《Heart of the World (LitRPG)》Ch 22: The Way of Stars
Chapter 22 The Way of Stars
Ah, what glorious thing a fire is. Especially when you had been freezing your ass off. I held my hands over its warmth and just basked in the lovely feeling. Zalia on the other hand had asked me for the meat I had, and well, now the wonderful smell of Sabre-Tooth grilled meat filled the air.
We had barely looked around in those first short moments, so I glanced to and fro.
The room, if you could call it that, had a few wall lights around its curved shape. But, the wall ended in a half moon, the floor however completed the moon and two pedestals stood there in the middle, facing what looked clearly like a big chasm.
The pixies sat on the pedestals swinging their feet as they stared out over the drop off.
Well, I didn’t worry about that then.
I tapped my previously unchecked notifications.
[You are one of keen awareness, even sleep doesn’t keep your attention obscured! You notice things that are hard to find. You can say you have a knack for it.]
+2 Insight
+2 Perception
Skill gained!
Whispers Edge II [Journeyman]
Your senses are comparative to a blade that cuts through the obscuring mists of the forgotten secrets from this world. You have honed those senses to a fine edge and gained the ability to focus intensely and see what is hidden around you.
+5 Perception [Passive]
+5 Insight [Passive]
[Active] Upon activating Whispers Edge, you greatly focus to glean the secrets in your vicinity.
+30 % Chance to see the things hidden from view and perception. [9 hour cool down.]
[Congratulations! You found and met the prerequisites to unlock a skill only gained by four other people! Now who said you were blind as a bat?]
+3 Insight
+2 Perception
+1 Luck
Whoa! Unexpected! But so incredibly useful! Then I looked again and that 9 hour cool down slapped me right in the face. What the...
Still, I welcomed the addition even if that cool down was downright crazy. And that last sentence! Oi, I was never as blind as a bat! Shaking my head, I glanced at the last notification.
Quest Updated, Star Cartographer
I tapped it.
[Star Cartographer.] You have seen the hint of something quite extraordinary and set off on the journey to discover what secrets this world is hiding with the ancient knowledge of the stars. Where would this path lead you? Prerequisites: Met. Reward: ???
Part 2. Upon discovering a hidden chamber below the Sky Circle, you discovered the path you had started on was leading you towards a door. A mysterious door. Now, you have to discover its secret.
Part 3. You are on the verge of discovering something long forgotten. Stay strong and alert because the stars might give a grand show.
Great. It felt like the quest aimed towards being resolved, and I can’t say how incredibly curious I had been all this time. Especially with being that vague. I wonder if...
Just then a juicy piece of steak drifted in front of me and I completely forgot about the notifications.
I licked my lips and heard Zalia giggle, with it, I grabbed the steak nodding my head to Zalia in great appreciation, who just smiled and bit into her own. I didn’t need any more encouragement as I nommed on the incredibly juicy, wonderful piece of prime meat.
“Oh, that is good!” I hummed with delight.
“I know right.” She said, sounding exceedingly happy herself.
When we were done eating, Zalia and I studied each other and like if it was synchronized, we breathed deeply while standing up.
It barely took a second to reach the pedestals and the pixies happily fluttered about staring at what we were doing.
It was just a plain stone slab, with nothing extraordinary about it, so I touched the one closest to me and nothing happened.
I glanced over to the other one and walked to it and touched it.
“Great... Another puzzle.” Zalia groaned from the side.
“I guess so.” I said, also not very enthused about doing another that soon. “Look around, maybe there are instructions.”
As we searched, I literally just saw the two pedestals and the fire. The glowing lanterns on the wall, made no difference as they didn’t come off the wall.
There just wasn’t anything to go by except the fire and the two stone slabs.
Hmmm. Confusing.
Finally I shrugged and walked to the pixies.
“What do we need to proceed?”
I expected a barrage of giggles and many vague answers, but the pixies just peered at me and said,
“He forgot.”
