《Lost Child》Chapter 10: a Book, a Duel and a Warning
Hey Everyone! Sorry it has taken so long for this release. You know how it is family rolls into town disrupts your life, destroys your relationships and leaves your home a wreck.
Hope you enjoy the Chapter. The full updated list of skills will be on yougots.wordpress.com shortly. There is also a map over the Western Continent of Vilenna and a second story I am working on though it is in its very early stages. Once the second story is fleshed out a bit more I will post it on Royal Road.
Otis looked over the weapon stands and picked up a [Training Sabre]. A few days had passed since he and the others had arrived back in town. This was the first day he had been let out of the house since his return. Maggie was not thrilled by his unplanned adventure into the forest. She kept him under constant surveillance until she had lifted his house arrest.
Otis studied the item closely and gave it a few amateurish swings. “Which one do you think I will like best?” He returned the [Training Sabre] to the place it had once sat.
The Guard Captain had brought three different weapon stands out to the Training Pavilion. The stands were divided by type of weapon. There were swords, cleaving weapons, blunt weapons and spears. The swords stand consisted of different variations of the sword. It ranged from the Roman Short sword all the way to the Japanese Katana. The same could be said for the other two weapon stands.
“No, No I don’t think you understand. Which weapon do you want to learn first?” The Man in the golden captain's armor asked.
Otis looked up at the Captain and pursed his lips in annoyance. He shaded his eyes from the reflection off the armor with his free hand. “Do I really have to? It sounds boring. Can’t you just give me a weapon and I go kill things until I learn how to use it?”
[James Trevino Level 21 (NPC) - Captain of Flower Hill Guard]
Captain Trevino stood stone faced. “What bores you does not matter to me.” The Captain pointed to the Shadow Lion laying on the roof of the adjacent building . “I was asked by the lion to teach you weapons. You will do as you are told.” The Captain paused for a moment to make sure Otis did not argue again. “I will first teach you a basic [Active Skill: Sword Slash]. Pick up the [Training Longsword]
and come over here.”
Otis stood in front of Captain Trevino. Without warning a golden glow surrounded his body.
[Active Skill: Sword Slash Transfer...Failed]
Otis frowned in disappointment. “It failed. Same thing happened when Mage Millicent tried to transfer [Active Skill: Ice Lance]. I do not think a skill transfer is going to work.”
Captain Trevino did not give up even though Otis expressed his doubts. “I will attempt a different skill then.”
[Active Skill: War Hammer Bash Transfer...Failed]
[Active Skill: Spear Stab Transfer...Failed]
[Active Skill: Shield Block Transfer...Failed]
[Active Skill: Sword Parry Transfer...Failed]
“They all have failed.” Otis sighed. “Looks like I will never learn any skills the easy way.” The boy focused on the failed skill transfer and another message appeared in his vision.
[Skill Transfer Requirements not met. Does not have the appropriate Class for the skill. Is not the apprentice of the Transferor.]
Otis shook the longsword. “Just show me how to swing this thing around and I will get the skill eventually.”
The Captain frowned at Otis’s response. “Learning how to use weapons properly will keep you alive. Not only that, it will increase your strength and knowledge of combat. As you use different weapons you will see that many of the movements will be similar.” Captain Trevino walked towards the rack and picked up a sword.
“Now I want you to follow my movements.” Captain Trevino brought the long sword over his head and cut the sword down in a perfect arc.
“You try.” Otis replicated the motion as best he could.
Pain ran through Otis’s arm, in shock he turned to see Milo holding his favorite switch. “I thought you were asleep.” Otis complained. Milo looked at him when a grim smile without saying a word.
Captain Trevino stepped forward. “No, you are chopping when you need to cut.” He corrected Otis’s swing.
“Captain, we have been at this for the last four days but I have not gained skills in any of the weapons I have tried. This is not going to work.” Otis put his [Training War Hammer] back on the rack.
“Let’s call it for the day then. On your way home visit the Flower Hill Library I hear there are some skill books on the third floor. Maybe you can find something useful there.” Captain Trevino said as he put away the training equipment.
Otis who had been putting away his equipment stopped in his tracks. “Wait? Skill books? Are you saying I could read a book to gain skills?”
