《Flowers on a Broken Path》Chapter 6 – Soup, dangerous soup
“Derek, why are you still playing around like this? There’s only two months before you enter the Academy. When will you prepare? Your fighting abilities will be behind the rest of the entrants at this rate. It’s even behind that fool and giant of yours.” The girl who had walked in stood proudly in her red dress while casually berating them.
Orchid looked at Rock and pointed at himself while mouthing the word ‘fool’ with a surprised expression.
Rock nodded.
The Professor replied calmly, not looking at the woman, his eyes glued to the notes they had been making.
“Katerina, knowledge is just as important to develop strength as martial might is. Even you acknowledge Orchids abilities, and besides, I don’t think that there will be anyone who can beat these two among the Entrants.”
Seeming to acknowledge his words by not arguing she glided towards him.
“What are you so absorbed by? It’s been half an hour since you were meant to meet me Derek.”
“I picked up some interesting scrolls Lady Saul. Master Derek was helping us in our study of them.” Bowing, Orchid explained in a respectful tone.
“Alright fool, no need to act so polite that you gnash your teeth. I’ve left my attendants outside.”
Slouching, Orchid picked up an apple from the tray and cut it into quarters, dividing it between them. Tossing everyone a portion he sat on the table and recounted their efforts during the day.
“.. and that’s why Kat, if we can get a handle on this, it will change how we study formations. I think we have a workable theory, but it looks like there’s some sections of the Spells mechanics that weren’t laid out in detail. The Professor thinks it’s sequences that were considered commonplace at the time and have only been mentioned by name.”
“Well it’s good that you’re listening to Derek, fool.” She muttered. “So, what about the unknown scroll?”
Gesturing towards the desk Orchid explained some of their guesses while she unrolled the scroll.
After going through it she frowned, one finger placed against her rosy lips her eyes gazing into the distance as she was lost in thought.
Nudging Rock with his elbow, a snickering Orchid pointed towards the Professor who was gazing at his fiancée with a gentle smile on his face, all signs of the dry, knowledgeable scholar gone, replaced by the look of a doting husband. Realizing the stares, he was receiving, The Professor coughed and blushed bright red, returning to looking at the pages in front of him to avoid their gazes.
“Isn’t this a code?” Katerina hesitantly asked.
“What makes you say that?” The Professor walked over to her, his eyes shining in curiosity.
“I remember a game we used to play as children, where we replaced the letters in the alphabet with others to pass secret letters around. Even though its ancient Eichaean script, some of this looks recognizable. I think it’s called a… substitution cipher?” her voice was uncertain and she glanced at The Professor for support.
“You can read ancient Eichaean?” The Professor was surprised.
“It was part of my studies Derek. I can’t believe you don’t remember me telling you about it so many times.”
Apologizing he caressed her blazing hair. “Can you decipher it then?”
“I can try.” She responded happily, leaning into his hand.
“Hey, you guys aren’t alone in here.” Orchid was irritated looking at their flirting.
Lifting his hand as if burned The Professor backed away and gestured Katerina towards the scroll. Rock dragged a chair over for her to sit in and stood to her side while she started working on the scroll.
While she was working on the scroll, Orchid went back to look over the material strengthening scroll. Realizing that they couldn’t find an appropriate translation for the type of material he decided that he’d test everything around him.
Drawing the formation on a piece of paper as described using his scribing tools, he tested that it was channeling mana properly before starting his experiments.
Paper. Gets turned to ash.
Wood. Also, burns.
Glass. Where did it go?
Steel. Also, vanishes. Where are they going?
Copper, Bronze, Ceramics, Fabrics, he tried everything in the room to no avail, the materials either burning or vanishing entirely. Frustrated he looked around the room for anything that he’d missed and noticed Katerina’s hairpins that were made of bone.
“Kat, lend me one of your hairpins.”
Focused on her efforts she didn’t pay much attention to him and casually pulled one of the pins out and handed them to Rock, who brought it over and placed it inside the formation.
Starting the formation again he was surprised when the bone pin started to glow. Slowly the mana that the formation drew grew heavier and Orchid started sweating as he struggled to maintain the flow into it. Shortly before he would lose all capacity to run the formation, the pin flared once brightly before the formation glyphs burst out and started to melt into the bone.