“Indeed he did forget. Now, how did your journey towards the way of stars begin?”
That didn’t help. I clearly forgot something I couldn’t remember.
“Up in the Farseeing Eye?”
Then Zalia came from the side.
“Was that where it began for you?”
“Yes,” I said, rubbing my temples. “But I don’t know what it is that I forgot there.”
Zalia moved to ask something, but the pixies interrupted.
“Oh no. You can’t forget! Were you alone when you started seeing the way?”
“True, true, were you?” The other one asked.
“Well, no.” I said and something hit me. “The light came from Zalia. She shared something with me in the tower... Then my question is this, can the way of stars be found alone?”
The pixies both bubbled in joy and flew in ecstatic patterns as they sung,
“No!” “No!” “The way of stars can never be found alone!”
If there were Sky Circles across all the realms, I wonder if the duo thing stopped anybody else from finding the quest?
So, I grabbed Zalia’s hand and pulled her to the one pedestal, before I ran to the other.
I slapped my hand to mine and motioned for Zalia to do the same. She did and ancient letters started to glow on top of each. I couldn’t make out any meaning to them. But the pixies each came to a pedestal and read the words one by one, before Zalia and I repeated it at the same time.
“We seek the way of Stars.”
“We seek the way of Stars.”
Something big started shifting and the ground shook as two giant stone hands swept down from above and slipped in against each other, before another set of hands came from the dark and did the same a bit further away.
A female voice flowed through the cavern like the wind. It didn’t help in keeping my nerves in check.
“You may enter. You may choose. You may take the trials.”
We tentatively walked across the bridge to an octagon shaded pillar that made a platform after the bridge of hands.
On the platform there was a tree engraved in the stone with five branches.
Then the voice returned and said,
“Two you may each seek to choose. Choose well the twin stars you would each carry forward. Will you seek the stars of the Tempest, welcoming its rushing winds that carves open many paths which once laid dormant. Will you seek the stars of the Monsoon that brings forth great change where it goes. Will you seek the stars of the Radiant that thunders as it brings new light to the dark places of the world. Will you seek the stars of the Blizzard that obscures many as it shields the lands. Will you seek the stars of the Lahar who comes swiftly and yet proves impossibly hard to halt. Will you seek the stars of the Sandstorm that wildly shapes the lands it so fully embrace. Will you seek the stars of the Great Waters that brings new life for some, or true currents of chaos for those that underestimate them. Choose between the maps of stars young Cartographers.”
As the voice mentioned each choice, a glyph in one of the trees’ arms lit up, with a color that more closely matched the theme of it.
Silence then followed the voice.
Well, apart from the pixies buzzing about being happy to hear big sis again.
Both Zalia and I stared at the trees on the ground. What a choice. Each one had something that could help going forward. Even the Blizzard one drew me, I could practically feel that it revolved around stealth. The Lahar probably went the direction of a more agile tank like character. Where the Sandstorm could mean an earth mage or the sort. The...
Zalia swept forward and touched the stars of the Monsoon and the Great Waters. Rain and streams of water swirled around her hands as both Trees lit up. With it, a stone slab descended, opening a path in the rock. One of the pixies giggled and happily fluttered into the pathway casting a light.
My focus, however, was on Zalia as she looked at me, her eyes were filled with tears yet... they held a spark of light that encouraged me greatly. Then she breathed deeply and said,
“Good luck, Wil Stormchild.”
With that she stepped onto her path, before it closed between us. The last thing I saw was her smile.
Oh, man. Something was in my eye as I rubbed at the wetness.
I shook it off and stared at my own conundrum.
Which would it be. The Tempest, the Monsoon, the Radiant, the Blizzard, the Lahar, the Sandstorm or the Great Rivers.
To be fair, I was definitely going for the Tempest as my first. But the second... definitely a harder choice.
