《The shackles of destiny (Permanent hiatus)》Volume 2 Chapter 8


Yo guys, second chapter for today. Might or might not release one tomorrow since I have two test friday.But only time will tell. Either way, I hope this one will make up for the potential loss of chapters tomorrow.

Without further ado, enjoy!


“I accept. When do you want to get slaughtered in the arena?” Jake said excluding a sharp chill within his gaze.

Philip smiled slightly and curled his lips as he noticed jake’s gaze. "Hmph, how arrogant."

“Three days, when the sun is at its highest.” He replied.

He walked away not even waiting for Jake’s reply. He had to go train. Philip had heard about rumors about jake’s strength, he was early rank two in “Power”. He didn’t really know about jake’s “Force”, but he expected it to be at least late rank two, if not higher.

As he returned to the room, he immediately sat down in lotus position, closing his eyes and returning to his mind world.


As he opened his eyes, he was back in his serene and peaceful mind world. Except the voice of the forest, it was very quiet, the perfect place for cultivation.

He began to absorb the invisible star energy from the air. When he had first entered his mind world yesterday, he could only absorb small small particles through his skin into his body. Now, he had broken through rank two and could absorb noticeably faster. Not a lot faster, but a slightly faster than before.

The energy which resided in his body continuously refined and purified his body. His body cells gradually became stronger and tougher.

He tried to yield energy, coat his arms in it. To his surprise, it worked. The star energy’s color was a bland between dark red and brown and could be manipulated to his will around his body. He could focus it to his fingertips, to his feet, to his face. Essentially everywhere he wanted to. He felt a slight heat from the energy, he could use it if he was cold sometimes in the winter instead of a blanket. He chuckled at the very thought of it.


He would show the conceited jake what power was and punish him for what he did towards Lucas.

He clenched his fist, the dense star energy around his fists surging bringing about the power of extermination, as if Yama’s invitation had come.

He rose up from lotus position and darted out like an arrow towards the nearest tree, punching it.

His punch exploded the part of the tree it hit like a volcano, throwing countless of tree fragments out in the air.

However, only after less than a second, it reformed. it was as if nothing had happened.

He tried punching it again, the same thing happened. Hmm, so it doesn’t matter how much here I destroy, it will always reform to its original condition.

He was sweaty and black impurities covered his body, as if he never had taken a shower in his whole life.

He walked towards the sound of water splashing, the forest around him was full of life, he could barely believe this was his mind world. How come his mind world was filled with life, only planet types were supposed to be filled with life. “Well, no rush. I’ll discover eventually.

As he neared the lake he took of his clothes and jumped in the lake, enjoying the pure feeling of having it surround his body. He felt very relaxed.

Wait… clothes? He looked towards the pile of clothes on the ground beside the lake.

Would it be possible for him to store things within his mind world. He hurriedly went up from the beach and put on his clothes on his wet body not caring to dry himself. He covered his whole body with star energy and saw steam rising up from his body. Apparently the steam could dry him from water, sweet.

He ran towards the place where he meditated prior to going to the lake and checked his pockets. yes, he was correct. He still had glory points left from the library which he stored in his pockets.


He put one glory point on the ground and sat down in lotus position, focusing on returning to the real world.

As he came back to the real world and confirmed he was back, he immediately went back to his mind world again.

In the forest he located the glory point on the ground and was overjoyed. He could store items here. He wondered if he could store living things within this world, but he had doubt.

He went back to real world, took the book on the floor beside where he sat before returning to his mind world.

As he sat in the forest he opened the book. The first page had the cultivation technique to gather star energy from his connection with the star and make it flow around his body. But since he was in his mind world, he had no need for the technique in the book since he could directly absorb it from the air in his mind world. He flipped to the second page and read the title, “Meteor fist”

Philip suspected this was the skill which made the creator of the book famous. He was very eager to learn it as he really needed more power to fight jake.

He began to follow the instructions to perform the meteor fist

“Strike like a meteor from outer space. Fast, powerful and resolute. The destroyer of planets, the harbinger of destruction. become like it and reign terror upon those whom opposes you.”

As such the days passed, it was the third day and the time to fight jake in the arena.

In the lotus position within his mind world, Philip’s eyes opened. They showed a hint of mystery and ancient profoundness.

“We shall see whom of us will destroy who”

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