Man
Then.. he remembered what Doctor Erfen told him 4 weeks ago.
(Chapter 1 part 2. The scene where Exios and Doctor Erfen were talking alone near the staircase.)
“Mister Exios.” Said the doctor with a serious face.
“Where did you find that kid?”
“She was falling.. at first i didn’t know where she was falling from so i figured that she fell off from a normal cliff. I noticed her instantly as i heard the screams and catched her as quickly as possible.”
“Cliff? Which area of the Empire where you in?”
“I was at the.. barner’s area.”
“Mister Exios. The cliffs there aren’t covered in violet flowers, nor with a crystal lake. But i highly doubt that she’s lying. I’m using a device which can know whether someone is lying or not and this device is telling me that.. she really came from the Emperial Palace and that she has Amnesia.”
breathing heavily
‘Not the kid.. not her too.. i’m not…”
“Wha- I’m confused. And how can she get to the Emperial Palace, anyway? It’s HIGHLY secured there and if some stranger entered the Emperial Palace they would have already noticed it and took care of it. The emperial Palace is also far away from here. This is.. impossible”
“No, mister Exios. You’re wrong. Nothing is impossible in this world. And her eyes are bright white, as if they are shining. There isn’t anyone with eyes like that. Her body is completely exhausted and she needs to rest, but she doesn’t feel anything? What kind of kid doesn’t feel anything when their body is in pain? It’s clear that something BIG happened to her. Something even.. dangerous. Nobody, and i say, nobody needs to know about her, for now. You might get her in danger. This kid.. feels very different, but familiar at this same time. There must be a reason that she woke up at the emperial palace. Meaning that.. she was a slave and was trying to escape from the Emperor. Or.. she’s one of the royal blood.Wait for the results next week, until then don’t do anything stupid.”
“Fuck this. I’m sure she’s not from the royal blood. Can’t you tell?”
Breathing heavily
“...i’m not gonna let them…”
“Sir Exios. I know that you can tell if someone is from the royal blood by looking right through their eyes. And i know that her eyes are white and not light violet, but.. i’m guessing that they might have been doing something to her. Even if you can’t see it very clearly.. her eyes are sparkling. You do know that all the royal blood have sparkling eyes. That’s the only way to know if they are from the Emperial Palace or not.”
breathing heavily
‘...Take her!…’
people murmuring
“Oh god.. what is happening?”
“I don’t know, but it seems like they are searching for something.”
“But the guards earlier asked someone if they saw a little girl. They showed them the flyer.”
Exios stopped running.
Breathing heavily
He then sees Liliana getting carried by one of the guard unconscious. He sees the guard putting Liliana in the carriage.
He rushes to them, but 2 guards stopped him.
“Let me in! What do you think are you doing?!”
“Sir, if you get any closer we will have to put you in jail.”
“What are you doing to that kid?! Why is she like that?!”
“Sir, get back now!”
“let me in. This is my property and that kid is my responsability. Let her go. Now.”
Then suddenly more Emperial guards came and circled him.
“Sir if you don’t stop making a fuss-”
Exios takes a deep breathe and closes his eyes. While he was twaking a deep breathe he started cracking his fingers.
“- we will have to use violence.”
“… and so am i.”
He opens his eyes and punched a guard that was in front of him.
Then with his elbow he caught another guard and made him fall.
He looks behind him and saw three guards running towards him.
The one in the middle was the closes to him and his sword was pointed
towards him. He grabbed the sword and, with the men who was still holding it, he started knocking down the other two men. All three fell down with one shot.
One by one.
They started to get beaten up.
While Exios was still standing unharmed.
Breathing heavily
“Exios. I wouldn’t dare try to put hands again.”
Exios looked behind him.
“There might be consequences depending on how you act.”
“Don’t you even dare.”
The person that was talking to him had green hair with light purple eyes, he had round glasses.
He had a different clothes, he didn’t had any armor.
“Why are you doing this? Why are you taking her?.”
“Exios. Did you know that you have been commiting a really. Really. Grave crime?”
“I already know the consequences.”
“Well, i appreciate the honesty. But that doesn’t mean anything.”
“Well then, would you answer my questions?”
“Right. As you already heard she.. is quite special. And i can’t leak such information in front of everyone, so i’ll just say it to you quietly.”
The man goes near Exios and whispers on his ear.
“You don’t even know what she has, don’t you? That doctor of yours is really hardworking. In fact he discovered the answer yesterday night.. so. To answer to all of your questions of what she has inside her..
...She has the White Lycoris.”
- In Serial974 Chapters
Cthulhu Gonfalon
Cthulhu Gonfalon is a story about a man who woke up in another world. After a drink over his loss in a game, Sui Xiong ended up in the middle of the sea. Surprisingly, he now found out he no longer existed in a human shape but in a spirit state without any flesh. In order to survive and find a way to return to Earth, he then searched for a body to accommodate his spirit. After several confrontations with some creatures under the sea, he decided to settle for a jellyfish flesh. This Jellyfish was extraordinarily huge. With its tentacles, it caught others’ spirits to nurture its own power. In this world, Sui Xiong wasn’t only matchlessly powerful but he also had an ability to cast magic. With this gifted ability and combined with his knowledge from the civilized world on Earth, he could help a deceased person resurrect, change a person’s look, and do tons of other crazy things that he didn’t know. As his journey to discover this world went on, he encountered many bizarre and mystic creatures along the way, who were Gods, Humans, Devil Beasts, Giant Dragons and lots of other undetermined organisms. Some of them might insanely worship him, while others hated him. Some might become his enemies. Some might end up becoming his teammates in the end. From a gamer on Earth to here, he became a God (even he himself could not verify this yet), had his own religion and even a church with a Holy Land to fight for justice. What kind of world is this? What kind of existences might live in this world? What kind of secret this world owns? Can Sui Xiong return to Earth? Keep on following the story to find out the answers for those questions. Little explanation about Cthulhu: Cthulhu has been described in appearance as resembling an octopus, a dragon and a human caricature, hundreds of meters tall, with webbed human-looking arms and legs and a pair of rudimentary wings on its back. Cthulhu’s head is depicted as similar to the entirety of a gigantic octopus, with an unknown number of tentacles surrounding its supposed mouth.Thank you for reading updated Cthulhu Gonfalon novel @ReadWebNovels.net
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