Captain Trevino snorted. “Of course you can, don’t tell me you did not know this?” The Captain said as if it was common sense.
Captain Trevino looked at the dumbstruck boy. “Seriously you didn’t know?” Otis shook his head in response.
“Well let’s see there are three types of Skill books. A book with a Bronze Aura will grant you Attribute points. A Silver Aura book will grant you an Active Skill. The rare Golden Aura book will grant you Attribute points and Active or Passive Skills.
A Silver Aura book will have only have the lowest level skill of a class. While a Golden Aura book will only have unique or legendary skills. Those unique or legendary skills exist completely outside of the class structure. As such they are available to all classes."
Otis looked doubtful. “Is it that easy? Just read a book?”
“Well it is not that easy. There is a limited number of these books and once they are used they will no longer have their magic.” Captain Trevino explained.
“Then is it acceptable if I read them?”
The Captain grunted and shrugged his shoulders. He had taken off his bright golden captain's armor after the first day. Otis’s constant ridicule would not allow him to wear it any longer . “I do not see why not. They are in a library after all.”
Otis excitedly turned to face Captain Trevino and slightly bowed. “Thank you for today’s training. May I have your permission to leave?”
The Captain returned the bow. He attempted to wave the boy off but realized that the boy had not waited for his dismissal. Otis used his increased agility and strength to rocket himself out of the training Pavilion. By the time the Captain raised his head all that was of Otis was the dirt that had been kicked into the air.
"Where does that boy get such incredible speed at his level?" The Captain shook his head in annoyance.
In Otis’s travel back to town he had gained another level. He had not gained any skills from Captain Trevino. Although he did increase his Strength, Agility and Stamina Attributes.
Otis arrived at the library. It was not far from the Armory since it was also located in Governmental Sector of Flower Hill. As Captain Trevino had recommended he immediately proceeded to the third floor. The doorway was blocked by a yellowish barrier. Hung above the barrier was a sign that read “Flower Hill Residents Only”.
Otis stepped through the barrier, it hummed in his ears as he felt an unnatural warmth wash over his body. “Creepy. I do not want to experience a barrier when it rejects you.” Otis shivered as he walked out into the third floor of the library.
This level of the library was long and slender with only two rows that extended to the back of the room. The dimensions of the third floor did not match the appearance of the building from the outside. Instead of lights powered by [Mana Crystals] the room had the soft glow of candle light. The walls were stone and not wooden like the rest of the library. Grand tapestries and paintings adorned the walls. There were three windows on the third floor but there was strange. They did not overlook the street that ran adjacent to the library. One window faced the main plaza of Flower Hill village. Another looked out to the Mages Guild. The last window in the extended floor overlooked the river that flowed next to Flower Hill.
The first bookshelf that Otis came to had a sign mounted on top of it that read “Warrior”. The Warrior bookshelf had many books some were even set on the floor due to lack of space. Otis reached for the first book on the top shelf.
[Bladed Weapon Tome: Stab]
He held the heavy Tome in his hands and glanced back at the bookshelf. “There are some other large books on this shelf. Let’s see.” He leaned in a bit closer to have a look at their titles.
[Blunt Weapon Tome: Bash]
[Cleaving Weapon Tome: Hack]
[Shield Tome: Block]
“Interesting. Shall we give it a shot?” Otis said to himself.
Otis opened the Tome to the blank first page. “Weird, it’s empty.” Confusion crossed the boy’s face as he flipped the book over to make sure nothing was amiss. Otis randomly flipped through the blank pages until he hit the middle of the book. A Silver Aura emerged from the book and raced up Otis’s arms into his mind. The silvery glow was an image of him making a quick jabbing motion. It looked similar to the motion that Milo trained him in their travels to the town.
[Active Skill: Bladed Weapon Stab Learned]
Otis put away the book and took out his new [Recruit’s Training Knife]. He had taken from the Armory in secret.
Otis initiated the skill. According to the knowledge he had just gained. The skill had two requirements to activate. First you had to have the image of the skill planted in your mind. The second was have the point of the bladed weapon aimed at your enemy. Otis currently did not have an enemy to point it at so he imagined himself and used that image as a target. Milo had called this shadow training. He had said that with enough practice the figure will become solid.