So, I tapped the Stars of the Tempest and winds swirled around my right hand. But to my utter surprise, a ping rang loudly and before I could even tap the notification, a message flowed before me.
[Warning! If you choose to continue, you will lock in your Primary class. This is a once off decision. Once locked in it can’t be reversed. This is not something to fear, but embraced. A Primary class opens many aspects of Realms of Ancients. Do not, however wait too long to choose a Primary class, the world is far more dangerous than you can imagine, it will eat you up and spit you back out without one. So, if you are sure, then proceed with confidence.
Note: There are many Primary classes in the world. Though each one delivers an entire skill tree that can be pursued and remapped, there are Primary Classes out there that brings a more unique experience if you are brave enough to find them.]
My eyes almost popped. I read it again, just to be sure. A PRIMARY CLASS! YEAH! I fist pumped in the air, yet I still looked around sheepishly. But, oh was I happy.
So, without waiting I scoured the rest of the paths and made my choice.
I tapped on the stars of the Radiant and a small lightning sparked and touched my left hand where it proceeded to make the veins in my hand briefly pulse with light.
A different but same shaped stone slapped and thudded onto the platform, showing another path.
With that, I stepped towards the path. Somewhat of interest, I realized while walking towards the gap in the rock, there were many paths. It became clear there was a unique way for each twin combination you went with. That thought only got reinforced deeper into the tunnel. Wind started gushing by me, and thunder sparked across the hallway. At least ten minutes went by and still the tunnel continued on. Another ten passed by before the light became brighter hinting at a chamber up ahead.
I approached the end of the tunnel and a great rushing wind guarded the way. I touched it with my left and was almost flung from my feet as I stumbled against the wall. Then, I looked to my hands to see if anything happened. But, then I saw the winds around my right hand swirling around it in a circular pattern. Without thinking about it, I brought my right hand that time to the rushing force of wind.
Immediately, a pocked of still air formed around it, like it was redirecting the flow. Then I gasped as the pixie that had led me in flew into that pocket of air, coming out on the other side, motioning me to follow.
I held my hand there and contorted my body through that quiet hole in the severe gusts. Then, I fell and stumbled out on the other side, landing on my back. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust. But, I quickly found out the cavern around me made a show of force that sent chills down my spine. The walls of a swirling storm. And I happened to be in its eye.
The mass of clouds swirling around the cavern seemed slow at first glance, but on closer inspection just revealed the sheer velocity at which the winds moved.
For one, it made it clear I never wanted to be in a Typhoon or whatever other names they gave it around the world. Terrifying seemed a fitting word too.
With a grunt, I got back on my feet and stared at the centre of the eye. A pedestal of pure lighting stood there. Shaped in the form of a hand. It held an orb of crystal.
It wasn’t long before I found myself standing there next to it. I brought my right hand to it first, and sure enough the lighting started sparking more chaotically. So, I brought my left hand to the orb and the hand of lightning stayed intact.
As I touched the orb with my left, my right hand automatically swung to it and latched onto the other side.
Winds and sparks ran up both my arms. Gasps popped out of me at the severity of it.
Without warning, my health started dropping at thirty a second. Frantically, I tried to dislodge my hands. But they stayed firm.
My health dipped below half and I redoubled my efforts, pouring all my strength into getting my hands to come off. Still they stayed.
Quarter of my health left.
I screamed as I pulled even harder, veins throbbing on my temples. My fingers started coming loose and I grunted with the effort.
Ten health left.
It suddenly stopped. I panted out of breath as the sparks entered into my arm as did the swirling gusts around the other.
Finally, my hands slipped off the orb and this glow flowed out of it. My health, critically low as it was, all of a sudden surged back up to full.
I fell back on the moss and huffed liked I had run a marathon.
“That was crazy.” I breathed into the air.
Next thing I knew the pixie was next to me.
“WOW! That was... It was like... Then you were like... And the orb was going pew pew pew! SO WORTH THE LONG WAIT!”