Staring in shock at the now glistening bone he picked it up and weighed it, feeling it was very heavy for its size. Unsure he handed it to Rock, whose eyebrow raised as he felt its weight.
Asking a maid for a piece of scrap wood he gently stabbed the pin downwards and they both watched in astonishment as it passed through the wood like a hot knife through butter. Looking at each other in surprise, Orchid handed his steel dagger over so that Rock could try the pin against it.
Bracing the dagger against a table he brought the pin down against it swiftly.
With a sound of steel against steel the dagger cracked at the point it was struck. The noise shocked Katerina and The Professor and they turned to look at what had caused it.
Holding the dagger and pin up for them to see Rock proudly showed off the cracks in the steel. Gathering around the pin they all made admiring sounds as they saw that it was in pristine condition.
“This is quite impressive. Although your dagger is just ordinary steel, it’s quite something that this ivory could damage it.” Katerina was almost breathless in awe.
“What animal was the bone from?” Orchid asked.
“It’s some standard 1st-Grade beast bone. I think it’s carved from one of its leg bones.”
So, we can rule out something magical.
“Well I really think that we gained something from these scrolls. If I had the money, I’d buy all Boss Richtes unknown texts. Who knows how much information he has stored there that could help us.” Orchid handed the pin back to Katerina who took it in trembling hands.
“Is it alright for me to have it?” She asked. “This is bound to be valuable now.”
“It was yours in the first-place Kat. Plus, I’m sure The Professor will be happy knowing you have some extra forms of protection.”
Nodding his head The Professor added. “He’s right, the academy will be difficult for all of us. I’ve heard some stories about their tests and it will be better if we’re prepared properly.”
“More trump cards are better.” Rock chipped in.
“I wonder if we can use higher grade bones for better effects. I can get some samples of 3rd Grade bone for testing but anything above that is not possible. If it works better on the higher quality grades it’s a good idea to prepare sets of ivory items for our group, and more for Kat as well. Even though she’ll be attending the administrative branch, there’s no harm in having some insurance.” Orchid was excited imagining high quality bone equipment that they could use to surprise whatever crossed their paths in the future.
Katerina went back to deciphering while the boys discussed how they would get access to better materials. The Professor was certain that they’d have to use the Mage Guilds since only the Guilds had the ability to trade in better quality materials. The issue with that was, without being members of a Guild their access would be restricted and expensive. Rock suggested using the Merchants Guild, who would trade their materials at lower cost, but they would only have leftovers at this point in the year, most having already gone to the Mage Guilds.
That left them with only two options, hunting for the materials themselves or hiring either adventurers or mercenaries to hunt for them.
“We can’t let too many people know that we’re procuring so much of the same type of material. Since we released that revised shield Spell last year the Mages Guilds are watching us pretty closely. Our plans will fall apart if they take this away from us like that Spell. Months of our effort for the army wasted because we trusted those Fiend-dwellers, thousands died while they waited for profits.”
Orchids words were pained as he reminded his friends of the Silver Purge, anger rising within him.
“We were too young Orchid.” The Professor was sympathetic.
“Rocks father would still have his arm Derek! They betrayed us!” Rage surged through him and he clenched his hand tightly. His friend had always spoken less, but the loss had silenced him for months watching his fathers pained recovery.
No one will hurt my friends.
Feeling a large hand on his shoulder he heard Rock speak calmly.
“We learned. Strength for the Homeland.”
“Strength for the Homeland.” They repeated.
Sighing, Orchid reached into his pockets and handed them a few of the Home safety devices he’d used on his mother. Explaining their use, he told them to protect their homes. Even though The Professors house was guarded day and night he figured there would be no harm in having extra protection.
“Late. Sun.” Rock reminded him once his explanation was complete.
“You’re right. It’s time for us to go, can you lock up the research on that analysis spell? Let Kat take as much time as she wants with that other scroll, whatever is on it won’t need to be rushed.”
The Professor nodded and bid them goodbye.
“Kat! We’re leaving.” He called.
“If you’re staying over, get Derek to make you some noodle soup.” To his side, Rock shuddered and Katerina turned around with a look of abject horror on her face.
The Professor nodded happily. “That’s a good idea Orchid. Why don’t you also stay for a while, it won’t take me long to make some for all of us.”