The knife flashed out faster than he had ever accomplished before but he felt that its power was lacking. The skill was much less profound than what Milo had taught him.
“What 25 Mana? It was no way near that powerful.” Otis complained in disappointment. “This is way too inefficient for me to use in a fight.”
Otis sighed and looked towards the book he had just sat down. Its cover was now faded and there was no title written on it any longer. “So it did lose all its magic.” He tossed the book over his shoulder. “Oh well. On to the next.” A greedy green light flickered in his eyes as he grabbed the next book on the shelf.
In thirty minutes he had acquired many new Active Skills. Once he had finished the Warrior Shelf he moved to the next. He approached the Hunter Shelf and gained all those skills as well. Otis flipped through several books that were on the shelves. Only the first few were skill books. The others had stories of great warriors or archers that accomplished amazing feats. He put them aside, Otis was on a mission to gain skills he figured he may come back at a later time to read them. The next shelf he approached was simply labeled “Magic”.
Otis quickly grabbed the first book on the shelf. “Finally I get to learn some magic. When Maggie could not transfer the skill to me I almost gave up.” He looked at the title of the tome.
[Ice Magic Tome: Ice Lance]
He immediately opened to the middle of the book and let the Silvery Glow wash over him.
[Active Skill: Ice Lance Learned]
Once it finished he once again tossed the now dull book aside and grabbed the next.
[Active Skill: Fire Bolt Learned]
Otis looked through the remaining Tomes on the Magic bookshelf.
[Active Skill: Holy Healing Learned]
[Active Skill: Holy Light Shield Learned]
[Active Skill: Shadow Stealth Learned]
Excitement flashed through Otis. “I will test immediately after I leave the library! For now let’s see what else I can learn.” Otis continued down the hall in search of skill books.
Otis put back the Elvish Language Tome. “I wished they had more language tomes. They only had Beast Man and Elves. If only they had Spanish too.” Otis lamented. “I can barely remember it but my mother encouraged me to learn Spanish. If only it was this easy. I can still hear her words. Your abuela would love it if you spoke Spanish to her.” A frown appeared on Otis’s face as he repeated her words. “Maybe I should have tried harder.” He shook his head in regret. “Instead I gave up and yelled at my mother. I couldn’t understand why I had to learn it when she didn’t even know it herself. I guess that is just the selfishness of being a child.”
Otis felt that he had aged years in just the last few weeks. This was due to his increased intellect. Changes had also occurred in his body from practicing body manipulation. When he had first arrived back at the Mages Guild Maggie struggled to recognize him. Larry still did not care much for Otis and told him to go get a job. Otis was the most shocked out of everyone. When he looked in the mirror in his room he determined that he had grown at least a foot. After some quick measurements he estimated the he was now at about five and a half feet tall. In the last week his brown hair that had been burnt off by the termites had grown to past his shoulders. He still had a boyish face which did not match his lean muscular frame.
Otis walked deeper into the third floor of the library. He walked past the “History” and “Cooking” section to a section labeled “Dragons”. He stepped closer to the small book shelf after all no man could resist the pull of Dragons. Otis noticed that this shelf was much smaller than the rest of the shelves in the library. The shelf itself was only half full with a little over a dozen books. He surmised that it must be too dangerous to research dragons.
He reached for the top shelf Otis’s finger traced along the spines of books on the self.
“Tales of the Lizard King”
“Mastering the Art of Dragon Cooking: Recipes from the Tail to the Snout”
“Dragon Pets: Don’t Burn Down the House”
“Dragon Riding: How I learned to Stop Worrying and love the Butt Salve”
His eyes were drawn to a thick black leather bound book with red writing on the second shelf. Otis reached out to take the dust covered book. Otis's arm extended but just before touching the book it flinched and retracted.
The book itself gave an oppressive feeling.
“Oh interesting, this one might be fun.”
Otis pushed past the intangible pressure and grasped the book. The tip of his index finger gripped the top of a book and gently pulled it from the shelf.
[Dragon Language Tome]
Otis opened the tome. The spine cracked due to the many years of pressure. Otis flipped passed the Title Page.
“This one actually has words in it." Otis looked down at the text.
