《Lost Child》Chapter 17: a Captain, a Scream and a Letter
Howdy, Chapter 17 is finally here. Caution there is a bit of foul language in this chapter. I have already started on Chapter 18 and hopefully it will be out in the next couple of days. We will be switching gears with Chapter 18 so look forward to something different. You can find other things on https://yougots.wordpress.com/.
Violam and Sonashi arrived at Captain Umaiko’s tent. They had just completed their usual morning executions. Unlike the last time there was no festive atmosphere around the execution grounds. There was still a large crowd but they were only assigned ten executions each. The executions were rather uneventful as Violam was able to keep his mind while in the Bloodrage just like he had on the battlefield. On the battlefield he was aware of what he was doing but after killing hundreds of bugs his thoughts were restricted to finding his next kill. Now he only had to kill ten prisoners so he quickly and cleanly ended them. Violam and Sonashi had accumulated much stress over the last few days so after the executions the two left the grounds in a much better mood.
They were ushered in by two guards into the Captain’s tent. Umaiko sat behind a desk with a modern pen in her hand. She looked to be writing a report and on the corner of her desk stood a stack of paperwork she had signed. Violam had only spoken to her for a short time but he had a high opinion of her. Seeing her diligently working only reaffirmed his opinion.
“Hi Umaiko! It’s good to see you again.” Violam waved at the Captain. Sonashi pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. The Captain looked up, she ignored the two in front of her and nodded to the guard at the side of Violam.
The guard’s armored fist struck Violam in the jaw. The momentum from the fist caused Violam to take a step to the side. It had split his lower lip, Violam licked the blood from his lip and spit it to ground. He turned to stare at the guard, rage building in his eyes. The guard took a step back and looked away.
[Lieutenant Mugvor - Level 26 Farg Legion]
“What was that for?” His eyes narrowed as he looked back to Umaiko.
Her eyebrow quirked upwards there was a hint of a smile on her lips. “No matter our previous relations you are now in my Company. You will only refer to me as Captain or Captain Umaiko if you must. You will listen to all my orders without question. Do you understand?”
Violam frowned at the question. “You were the one who asked for me personally.”
Captain Umaiko let out a laugh like it was the funniest thing she had ever heard. “Oh True God are you serious? They only give me the weakest soldiers that no one else wants. Do you really think that they would listen to any request of mine? As far as the Commanders are concerned I am a Captain only because of my father. Now do you understand? You are here because you are weak and no one wants you. Will you listen to my orders or will I have to kill you here?”
“Yes Captain we will listen to your orders.” They both responded.
“Good, now get the fuck of my tent. Your face pisses me off.” She grabbed her pen and began writing once again. “Lieutenant Mugvor get the men in line. I will be out when I finish.”
They were led outside of the tent and made to line up with the other soldiers that the Lieutenant was gathering.
Violam nudged the girl next to him. “Sona, do you think she is upset that I didn’t visit her the other night.”
She rolled her eyes. “Must be. You know how women just can’t get enough of you.”
Violam gave a firm nod and smiled. “True I know that is why you follow me around.”
“That is one way to put it. Another would be to say that I am stuck with you against my will.” Sonashi smirked.
Violam dramatically clenched at his chest. “Who would dare say such lies?”
Sonashi snorted but before she could answer the Lieutenant's voice rang out. “Shut up! Line up for the Captain!”
Violam looked down the line there was only five in his line and there was only a couple rows behind him. “Is this everybody?”
Some soldiers stood upright and prideful with this their hands at their sides. He mimicked their stance and gestured for Sonashi to do the same. Not everyone stood like this some were slouched and dejected. He noted that these Ogrite’s were rather short and thin compared to ones he fought in battle with the other day.
“They do give her the worst of the worst.” He whispered to himself. “Does Edgar really think I am that weak? Who cares what he thinks I will just prove them wrong.” He shook his head.
