《Flowers on a Broken Path》Chapter 1- Sometimes it’s much better to hit someone in the face
Feeling a little guilty Orchid stood slowly and dropped the stick he was holding.
“I’m sorry Justain. I just wanted to win.”
“How can you win when we’re practicing for the festival?” Justin wailed.
Hearing the crying, the rest of their friends stopped practicing and joined them to see what was going on. Orchid started feeling even worse, and he knew he’d gotten carried away.
“Look I’m really, really, really sorry. It just slipped out of my hand and happened. Let me see your hand.”
Reaching out Orchid grabbed the injured hand. A large angry red welt had formed and it was hot to the touch. It looked bad and Orchid worried that his thrust had seriously injured his friend so he started to examine the injury further.
Justain whimpered as his fingers were slowly spread apart and Orchid carefully probed around the injury, gently prodding and poking until he was reasonably satisfied that nothing was broken. During his examination, a few hushed whispers from his friends’ conversations could be overheard.
“That looks painful…” Yes, it does.
“…. trouble this time….” Not my fault.
“late… home” True, don’t want to be out at night.
“missed… aim…hit in the face… funny” That would have been fu…. Wait, why? Who hates him that much?
Frowning a little he realized that this could get out of control.
If I say it’s alright and I’m wrong, then I’ll get in serious trouble. Better drag someone else…. I mean get a second opinion.
Looking around at his whispering friends he gestured towards a tawny haired girl who had a hand over her mouth.
“Ilse, come and check his hand. It looks fine to me.”
“Hurts too much. It’s not fine.” Muttered Justain as his sobbing continued.
“Don’t be a baby Justain.” Ilse was giggling as she came forward. Shouldering Orchid out of the way she grabbed Justains hand and forcefully kneaded it. The sudden force caused the poor injured boy to wail miserably and struggle to get out of her grasp. Ilse ignored his futile attempts and held him firmly in place as she continued her ministrations. The circle of children slowly widened as everyone backed away from Ilse’s aggressive treatment.
Seeing everyone move, even Orchid felt that he might have made a poor choice in accomplice despite her well-known abilities. Ilse stopped her movements and looked back at him.
“You’re right. There’s nothing broken but the bruise will probably stay for a while.” Turning back to Justain she continued. “Don’t mess around with your hand for two days. I’ll heal the swelling as much as I can, but you should still see the old hag for some salve and extra treatment in case I miss something. Don’t make so much of a fuss for something so small next time, we don’t have much time before our performance and can’t waste it on your whining.”
While talking, she grasped his injured hand in her palms and closed her eyes. Everyone’s whispering subsided at they sensed the mana in the air slowly head towards Ilse. A few muttered phrases and hand movements caused a dim white light to coalesce around her hands. Slowly the light drifted from her fingers as they moved in archaic motions and formed a small bead that hovered over Justains injury. Even Justain had become quiet by this point as he stared at this bead of magic. The bead started spinning and flattened until it became a thin disk which quickly expanded until it became the size of the swelling. A quick flick of her hand and the bead exploded into a large number of thin threads that sank into the injury making the swelling dissipate rapidly.
The entire group was silent as they looked at the healing that had taken place before them.
Orchid was surprised that Ilse had become so proficient in her healing arts.
Even though she complains so much, her teacher is excellent. I don’t think any of the rest of us have even gone past the stage of being able to sense mana, except maybe Rock.
From the circle of children someone started clapping, the emotion at seeing such skill spread and was quickly picked up by the rest and soon everyone including Orchid was clapping, even a few cheers and whistles came from the group.
“Great work Ilse!”
“I Love you! Marry me!” Orchids brow twitched. Was that a girl’s voice?
Ignoring the various calls Ilse stood while dusting her dress. A slight blush had bloomed on her face showing that she wasn’t as unaffected as she tried to appear.
Walking forwards Orchid lightly punched her arm in approval as he went to help Justain stand up.
“Sorry.” He said as he reached out towards the slightly stunned Justain.
“I guess it’s alright this time” Justain replied as he gripped Orchids arm and stood. “Something nice came out of it.” He mumbled as his eyes tracked Ilse as she was surrounded by her group.
Looking at Justain gently rubbing the now only lightly bruised hand Orchid cast a sidelong glance at Ilse before snickering.
“Yes, I’m sure there was something nice. If you’d like I can crack your other hand when we practice next time. I’m sure she’d be more than willing to practice her arts on you.”
Blushing fiercely, Justain shoved him with his uninjured arm but was unable to retort.
The children slowly calmed down and moved back into place to practice. They continued until the sun was halfway in its descent across the sky before the Professor called them all to stop. Gathering around the tall lanky figure of their narrator everyone sat down as he went through today’s session, pointing out flaws and improvements in the performance. His dry emotionless tone was somehow captivating and everyone listened carefully.