The Dragon also known as a Monitor, is a large species of lizard found in various regions in Vilenna. They are typically located in areas that best suits their elements for example Fire Dragons can be found around volcanoes and Ice Dragons can be found in the Arctic South.
This Dragon Language tome is not about those dumb fat lizards. The only Dragons that can speak a language are the Divine Dragons. Divine Dragons are creations of the gods themselves. They are guardians of Divine Treasures and have been assigned a Divine Task. Of course they themselves are Divine Treasures. There are only three Divine Dragons located on Vilenna. No one knows the location of these Divine Beast. It is even theorized that they have completed their Divine Task. They believe the Divine Dragons have already begun their eternal slumber.
Otis looked up from the book. Excitement played in his eyes and with a crooked smile he said,
“Divine Dragons, this is the first I have ever heard of them. Well I guess if there is only three of them of course it would be hard to find any information on them at all.”
Otis glanced the remaining books on the shelf. “Looks like this is the only book on Divine Dragons. I guess I will just have to find the Divine Dragons and get my information from the source.”
His eyes drifted back to the tome and began to read once more.
This Tome only teaches one word of Dragon Language. It is perhaps the most important word one could ever know, “I AM”. Pray that you never have to use the language enclosed in this Tome, they will be the last words you will ever utter. Choose them wisely.
“Is that a threat? Well whatever challenge accepted.”
He flipped to the next page and this time instead of a silvery glow the page bloomed golden. The golden beam flowed into Otis.
The moment the Divine Dragon word for “I am” appeared in Otis’s mind. His mind reorganized itself, it became more ordered and structured. His mind split into two pulling in more knowledge from the Golden aura enveloping his body. Otis’s mind split once again into four, then into eight and then into sixteen. His mind folded upon itself hundreds and hundreds of times. Allowing it to absorb the information contained in the golden glow.
Otis’s throat burned as its muscles ripped away and restructured themselves. The burning continued to move slowly down his throat. It reached into his lungs reinforcing and reinventing them. The heat continued further down into his diaphragm. The burning intensified as new muscles and an organ were born. Blood rolled from his lips and his HP steadily decreased. His chest burned and vision blurred as his eyes watered. Otis’s tears turned into red blood as he fell to his knees. His breath became harsh, blood spittle sprayed from his mouth as he tried to breath.
A series of images and emotions flow into his mind. They became structured and ordered to represent Otis, his core, his soul. And from his consciousness it flowed into the empty library.
A low feral growl permeated the Third floor of the Library.
[Dragon Language Learned]
[Intelligence Squared]
[Telepathy Learned]
[Split Mind Unlocked]
[Soul Vision Unlocked]
Otis fell from his knees into a fetal position and wept on the floor until sleep took him.
The next day Otis woke in a puddle of his own drool. He stretched the sleep from his body but his muscles still continued to ache. Otis unconsciously casted [Holy Healing] to relieve his muscle pain. A golden light flashed on his body.
[Holy Healing]
[-186 MP]
[+651 HP]
“Cool!” Otis’s Health Bar was already full but the muscle aches had evaporated from his body. “How did I do that?” He thought of the Holy Healing Active Skill and kicked the wall so he could feel pain. The thought and the pain were the two requirements needed to activate the skill.
[Holy Healing]
[-186 MP]
[+651 HP]
Enjoying his first foray into magic Otis casted the magic four more times in quick succession.
[Healing Magic Affinity Granted]
“Healing Affinity? I will need to test the rest of the skills. Wait a minute. Is it morning?” Otis looked out the window that overlooked the river. “I am going to be late!” Otis shot out of the library towards the Training Pavilion.
The sun burned high in the sky as Otis approached the group waiting in the Training Pavilion. “Sorry I am late Brother. I lost track of time in the library.”
Milo took a step back in surprise. “Telepathy. I have not trained you in that and yet it was so strong. You were able to overcome my barrier against your erratic mind.” Milo stepped closer to Otis. “I do not feel your thoughts anymore. You can control your mind now?”
Otis had reached out to Milo with his mind by accident but this time he spoke. “Yes, it must have been that weird Tome from the library.”
Captain Trevino raised his eyebrow. “Telepathy? Who would have known you would gain such a thing in the library.”