“Rose Company at Attention!” Violam heard the Lieutenant call out. The men put their right arm across their chest with their hand closed in a fist. Violam followed along with their movements.
Captain Umaiko marched out of her tent and down the line. “You are supposed to be at attention! Stand up straight!” She ignored everyone in the Company except a man in the second row. She turned down that aisle and stood a few inches in front of him. He was one of the shorter Ogrite’s so she had to look down to match his eyes. He looked at her with disdain. Violam saw bitterness in eyes of many of the Ogrite’s that were lined up.
“What happened to your armor soldier?” She shouted at the man as she pulled at his torn leather sleeve.
“It was always like that captain.” He sneered.
She stared down into his eyes. Fear crept into his face and he looked away towards his feet. “You are on latrine duty for the week! See that you do not get into any more fights Private!”
She turned to the Ogrite smiling next in line. “And you. What are you laughing at? You will join him.” She marched to the front of the small Company. “We have been assigned bridge building duty. Lieutenant take them to the site. Recruit Violam and Recruit Quiet Girl stay behind. And you two idiots as well.” She pointed at the two she had yelled at moments before.
Captain Umaiko smiled at Violam. He did not like her smile, it was not a happy smile. “Since the four of you have put me in such a good mood this morning you are on supply duty.” She turned to the Ogrite with the torn clothes. “You know what carriages house the bridging supplies. Go get to work.” She retreated back into her tent.
"Kavdiir!" Violam shouted at the Linnare. They had made their way through several carriages so far to put in their orders for building supplies to be delivered. Of course carriage 42 was on the list as it was the largest carriage.
Kavdiir was directing the supply couriers when he heard Violam. "Hurry take the crate to the Commanders tents they need it for the Gate." He waved off the furry creature then turned towards the approaching group. "Violam. Sonashi, this one is happy to see you again."
"Lizard where is your supply master?" Asked the Ogrite in the torn uniform.
"The little fat one is inside." The Ogrite's pushed past Kavdiir and walked into the carriage. “Is it safe to assume that you two accomplished the task?"
Violam nodded in response. "So they assigned you a new supply master."
The three of them walked alongside the carriage towards the front. "Yes he is just as fat and lazy as the last one. This one hears you have been promoted."
“Yes, we are in Rose Company.” Sonashi answered as Violam distractedly ran forward.
“Freddy! Lester! How are you guys doing?” Violam called out to the two beast of burden. Freddy stomped around in excitement while still pulling the carriage forward. He nudged his head into Violam hand as the boy reached up.
“Of course I didn’t forget I have your food right here.”
“You named them.” Kavdiir crossed his arms and he shook his head as he interrupted them.
“No I didn’t name them that is their names. This is Freddy and that is Lester.” Violam barked a laugh and reached out to pet the one he called Lester. “Hey Lester don’t say that about Kavdiir he is a nice guy if not for him I would probably be dead.” Lester snorted in disbelief.
Kavdiir and Sonashi both frowned they thought Violam had finally cracked. Violam had pulled some grain out of thin air and fed it to the beast. Sonashi and Kavdiir stood uncomfortably as they watched him continue to talk to Freddy and Lester in a hushed voice.
“What did they say about this one?” Kavdiir couldn’t resist asking.
“Oh nothing you need to worry about I have cleared it up. Here find somewhere to hide this grain and use it to feed them several times a day. If you do this they will overlook the time you whipped them.”
Kavdiir retrieved the bag from Violam. “O-okay I will hide it in the carriage.” He turned and walked back to the entrance of the carriage with a casual stride.
Sonashi stepped forward to pet the large birds. Freddy pulled back away from her until Violam nodded to him that it would be fine. Once Sonashi touched the bird a brief smile shone on her lips but it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. “How are you able to speak with them?”
Violam thought for a moment. He wanted to trust her but he still was not sure if he should. He mentally sighed. I need to be able to talk to someone. If not her then who? She is the only one I know well enough. Hell we even live together I just can’t tell her everything.