Orchids mind drifted as he was listening to this friend with the unusual nickname of the Professor. They’d picked him to be the narrator and director because of his vast knowledge and even temper. Even though Justain was the leader of the group, no one ignored the Professor.
Well, no one ignored him after the incident with the pig, chicken and bowl of noodle soup.
Shuddering at the thought Orchid turned his attention back to the review.
“We should all learn a lesson from today’s incident” The Professor said at one point, a certain heat coming into his voice as he glared at Orchid and Justain. “Even though we’re only using painted staves, if you become distracted an injury can easily occur. There’s not much time until our performance and the healers will be focused on all the people coming into the city in the lead up to the festival.” Everyone nodded in agreement. “So, remember to be careful, I’m sure no one wants to embarrass themselves in front of the country?”
Looking down in shame Orchid considered the events of the day.
It was my fault. It’s just a lucky thing that he wasn’t injured badly. The Professors right, I have to make sure that this performance is well received. None of us can afford any mistakes.
“That’s it for today. Everyone take care and we’ll meet on Veilday for our final practice. See you all then.” Waving, he turned on his heel and quickly walked away, his quick pace seeming somehow unhurried.
“He’s always in such a rush. I wonder if he ever just relaxes.” Ilse commented as she came towards Orchid.
“It’s just his way.” Orchid replied. Sighing he stretched to loosen his muscles. To his side Justain was staring at Ilse in fascination.
I should have hit him in the face. What’s with that stupid look?
“Make sure you ask the hag to check the bruise.” Ilse was saying to Justain.
“I don’t think you should call her a hag, Ilse.” A soft voice came from behind her.
“I’ll call that witch whatever I want Anna” Ilse said in a huff her arms crossed as she spun to face her sister. “She does what she wants so I will as well. I’m a much better healer in any case.” Ilse had proudly raised her nose in the air as she praised herself.
“You’ll get in trouble, please just control yourself.” Anna’s soft voice was almost begging. Ilse just ignored her and continued to lecture Justain on how to care for his injury.
Orchid cleared his throat and nodded. “Anna, how are you?”
“Fine. Orchid you have to persuade my sister, she at least listens to you, she can’t keep insulting the Lady even if she is her apprentice.”
“Does she ever listen to what she doesn’t want to hear?” Orchid said as he gestured towards the figure praising its own prowess in embarrassing detail.
She’s not wrong either, that witch really doesn’t care for anything but making us all suffer.
Just as he was going to point this out, a shiver ran down his spine.
His eyes narrowed and he spun in place as he looked at his surroundings. Anna looked at him in surprise as she followed his line of sight. Not finding anything Orchid frowned wondering what had caused him to sense such pressure.
“So, I’m a hag? A witch as well, right, brat?”
Of course, you are. Why in the names of all the Fallen Gods did you have to sneak behind me before saying that?
Orchids shoulders slumped as he saw his friends freeze in place. Drops of sweat burst out on Ilse’s forehead and Justains jaw dropped as he recognized the voice. Only Anna remained calm, just shaking her head in quiet remonstration, this turn of events was certainly something she expected.
Spinning to face the voice, Orchid bowed quickly, pasting a smile on his face.
“Lady Deirdre! Such a pleasant surprise. We were just talking about you.”
Snorting, the lady glanced at Orchid. “Don’t drag the Hoofer out to pasture, boy. I know exactly what you brats have been doing.” She punctuated her irate comment by smashing her walking stick onto the tiled path beneath her.
Hoofer? Who raises a semi-sentient magical beast in a pasture?
Feeling his smile becoming strained he returned to standing while watching Deirdre glare at her unfortunate apprentice. The silence felt horribly uncomfortable. Orchid tried his best to remain still to not draw any attention to himself. He knew that this irascible old woman would pounce on any movement to make some point incomprehensible to anyone but herself. Although the situation was pretty bad, he had planned for something like this ever since the last time he’d been dragged into one of Ilse’s ‘difficulties’ with her master. He reached into his pocket covertly to double check his insurance. Finding everything in order he now had to wait until a chance presented itself.
“So, apprentice.” Deirdre spoke, dragging the word apprentice out into a long hiss.
Ilse hunched slightly and her lip quivered as she spoke “Master.”
“Think you’re better than this old woman?”
“No Master, you’re the best.” Ilse’s voice was shaking.
“Old hag, I may be, but my ears certainly haven’t failed. You had a great deal of confidence a few minutes ago. Come tell your master what gives you such certainty that you can best me.”
“Nothing Master.” The words were just a whisper.
“She healed Justains injury Lady.” Anna piped up in her usual calm tone, out of them all only she would show such fearlessness in the face of this woman.
