《Flowers on a Broken Path》Chapter 9 – Plan, Plans and Planning
The Rusty Bucket held a unique reputation in the capital. Built by a master mage as an experiment a century ago, it had been acquired by the mercenary guild as their headquarters in the capital. The 4-story stone structure had been designed as a massive defensive formation that some said could rival a small city. Its location near the market square was an opportunity the head of the guild had been unable to miss and so a section of the building had been set up as an inn that catered to both mercenaries and well paying customers alike.
The magical nature of the building allowed them to easily integrate new formations into the base and so they ended up with an inn that was sturdy, secure, and with their new modifications very secretive. Dozens of high profile deals were conducted at the inn and the movers and shakers of the nation kept a very close eye on the people who were allowed entry.
To enter the Rusty Bucket, one needed to either be a Silver ranked member of the Mercenary Guild, an employer who had made requests above 100 Orange crystals a year, or a person of such wealth that they could afford the entry fee of 10 Orange crystals every single time. Beyond these three major methods there were a few additional options to gain entry. Previously Orchid would have had to sneak in using someone else’s entry credentials but from this year he was fully eligible to enter on his own merits.
As an enrolled candidate of the military branch of the Academy, he was extended the unique privilege of being able to enter the guild and its ancillary facilities. According to the head of the guild this was done in order to develop relationships between the guild members and those who would be future leaders of the Eichean military.
In his stiff black military coat Orchid walked up to the bouncer at the door and showed the sigil on the inside of his collar that signified he was to be a student of the academy. The sigil was a red colored embroidery made of a delicate Mana-thread in the shape of the academies forked lighting. The origin of the symbol was unknown by any but academy graduates and they were surprisingly tight lipped about the information for some reason.
The bouncer gave a small salute as a sign of respect, which Orchid returned before walking inside.
Contrary to most people’s expectations, the Rusty Bucket was an elegant place despite its rough name and clientele. Orchid had heard strange rumors about the place, likening it to the gambling dens of the Red district only with highly competent fighters instead of thugs.
The inn was separated from the rest of the building with a large wall in such a way that it appeared as if it was a large hallway. Orchid had once measured the length of the inn on a whim and discovered that it was almost as large as the Kings Court where his majesty held audiences. A massive wooden counter stood to one side of the inn, dotted with stools where many individual mercenaries quietly drank various forms of alcohol. Several round tables were placed surrounding a stage where a musician played some sort of stringed instrument in a melancholic tune, adding to the subdued atmosphere.
Opposite the counter were a series of curtains that covered the semi-private booths that were the pride of the Rusty Bucket. Imbued with formations that disrupted almost all forms of scrying and spying it was one of the safest places to discuss information outside of the governments supposed secret vaults.
A waitress came up to Orchid and asked in a slightly subservient tone.
“How may we help you today Cadet?”
Enquiring about his friends, he discovered that he was the first to arrive so he asked to be seated at one of the tables.
After guiding him to the table she took his order of food and drink before slipping away as silently as she had arrived. Not knowing how long he would have to wait, Orchid took a small book on formations from his pocket and started to read, letting the music wash over him.
“Little Purple! The new look suits you.” A boisterous voice broke his concentration.
Looking up from his book he saw two chainmail armored mercenaries grinning at him.
Gesturing for them to take a seat he leaned back.
“Captain Weber. I didn’t think the Blood Banner was still in the capital.”
“Ahhh, Little Purple, will you listen to my woes?” The captain dramatically grasped her head. Sitting next to her was the Vice-captain of the Banner, Erben Engelhard a massive man whose every move exuded serious threat.
“Orchid, Orchid my boy. What can I tell you? Times are tough. The nation is at peace and the nobles are so terrified that they don’t fight anymore. Our neighbors are all scared of us and the monsters are silent this year. Where can poor honest souls like us find work these days?”
“There’s signs of trouble in the south. I’m sure that if you head to the Lichten pass something may come your way.” Orchid whispered, not wanting the information to spread too far.
Erben’s eyebrow raised and he asked.
“Trouble.” Orchid confirmed. “You’ll have to go south to find out.”
Erben nodded.
“Wahhhhh! Don’t ignore me little Purple. Use your ability to make money to help me out here!.” Weber was whining and faking tears, her head lying on the table and feet drumming against the floor.
The waitress came back with Orchids order and asked the mercenaries for theirs. Erben ordered a tankard of ale and a plate of Pork chops while Weber happily asked for some expensive wine and fish.
“She’s paying for it herself.” Orchid said while taking a bite from his chicken.
The food here is always amazing.
“Why only me?” She wailed.
“You ordered something expensive. I can’t afford that. Also your whining is annoying.” Orchid was always blunt with Weber.
“Like I said! Come up with some scheme for me to make money.”
“I know I like pranks Weber, but I still chose to stay on the right side of the law, and you….” He froze jaw hanging open as he considered the possibilities.