This time, irritation didn’t bubble up at the pixie. I actually smiled at her happy explosions of excitement. So, I touch my finger to the pixie’s hair and ruffled it.
She made shy noises, but didn’t fly away.
With that I just sat back and realized through all of that I didn’t even hear the ping. I touched the notification.
[CONGRATULATIONS! You have chosen your Primary Class! This is a momentous day. One’s Primary Class ensures you have the means to grow towards taking on the great and hidden dangers of the world. Though not an easy path, the skill trees unlocked to you gives you the choice of how to walk the path. If, however, you wish to change the skill tree’s path, you only need to find the Trees of Avolét around the realms. Though, there are not many of them, they have stood the test of time. They require you to pass a trial, each unique to its area. Now, start this path you have opened up and venture further into the Realm of Ancients.]
[Primary Class: Star Cartographer: The Storm Blade of Radiance][Level Class 77][Unique]
[Congratulations! You are in the top hundred to find a Primary class level 15 or higher]
[Congratulations! You are the fourth to find a Primary class level 20 or higher]
[Congratulations! You are the first to find a Primary class level 30 or higher]
[Congratulations! You are the first to find a Primary class level 40 or higher]
[Congratulations! You are the first to find a Primary class level 50 or higher]
[Congratulations! You are the first to find a Primary class level 60 or higher]
[Congratulations! You are the first to find a Primary class level 70 or higher]
Calculating Rewards:
+15 to All Major Attributes.
Whispers Edge II [Journeyman] to Whispers Edge I [Expert]
+200 000 XP
Level up!
All of sudden my heads up display completely changed. To say I swiped at my face for no good reason, would be hitting it right on the spot. It took a few seconds to calm down and as I stared at my new HUD(Heads Up Display)... I realized just what a find the Primary class had been. An unique one to boot. Not once in the past had my HUD so completely changed. Fine you could gain a mana bar and certain icons could change, like with my Swift Guardian class; it had several class specific icons. But this... it’s just a completely new overhaul. Where a few vines had carried the previous HUD, this one had the faces of two creatures, one on the left and one on the right. Wind swirled around the teeth of the right one, it had huge teeth, and I could hardly imagine facing off against something that scary.
On the left, however, the creature had a more fox like face, yet it held such mystery in its glowing eyes. What was more, there were wings covered in stars next to it, carrying the icons I would often use. Just then, looking over to the left side again I noticed a Mana bar. I unlocked mana? That could only mean... Whoa! A game changer for sure to have access to Mana based abilities. Though, did it mean it was a mana based class? I wasn’t sure.
I pondered it a bit before I finally tapped on my Class Trees Icon.
[Star Cartographer: The Storm Blade of Radiance][Level Class 77][Unique]
You have sought after the Way of Stars and what you discovered, opened up a vast galaxy of paths to pursue. To your right the winds blew you towards the Tempest where a call greeted you. Then to your left the sparks of the Radiant gave you a new promise. From there you will have to discover the quests that will grow the map in the stars.
Call of the Winds I [Novice][Tree]
You have answered the call that echoed in the Tempest and you have seen many things in its mighty walls. Now, the way lay before you. What will you choose?
Promise of the Storms I [Novice][Tree]
Having felt the gentle winds, and witnessed its raw power. You started to see the steps in its chaotic splendour. Where will your steps take you?
Promise of the Runes I [Novice][Tree]
There is a light, the one you saw was Radiant. It carves a new way, and its light reveals what has been cloaked in the darkness. What does it reveal?
Voice of Thunder I [Novice][Tree]
With the touch of your hand you have grabbed hold of a voice in the thunder. What will it say?
I sat back on a stump. I had four skill trees in my Primary class... The most I ever heard about was one. There was no chance I was going to complain! It meant I had four major skills added that had their own trees to complete. Sure, it complicated matters a tad, with the certainty that each tree would have its own quests to progress up from novice. But it remained a major find.