“Animal Telepathy.” He finally responded.
She looked at him in disbelief. “Yeah right. You can speak to animals with your mind.”
“Well not since I ate the bug but they can speak into my mind and they can understand our words.”
Sonashi rolled her eyes. “How is that even possible? Have you always been able to speak to animals?”
“No not always I have an animal bond with a Hawk. I gain unique abilities from it like Animal Telepathy and it gains experience points from me making it much stronger than it normally would be. Most animals I have come across don’t have the ability for telepathy.” Violam continued to pet Lester.
“Experience points? Vee do you really expect me to believe this? Where is your Hawk shouldn’t it be with you since it's yours?”
He ignored her question about experience points. He was getting the feeling that the Farg did not understand how this world works. That was a secret he was going to hold close to himself for as long as he could.
“It is not mine this is a mutual relationship, a bond, there is no master or servant. As to where he is I don’t know. No that’s not right...” He had never thought about finding the Hawk before but now he of thinking of the Hawk he felt its presence. He closed his eyes and focused on the presence. His senses narrowed in on the presence of the Hawk. He felt the Hawk to the south, far south. A trickling of information carried up through Violam’s projected sense. It was an image. The Hawk was surrounded by hundreds of beast, birds and another humanoid species. He’s gathering allies, a thought popped into Violam’s mind. “He is to the south very far south probably trying to escape the invasion.”
Sonashi looked at him suspiciously. “Does that mean you will bond with these beast?”
Violam nodded. “That is up to them. If they requested it I would not decline.”
[Animal Bond Initiated: Gastornis]
[Animal Bond Initiated: Gastornis]
At once two titles appeared in his vision. It would take a day or two to complete the bond just like it had with the Hawk. “Thanks guys.” He scratched the two birds behind the ears while Sonashi gave him another suspicious look.
“It is good thing that you like the pack beast!” Someone called from behind Violam. He turned to see the two Ogrite from Rose Company and the new fat little supply master. The dwarf would not look at Violam directly.
Violam’s eyes narrowed. “Why do you say that?”
“The supply master does not have enough people to spare to deliver the goods. We all know you are that bitch captain’s little bitch. So why don’t you be a little bitch and carry the supplies.”
Violam stopped petting the two beast. “Oh is that all. No problem.” He strode up to the Ogrite and grasped his shoulder. The bloodrage trickled into his blood as he squeezed down. “If you ever volunteer me for anything in the future I will kill you and no one will ever find your body. Isn’t that right dwarf?” The dwarf dropped his clipboard and ran back towards the carriage.
The soldier winced in pain as he nodded. “Good! Don’t forget it.” Violam released his shoulder and casually slapped the Ogrite’s face. Violam frowned at the greased that was left on his hand so he wiped it clean on the Ogrite’s torn sleeve.
Violam and Sonashi left the Ogrite soldiers behind. “So this is your way of staying low? I don’t know if you noticed but half of those soldiers hate their Captain.”
“It couldn’t be helped. They need to know who the boss is and I quite like the Captain.”
“What you really mean is that you like the Captain’s butt.”
“Yes I like that too.” He nodded as he walked up to Kavdiir.
“This one is preparing a cart for the supplies. You will have to pull it to Rose Company as the fat one will not allow us to take it.”
“Yeah that’s fine but do you need me to feed the dragons again?”
The Linnare’s eyebrow raised then spoke. “No that is not necessary.”
After a bit the cart was packed full it. He pulled while Sonashi walked alongside him. He was actually glad he to pull the cart as it would give him Stamina and Strength points. He hadn’t been able to gain any since the last time he swallow the moocher bug.
He inspected the cart's contents. He had expected the bridge building supplies to be hammers, nails, saws and maybe some timber but instead what he found was some dark metal pieces that looked closer to a puzzle than anything else. After reaching the camp he was directed to continue pulling the supplies south. Many of the soldiers in Rose Company deemed this work beneath them and openly laughed at Violam. He shrugged and continued pulling the cart. He had already gained several attribute points and he knew the more he pulled the stronger he would become. By the time he reached the river he felt completely rejuvenated. On the other hand Sonashi was not in a good condition, halfway to the river she was tired and had to get in the cart.
