《Lost Child》Chapter 5: a Foundation, a Throw and a Switch
“Designates Speech
‘Designates Thoughts
Visit yougots.wordpress.com for a Map of Vilenna. After a few chapters I will post a Character List and Stat Sheets to the website as well. Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy.
“Brother you’re released!” Yelled Otis as he ran back to camp.
Milo followed after Otis dragging the tree limb that was still tethered to his leg. A smile adorned his face he was already deep in thought with how he would get his revenge on Otis today.
“Alright little Brother, today I am showing you how to use that knife I gave you yesterday.” Milo said as they walked through the forest. Milo had kept that tree limb and was currently trimming it down with his claws to give it the shape of a staff. Milo stopped for a moment to observe his surrounding before reaching down for a branch lying on the forest floor. He flexed the branch a few times before saying, “yes this will do nicely” then tucked it away into his bag.
“Little Brother, we lions do not usually use weapons instead we use our martial arts and claws to rip and tear through our prey. Since you little lion do not have any claws that knife will be your claw. But first we will start from building your foundations most cubs begin this as soon as they can walk so you are far behind a newborn.”
“Yes Brother please teach me so that I can survive.”
Milo nodded approving of Otis’s response. “Little Brother when you walk it is as if you are walking on air. How can your base be strong if it is not connected to the ground? This means your foundation is weak and brittle it will break easily with just a little push.” After saying this Milo raised the tree limb he had been trimming earlier and lightly pushed Otis with it from behind causing him to tumble to the ground.
“See little Brother your foundation is easily broken.” Milo stated with a dark mischievous smile.
“Brother, how do I fix it?”
Smile broadening across Milo’s face. “Unfortunately little Brother I cannot tell you how to fix this all I can do is give you a little push in the right direction.” Once again raising his makeshift staff to push Otis to the ground for the second time.
Otis stood up again frustration clearly seen on his face. “Come on Brother just teach me!”
“Little Brother, I am teaching you.” Milo said as he pushed Otis down once again.
“Now keep walking we must move” Milo said with finality as Otis rose again.
Two hours later a bruised and sore Otis thought ‘I must have been knocked down a thousand times. No matter how much I resist I still fall to the ground.” Otis believed he had failed this exercise but he was happy that he got a new skill called [Stance] half way through this exercise. On the other hand Milo was surprised he could not believe just how quickly Otis had adjusted. Milo had been steadily increasing his force and was currently using at least ten percent of his strength to knock Otis off his feet. He feared if he used any more that it would cause Otis’s body serious harm. Milo also believed that in a few more pushes Otis would be able to stand his ground which is something he absolutely did not want to happen mainly because it would ruin his fun.
“Little Brother, we have not traveled all that far but let’s take a rest here. Go wash up and I will prepare the food.”
Otis excited for a break ran off into the cool river water to relax for a bit.
Otis returned to eat his berries and dried rabbit. His health bar had been down to 25% before they stopped for a break but after a bath he had fully recovered. ‘It seems that if I truly relax my Health bar will recover more quickly.’ Otis looked up to Milo to see him attaching a sharp rock to the end of his staff.
“Brother, what are you doing? I thought lions do not use weapons. You’re not going to use that sharp end to give me a push are you?”
“Ha no little Brother. I just thought that you, little cub, need more than one claw. So I made this spear for you.” Milo held it up so that Otis could have a look.
Milo tightened the spear head a bit more before saying, “come here little Brother. Let’s test its weight and balance.”
They walked out to an open area amongst the trees.
“Now use it to strike out like this.” Milo demonstrated by thrusting it out and taking one solid step forward.
Otis took the spear and thrusted it out several times as Milo had just showed him.
“How does it feel, little Brother?”
“Hmmm good. A little long I guess.”
“Well maybe you are a little too short.” Milo bristled annoyed with the complaint.
“Don’t get upset Brother I will grow into it. Thank you for the spear.”
“Fine! But I can’t always make these things for you. One day you will need to sharpen your own claws.”
Otis continued to practice with the spear until Milo interrupted him. “Now I want you try something different. Try throwing your spear at that tree over there. This is something you absolutely need to learn how to do.” What Milo did not state is that he wanted him to learn how to throw the spear because he wanted fish for dinner tonight and Otis is going to be the one to catch them.