“Healed?” Deirdre murmured before grabbing Justain and scanning him. Finding the problem, she scrutinized the injured hand before slightly nodding in what Orchid assumed was satisfaction.
“Not bad, apprentice.” Ilse perked up hearing the praise, but wilted in the onslaught of lecturing that followed.
Now, while she’s distracted.
Slowly backing away from duo of master and apprentice, Orchid took the device out of his pocket while he carefully kept his eyes on them. As he was sneaking he passed a thread of mana into his hand to prime the device.
Deirdre stopped her tirade and looked at Orchid, pinning him in place. Starting to sweat he slowly spread his arms in a sign of surrender. She was glaring at him, suspicion clear in her gaze.
“What are you doing Flowerboy?”
Gritting his teeth, the half-smile fell from his face hearing his horrible nickname. It wasn’t easy to remain calm while his friends snickered after hearing it, and any guilt he had about the consequences of his plan on them vanished.
Why did they have to name me after a flower? Spawn-cursed friends you lot are, laughing at my name. Fine, all of you deserve this now.
He shifted into a throwing stance and before anyone could move, he hurled his little device with all the might he could muster. It flew straight at Deirdre’s face whistling as it closed in on her.
Despite being caught off guard, she brought her walking stick up in front of her face with a speed that shouldn’t be possible in such an old woman. Just as the device was a finger length from her, Orchid focused and sent a pulse of mana into it, activating the mechanism inside, before turning around and breaking into a sprint.
It suddenly burst into a powder cloud that completely enveloped Deidre and his friends. A great clapping sound burst out and the powder cloud spread until it was a dozen meters high.
Too much powder in the Mark Three. I should also limit the force that spreads it all.
Hearing a series of coughing fits behind him, Orchid smiled as he dashed into an alley.
Slowing down after he felt that he was far enough away, Orchid took a series of deep breaths to calm down. Pulling out another of the Mark Threes from his pocket he primed it with mana just in case someone caught up to him. Putting it away he started humming as he made his way into the city.
Better get some supplies.
Heading to the market was one of the enjoyments in Orchids life, trading and searching for relics and treasures was the real fun in his opinion, much better than the drinking his father was fond of. On his way, he stopped by the butcher to get some cuts of bacon, sausages, and a grilled skewer of Raktak.
Even though they’re the weakest of monstrous beasts, the taste is just so good. Better to hunt these then dragons in my opinion.
Munching on his snack, he wandered into the market square, once again marveling at its history. The market square was the only remnant of the Empire of the Sands left in the capital, a magical place that resisted any attempts to even remove a single tile. It was also so large that it had become the de facto trading center for the entire eastern region of the continent. The Professor had once mentioned that the amount of money that moved through this one place was larger than the taxes of most kingdoms.
He strolled to the fountain in the center of the square. Sitting in his favorite spot under one of the massive Linaya trees, he observed the various stalls crammed into the square while bouncing the packet of meat from the butchers on his hand. Not finding anything that caught his eye he cleaned the bone skewer in the fountains water before pocketing it and heading towards a store marked “Heavens Grand Pavilion”.
Stepping through the door what awaited him was a massive clutter of items. Books, weapons, scrolls, Relics and figurines were stacked haphazardly on shelves marked with irresponsible titles such as:
‘Stuff from the Empire’
‘Relics from some ruin in the desert’
‘Wasteland treasures!’
Stepping around piles of items marked ‘Heavens chance’ he walked up to the counter manned by a young lady who was quietly reading a book. Behind her a giant banner proclaimed the shops motto ‘Search for a chance from heaven at this Grand Pavilion! Only discerning customers will profit’, followed by a series of lines which Orchid had found out meant ‘No Refunds’ in a dozen different languages.
Found out much too late.
Lamenting his previous naivete he tapped the counter as he spoke.
“Ley Andrea, is your father in?”
The woman glanced up from her book and smiled gently.
“Young master Kale! Yes, he’s in the workshop, I’ll go get him” she sounded cheerful as she went to fetch her father.
“Ley Andrea, I’ve told you before I’m not a young master, so please don’t call me that!” he called at her retreating back.
After a short wait a short stocky man came through the door Andrea had exited from. Smiling the man laughed in a deep booming voice and stretched his hand out.
“So, little Purple! What do you have for me today? I heard about a dust cloud a mile high, that must have been your doing.”
How did he find out so quickly? Wait, a mile?
Seeing Orchids puzzled expression the man continued. “Corporal Ghent came by, he was laughing about seeing the Lady covered in white. He said something about how she was raging that she’d hang the culprit high above the battlements of the castle.”
Swallowing through a suddenly dry throat Orchid tried to keep a relaxed tone of voice.
“What makes you think it was me?”
Ok that wasn’t too relaxed sounding. Why do peoples voices become so high when they’re stressed?
