《Heart of the World (LitRPG)》Ch 20: A trail in the Freezing Wilds
Chapter 20 A trail in the Freezing Wilds
We trudged through the thick snow. The wind bit into our meagre clothing. I checked again to make sure where my exposure protection was at. Between the Sabre fur cloak, trousers and boots, I had 49%. That covered a light breeze during the day. The current wind more than once gusted above that, chipping away at my exposure metre. Luckily, the gusts died down for long enough for it to recover a bit.
Still, I was unsure how long I could hold out if the wind picked up in any consistency. I hoped Zalia came more prepared as I watched her hug her arms around her middle. He fur hood hid her auburn hair and a lot of her face.
The time started blurring around me, I looked up and couldn’t see the location of the sun. The snow fall had picked up.
Still we kept on going.
What felt like an hour later, I got a bit anxious as I watched my exposure not going back to three quarters. A slither of it broke away every other minute. I just hoped the direction we were going had some sort of shelter from the wind. Zalia had been mostly quiet as she strode just a bit in front of me.
I tapped my map icon in the corner and it popped up front of me. We were quite a ways away from Frosgard by then. The closest thing marked on the map were standing stones, but we were heading towards the big rock that Zalia and had mentioned. It would take us a few hours more to reach that, at least five or six.
It worried me.
I jumped through the snow towards Zalia and grabbed her arm.
As she spun around, I could see that her whole frame shivered quite heavily. So, I shouted over the gale like winds.
She just shook her head and shouted back.
I got it, but by looks of both of us were in bad shape. I placed my hand on her shoulder.
She looked away from towards where we had been heading, there was a need on her face. But when she looked back, she nodded sombrely.
I shook my head and pointed in the direction of it and said,
She looked at me askingly, but her eyes told of fatigue draining the fight out of her. So, I motioned and started in the direction, and as I glanced back, she followed.
The gusts started getting stronger and stronger. Ten minutes passed before a ferocious one swept me of my feet and I tumbled over into the snow. Slogging back to my feet, I looked up and saw the standing stones in the distance.
A smile sprung up on my face and I quickly glanced back to shout the good news to Zalia.
But, she wasn’t there.
Frantically, I ran back. Jumping in small hops over the deepest patches of snow. My heart beat raced as I called her name over and over.
No sign of her presented itself, and terror wormed its way into my heart.
I ran and ran. And fell over my feet several times.
On one of those times, I hit something solid and fell face first into the snow.
I spat out snow and heavily got up onto my one arm when I saw a boot.
But no answer.
I hurriedly scrambled to her side, the snow had already almost covered her completely. I scraped away the worst of it from her face. The barest of breaths puffed from between her lips. But, her eyes were closed. I shook her. But, it came to nothing.
I had to get her out of the wind.
Without hesitation. I picked her up and locked her arms over my shoulders before starting towards where I had last glimpsed the standing stones in the distance.
I gritted my teeth at the dead weight on my shoulders, but I pressed on slowly, yet certain.
The standing stones came into view and I watched my exposure bar hit a quarter of the way down. We both didn’t have much time and I didn’t know in what kind of shape Zalia was.
A hundred more metres, I could barely get another foot before the other. The snow just made it so much harder. Then we fell into snow.
I rolled Zalia off me and looked up. It was a full blown blizzard. If I hadn’t seen the standing stones in front of us, I wouldn’t have believed they were there at all now.
I stood up heavily and grabbed Zalia’s arm and pulled her through the snow. My breath came in big gulps as the icy air burned my throat. Another tug, dragged her another metre forward.
My exposure bar hit zero then.
I pulled again, another metre.
I ignored my health warnings.
Summoning my strength for another was I all I could think about.
And one more. I fell to my knees.
I crawled, with one hand and dragged with the other.
I glanced up. Everything was white. I could barely tell up from down then. All of sudden, I realized something.
Had I missed the stones?
Desperation took hold of me. If I missed them by a metre in this storm, I wouldn’t find them at all again.
Still, I dragged on Zalia’s arm.
It had to be there.
If not, we both would perish.
I didn’t fear for myself... but Zalia... she...
I growled and pulled hard.
Then all of a sudden, the snow gave way and we fell down.
I came to. Health alerts blared in my ears. I looked and saw I was on 25 health left. Frantically I glanced up to my exposure bar. If I lost more health, I couldn’t help Zalia!
