《Destroy The Heavens!》Chapter 13-The Town Shrouded In Mist


A cluster of trees soar into the sky, tens of meters tall, bright green leaves congealing together into a glorious screen of radiant verdant light as the tips of the trees come together. Astraoth bursts through the screen, pushing through the cluster, gliding through the air.

Dropping quickly after reaching the peak of his arc, Astraoth lands on a treetop, hopping from one to another, Oromius following closely behind. Astraoth speeds away, dancing on the top of the forest, looking into the stunning sunset, his figure bathed in the warmth of the evening sun.

Continuing on, Astraoth and Oromius pass through the majority of the forest by nightfall, coming to a small, grassy valley, a tiny town resting in the center of its young heart. The pair stands on a cliff, overlooking the entire valley. View of the humble town is obscured, a thick, heavy mist surrounding the village. Astraoth stands, his back to the cliff, smiling brightly, and falls back, diving downward, hurtling through the air, wind ruffling through his short silver hair.

Oromius, seeing Astraoth begin his descent, leaps off the cliff, his tired eyes sparkling with joy and excitement. Reaching the township, Oromius casts a spell, and, a magic circle hovering above the tip of his index finger, starts slowing Astraoth's descent, following by halting his own fall. Coming to rest just outside the town, Astraoth looks to Oromius, eyes wide, begging,"Please Dad... can we sleep in an inn here tonight?"

Oromius raises his eyebrow, face serious, his eyes joyful, responding,"I'd rather not; I think it'd be more fun to sleep on the forest floor."

Astraoth, crestfallen, replies,"Okay, I really wanted to sleep in an inn, but if I have to...I can sleep in the forest."

Oromius bursts out in laughter, and, reassuring Astraoth,"Don't worry Astraoth, we can sleep in an inn; I was just joking."


Astraoth, eyes glowing in anticipation, grabs his father's arm, and begins to pull him, begging,"Dad, let's go! Let's go! I want to get to the inn!" Pulling Oromius, the pair walks to the village gate, entering easily; there were no guards at the entrance.

Lanterns suspended in the air light up as the two walk by, orbs of light sweeping across the tiny village. Walking through the entire town in less than two minutes, Oromius and Astraoth come to a small inn, titled,"The Foggy Shore"

Entering inside, the two are greeted with a nearly empty reception room, with only one other person in the room; a man with a slim figure and dark eyes, obscured by the room's poor lighting. Oromius, approaching the man's desk, calls out to the man,"You have any rooms left?"

The man, turning to the back wall, responds, with a deep, guttural voice,"No...Indeed...We have many a room, but for you two, we have no vacancies."

Oromius tries to bargain, but the man behind the desk refuses service, not even turning to look at the prospective customers. Oromius turns and leaves, Astraoth at his side. Outside the inn, Oromius looks to Astraoth, apologizing,"I'm sorry, but he refused; we cannot sleep inside the inn tonight. However, I can give you something even better; follow me."

Grabbing Astraoth's hand, Oromius leaps upward, floating softly up to the roof, landing gently, looking over the town. Astraoth, silently, sits down onto the floor, closing his eyes lightly. Oromius lay on the roof, holding Astraoth in his arms, closing his eyes to sleep.

Mist gathers around the township, surrounding it completely, coiling into the sky, a pillar of white. The earth rises up around it, forming a ring around the town. Part of the mist coiling around the town drops backward to the ring of earth, dying it white.


The heavens themselves split apart, and a figure clad in pale light descends down to the earth, dropping down into the center of the town. Only a single mark is left; a spiral of white and gold, with a small black triangle in the center. The mist dissipates into the air and the ring of earth retreats back.

Oromius and Astraoth awaken early the next morning, jumping down from the roof of the inn, preparing to leave town. Astraoth, while leaving, notices the white spiral, and asks Oromius,"Dad, what is that... strange symbol over there?"

Oromius, looking at the spiral, his eyes cold, covering a violent rage, respond quietly,"Nothing. The symbol is nothing. This town is nothing." As the pair crosses a mountain, Astraoth looks back at the lone town, shrouded in a strange mist. As he looks back, however, he sees nothing; only the white spiral is left.

Turning around, Astraoth looks forward, and continues on, following Oromius.

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