Weber and her Blood Banner weren’t considered vicious by any standard, but even their greatest allies would say they were very flexible in their ideals, while the common man would call them morally bankrupt. They were only interested in money and would follow anyone who paid religiously. They’d fought on opposite sides of conflicts within a span of months or assisted various criminal enterprises as enforcers. The only reason no one had come after them till date was that they always followed their contracts to the very finest of details.
When he’d asked her about it once she’d repeated some of their precepts.
If you wanted your actions kept secret, make sure there was a clause for it, but it would cost you.
If you needed us to not join your enemies after the contract was over then add a clause for it, but it would cost you.
If you need people protected, specify how many because the more there are, the more it would cost you.
“I have two options for you actually.” Orchid said slowly.
The mercenaries both sat straight as they stared at him, Weber stopping her childish behavior and looking at him solemnly. Whenever it came to a job, she became the coldblooded mercenary that had raised a powerful mercenary company.
“Since it’s you Orchid I’ll even give you a discount.” She said slyly, her mind already imagining the money she would earn.
“I have a … job that I will carry out soon. It’s definitely risky but you’ll be paid properly and even though it will be people of my level, you’ll have magical support.”
“That we’ll discuss if you’re in. As far as I know, 40 poorly trained soldiers, maybe 10 who are adequately skilled and at least 3 experts. No mages that we’ve discovered. Reconnaissance will be a shared obligation between us but the majority of the attack will be yours. Ill provide resources and command. Payment on completion.” Orchid knew this deal would be agreeable to her and would go hand in hand with his plans.
“Acceptable. What’s the other option?” She asked, Erben nodding at her side.
“That’s a little more interesting, and long term.”
“Oh? Tell me.” She was curious about any sort of long term job.
“How would like to work for me?”
“I don’t think you can afford us boy.”
“Well, after the job I just told you about.” He smiled easily. “Let me put it like this. Money is not going to be an issue.”
“You have that much confidence?” Erben raised his eyebrow.
“I’ll hire you permanently. As you know my backers will be able to cover for me.” He was reminding them of his connection to the Prince.
“You’re expanding aren’t you little Purple?” She snickered.
“Are you interested?” Orchid ignored her.
“That fast?” Orchid was surprised.
“Business isn’t good boy.” Weber sighed.
“Anything you do is interesting.” Erben added.
“Erben’s right boy. I have a feeling that you’ll be doing some very fun things and I want in from the ground up. The last time we teamed up was amazing. Those nobles still have nightmares about it I heard. Count Muller is so terrified that he’s hired Jordan’s morons to sit on top of him day and night.”
They all smiled at the image of their last target.
“So Orchid, what’s the plan?”
“We’re going to replace the Fiendhand syndicate. Completely. No one can leave alive.” Orchid swallowed some of his drink, hands shaking. He knew he’d just condemned dozens to their deaths with a single sentence. Erben reached over and gripped his hand.
“Once you make a decision, follow through.” He said softly.
Orchid nodded and breathed deeply to calm his tremors.
“We’ll wait for the rest of the group to gather before we finalize our plans.”
Laughing uproariously Weber slapped her thigh.
“So now you’re my Boss, boy.”
Is that so funny?
Trying to ignore the laughing Captain, Orchid stood and called a waitress over so that they could move to one of the private booths.
* * * * * * *
“Who are we waiting for?” An irritated Weber asked the group of Orchids friends who had arrived and Anna pointed at a hooded figure that slid into their booth, quietly sitting next to her.
“What did you call me for little Purple?” The figure asked softly.
“I’ve got a score for you Rat.” Orchid smiled. “We need Black Eyes assets. All of them.”
“It will be difficult to steal his stuff.” The figure whispered.
“No Rat, I mean to replace him.” Orchid said.
“What do you need me for?”
“Information. You know everything in the Red district and I do not want this to turn into a war.”
He pointed to everyone around him.
“All of us will spend one night and one night alone, to take out the Fiendhands, and for that we need your help to track them and set up ambushes and strikes against all their people simultaneously.”
“Only you people?”
“Disrespectful creature!” Weber bellowed. “The boy may trust you but I won’t until you show your face.”
The hood was removed and a delicate fair skinned female face became visible, sharp golden eyes peering at the group, her posture hunched defensively.
“Its sunny today and I don’t like getting my skin burnt.” She said quietly.
“It’s alright Rat, the Captain is new.” Anna said.
Weber looked surprised at the contrite girl before her and blushed, feeling guilty that she’d shouted.
“We’ll spend the next 3 days looking around the district.”
Reconsidering his plan Orchid said.
“Actually, Weber send some of your scouts to follow the Rat. She’ll show them around and they can get the lay of the land. How much of the Banner is here anyway?” he queried.
“150 troops in 6 Squads.”
“That should be more than enough, but can more of them reach in the next 3 days?”