But, as I did. It stood steady on a quarter filled.
That was something, I scurried around and found Zalia out cold on a patch of snow. Her lips were blue and her skin... a color that didn’t bode well.
I leaned in and her breath touched my ear. I took a breath myself, thinking about what I could do.
There was no wood and as I glanced around the... cold chamber? I didn’t see anything burnable.
Then I remembered something.
I hurriedly pulled out one of my four healing potions and uncorked it, before touching it to Zalia’s lips. The potion disappeared drop at a time, until her color turned a bit more normal and she started taking deeper draughts of the potion. Finally, her eyes popped open and she sat up, but then grabbed her midsection in pain.
“Ugh, ugh, what happened?”
I smiled from ear to ear. She was alright.
“A blizzard caught us, and um I had to drag you for a while. Sorry.”
Zalia looked at me and her eyes teared up before she jumped forward and hugged me and saying into my chest.
“Thank you, Wil. You saved my life. How can I ever...”
I cut her off and just said,
“Then we are even.”
She glanced up at me in shock, but then I shook my head.
“Remember at the old ruins, you saved me.”
She just pressed her forehead into my chest again.
“That was just me making a fire and you happened to be next to it. This is more.”
Suddenly I laughed out of my belly.
Soon, she joined me in chuckles as she asked,
I smiled down to her.
“You just happened to make a fire by me while I was knocked out by over exposure?”
Zalia looked away and shyly said,
“Well, yes.”
I just shook my head at the situation.
“We are even, my lady.”
She gasped,
“My lady?”
“Just showing respect in a very strange situation. Besides, I can hardly breathe with you smothering me in the hug.”
She realized her grip had been tight, and suddenly she blushed deep red and pulled away.
I didn’t say anything as I watched her look around the chamber. Well, I was curious too, so I joined her in examining the place.
“Where are we?” She asked wonderingly.
“The standing stones. Well, the ones closest to Frosgard.”
A frown climbed onto her forehead.
“But I can’t remember a chamber there. I’ve been at the Eagle Stones many times and I never saw this place.”
Strange. Then, I said,
“Regardless, this place being here saved both our lives.”
She agreed with several nods.
Standing up, I moved around the room. It was old, really old. But the storm outside blocked most of the light filtering in, so I couldn’t make out much more than one place where a draft flitted by me. An entrance that led somewhere?
I padded back to Zalia and soon found a corner that was devoid of snow. I pulled out the last of the furs I had with me and laid them on the ground. Then I took Zalia’s hand and helped her to her feet, leading her to the furs. I pointed to them and said,
“Rest. You need it more than I do. We have to wait the storm out. I’ll keep watch.”
Zalia stared at me for a long moment. I could hardly read the emotions that ran across her delicate features.
Finally, she sat down on the furs and patted the spot next to her.
I frowned. But she patted the spot more insistently and said,
“Sit me with me.”
I stared at her like she had grown a tail.
I could practically feel my brain slap me for that one.
Then she huffed and said,
“Please? At least until I fall asleep, okay?”
A grunt escaped my lips and I sat down next to the now smiling Zalia.
She scooted closer and rested her head against my side and I just froze. I didn’t expect a pretty girl to do that, ever.
But as I heard her breathing relax and she snuggled deeper, I relaxed and was sure my brain nodded. Well, my sister would have slapped me for acting so weird. I smiled at the sleepy Zalia and threw my cloak over her body.
It was then that I remembered. Quite a few pings had come and gone since Frosgard and I hadn’t checked out even one. So I tapped the first one.
[You started to dabble in moving more silently all while being close by to possible hostiles.]
+ 2 Stealth
Then the next one,
[Watching carefully an expert at the craft move with such grace has inspired you!]
+2 Insight
+3 Stealth
Skill gained!
Dance of the Ninja Mouse II [Amateur]
Having observed the predator like grace of stealth, you know that your movement needs to be able to learn the evasive dance to stay alive.
+3 Muscle Memory [Passive]
+3 Blind Awareness [Active]
+ 5 Stealth [Active]
+ 5 Reflexes [Active]
Upon Activating this skill, you attune yourself to your surroundings and your body. Being able to learn to true stealth, one must embrace the dance.
Somehow I felt slapped in the face. That wording. I truly wondered if the game had something against me. Still it was a very nice skill to have.