Violam found it easier to talk to Sonashi while she was fatigued as she tended to lower her guard. They mainly spoke about inconsequential things though at times Violam felt that she was trying to figure him out. She was as always cynical and sarcastic which Violam found amusing. He did make her laugh a couple of times so all in all he felt like carrying the supplies was worth it.
Captain Umaiko put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot as they approached. “What the hell are you doing? Is this what took you so long? You are a soldier now not a supply courier.” The rest of Rose Company who hand been working at the river snorted and laughed. They then returned to clearing the river banks.
Violam shrugged in response. “It’s no big deal the carriage didn’t have enough workers.”
“Fine. Fine, let’s take it up to the river.” She reached out to pull the cart but when she pulled the cart stood still. She looked at Violam, her eyes wide in disbelief. She yanked again this time much harder and the cart only inched forward. Violam grabbed the cart and then took a solid step forward dragging the cart with him.
Once they reached the shore he and the other Rose Company men unloaded the cart. Violam was correct the parts to the bridge were like a puzzle. The parts snapped together forming a large metal road. Other supplies arrived some were pontoon boats that needed to be assembled as well as larges stakes to nail the bridge into the ground. It took several days and several trips for more supplies but once the bridge was completed it spanned the river. It was staked down on either side and was held afloat by resting it on the assembled pontoon boats. There were several insect attacks but none ever made it close to the bridge as several other Companies were on guard. Unlike the Rose Company they were a full sized Company around 150 soldiers.
On their last day of bridge work they were finally given a tent and from now on would be sleeping with Rose Company. It was a two man tent so Sonashi and Violam still shared their living quarters. The tent itself was smaller than their old carriage but larger than both their cages combined. For instance they could now stand up straight without hitting their heads and now they can also lay stretched out. Before they could only do that if their cage doors were open.
They were also assigned a second tent for their training. Their training tent has to be set up every day before the Neuromancer Gooram arrived. Their Overseer did not show up until the last bridge building day in which he promptly conducted Violam's training then left. The next few days passed in similar fashion. He marched with Rose Company and was visited for training in the evenings.
In this time Violam and Sonashi finally found out Rose Company's assignment. They were the cleanup crew. They were both assigned a knife and a shovel. After the battle is finished they are to kill the remaining injured survivors regardless of friend or foe and bury the dead in a pit. They bury the dead not out of sympathy or pity but because it would slow the march otherwise. Their carriages needed flat terrain and it was feared that they would get bogged rolling over the bodies.
"Sona want to stick with me? After all this is our first clean up mission." Violam stood at the side of Rose Company. He licked his lips as he watched the Ogrite soldiers leaving the battlefield.
"If I must." She gave him a forced uninterested look but he could see her hand trembling while holding her knife. He knew she was not frightened instead she was excited. They both were the battle called to them. Ever since she had been assigned a knife she stood taller, stronger and more confident. It was a beautiful sight to behold compared to when he first met her huddled in a corner, dirty and crying.
"Oi! Flower sniffers it's almost your time to wipe our asses for us." A passing Ogrite soldier called out.
"Sona I have heard that several times now what's the deal?"
"It's that bitch's fault." A member of Rose Company interjected. "Because of her we are Rose Company and that's why they call flower sniffers or pansy squad. Because of her we get assigned the shittiest job of everyone." The Ogrite's face twisted in anger and the others around him nodded in agreement.
"If you say so but I can understand why they hate us. They know if they ever get injured and are left behind it will be our blades that end them." The soldiers around Violam snorted and walked away. Violam was fine with the current setup he can gather experience by stealing kills and gain attribute points by digging holes. To him this was the perfect job.