“The corporal couldn’t hide his glee when he told me about a certain captain that had a very difficult time being stern while wearing a ridiculously proud expression.” The man was grinning by this point and Orchid knew that there was no way to wriggle out of this.
“Alright Boss Richte, you win, it was me alright.” Raising his hands in defeat a glint came to Orchids eye as he continued. “So, would you be interested in the little toy that can enrage a master mage?”
Richtes smile became even wider and he dry washed his hands as he smelled business.
“Little Purple, don’t hold out on me, how many do you have?”
“Seven. I’ll give you eight but ones already primed and I’ll teach you how to use it using that one.”
“30, red” Richte suddenly said.
“Too little, the materials were 25 and I need compensation for testing it on such a hazardous target.”
They both started glaring at each other.
“50, final offer” Richte pointed at Orchid “there’s the risk since it’s a new product”
Orchid snorted. “Since the whole town knows about it, that little toy will probably be really valuable. 70.”
“60” came Richtes counter offer on the heels of Orchids claim.
A short staring match. Both broke into large grins and clasped hands.
“Deal!” They roared at the same time.
“I have just the stuff you’d like little Purple, a batch of new texts from the imperial academy came yesterday. I’ll toss in a dozen scrolls of unknown origins, your choice.”
“Alright, that sounds good. Give me that little Raijen as well” Orchid pointed at a little carving of the mythical tiger beast resting on the counter.
“I’ll go pack everything in a storage box. Give me a few minutes.”
Gesturing for Richte to leave the carving Orchid took out the skewer from his pocket while the boss went into the back again.
Grabbing a piece of scrap wood from the trash around him, Orchid deftly started scratching a series of glyphs into it. Quickly a series of arcane symbols forming a magic formation were prepared and he placed the skewer onto it. Gripping the carving in one hand he placed the other on the formation and started to slowly channel mana into the glyphs.
The glyphs lit up as they were fed mana and Orchid concentrated on the skewer forcing it to separate into three strands. After they separated he willed them to wind together like rope. Once the bone thread was ready he placed the carving on the formation and created a small loop above the head of the Raijen. Passing the bone thread through the loop he brought the ends together and with a final pulse the thread became a seamless loop. Adjusting the flexibility of the thread a little he was left with a Raijen pendant.
Andrea had come in near the end of his crafting with a cup of juice that she now placed next to him. Glancing at the pendant she said, “Is that for Sun?”
“Yes, Sun really loves these ancient beasts.”
“I’m sure she’ll love it.”
Chatting with Andrea for a while, they discussed some of the newer oddities that had passed through the store in the lead up to the festival. Richte came back with a storage box into which he added the scrolls that Orchid had just picked out. A little small talk between them and Orchid bid farewell as he started heading home.
Joining the crowds exiting the square he turned off onto one of the main roads that led to the Kings Causeway. Eventually the crowds thinned out as people went off to their own homes and Orchid was left alone as he walked onto the Causeway. Pausing to look towards the castle, Orchid marveled at the formation belts that made up the path and walls of the castle, so intricately linked that they were the study of a lifetime.
Seeing the sun setting, he increased his pace so that he wouldn’t reach home too late. Walking up to the massive castle gates he stopped as the guards came forward from their posts. Seeing the massive grins on their faces, his heart sank as he realized that his exploits today had really spread like the wind.
“Little Purple! You’ve caused quite the ruckus today.” One of the guards exclaimed as he stretched his arms out. Handing his parcels to the guard for him to inspect, Orchid replied defensively.
“It was only a little prank Hans.”
“Not the way the Lady described it. According to her you’re a menace to ‘Those impressionable youngsters. He’ll corrupt them all with his reckless behavior’.” His impression of Deirdre was lackluster but the meaning was clear.
Maybe I should have just listened to her lecture us all instead.
“You believe that I wasn’t trying to cause problems Tynian?” Orchid implored the other guard.
“Heard you smashed the princes hand.” Tynians blank voice was spoiled by the grin threatening to crack his cheeks.
“Also an accident.” Orchid said and blushed.
“Not bad” Tynian nodded in respect.
“Strength for the Homeland.” Hans said as he handed back Orchids purchases.
“Strength for the Homeland.” They repeated the motto of the Guard.
“How is he now?”
“Raising a huge fuss over the injury. Claims that he needs Lady Ilse to attend him for the next few days until his war wound heals” Hans explained drily. To the side Tynian tapped his nose in a meaningful gesture.
That rat! He throws me to the wolves just so he can get more time with Ilse. Just imagining his love-struck face makes me so mad!
“Should have hit him in the face” Orchid muttered.
“Sometimes that’s the better way.” Tynian acknowledged.
“Would have been much quieter.” Hans added while waving him forward.
Starting to plan his revenge on Justain, Orchid walked through the gates into the courtyard.
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