Otis was so focused on reaching the Training Pavilion. He had overlooked the presence of Michelle. She was standing beside the Captain in her tight Huntress Leathers. “So does that mean you can read my thoughts?” She spoke up cutting off the Captain's thought.
Otis’s eyes widened as he finally noticed her presence. “I feel like it is possible but I lack the skills and may cause harm. I can send an image to your mind but it will not be proper telepathy since you do not have the skill.”
“Really? What kind of images would you plant in my mind?” The huntress teased with a wink.
Otis smirked. In Otis’s mind he formed an image of Michelle’s darkened silhouette. He layered it with another darkened silhouette of Michelle drawing her Bow. He gave the multilayered image a feeling of strength and beauty before he placed it in her mind.
An audible gasp leaked from her lips as she looked at Otis. “If only you were a bit older.” She whispered.
“What was that? I could not hear you?” After Otis’s training his senses heightened to the utmost degree. Otis could hear her whisper but he would not miss this opportunity to tease her further.
“Oh nothing, nothing.” She stammered. “I just cannot believe it worked.”
Otis faced Milo once again. “Brother if she was to learn animal telepathy would she be able to use it to speak to me since I know it as well?”
“I believe so but it would be much simpler than what you are using. Even I cannot speak telepathically the way you do.” Milo snorted plainly upset that Otis had achieved a higher level of telepathy than he had.
“Ok Michelle now we just need to get you a beast to bond with then we can secretly whisper to each other in the dark of night.”
“Oh and what sweet things would you whisper into my ear?” Michelle saw a smile appear on Otis’s lips. It was a smile that did not match his boyish features. An image started to form in her mind. In her mind she heard a honeyed girlish giggle that sounded like her voice. Then a breathy exhale in pleasure but before the image could finish.
“Enough!” Captain Trevino interrupted and sternly stared at Otis. “You are already half a day late stop playing around and get to work.”
The grin vanished from Otis’s face as he turned to the weapon racks. He picked up the Roman Short Sword and stabbed the air a few times. He then put it back and proceeded to the War Hammer swung it a few times then put it back. Otis did this to a few more weapons before the Captain interrupted him once again.
“What are you doing?”
Otis with a spear in hand turned towards Captain Trevino. “I am gaining the passive skills of the different types of weapons.”
“How?” Captain Trevino pinched the top of his nose then raised his other hand up. “No. Don’t tell me. Just finish what you are doing then we will spar.”
After a few minutes Otis had finished and gained the passive skills of all the weapons that were available to him.
“Finished? Good. Take a weapon and go stand over there. Tomorrow I will bring out some more unique weapons so you can gain those skills as well.” The Captain instructed Otis as he clasped the final buckle on his armor.
“Captain are you not going to dress like pretty little golden flower today?” Milo questioned him through his large smirk.
“No I found that armor did not suit me very well. Otis we are going to have a proper duel. Do you have any questions before I initiate it?” The Captain slide his sword from its sheathe and took his battle stance.
An image entered Otis’s mind. It was the Captain in his golden armor running happily through a field of daisies. Otis glanced at Milo before he answered. “I thought that golden armor suited you quite well. Can I use magic in our duel?”
Captain Trevino frowned in response. “Yes magic is fine. Tell me when you are ready.”
Otis hefted his staff and split his mind into two partitions. One to focus on the duel and combat while the other focused strictly on magic. When he thought about this skill he found that this was the most efficient way to use two minds.
“Ready.” A battle banner instantly appeared to the right of each participant.
Otis immediately cast [Fire Bolt] and raced forward. He also initiated [Shadow Stealth] disappearing from the Captain’s view. The Captain’s eyes went wide before he regained himself. A mere second had passed before Otis was a few steps in front of the Captain. He leaped into the air bringing his staff down on the Captain’s head. Instead of a head he met the [Captain’s Long Sword]. Vibrations ran up Otis’s arms as he landed on the ground.
[Shadow Stealth Disabled]
Otis ducked down at the last second. He felt the heat of his [Fire Bolt] on his back as it passed over him striking the Captain the chest.