Okay, so if I remember right, then I have levels that make up a Novice tree, after that I will have to discover how to progress them up to Apprentice trees. That will probably still be a ways away. So, I need to focus on learning my core abilities as best I can, Primary class abilities always had extra oomf to them.
My eyes flipped to the way I entered the chamber. First I needed to find Zalia, after that I can take a little bit of time to check out my stats and everything else. With a quick jog I reached the place where entered through the wall of winds. The rushing gale force of it still held everything at bay.
Then I perked up.
It was surprisingly quiet. Even with the rushing sounds from the storm.
The pixie hadn’t followed me. I glanced around and saw her small form sitting happily on the pedestal. So, I called out.
“Hey, are you going to follow me out?”
Surprisingly she shook her head.
“No, no no. I am content. You have discovered this lost secret. Now, I have to leave by a different way. But fear not, you will see me again if you are a good seeker. My sister and I will be waiting.”
That was interesting. Even though the pixies could be rather annoying, it would still be sad to see them go.
“What are your names then, if I am going to see you again.”
A cute grin popped on her face and her wings fluttered.
“Ayio and my sister’s name is Riyio. It would be fun if you find our next secret Mr. Stormchild.”
I chuckled.
“Agreed. And it is good to have met you Ayio.”
She just giggled and waved before pressing both hands to the pedestal and disappearing.
What a fascinating time, quite the adventure if you asked me.
With that, I pressed my right hand in the swirling wall where I had come in. And was immediately met with a problem. A circular rock slab had blocked off the only exit I knew of.
Now what?
Ten minutes later, I sat on a nice comfy patch of grass and wondered what to do. I had gone right around the edge of the storm, pressing my right hand into the chaotic winds to make a calm circle. Still, there was no exit.
I looked up and the big storm’s wall reached all the way to the roof. Besides, there was just no way I could get up there anyway.
This was definitely a big problem.
I tapped my chin in thought.
There was a certain length of rope in my inventory, but that would only get me so far. Not to mention that it wouldn’t be like that. That there was a place where you enter normally and would get stuck if you just happened to forgot to bring a long enough rope. Unless by some weird chance this whole zone is not finished yet... And they happened to leave the unfinished thing in just because and I just happened to find it because I stabbed the bear while flying through the sky at breakneck speed... No, I find it hard to believe.
A chuckle bubbled up in me. Ha! To think the whole part of stabbing a bear way up in the sky is less weird for me than having an unfinished zone in the game. What happened to me.
I shook my head.
Well, since I’m stuck, I might as well tackle the more than substantial effort in figuring out where to place all the points I had received in that one fell swoop.
Wil Stormchild
Race: Norskai
Level: 29+
Star Cartographer: The Storm Blade of Radiance[Class Level 77][Unique][Primary Class] [...]
________ [Secondary Class][Explore and find your first sub class tree in the world]
Health: 345 (+422)
Energy Bar: 314 (+420) [Tier 2 accessible+]
Mana: 5 030 [UNLOCKED]
Armor Class: 46 (+65)
>Equipped Weapons and Runes:
Xianmou [Deep Harrow Tree- Epic Rune][Attack Speed III-Rune][-]
Skinning Knife [-]
>Equipped Armor and Runes:
[Stout Shirt]
[Frost Sabre Fur cloak]
[Sabre Fur trousers]
[Sabre Fur boots]
Etched Silver Gauntlets [Swift Strike I- Rune][Stone body II-Rune]
>Equiped Trinkets:
Shadow Veil Ring [Stealth +10%]
Choose the Attributes you wish to increase. This will affect your character.
[Points to allocate= 1+72]
Strength 30 +15
Vitality 30 +15
Agility 25 +15
Willpower 21 +15
Intelligence 18 +15
Acrobatics 21 +15
Luck 28 +15
[Race Attributes]
The Norskai are a hardy people from the cold north. They have survived through severe weather conditions their entire lives. Where others would have quickly perished, they remained and so they have gained first hand knowledge how to endure and stand fast in times when storms would hit at a moment’s notice.