Sonashi elbowed him. "You have to stand out don't you? Idiot, you should have just agreed with him. Now they are going to be watching us."
"Why should I care what he thinks?"
"You mean what they think. You really haven't noticed? They all hate Captain Umaiko they blame her for being in the worst Company and for having the worst job." Sonashi whispered to Violam.
He turned to look at Sonashi with a large grin that covered his face. "Well you will just have to keep watching my back."
She snorted in response. “They are moving out time to get going. Same plan as last time? Hunt down mages and steal their stuff?”
“Sounds good after that we will just kill any injured we come across and dig the hole with everyone else.” Violam walked forward behind the others in Rose Company.
“Why do you want those bags anyway? I tried looking in it there was nothing just a tiny empty bag. You can only fit a few coins in there. Is it magic? If it is it doesn’t work.” She whispered as she walked beside him.
Violam winked at Sonashi. “They work for me.” Rose Company fanned out to finish what someone else’s blade had started. Violam and Sonashi ran out into the field looking for any robed insects. The others in the Company shook their heads and silently cursed the two’s initiative.
Violam dashed through the battlefield from robed insect to robed insect. If he happened upon any injured with a quick glance of his knife he ended their lives. This venture to the battlefield was just as bountiful as the last. He gained quite a few potions and bags. He planned to distribute them among the bags and hide them throughout the camp. He was afraid to keep them all on himself in case he was searched he would rather lose one and not all of them. If he has some hidden away in different places it should make it easier to get them if necessary.
Soon the battlefield quieted down only the sounds of digging and carrion birds could be heard. All of Rose Company had gathered inside the pit and were digging. Their Lieutenant walked down into the pit. He was suspicious of his men because they were ahead of schedule. With this in mind he decided to give them a surprise inspection to see find out what was going on.
“Why are you building the pit? Have you finished the injured on the battlefield?”
One of the Ogrite soldiers frowned. “Lieutenant Mugvor we have some excited new blood. They childishly ran from soldier to soldier killing them without any respect.” There was no such thing as respect for the injured in the Farg Legion. This was the time honored excuse that the Rose Company always gave to justify the laziness they had in their clean up duties.
The Lieutenant also knew this so when the men saw him smile as he turned to the two fresh recruits they were excited to see what punishment he would give out. “Good I always like those who work hard!” The men in the pit slightly frowned disappointed.
“Since you work so much faster than the rest it would be best if you worked separately. Men! We move on to the start the next pit.” He shouted then pointed and Violam and Sonashi. “You two will dig your own pits. We need twelve pits in total half to you and the other half to the rest of Rose Company. We need them completed and filled by the end of the day.” He turned and marched off with the rest of the workers.
“If I continue to stay with you. Is this how it’s is going to be the rest of my life?” Sonashi sighed before she continued digging.
“It’s alright they will only slow us down anyway.” With a begrudging expression he pulled a potion from his bag. “Here drink this it will give you strength.”
She took the dark red potion from him and scanned its contents. “You sure this isn’t going to knock me out?” She turned to look at him. Her expression was the same she would give to a disgusting bug.
“You wish you naughty girl! I told you it will only give you strength.” He threw his shovel into the ground and pulled up the dirt. “At least this work will give you a chance to build up your strength so eventually I will not have to give you all my strength potions.” Out of the corner of his eye he saw her slightly blush as she drank the potion down. The bitterness on her face from the potion turned into a look of astonishment as she clinched her fist.
“When that one wears off let me know and I will give you another.” He called to her. He had already dug a few feet into the ground and was moving to a new area. It was dark and well into the night by the time they had finished. The other group may have worked at a slow pace but there was at least twenty of them so they finished hours before Violam and Sonashi.
They staggered away from the last burial site. Violam summoned another potion and handed it to Sonashi. She looked at the green potion questioningly. “What’s this one for?”
“It will give you some stamina for later.” He winked at her. “Okay Okay don’t hit me!” He called out as she used her last bit of strength to raise her shovel. “Sheesh such a violent woman. It will give you the energy you need to make it back without me having to carry you. No doubt the rest of Rose Company want us to return licking our wounds.”