[-124 MP]
[-310 HP]
The Captain’s health went down by a tenth as he was knocked back several steps from the blast. Otis closed the distance slamming the staff into the side of the Captain’s ribcage. The Captain tumbled to the ground.
[-1 MP]
[-1500 HP]
Otis paused a moment in shock at the damage he had dealt to Captain Trevino. Otis recovered himself. He moved into an overhead strike bringing his staff down once again. That moment of pause was all that Captain Trevino needed to correct himself. Captain Trevino dodged to the left of the staff. He slammed his shoulder into Otis causing him to fall backwards and rolled on the ground coming to a stop ten feet away.
[-635 HP]
Captain Trevino stepped towards Otis, his sword raised and slashed. Otis rolled away to safety as the sword whizzed past but any slower and the match would be over. Otis withdrew further away from Captain Trevino and cast [Ice Lance]. Otis was breathing hard. Stamina dropped quicker during a fight but he was he still have more than 75 percent left.
Captain Trevino charged towards Otis with extreme speed. Before the Captain could reach the boy the [Ice Lance] rammed into his stomach.
[-124 MP]
[-248 HP]
The ice slowed the Captain but not enough his charge blasted through the [Ice Lance]. The charge ended with him slashing his sword down across the boy’s chest.
[-1236 HP]
Otis fell to his knees in pain. The battle banner disappeared and Otis had lost the duel. In a duel there is no blood or actual injury just the pain that comes from it. Otis stood up grimacing and rubbing his chest.
“Why did you stop there at the end? Mages have to wait for their magic to finish but it is apparent that you do not?”
Otis still wincing in pain. “You were too fast I did not expect your charge to go through my [Ice Lance].”
Captain Trevino had a disappointed expression. “You are not the only one with active skills. I suggest you learn the skills of the other classes. Though I suspect you could have ended the duel much earlier when you hit me with your staff.” The Captain rubbed his left shoulder under his chainmail. “That first blow felt like it had the weight of a mountain if you held on to it longer it would have broken my block. You made many mistakes. You were already invisible. Why did you approach me from the front?”
“Invisible?” Milo snorted. “Do not call that weak shadow skill invisibility. Look closer you could see his shadow run across the ground. It still may have some uses so it is a start.”
Michelle tensed and drew her bow up. “Be careful there is an enemy!” She shouted.
Otis follow her sight up to the target of her arrow. “Stop!” He rushed to Michelle pushing her bow down. “He’s a friend.” Otis had recognized the red hawk hovering in the sky.
[Greater Ravenous Razor Red Hawk (Fledgling) level. 18]
“He is my bonded animal.” The red hawk was at least twice the size it had been when Otis first rescued it. The large hawk closed its eight foot wingspan as it landed on the roof nearest to the four warriors. Michelle and Captain Trevino were still on guard as Otis approached the bird. Milo stood in the background with a dumb grin excitedly waving at the bird.
“You guys can calm down. He is not going to hurt anyone.” Otis sent the red hawk a formal greeting. The hawk lower its head in response.
After a moment passed a flood of images filled with death and destruction entered Otis's mind. Forest were being burnt and animals slaughtered or captured and tortured. The images formed into a large gray mass covered in a red deathly aura moving south. Then one last image appeared in his mind. It was a human but he was no longer human, his skin gray and cracked like a desert floor. His black pupil less eyes filled full of malicious intent. The gray former human towered over the gray army. The Gray Man relished the blood of his enemies that drenched the ground beneath his feet.
Otis stepped back a few steps his breath ragged. Michelle helped steady Otis as he came out of his daze. “An attack is coming. The Gray Man is coming.” He panted. “Some will arrive by nightfall.”
New Skills and Status for Chapter 10
*I wouldn’t pay too much attention at the Weapon Active Skills they are only a means to get the Combat Passive for each type of weapon.
Healing (1/100) Chapter 10
Ability to use Healing Magic
Increased Affinity will increase efficiency and knowledge of Healing Magic
Increases Health Regeneration
Beast Man (50/100)
Elven (1/100)
Divine Dragon (100/100)
Passive Skills
Sword Combat (1/100) Chapter 10
Increases strength, speed and accuracy of Sword strikes.
Sword techniques are learned at an advanced rate.