Otis threw the spear at the tree a few times. The spear whizzed past the tree missing it to either the left or right of the tree. Milo frowned deepened he was not going to eat fish after all.
On the fifth throw it struck the tree and a new skill entered Otis’s vision.
[Passive Skill: Throwing Enabled]
“Brother I hit it!” Otis shouted. Milo silently celebrated he was going to get to eat fish tonight!
Otis grew confident as his next 5 throws struck the tree. He had even moved 5 feet further back.
“Oh Ho little Brother has grown quite strong.”
“That’s right Brother I am really good aren’t I?” Otis said striking his victory pose.
“Is that right? Hitting a large tree trunk is quite simple how about hitting that thick branch up there?” Milo point to a tree limb about 15 feet above Otis’s head.
“That branch there Brother?” Otis said pointing at the same branch. “Easy!”
Otis prepared his throw launching the throw into sky to miss just short of the branch. Even though he missed for an eleven year old it was quite a good throw.
“Oh that is too bad little Brother.”
“No, no wait a minute I can get it just let me try again.”
Milo’s smile widened. “Go ahead and try again but I doubt you will strike that branch it is much too high for you.”
Otis’s pride was wounded, this time his throw will not fail. He took a running start launching the spear into the sky. The throw had at least 3 times the power as the last one. The spear flew true cleanly slicing through the branch and falling back to the ground.
“HAHA Brother you see that! I told you I could hit it!” Otis said turning towards Milo but Milo was gone.
“Huh….BEEEEEESSSS!” Otis shouted running from the swarm of angry bees. Little did Otis know attached to that branch was a large beehive and those bees wanted their revenge.
Otis sprinted screaming through the forest, the hoard of bee chasing him seemed to have gotten larger. He had been stung at least a dozen times while dashing around the trees to shake them. Out of breathe he made it to his destination and without hesitation dove into the river. ‘They can’t catch me in here’ he thought.
[Passive Skill: Jumping Enabled]
Holding his breathe he tried to stay underwater until the bees gave up but after a minute the bees were still there waiting and he was reaching his limit. Out of breathe Otis’s head emerged from the water only to be greeted by dive bombing bees. Gulping down air and a bee he submerged under the water once again. Shocked that a bee made it into his mouth he quickly raised his head to spit it out. Otis swam upstream to avoid the remaining bees and doubled back to their temporary camp.
Upon arriving to camp tired and worn out Otis saw Milo sitting with his back turned to him eating something but that is not what bothered Otis. What bothered Otis was what was suspended over a campfire a large beehive that was currently shrouded in smoke.
Otis stood there dumbly staring at this scene and Milo turned to him.
“Oh little Brother you are here. Where have you been?” Milo said through a large stupid grin. Milo’s lips glistening in the sunlight clearly covered in honey.
“You you planned this didn’t you?!?”
“Whatever do you mean little Brother?” Milo said putting up his most innocent expression.
“You you...I could have died. What if I was allergic to bees?”
“Allergic?...” Milo’s expression turned serious. “Little Brother I would never harm you. But never forget I am number one and you are number two.” Milo thought Otis’s prank this morning was good but it was a little too good and he needed to put him in his place.
After a few minutes of silence Otis dejectedly asked, “Ahh, well Brother can I have a little honey?”
“Honey? What honey? Do you seen honey around here?” Of course he wasn’t going to share. This was his prize.
“What about the honey that you have in your hands! Or the honey on your fingertips! Or the honey covering half over your face!” With each one of Otis accusations Milo shoulders twitched.
With his shoulders slumped Milo reached out his index finger. “Here have a lick.”
“WHY NOT!” Milo roared.
Otis shrank back his anger scared away. “BBecause it’s on your finger. It’s gross.”
“Why is it gross? Little Brother are you not the one who wanted to mate with me yesterday?” Milo said with a smile.
“I DO NOT WANT TO MATE WITH YOU!” Otis yelled once again forgetting all about the honey stomping away to retrieve his spear.
Milo sat in silence continued to eat his honey. ‘Ahh Sweet Victory. Sweet Victory Honey’ he thought.
Thirty minutes later Otis had returned to the camp from retrieving his spear. Silence had filled the temporary camp until Milo gleefully interrupted it. “It is about time we continued on. I would like to leave the forest by the end of tomorrow.”