[Congratulations! You are in the top 40 of players to ever discover this skill!]
+2 Perception
+2 Insight
[Enduring a blizzard with your incomplete set of winter clothes proved you are made of tougher stuff. But the path before you is still fraught with danger. How far are you willing to push your endurance to find out?]
+1 Survival
+1 Endurance
+1 Blind Awareness
Hmm, a question meant a possible quest laid hidden there. It was worth knowing.
[Congratulations! You had persevered against hostile weather out to snuff out your light and still you found it in you to save another without thinking twice.]
+2 Charisma
+3 Patience
+1 Mind
+2 Potential
+2 Toughness
+1 Shielding
Skill gained!
Guardian’s Heart III [Journeyman]
Your heart carries a seed of hope. You inspire. You help and you stand against great odds to save others. Will you venture even further down this path?
+2 Body [Passive]
+2 Shielding [Active]
Upon activating, you project your shield with sheer force of will over a single ally for ten seconds.
[Congratulations, you are the very first to discover this ability. Many have aspired, but you were the first to be true.]
+2 Potential
+2 Insight
+1 Luck
+ 12 000 XP
Whoa. I slumped back against the wall. Regardless of all the gains, it had suddenly hit me, I had saved someone’s life... That carried a weight I wasn’t prepared for. If anyone ever said it was nothing, I would stare them down. It meant something and I finally realized how much it had meant that Zalia helped me when I was in dire straits. She could say what she wanted about how she just happened to make the fire next to me. But, the truth hung in the air. She had saved me too.
I laid my head back and caressed Zalia’s shoulder for a while as she mewled happily in her sleep. I stared into the chamber while my thoughts buzzed in my head.
Two hours in and I was all too familiar with the rooms dark blue tint, only visible because of the barest of rays of sunlight that filtered through. The snow mount in the middle slowly grew bit by bit as snow tumbled down from the opening in the ceiling. Even that was worth watching rather than just staring at an empty room for hours on end. Then I saw a strange flicker of light at the other end of the corridor. Or did I see a strange light? My eyelids felt so heavy.
They dipped close, and I felt like I heard a giggle. I shook my head to open my eyes, but there was nothing there. Must have been my imagination. My eyes drifted shut again... sleep was good...
Then somewhere in my dreaming state, there were cute little voices that giggled and talked. It was somewhat irritating, all I wanted was to sleep.
“He came to us!”
“He sure did!”
“His light is so warm.”
“She was right to show him.”
“Yes, yes. I’m glad she did!”
“Would he come and see?” There was a giggle.
Out of my grogginess, I realized there might be someone, or more speaking. Those insistent giggling! Who just giggles as someone sleeps! I opened my eyes just to tell them to keep their giggling quiet.
Then as I opened my eyes, there were wisps fluttering in front of me, no... Pixies?
“Please, pixies, be more quiet. We are trying to sleep.”
I sat up, wide awake and watched the startled pixies flutter a bit away, before they resumed their giggling.
“He’s awake.”
“He looks confused.”
“Yes, he does. Should we tell him that?”
“His face is all scrunched up!”
“We definitely should tell him that!”
I regained some of my bearings and said,
“I don’t understand.”
The two pixies gasped in unison.
“He doesn’t understand.”
“But what doesn’t he understand? That he is awake or confused?”
“Or that his face is all scrunched up.”
“Yes, yes! I think he doesn’t understand that.”
They continued chirping in their discussion of my frown and finally I shook my head and lifted my hand.
“No, I don’t mean I don’t understand why my face is scrunched up like the folds of a cat’s fur! I don’t understand who or what you are, and where did you come from?”
“Oh, pooh! That’s much less exciting than talking about your scrunched up face.”
The other pixie nodded vigorously in agreement.
But I just said,
“We can talk about it later if you would answer my questions.”
The pixies smiled cute smiles and nodded.
“That is so much fun. I’m glad you realized. So, what is your questions?”
I paused,
“Um, what are you two exactly. And why are you here?”
At the same time they chirped,
“We are Starlight Pixies! And we guard the way, we do.”
“What way?” I asked wonderingly.
They looked at each other and then said,
“The way of stars, of course!”
“Oh! His face is scrunched up even more, how delightful! I wonder if he knows why.”
