《Flowers on a Broken Path》Chapter 15 - Vengeance is best served unexpectedly… and in the face
I should be used to waking up in strange rooms by now.
Staring at the ceiling of his new room in the Academy dormitories, Orchid started his morning routine of stretching lazily in bed to wake up.
They’d all arrived at the Academy yesterday to handle all the administrative tasks such as registration and moving into their new rooms. Thousands of students had been there, heading to their various departments for orientation. He’d accompanied The Professor and Katerina as she signed up at the administrative branch, crowds making way for the red-haired Lady and son of the Chancellor.
The Academy had been established 500 years ago, when Eich had just been a small city state spanning a hundred miles around the capital. The fragmented states of the time had been constantly at war, the various dukes and princes struggling to rebuild what they believed to be their rightful claim to empire. The enterprising Duke Reinhold of Eich was lacking skilled power to both run government, the military and gain control over the loose mages within the state so he established what would eventually become the Academy. An institute of higher learning that trained people effectively to run the functions of government.
Over time as the graduates helped him gain control over the surroundings and eventually form what became the Kingdom of Eich, the academy slowly became independent from the growing nobility and the royal family in return for their efforts in aiding him.
It had grown over time to become the largest center of learning in the Kingdom, second on the continent only to the Imperial Academy in the Romanche capital of Burgundy. At present the Academy offered training in administration, finance, magic, crafting and dozens of other branches. However, the flagship course was the Military branch of the academy which trained officers to join the military elite of the Kingdom. The course itself was shrouded in mystery with a limited intake, only allowing students who were directly selected by the Teachers and Trainers of the academy.
The registration for the military branch had been within a small building to the side of the Academy’s main courtyard. Their application procedure had been simple, showing the spell seal on their arms and leaving a mana imprint into a special crystal that linked to their life force. This crystal was known as a Life-seal and was a special device that allowed the holder of the crystal to know whether a person was alive and could even be used to trace their location. Due to this, the Life-seals of military officers were kept in a special repository within the castle to ensure their safety.
The final process had been registering their bodyguards or retinues. Not all cadets would have them but since the training was to become future officers they were allowed to have up to 20 soldiers to assist them in their training. Orchid had kept Jensen’s dozen who had changed their uniforms slightly to show themselves as members of what they claimed was the Violet Guard. The Professor had soldiers assigned to him by his father none that Orchid recognized.
Upon reaching his new dormitory, Orchid had been pleasantly surprised to discover that the dormitories were actually small villas with 4 separate rooms allowing each cadet to have their own space. He’d been even happier to discover that his roommates were his friends. Rock had been showing off his moustache to Justain as he and the Professor had walked in.
“Did you really think we would have been separated?” Justain had looked at him like he was staring at an idiot. “Sure, the academy is well known for being independent, but even they wouldn’t want to offend a major candidate for future King.”
Blushing at the memory, Orchid sauntered out of his room to join his friends who were already prepared for the day, Rock quietly huffing and puffing as he worked out. The room wasn’t that large, but it had a small kitchenette with a chill box, a table and a small sofa. Justain was sitting on the sofa, casually plucking grapes out from a bowl of fruit on the table.
“How long were you planning on sleeping?” Justain asked.
“That was probably the last decent sleep any of us are getting for a very long time. You’ve heard the rumors and stories about this place. There is no way I’m giving up my sleep for any reason.” Orchid was adamant.
“Rock was telling us something very interesting little Purple. Only with your scheming mind could we probably make any sense of it.” Not sure how to take the Professors words, he just raised an eyebrow in Rocks direction.
“My father is here.” Rock explained.
“The Major is here? In the Academy?” Orchid was truly surprised, this was something he hadn’t planned for at all.
“Wearing the band of a military instructor as well.” Justain added.
“The delegation from Samar is back already? They’ve really kept it quiet this time.” Orchid muttered. Rock just shrugged and losing interest in his morning exercises, dried himself off. Drinking some water, he joined Justain on the sofa.
“I’m happy he’s here. But something is suspicious.” Rock was clearly conflicted about what this could mean.
Taking an apple from Justains fruit bowl Orchid took a bite and mused on this new information.
“The instructors have always been retired military officers and active duty soldiers.” Orchid started to think out loud. “It’s not strange for your father to be coming to teach at the academy, despite his .. injury.” Looking at Rock from the corner of his eye he stuttered as he mentioned the injury. They all looked at Rock and seeing his placid expression heaved a sigh of relief. Taking a bite of the apple he continued. “What is worth noting, is that the highest rank of instructor has always been a Captain, the only higher ranking officer is the Colonel who oversees the entire branch, and this year it’s that horrific creature of violence Geneson.”