“Brother, how do you know that we are that close to the edge of the forest?”
“Hmm I determined by how far you can see and high you were up the mountain...Hand me your spear and take out your knife, while we travel you are going to work on very basic strikes and footwork.”
Otis handed the spear to Milo, took out his knife and strapped his bag across his back.
“Ok Brother, I think I am ready now, let’s go.”
“First let me demonstrate, this is just a basic stab. Once we get into my Martial Arts you will notice that it is very similar to a punch, in fact most Weapon Arts are loosely based on Hand and Foot Combat Arts. Follow what I do closely for I will only demonstrate it once and know this, Martial Arts is not easily learned, we say if you do a punch ten thousand times you will only be at the lowest of the low beginner level. It is up to you to master it and make it yours.”
Milo took the knife and stood a few feet away from Otis. “I will do this slowly so watch closely.”
Milo had his left foot forward and left hand in front of him down at an angle. In his right hand was the knife, its tip pointing forward, he drew it back so that his knife and hand sat next to his rib cage. Milo slowly and methodically pushed his right hand with the knife out while simultaneously drawing his left hand in to his rib cage and taking a solid step forward with his right foot. A moment before full extension of his right arm his hand rotated twisting the knife. Immediately after completing the rotation his arm was instantly drawn back in, his left leg had taken a solid step forward and his left hand was back at its original position.
Even though the stab was extremely slow Otis felt as if the world shook. All the leaves that once had laid at their feet had been blown off into the forest, the trees continued to sway as if recovering from a gust of wind.
Otis looked up at Milo, worship displayed in his eyes. “My turn, Brother. My turn!”
Milo chuckled, “This is not a game little Brother. We will do this seriously.” Milo handed Otis the knife then reached into his own bag to retrieve that flexible branch from earlier.
“What is that, Brother?”
“Oh this?” Lifting the branch up. “This is what we call a switch.”
“A switch? What’s it used for?”
“Do not worry yourself about it, just remember I do this for you. Now I need you to focus and seriously train, building your martial art fundamentals is much more important than fancy techniques. Remember this no martial art is better than the other, no fancy technique will make you the strongest. What truly matters is dedication, experience and a solid foundation.”
Otis attempting to be as serious as possible. “Yes Brother, I will follow your instruction and take what you say to heart.”
Smiles and happiness faded from the Shadow Lion’s face leaving only a cold stern expression. “Good! From this point on we are Master and Disciple. You will follow what I say with no complaint! Any complaints will be punished!”
Otis’s face turned sour. He hadn’t been expecting this but he was now committed. He steeled his resolve, the sourness left his face only leaving a look of full obedience.
“Yes Brother!”
“Now take the position I demonstrated earlier.” Otis stood like Milo once had. “Little Brother you will imagine yourself as your enemy. In your mind’s eye you will see that your enemy will be the same height, weight and strength as yourself. Your knife is to be aimed at your enemy’s throat, with each stab you will see your knife pierce through your enemy’s throat.”
The Shadow Lion roared. “Begin!”
Otis in his excitement stepped forward and shot his right arm out as fast as he possibly could.
The Shadow Lion’s face twisted in anger. “FOOL! What good is speed if there is no force?” The flicked his wrist causing the switch to move at impossible speeds striking the back of Otis’s head. The strike had caused a fine cut on the back of the boy’s head.
Otis took another step forward thrusting the knife out much slower this time.
“You’re weight is on your back foot!”
Pain shot through the calf of Otis’s back leg as the switch met skin.
Otis’s next step forward was firmer as he thrusted the knife forward.
“Why is your left arm dead?!” The switch struck Otis’s left forearm leaving a bright red streak. Otis realized that he had not been moving his left arm as Milo had demonstrated.
As Otis was about to open his mouth to whine, he was interrupted.
Otis attempted once again to replicate Milo’s attack.
“Do not overextend!” Pain blossomed in Otis’s right shoulder as the switch met skin. Tears began to flow down the boy’s cheeks but his resolve continued as he knew the next command would not wait.
Otis struck out, this time his shoulders squared and back straight.
“I said throat, not shoulder!” The switch instantly landed on his forearm.
“I said THROAT, not chest!”
The sound of a switch flying through the air could be heard for another hour before a message entered Otis’s vision.