Immediately I pulled the frown from my face and in effect, widened my eyes.
“How strange! His scrunched up face changed so suddenly. Now he looks utterly surprised!”
“I wonder why he is--”
A groan came from my side.
“What is that racket and the giggling! I was sleeping so nicely.” Zalia sat up, yawning as she rubbed her eyes. I leaned over to her, never taking my eyes off the pixies as I whispered.
“Don’t freak out, but there are pixies here.”
“What do you mean?” She asked me with a big frown on her face. Uh-oh... here we go again.
“Wonderful! Now her face is scrunched up like a cat’s fur too! Maybe that is how they communicate secretly!”
“Oh, secrets! We know many secrets, oh we do! I wonder what secrets they like to communicate with their scrunched up faces.”
Zalia spun her face and just stared, but before she could make a face. I hurriedly turned her face and told her in no uncertain terms.
“Whatever you do, don’t make big faces of surprise or confusion. They won’t stop talking about it. So, keep your face neutral. They are Starlight Pixies and they guard the way of stars.”
“Yes we are!”
“Yes we do!” They both chirped happily.
Zalia’s eyes had so many questions in them, but she got my meaning and kept it off her features.
“Tell me, what way of stars?” She asked.
“The one you have been searching for. Isn’t it exciting!”
“Yes, it is!”
I could almost feel the effort Zalia was going through to keep her face straight before she asked,
“The one I specifically have been searching for, how do you know?”
“Oh we have seen you around many frozen Sky Circles. So we know.”
“Yes we do. And you gave the light to such a fascinating person. We were so surprised.”
“Even our faces showed such surprise! But so glad too! You never showed anyone else your hope.”
“Very glad. It gave us hope too! His eyes are right.”
“So right! That hope someone would find us and the way.”
Zalia glanced at me briefly, but her eyes said everything. It was that glowing ball of light that she had shared with me. And the one she hadn’t realized she had showed me up in the tower.
I turned to the pixies and asked,
“The Sky Circles, you mean the standing stones above us?” They nodded and I continued, “How many of the Sky Circles are there?”
“Across the world many many Sky Circles, much more than the frozen ones dotted around here on the plains.”
“So many indeed. But, we have been disappointed for such a long time.”
“So disappointed. No one ever sought the way of stars.”
“Not one, but she started seeing the start of the way and then she gave her hope to you and we were so excited!”
“Yes, indeed. So will you come and see?”
I looked to Zalia and nodded. We stood up and I gathered the furs, stepping after them.
The two tiny pixies fluttered away, giggling excitedly as they headed towards the draft. Their light immediately illuminated the room, and where ever they flew glowing glyphs lit up on the walls.
I could only stare in complete surprise. Then, I hurriedly made my face neutral. No way I wanted to get them down that road again!
We stepped down the passage and suddenly entered into a bigger chamber with five circular stone structures with different color glyphs on each.
“Yes, he sees! I’m so happy.” The one pixie buzzed.
“Me too, me too.”
I just followed with Zalia to my side, her eyes sparkled with curiosity and I couldn’t blame her at all. It stoked in me as well.
Then, the walls of the chamber converged to a single point and at first glance it look just like a wall, but the pixies hovered there and pointed happily.
On closer inspection the wall seemed to have many lines and grooves. There was something to it.
“What is this?”
The pixies then both flourished their hands and said,
“The entrance to the way!”
“Indeed it is! A door.”
“A very special door. Ancient!”
“Oh so special! You are the first ever to come here!”
“The very first after the Ancients closed it.”
Just as I was about to interrupt the two,
Startled, I tapped the notification as the pixies happily chatted about how exceedingly special that door was.
[Your path had led you here, whether by luck or chance? Or were you meant to come here.]
+2 Insight
Updated Quest, [Star Cartographer]
I blinked before I tapped my quest log.
[Star Cartographer.] You have seen the hint of something quite extraordinary and set off on the journey to discover what secrets this world is hiding with the ancient knowledge of the stars. Where would this path lead you? Prerequisites: Met. Reward: ???
Update: Part 2. Upon discovering a hidden chamber below the Sky Circle, you discovered the path you had started on was leading you towards a door. A mysterious door. Now, you have to discover its secret.
It was just too strange. I looked to the pixies and the door again before I turned to Zalia, and she just lifted her shoulders at a loss too.
What did it all mean?
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