“That doesn’t really mean they can’t change who they assign here. The military’s office of personnel has occasionally done some very strange things, but the Academy is a unique existence. I’ve heard Justains father even say that it’s the cornerstone of the Kingdom.” The Professor interjected.
“There are even secrets about the secrets that are here, Orchid. I’m getting a bad feeling about this.” Justain added from his place on the couch, eyes staring into the distance and tension written across his face. No one would ignore Justains intuition. It had been proven many times that his senses were quite acute when it came to danger.
Looking at the core of the apple he had finished Orchid took a deep breath.
“What we know is that a higher-ranking officer has been assigned to teach. Let’s assume that it’s not a one-off case and there are even more high ranking active duty officers here at the Academy. What else do we know about Major von Hintelbach? He was injured during the Vale Progenitors uprising last year. That’s probably not important. He’s a graduate of the Academy himself, so as a Guardian he’s privy to the Academy’s secrets. That might actually be relevant. Isn’t Geneson a graduate as well?” Feeling he was close to some understanding, Orchids eyes started to shine, voice rushed as if he wouldn’t be able to get anything out if he stopped. Justain nodded in affirmation to his query and Orchid started to feel excited.
“The Academy. That’s the main point in all of this. The Guardians who graduate know some really weird stuff. What else is there?” Orchid started to hum and everyone concentrated to discover any clues.
“Geneson was the military attaché during our first delegation to the Gate.” Justain declared jumping up, thrilled at a connection.
“What does Samar have to do with their choice? There have been no conflicts with the Samarians till date. It’s so far from here that we don’t have anything beyond a diplomatic presence and that’s there simply for our prestige.” The Professor rebuked.
“Derek’s right. Samar is too far away to have anything to...” Orchid froze, eyes wide open. A memory came to him.
“Is that a Samarian art? HOW DID YOU GET ONE?!” Orchid screamed.
Showing a sinister expression Sofia said. “That will be a secret little Purple. There should be some things I let the Academy teach you.”
“Derek, what do you know about Samarian arts?” His voice almost shaking Orchid put down the remains of his apple.
The Professor frowned, unsure where Orchid was going with this change in subject, but dutifully replied.
“As far as we know, Samarian arts are a means of developing the body by utilizing outside forces. From the records I have seen, they are dependent on two things, Bloodlines and the ‘Energy of Heaven and Earth’. Our researchers have determined that the energy that the Samarians are describing is Mana and they just use it to stimulate their bodies in a way that we don’t understand.”
“Certain?” Rock interrupted.
“Reasonably certain. There are records of them watching some of the guards at the Gate practicing what they call ‘Cultivation’, which is a form of meditation that absorbs mana from the world and utilizes it in some way. The second aspect that the Samarians use in their arts is the concept of Bloodlines. They’re rather tight lipped on the subject and what we’ve discovered is that it’s some sort of energy in the blood that allows their ‘Cultivation’ to work.” Debating on what information he knew the Professor added a little more to conclude his thoughts.
“At the end of the day they’re in the same position as us. They don’t really get how we do Magic and we don’t understand their ‘Cultivation’ that much, and neither of us are willing to teach the other for fear of where that could lead.” He shrugged. “That’s all that I know on the subject.”
“Can we use their arts?” Orchid asked carefully.
“Without their Bloodlines, Cultivation as per the Samarian Arts systems are just not possible.” The Professor refuted immediately.
That’s what I thought. Then what was it my Mother did, and how does it have anything to do with the Academy?
“Do you have any ideas little Purple?” Justain realized that Orchid had come to some conclusion but was hesitating to share it.
“Let me put it like this. The Samarians are probably the reason for the change in the Academy, but what exactly is going to happen is something I’m unsure of. I think it’s a good idea if we act prepared for the worse and keep our eyes and ears peeled for signs of Samarian knowledge.” Orchids words were punctuated by a swing of his hand at each sentence. A nervous habit of his.
“Worse?” Rock queried.
“Assume we’ll constantly be under threat.”
Sitting quietly for a while, Orchid left to prepare and the others left for their first orientation.
Inside his room, Orchid struggled with himself but eventually pulled out a chest from under his bed and started to pull out the various items that were stored within. Putting on the modified Military Coat he’d upgraded, Orchid traced the forked lightning that was now Orange in color to signify the fact that he was a full-time student at the Academy. Next, he put on two Bracers, one the Lightning processing design he had used against his mother, the other a similar earth based device he had designed with Rocks help after the festival. Finally, he put on Striker boots he’d purchased after seeing Erben’s in action and a pair of monster bone reinforced gloves courtesy of Katerina’s help that had been processed by the material strengthening formation they’d discovered.