She drank it done with one smooth chug. She was expecting the bitterness she received from all the other potions. She looked at the empty bottle with surprise this potion was very sweet. “Why did I have to drink all those nasty ones when this one tastes so good?” She raised her shovel threateningly once again.
“Calm down. They have different effects this will give you enough energy to stay awake. I also have a lot less of these.”
They returned to Rose Company. Violam was right many of the soldiers looked very disappointed as the two returned laughing and talking. Their laughter died when they entered the tent. Waiting for them inside was the Neuromancer Gooram. Violam had hoped that after a full day’s work they would give him a night off from training.
The stern Oversee gestured for Violam to follow and walked out their tent. The two of them walked towards the training tent. Rose Company men showed smug faces as their eyes watched the new recruit enter the tent.
It was business as usual for the Violam and the Neuromancer. Gooram retrieved his golden knife from its holster and as always never spoke he just pointed at the stool. Violam pulled off his shirt and sat down as commanded. Violam looked up to the Neuromancer standing menacingly in front of him. He knew that it Gooram had not been wearing a mask he would have seen his sadistic smile.
The Neuromancer laid his knife across Violam’s chest. He winced at the blossom of pain but he had grown used to his training and no longer felt the need to scream out. He just let his mind drift off while the Neuromancer did his work. Violam examined the leather armor he had left on the floor. It was much more modern than he had expected. It did not look like leather, it was loose fitting and felt closer to a soft canvas material. The leather top had a hard padding over the chest and elbows, it was a very functional armor and he noticed during the battlefield cleaning it did not restrict his movements one bit. This was a very high quality set of clothing Violam was not even sure if his home world was even capable of creating it. He was becoming more curious of the Farg Legion’s origin.
A high pitched scream pulled Violam from his thoughts. He looked down to his bloody chest until his eyes narrowed in on the Neuromancer who laid on the floor his hands clutching his head. Violam reached down to check his Overseer. The thought of killing Gooram crossed his mind briefly but he dismissed it as quickly as it had appeared he did not want any more trouble than necessary. He pushed them over to see what had happened. Violam could finally see their face. The Neuromancers mask sat on the other side of the tent. Violam assumed that it must have been thrown off when Gooram fell. Her was face petite and oval, her skin gray and cracked like Edgar’s and her eyes were a deep red and filled with terror.
Violam grabbed his shirt and retreated to his tent. Sonashi was startled as Violam rushed in. “Are you done? Why didn’t you clean yourself when you finished?” She moved to grab the bucket of water and a towel.
“Sona I do not know what happened she just screamed and fell to the floor!” Violam yelled in panic.
Sonashi’s eyes narrowed in on the boy. “What are you talking about?”
“The Neuromancer. I don’t know she just fell.”
“She? You saw that creature's face!”
“Her mask fell off.”
“Hurry go put it back on. I will bring the Captain. Remember the mask never fell off.” She ran out of the tent.
Violam wiped the blood from his chest and threw on his shirt as he ran back to the training tent. He put the mask back on the Overseer just before Umaiko and Sonashi entered into the tent.
The Captain marched over to the fallen Neuromancer. “What happened?”
“I don’t know. They just fell over screaming.” Violam honestly responded.
The Captain studied Violam for a minute to see if he faltered. “This Neuromancer most likely overworked themselves. I do not know why they wanted to continue your training once you were promoted into Rose Company.” She mused, mainly to herself. She turned to look at the knife that had also fallen to the floor. “Hideous thing.” She spit at the golden knife. She grabbed Violam’s bloody towel and wrapped the knife.
“Lieutenant notify the Black Squad to come retrieve one of their own and take this nasty thing back to them. They will not want it laying on the ground.” She handed the knife to the Lieutenant who had just entered the tent a moment earlier. He looked disgusted as he retrieved the knife and left the tent.