The blood drained from Orchids face and he quickly backed out of the room, Rock was already gone.
He’s always been good at sensing danger. I really shouldn’t have said anything.
“N-No need Derek. I’m already too late to pick my sister up. Anyway. Bye.”
Almost sprinting on his way out of the house he could hear a high-pitched voice saying that she wasn’t hungry.
Out of breath he caught up to Rock who was crouched behind a tree warily watching the gate of the Chancellors compound.
“Evil.” He grimaced as Orchid walked up.
“She definitely deserves it. In any case as his future wife she should spend some effort correcting his issues. Plus, I figure that if there’s a chance anyone tells him what it tastes like, it will be her. After all she’ll be living with him for a looong time.”
Call me a fool? Who’s the fool now?
In a much better mood he pointed down the street, smiling cheerfully.
“Come noble friend! Onwards to rescue a princess from the clutches of the evil witch!”
Making dramatic poses he pointed in what he considered a heroic pose and started running down the street. He could hear the sound of Rocks heavy footsteps as he kept pace.
His smiling face took on a sinister cast as he considered their gains today.
We’ll definitely set things straight like we’ve planned, won’t we Justain?
* * * * * * *
Katerina heaved a sigh of relief after finally persuading Derek that there was no need for him to cook any soup. The disastrous events of the last time he had made his infamous noodle soup were hazes of memory for all those involved. It was astounding how such a meticulous person could produce something so horrifying. Seeing his dejected expression, she walked over to him and hugged his arm.
“What do you have planned Derek? I know Orchid is an inventive person and his ideas are creative and profitable, but you’ve been different since last year. All of you have.”
“There are some things we can’t talk about Katerina.”
“Don’t you trust me Derek?” Looking into his clear grey eyes she saw him hesitating.
“It’s not you Kat. It’s your father.” He replied after some time.
“My father is a great man Derek. How can you not trust him?”
“It’s the Guilds in general Kat. You know the problems that plague them. Corruption, stagnation, weakness, fear, the list is never ending. I’ll admit that your father is doing good work in stabilizing the situation with his Red Light Guild, but he’s stuck within the system. What we intend to do …. Let me just say that its better if he doesn’t know what’s going on. I’m risking a lot in trusting you with even this much Kat, and I don’t want to say this but if it gets out ill know who did it”
“Are you threatening me? Are your friends so much more important?” Her voice was bitter.
“I’ve loved you since I met you Kat.” He spoke gently, his eyes lost in reminiscence.
She looked at him in shock, he’d never said anything like this to her before and her face flushed with heat.
“Even though our parents arranged this marriage you’ve brought me lots of things. I’m bad at saying all this so I’ll just tell you that you’re important to me, and I don’t want you to be in a position where you may end up in conflict with your father. It may not come to that true, but … you shouldn’t have to face it.”
“I love you too Derek.” She said shyly, smiling as she saw him blush. “I trust you and your band of misfits. Even that fool is so overprotective of his friends, he’d never harm you. He scrambles for money but gives up something valuable so easily.” She laughed while stroking the hairpin that had been modified.
“I will stand by you, even against my father. Let me help. What are you all planning?”
He grabbed her shoulders and stared into her eyes with such blazing fervor that she shrank back her heart beating rapidly.
“We’re going to bring the power of the mages back to the people and the king. Just like the government and the Rose Rebellion.”
“How?” She breathed.
They stared at each other noses almost touching.
The fire in Derek’s eyes faded and he seemed to realize how close they were. He looked to be struggling with himself but he reached a decision and slowly brought his lips towards hers, their breathing rapidly increasing.
Closing her eyes in anticipation she tilted her head towards him.
Sparks seemed to flare as their lips touched and she lost herself in the sensation.
* * * * * * *
Sitting on the sofa with her head resting on his shoulders she was humming with contentment.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a very long time” Derek whispered.
“Me too” She whispered back. “I’ll help you Derek.” This new objective gave her focus and she started to work out what she could do.
First, I’ll get some Beast Bones for the Fools experiments. Ill drag father into this, I’m sure he’ll be surprised that their plans for the Guilds are the same. I wonder if the king is responsible for my father’s plans. It would make sense considering how much of my father’s policies align with his majesty’s.
This is going to be fun.
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