Hammer Combat (1/100) Chapter 10
Increases strength, speed and accuracy of Hammer strikes.
Hammer techniques are learned at an advanced rate.
Staff Combat (1/100) Chapter 10
Increases strength, speed and accuracy of Staff strikes.
Staff techniques are learned at an advanced rate.
Spear Combat (1/100) Chapter 10
Increases strength, speed and accuracy of Spear strikes.
Spear techniques are learned at an advanced rate.
Axe Combat (1/100) Chapter 10
Increases strength, speed and accuracy of Axe strikes.
Axe techniques are learned at an advanced rate.
Shield Combat (1/100) Chapter 10
Increases strength, speed and accuracy of Shield blocks and strikes.
Shield techniques are learned at an advanced rate.
Archery (1/100) Chapter 10
Increases strength, firing rate, speed and accuracy of Arrow or Bolt.
Bow and Crossbow techniques are learned at an advanced rate.
Gunnery (1/100) Chapter 10
Increases firing rate and accuracy of bullet.
Gunnery techniques are learned at an advanced rate.
Soul Vision (1/100) Chapter 10
Ability to See Soul Aura around Life Forms with souls
Increased Affinity will increase the depth in which user can see the Soul Aura
Telepathy (100/100) Chapter 10
Allows users to Telepathically speak to all Life Forms
Increased Affinity will increase the depth of Telepathy
1st Words
2nd Images
3rd Emotions
4th Multilevel Images
5th Divine Language
Split Mind (1/100) Chapter 10
Allows user to Partition their Mind
Each Mind can Focus on Separate Task
Increased Affinity allows for more Partitions
Active Skills
Bladed Weapon Stab Chapter 10
Enhanced Stab
Cost 25 Mana
Damages Target for 105% of Weapon Damage
Blunt Weapon Bash Chapter 10
Enhanced Bash
Cost 25 Mana
Damages Target for 105% of Weapon Damage
Cleaving Weapon Hack Chapter 10
Enhanced Hack
Cost 25 Mana
Damages Target for 105% of Weapon Damage
Drawn Ranged Weapon Chapter 10
Enhanced Arrow
Cost 25 Mana
Damages Target for 105% of Weapon Damage
Loaded Ranged Weapon Chapter 10
Enhanced Bolt
Cost 25 Mana
Damages Target for 105% of Weapon Damage
Chambered Ranged Weapon Chapter 10
Enhanced Bullet
Cost 25 Mana
Damages Target for 105% of Weapon Damage
Ice Lance Chapter 10
Cost 4% Mana
2.5 second Cast Speed
Damages Target for 200% of Mana Cost and Slows Target
Fire Bolt Chapter 10
Cost 4% Mana
2.5 second Cast Speed
Damages Target for 250% of Mana Cost and causes Knockback
Holy Healing Chapter 10
Cost 6% Mana
1.5 second Cast Speed
Heals Target for 350% of Mana Cost
Holy Light Shield Chapter 10
Cost 2.5% Mana
Instant Cast Speed
Shields Target Absorbing Damage Worth 400% of Mana Cost
Shadow Stealth Chapter 10
Cloaks User in Shadows
Cancelled upon Attack or Damage Taken
So if you stuck around. What do you think of the upcoming villain? What kind of powers should he have?
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4.1 | Draconian ✓
Draco Malfoy is Voldemort's head Death-Eater, and Hermione Granger holds the key to his redemption. Together, they have to find a way to end the war in a world governed by draconian laws.Copyright © 2015 by Noelle N.
8 189 - In Serial61 Chapters
"Why you always have to be some goody two shoes? ""And why do you always have to be a swollen piggy? ""Yahhh!! How dare you call me ugly like that.""Oh I am so sorry to hurt your feelings by calling you that. I THOUGHT YOU ALREADY KNEW IT. "--------------------------------------------------What happens when the school play boy falls in love with the popular girl who happens to hide her miserable life behind her fake smile.What would happen when he finds out the reality of her life?Read the story to find out.--------------------------------------------------Cover by @Lilacfanfictions (8/7/2022) @939yearoldgoblin (12/8/2022)Thank you for these amazing covers 💜They are a piece of art Thanks for this amajin cover 💜💜------------------------------------------------
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