The Captain licked Violam’s blood from her thumb. “Do not look so pleased. I am sure the Black Squad will send another for your training but they will probably not be nearly as dedicated as this one. It looks like they have fainted bring a bed in here for the Neuromancer and let them rest until its brood comes to retrieve them.” The Captain left the tent with no further orders.
There was little stir concerning the fallen Neuromancer. Violam came to know that it was not uncommon for Neuromancers to overwork themselves as pushing their mind magic taxes their bodies. Ten days after the collapse of Gooram a new Neuromancer had been conducted his training. Neuromancer Quan was less than enthusiastic to be assigned to Violam. His training only lasted thirty minutes and he did not even bother with Sonashi. The Neuromancer visited every few days sometimes to give him another Moocher bug but never trained Violam again after the first visit.
He soon fell into the routine set by Rose Company such as marching, cleaning the battlefield and building bridges when they came to a river. Cleaning and bridge duty did not happen every day so he quickly became aware that everyone besides him in Rose Company had an enormous amount of free time. Mostly this stemmed from the fact that the Commanders wanted nothing to do with them so they were never given special assignments. This gave Rose Company plenty of time to complain and moan about their situation. While other Companies had Guard, Scout or Policing duties Rose Company was content to sleep and laze about when not marching. It was easy to see why Violam had experienced so much animosity from the other Companies every time he attended to his battlefield cleaning duties.
The Lieutenant still required Violam and Sonashi to work separately from the rest of Rose Company when cleaning the battlefield. He also assigned Violam as many task as he could. If Violam was not cleaning the Lieutenant's uniform or shoes he was digging or burying the day’s latrines. He was not well liked among his Company mates. After a few times on latrine duty he became loving known as Shit Boy by the others not that they ever spoke to him.
Violam looked at the woman who just stepped into the tent. “Hey Sona is it done?”
“Go bathe you smell terrible shit boy.” She used her hand to pinch her nose shut.
“In minute. Is it done?”
“Yes but I do not understand how a letter is going to get you out of doing latrines.” She put her hand in front of her mouth trying to keep her lunch down.
“It is not meant to get me out of latrines but it should help speed things up. I am tired of waiting.”
“Ok Ok just get out of tent. If you ever come in here smelling like that again I will kill you myself.”
“But then you will be assigned to do the latrines.”
“GET OUT!” In a smooth motion she drew her knife and threw it at the boy. The knife struck the ground where he once stood. He fled the tent as soon as she caused his [Aura Sense] to flare.
While returning from the Company showers to his tent he had noticed to presences following him. He approached Sonashi’s bed, gently waking her.
“Sona wake up. We are about to have some company.”
“What? Who?” She woke up in a daze.
“This should be fun.” His eyes filled with excitement. “It’s happening more quickly than expected. For now just follow along.” Violam motioned for her to quiet down and went to his bed.
The two Ogrite Soldiers stood outside the human’s tent. “Garash, I think it has been long enough. That human should have fallen asleep by now but hit in the head just in case. I will take the girl. We are going to have some fun with her tonight.” He licked his lips in anticipation.
They stalked up to the tent and quietly withdrew the flap. The two Ogrite’s split up one roughly grabbed the girl with the purple eyes and threw on the ground. He slammed his knee into her back. He could hear the air being expelled from her lungs. He smiled as he bound her hands.
His partner had already knocked the human out with the handle of his knife. He tossed his unconscious body over his shoulder. “Let’s take them to the Captain’s tent like planned.”
“Rangt, do you mean Mugvor’s tent?” The two laughed at their little joke and left to find the Captain.
“Lieutenant what is the meaning of this!?” Captain Umaiko mumbled. She had just woken bound to her chair. She was weak, dizzy and there was a slight sour taste on her tongue.
