《Destroy The Heavens!》Chapter 8-Spiritual Awareness


A gentle stream of pure, clear water runs softly down from a warm spring and collapses with other streams into a large sheet of water gently flowing downward, into a pool, resting in the center of a clearing surrounded by the lush green forest.

A boy sits cross-legged in the heart of the pool, the waterfall cascading down him smoothly and calmly. Astraoth, the boy, rests, his eyes closed and heart trying to quiet into peace. The forest breathes around him, soft, but not silent. The wind travels through the forest, drifting past the trees, and exiting the blanket of the forest, flying into the great blue sky, free from the restrictions of the earth.

Astraoth, trying to achieve a state of oneness, loses his patience and becomes frustrated, unable to expand his consciousness. Tightening his fist, he looks around the forest desperately, losing his relaxed state of mind, and sinking further into frustration. Sighing, he looks into the azure blue field over his head and gets up to leave the waterfall, his place of meditation, his first session a complete failure.

Astraoth steps forward in a burst of speed, beginning to sprint past the forest, leaping onto a small branch, jumping from tree to tree, in an attempt to outrun himself, and, slowing himself down, sighs, depressed, and leaps off the tree, opting to slowly walk the rest of the way to the mansion.


Astraoth comes to his spot in the waterfall and sits down, attempting to meditate, and tries using all his intellect and all his will to understand the world and its secrets. The trees wave in the light breeze, flowing like the wind. The water grinds, unstoppably, into the rock, which almost seems to bend like the wind from the water. The sun seems to release cooling rays and the sky lords over the world. Astraoth sits, unable to understand, unable to truly live. Many hours pass with no results, frustrating him endlessly. Getting up, he falls into the pool, smashing his fists onto the hard stone floor, bleeding into the once pure water. Getting up again, Astraoth storms off into the forest, away from everything.



Astraoth arrives once again at the waterfall, and, removing his shirt, sits down under its gentle caress. Closing his eyes, Astraoth rests his hands on the stone floor of the tiny pool, feeling its cool surface, finally managing to remove some of his frustration. Suddenly, a bird flies out, landing on his shoulder, beginning to tweet into his ear. Annoyed, Astraoth loses what little focus he has, swatting the bird off his shoulder. The bird flies away, soaring into the clear blue above Astraoth's head, leaving him alone, water surrounding him, seated on the hard earth, lonely in a forest full of life.

Astraoth looks into the majestic, royal sky above his head. Losing himself in its beauty, his eyes close, and his body disappears, and all that is left is the world around him; the forest in its glorious, lush green life; the water, in its soothing embrace; the stone, in its everlasting stability; the sun, in its brilliant, radiant blaze; the wind, in its eternal freedom; the sky, in its endless love and calming blue. Astraoth truly lives, understanding all, yet knowing nothing.

Opening his eyes, Astraoth, for the first time, sees the world around him; the energy permeating throughout everything. The breath of life returned to him, Astraoth sleeps, under the waterfall, under the stars.


The next day, the evening arrives, and Astraoth returns, his white hair blowing into his face, and his eyes seeming gentle and peaceful. Oromius looks at Astraoth, nodding his head, satisfied, and smiles quietly, wordlessly beginning his demonstration. Gathering Essence Energy around his hand, Oromius snakes the multicolored energy around his body, moving as water flowing around an obstacle. Transitioning into another, stable stance, his hands together, close to his chest, Oromius forms the energy into a sturdy shield around his hand. Stretching his hands out, the shield becomes bright, beautiful flames, which spread out into the air, dissolving into streams of light which curl around Oromius' body, flowing down, into the earth.


Turning to Astraoth, they begin the ceremony in unison, dancing back and forth in a tribute to the beauty of nature and love of the world. Finishing the dance, the ground lights up as the particles of light and energy flow into it, and the Essence of life completes a full cycle.

Returning to the mansion in a comfortable silence, the ninety-third day of training ends...

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