I hope this is enough preparation. Something tells me that this day isn’t going to be good and it’s not just Justains feelings.
* * * * * *
Walking into the main practice ground Orchid was immediately pierced with multiple gazes from the new students who were surprised at his well-equipped form. Slowly heading to one side he chose to avoid his friends and acquaintances for the time being and maintain as low a profile as he could. Despite his wishes, he was intercepted by a person he hadn’t seen in a very long time.
“Orchid! Fight me!” The boy shouted, charging at him while brandishing a gigantic war-axe.
Orchid didn’t move and just calmly watched as the charging figure ground to a shuddering halt when Orchid chose not to fight back.
“Fight me, Orchid!” The boy repeated his eyes showing frustration.
“Why in the name of the Fallen Gods would I do that, Leon?” Orchid quizzed the axe-wielding boy.
“My defeat at your hands is humiliation I cannot stand. I must retrieve my honor!” Leon roared.
“Would you stop shouting? Do you think we’re on the streets somewhere?” Orchid demanded disdainfully, hands over his ears in mock pain.
“Fight me, Orchid.” Leon’s petulant tone only heightened his childish appearance.
“We’re now cadets at the Academy Leon. Try and act like a future officer. Officers don’t go around challenging people to duels.”
“Really?” The boy asked in wide eyed wonder.
“Yes, really. Remember we have to act in a dignified manner now that we represent the country.”
“Right we’re powerful people now.” Leon said happily.
“So, just quietly sit here and wait until the instructor comes.” Orchid finished cajoling the simple-minded boy and certain the threat of a duel was gone, wandered to another location while Leon sat peacefully where Orchid had indicated.
He didn’t have to wait long before he saw two instructors arrive, Rocks one armed father and an unknown female Major.
“I am Major von Hintelbach and this is Major Sea. We will be your senior instructors for your tenure at the Academy.” He began brusquely, not even waiting for the students to gather around him. “Other things can wait but as a means to get to know each other we have prepared an exercise.” Von Hintelbach turned on his heel and walked away on his last words, the students stunned for a while before scrambling to catch up with him.
What’s with this rush?
Following him they all quietly passed through a door into a small arena that was shielded heavily.
This must be one of those fighting arenas. Why are we here?
Joining the Majors in the center, they all studied the area around them, none of the cadets were fools and could sense the strange atmosphere coming from the officers.
“The exercise is simple.” Major Sea explained, her soft melodic voice a sharp contrast against her stern visage. “Last cadet standing wins.” The majors vanished once she’d finished her succinct explanation.
I knew something was wrong. Of course, they’ll make us fight, what else can you do at a military Academy?
All the cadets stared in slack-jawed amazement at the spot the Majors had vanished from. A faint voice came from their surroundings, impossible to pinpoint Orchid could only frown and slowly back away as his sense of danger spiked.
“The winner will be exempt from punishment. Know that we don’t joke around here. A punishment is a terrible thing.” The voice of the major although faint was easily recognizable.
I should hide for a bit.
“Fight me Orchid!” Leon screamed, already facing him.
That fool! Now how do I not attract attention?
“Good idea Leon. That Trickster has to go first.” Justain said as he faced him.
Ilse and Anna slowly joined the prince to face him and he could sense the Professor and Rock moving around to encircle him. Seeing a lone student being surrounded more of the Cadets joined the encirclement.
“Hey, your highness, what did I do to you that you all have to target me, your dearest friend.” Orchid pleaded while getting into the Hawk stance channeling mana into his devices and body.
“You’re not getting away Trickster.” Ilse roared. “You’re much too slippery to let stand in a fight like this.”
Everyone was channeling mana and the air shimmered with the amount of power that was being brought into the arena.
“Rat! I’ll give you the pendant you want if you help me get through this safely.” Orchid shouted and Justains face stiffened as a burst of shadow off to the side knocked out one of the cadets who had joined the encirclement. Bursts of shadow started to pop up around the circle and fighting started to break out.
Orchids eyes widened and he looked behind Justain, his face etched in horror. Glancing behind him Justain couldn’t see anything and realized he’d been tricked. Spinning around he tried to draw his sword but Orchid had already appeared in front of him palm screaming through the air.
The palm strike smashed into his face and sent the prince flying backwards, a giant welt growing on his cheek.
I knew hitting him in the face would have been awesome! Take that! Revenge for ditching me to stalk Ilse.
Blinking away once more to avoid the swing of Leon’s axe he spun to face his friends and some Cadets charging at him.
You want to bring me down? Fine let’s see how many I bring down with me. Ilse and her dumb look will be first.
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