“Miss Captain looks like you accidently drank a little poison.” He amused himself. Two soldiers came into the Captain’s tent tossing their captives on the ground. The woman struggled but it was useless her binding were too strong. It had taken Mugvor a few weeks to have these ropes commissioned they were made with the highest grade of materials. A malicious smile crossed Mugvor’s face as he watched her struggle.
“Why did you p-poison me?”
“Cut the bullshit Captain! I know all about the letter from your Father.”
“What letter?” Umaiko slurred as she tried to open her eyes.
“The letter congratulating his little bitch daughter on her new promotion. It would have been great to finally be rid of you but no now he wants to puts his other daughter in charge of our company. So instead I am killing you and taking your position. You will just be another body in the pits.”
“P-promotion? Second Daughter? But I don’t have a sister…” Umaiko spoke again slowly becoming aware of her situation.
Deep laughter erupted in the Captain’s tent. Everyone’s attention was drawn to its source. “You are so stupid!” The human male laughed. “You fell for it so quickly. Captain I am sorry but how can your Lieutenant be this dumb?”
Mugvor strode forth punching the human in the jaw. “Shut Up human! What do you know?”
“I know I am the one who wrote the letter not the Commander. I know I am the one who spread the rumors that the Captain here was receiving awards and money for your work.”
Before Mugvor could stick the human with his knife another Ogrite entered the Captain’s tent. “Mugvor everyone outside of your men is bound or dead.”
“Good work! Now go back I will be there shortly.” The Ogrite retreated from the tent. Mugvor turned towards the bound human. “See human no matter your schemes there is nothing you can do.” Mugvor sneered at the human male who dared make him a fool.
A blissful smile crossed the human’s face. “Captain, can I kill them now?” His melodious voice rang out sweet like honey.
“Yes Lieutenant Violam kill them all.” Captain Umaiko spoke. Her voice was firm and clear. Mugvor looked into her unyielding eyes and shuddered. “Except for him leave his head for my blade.”
Mugvor looked back to the human. He was standing now. The human brought his hands up shedding his bindings. Red veins cracked up the human's neck onto his face and into his eyes turning them into two dark red pools of blood.
To Mugvor it looked as if the human took a single step forward and punched. The human’s hand disappeared into Garash’s chest. His bloody hand then whipped up twisting Rangt’s head in an odd direction. The two Ogrite’s bodies fell to the ground.
Mugvor fell to his knees, a warm liquid ran down his legs and pooled on the floor beneath him. “No no don’t kill me. I made a mistake please don’t.” The human ignored his cries and stepped past him followed by the girl with the purple eyes leaving the tent. Mugvor relaxed until his eyes settled down on the Captain.
She was now unbound. Her hands were resting in front of her on the desk. “Don’t get us wrong. You are going to die today.”
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Crimson Sky
For years, Rigel has enjoyed a fulfilling life as one of the top mages of Amisos Magic Academy. He is the crown prince of Amisos kingdom, but that is of no interest to him. He wants nothing more than to improve his magic skills and knowledge in the privacy of his academy. At age 18, he learns that Fate has other plans for him. Betrayed and forsaken, daily life becomes a struggle to stay alive and maintain his sanity in the unforgiving world. As the wheel of Fate turns, the world spirals toward a dark future that no one could have imagined.
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What does an attractive reincarnated person do after they regain only a portion of their memories? Kill and have a little too much fun leveling various skills. Save beautiful women and maybe make a harem? Good? Evil? "Who cares! It doesn't matter as long as it is fun!" Join Illya on her "fun" slaughter-filled adventure!
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Chat Noir spends the night at Marinette's room during a storm, and heartbroken, she tells him about her love, Adrien Agreste, and how he broke her heart. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨What would happen if Viperion finds out about Ladybugs secret identity? -Will he declare his love for her?What if Alya figures who Chat Noir is?!-will she trust her best friend Marinette with the secret? Will the hero squad decipher the 2 strongest miraculous holder's true identities? - guess u gotta fin out!! This book contains - fluff, drama (loads) , action(kinda) , &sin ( so be prepared)
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