Weber looked at Erben who replied in her stead.
“2 more squads can make it in that time I think. The last 4 squads are too far away.”
“Recall them anyway, we’ll need them after we kill Black Eye.” His voice shook on the word ‘Kill’. He took another sip of his drink while he surveyed his companions. The Professor was gripping a scroll so hard his hand was devoid of color and Anna’s face had paled. Biting her lip, she looked up at him.
“This is necessary, isn’t it?” she asked, her voice barely audible.
“Nothing will change if we don’t act.” Orchid replied.
The two mercenaries were unconcerned, the conversation just another day in their lives. The Rat nodded her head in approval, she was used to life and death from growing up on the streets of the Red district.
If there’s to be death today let it be my enemies. She’d told them at their first meeting.
We’ll have to get used to it soon as well. The military won’t let us talk our way out of everything.
Orchid took another sip and gestured towards her.
“The Rat here is the preeminent ‘acquirer’ of goods in the entire capital. There’s no one who knows more about the city than she does. Don’t let that pretty face fool you though, if you don’t pay attention she’ll take everything of value you own. Actually, I think that pretty face is half the reason you get away with so much Rat.” Orchid smirked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
She frowned at him and held up a book that had mystically appeared in her hand.
When did she…...?
Stunned Orchid rummaged through his clothes. Realizing that it was indeed his, he blushed and plucked the book out of her grasp before returning it to his pocket. Coughing he waved his hand and spoke in a more solemn tone of voice.
“Like I was saying, be careful around her.”
“Return the rest Liz” Rock said as he walked into the booth a platter in his hands.
She looked up at his tall figure and her stern expression softened slightly as a light blush came to her cheeks.
“Sure, Eizen. I’ll listen to you.” She punctuated this comment with a small smile at him and a glare for Orchid.
Taking several items from her cloak she returned them to their original owners. Anna and the Professor calmly put their returned belongings away treating this as a regular occurrence. The mercenaries hesitantly took theirs and kept a wary eye on her after that.
Good luck. I know what she’s capable of and I still had no idea.
Rock sat and distributed food from his platter for everyone. The mercenaries ate heartily and Liz attempted to strike up a conversation with Rock. Her efforts bore little in the way of results as he only replied with short sentences or with shakes of his head. Yet they both seemed comfortable so no one interrupted them. They all relaxed while eating, chatting and getting to know each other.
At some point, Weber leaned over to Anna and whispered.
“What’s the deal with her?” She pointed at Liz who was only talking to Rock.
“Rock saved her life. Or, I should say he saved her way of life.” Anna replied not willing to reveal more on the subject.
Once they were done eating Orchid paused to think.
“What do we know of the powers in the district?” he asked.
“The Guard has limited powers inside so officially we don’t know much. Unofficially, Black Eye has a grip on the activities inside the district to an unprecedented degree. It’s unknown how he achieved this but there’s rumors of some strange transactions between him and the Sunstrider Mage Guild. That’s all I know, what about you Rat?” The Professor explained from his seat.
“They’re buying devices from the guild, rumor is that its old military surplus.” Shaking her head, she added coldly. “That’s not all though, they’ve used that to buy some sort of outside help, but I don’t know what kind.”
They all lapsed into silence.
“That makes our scouting even more important.” The Professor said. “The more we know, the better our chances are.”
They all agreed with him.
“Let me sum it all up.” Orchid clapped his hands to draw their attention.
“Rat. Your main job is information, the more the better. Routines, manpower, targets, defenses, whatever you can get your hands on. I know you prefer working on your own but we’re on a tight schedule so use the scouts from the Banner. On the side help Rock find a place in the district where we can set up a temporary base. It should be as close to the Sisters of Sin as possible.
Rock. Set up the base. You know what to do, concealment over defense.
Professor you and Erben take the information that’s collected and analyze it. I’ll help with that.
Anna. Supplies. Coordinate with Captain Weber for what she needs and check with me for some crafting supplies I’ll need. Drag Ilse into it indirectly and get some salves or pills, as much as you can.
Captain, tactical command is up to you and once the information is collated and targets are finalized the show is yours. I’ll only add input in terms of magical forces that we can utilize.
Oh, right! Rock make sure the base can house a significant portion of the Banner. We’ll slowly move them in over the next few days.
I think that’s it. If I missed anything then tell me.”
Orchid finished his summation and waited.
“You’re the boss.” Weber said.
“But I’m not a fool either. This is the first time we’re doing something so big so it’s better to be careful.” He said drily.
“You know what they say, plan first plan second and plan third. There’s no such thing as not enough planning, but once you’re done hit hard and fast. You’re doing fine boss. I’ll let you know if things are going badly.”
“Tell me before it goes bad Weber.” He sighed. “Alright, let’s get things done.”
Orchid raised his glass.
“Strength for the Homeland.” He toasted.
“Strength for the Homeland!” They cheered in reply.
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