[Passive Skill: Knife Combat Enabled]
[Passive Skill: Martial Arts Enabled]
Otis had also acquired over a hundred fresh and screaming red marks on his body. If he knew that their camp was clearly visible and just 200 feet behind him the boy would have given up but the Shadow Lion would never give him that chance.
Otis’s conscience barely registered Milo’s command as he moved his body forward pushing his right hand out. For the first time in the last hour the Shadow Lion’s switch hesitated and did not reprimand Otis after he finished the strike.
Otis continued to work on this one stab over the next hour. He had been struck with the switch again but only a dozen times, he had shown a vast improvement from before. Otis had not done it on his own, just like before with the survival skill when focused on performing martial arts knowledge would enter his mind refining each strike as it was cast.
Over the last 2 hours Otis’s green bar had been steadily dropping but since he had those skills the rate in which that green bar fell had decrease prolonging his torture. Now the green bar had completely emptied and Otis’s consciousness began to fade.
“Stop! We will now rest to recover our strength.” The lion shout caused Otis’s eyes to open just prior to him falling forward.
Otis’s body ached from head to toes, he sat down to rest and eat some of his rabbit jerky. His green bar rapidly recovered causing his aches to be driven away.
“Switch hands, you will now use your left hand to stab. From now on you are not right or left handed. You will become skilled with both hands, feet, elbows, knees and all 10 fingers. All of these are weapons and you will not neglect any of them.”
“Brother, may I ask a question?”
“Yes, you may.” Milo was happy that Otis asked permission first. One cannot just ask their master without permission first. Milo would have been forced to punish Otis during their break which he had considered a reward Otis had earned for his hard work.
“I was always told that left handers have an advantage in sports like boxing or baseball. Are you saying that it is not true?”
“Hmm I do not know what boxing or baseball is but if they are sports those people cannot be compared to us. Those people practice for competition where we train for life and death. We train to kill by any means necessary but they just practice to win. They have rules and constraints that guide the way they practice, we do not have such constraints, we will use any means necessary whether it's considered fair or dirty. Do you understand little Brother?”
“Not really but if you say so then I will do it.”
“That is good enough. Now let’s continue.” Milo stood with his switch at the ready, waiting for Otis to begin.
Two more hours had passed and the sun was hanging low in the west. Otis’s body ached once again reaching its limits. Milo was surprised at Otis’s gains in the last few hours. It may only be a simple stabbing strike but there is more to it than that. Otis’s strike had become much more powerful than before and it was not because he had gained strength in the last few hours but because his body had become more synchronized.
Otis had realized that the strike does not start with his arm but instead started from the moment his toes gripped to take his step forward. As he began to step forward he would build his energy from his toes to his legs, then draw that energy up into his center of mass causing it to shift forward. Simultaneously his right arm was drawn back to the side of his ribs bringing its energy into his chest to merge with his center of mass as well. The muscles in his chest contracted pushing the energy up to his shoulder and through his left arm as it exploded forward. This strike contained not only the energy from his muscles but also his body’s weight and force of it moving forward.
Milo could not help but be shocked as he examined Otis’s form. Typically only disciples who had studied for many years would have reached this understanding not some child who had only practiced for four hours.
Milo put on his most disgruntled face and sighed. “Okay that is enough for now. Let's rest.”
Otis mistaking Milo’s disappointment for being too weak. “Sorry Brother, I will try harder and become stronger.”
Milo stirred from his own reverie by Otis’s response. “Good. You must work hard to overcome your weakness.”
“Yes! Thank you for your instruction Brother.”
“We need to pick up our pace after we rest, I would like to make it a little further before sunset. From now on we will move at a jog. You will apply what you have learned today to running.”
“Wait.” Milo whispered, holding his arm out to stop Otis. They had been running through the forest for the last hour. “I sense the presence of more of your kind about thirty minutes ahead at our current pace.”
“Really!” Otis excitedly whispered.
“Let's move ahead silently, we will observe them to make sure it is safe. Now follow me and do as I do.” The Lion crouched down and silently ran forward in to the forest. Otis followed by crouching down, running forward on the balls of his feet and stepping where Milo had stepped.
When the two reached the group they ducked into the shadows of the forest. They couldn’t help but hear the raised voices coming from the group.
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