Endurance 9 +15
Survival 13 +15
I was still flabbergasted at that +15 to all attributes... Even with me taking on a much higher level zone had given me several rare major attribute increases. And I say rare because, the RoA only ever awarded some points in your major attributes when something quite out of the ordinary happened. But 15 points to all? Unheard of.
It quite literally meant, that attributes I loved but couldn’t add too many points in suddenly gained a windfall. Definitely nice.
With a big grin I started to allocate the other points I had gained with all those level ups. Crazy to think, something that took me months and months to achieve like reaching level 50, happened in less than a week. Okay, now 72 points...
Wil Stormchild
Race: Norskai
Level: 53
Star Cartographer: The Storm Blade of Radiance[Class Level 77][Unique][Primary Class] [...]
________ [Secondary Class][Explore and find your first sub class tree in the world]
Health: 767 +100
Energy Bar: 734 +100 [Tier 5 accessible]
Mana: 5 030 +100 [UNLOCKED]
Armor Class: 111
>Equipped Weapons and Runes:
Xianmou [Deep Harrow Tree- Epic Rune][Attack Speed III-Rune][-]
Skinning Knife [-]
>Equipped Armor and Runes: [...]
>Equiped Trinkets: [...]
Choose the Attributes you wish to increase. This will affect your character.
[Points to allocate= 1]
Strength 45 +5
Vitality 45 +10
Agility 40 +10
Willpower 36 +5
Intelligence 33 +5
Acrobatics 36 +15
Luck 43 +15
[Race Attributes]
Endurance 24 +3
Survival 28 +4
Finally, that took a bit. It wasn’t easy to add that many points without constantly reminding yourself of thinking ahead, what might be needed. Especially in my current predicament of being in higher level zone. Still, good thing was, my level was now a little bit closer to what was average in the zone.
That still meant the mini bosses, possible level scaled creatures and bosses would woop my butt from one side to the other...
Still, I had no choice but to go forward and see if I open a way out of the zone.
Scratch that!
I had to get out of this cavern first!
My attributes and levels meant something, but not what I needed. Finally I tapped my Primary class again and opened each tree.
Call of the Winds I [Novice][Tree][..]
Wall of Gales
The tempest roars and while it moves it is a wall of force.
Creates a wall of rushing wind on your arm or at a location of your choosing that can redirect or even deflect projectiles
+20% chance to redirect projectiles.
+10% chance to deflect projectiles.
Cooldown: 1 minute
Promise of the Storms I [Novice][Tree][...]
Wind Step
Looking in the storm, a path of steps is revealed to you.
Creates steps in the air under your feet.
20 Steps
1 second cooldown between steps.
Final Cooldown: 1 minute
Promise of the Runes I [Novice][Tree][...]
Word of Sparks
A cry of thunder starts with the smallest of sparks.
Upon command, a spark of lightning leaps from your hand.
Passive Damage: 200
Active Channel: 200 per second for 10 seconds. (300 mana per second)
Cooldown: 20 seconds
Active Cooldown: 1 minute
Voice of Thunder I [Novice][Tree][...]
Rune Seeker
A whisper in the fog reveals old secrets.
Upon the whisper, reveals Runes for 20 seconds.
100% chance to reveal Novice Runes
60% chance to reveal Apprentice Runes
50% chance to reveal Journeyman Runes
20% chance to reveal Expert Runes
10% chance to reveal Master Runes
1% chance to reveal Ancient Runes
Passive: Sense there are runes nearby
Active: 1500 Mana per usage.
Well, there’s the answer. I probably have to use my new abilities to find a way out.
And hopefully not in the attempt get swept away by the frikken typhoon. I should have asked the Pixie where to go!
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