《Heart of the World (LitRPG)》Ch 18: A star of a quest
Chapter 18 A star of a quest
I gripped the hand of the man while I shook like a slinky. Nervousness slapped me to and fro! And my free hand... it had a life of its own, wobbling about on my side.
But, I was saved having to say something as the man looked at the two of us and said,
“Good, good. The name is Gregor,” He looked distracted then, “This changes things... if one could...hmm-hmm, you know, if you two would not mind following me up to the Far Seeing Eye, I would appreciate it. We can talk more there.”
The man spun on his heels and grab hold of a fixed wall lantern, rotating it swiftly, and within seconds, a cupboard swung open revealing a walkway disappearing in the wall.
Zalia just shrugged her shoulders and pointed me to follow with a tilt of her head. Gregor grabbed a lantern and briskly walked down the corridor. All the way, I could hear him muttering under his breath. It was not crazy per se, more calculations I could not wrap my mind around.
Probably the same reason why there were so many secrets to this game for me, I sometimes found it hard to figure out babbling of other people. My sister is right, my head likes to fly.
Still, I was now in a situation where each piece of information could be the key to getting out of this biome alive.
After a minute, the walls suddenly stopped and an icy staircase led upwards. The ice looked rock solid, but had that ever present glimpse into its deeper recesses. A deepness that almost seemed like it wanted to compel me into its dark abyss.
Still, even with that creepy little moment, it was beautiful to say the least. One thing bothered me, though. It didn’t seem as if the ice were melted at all anywhere, not on the walls, nor on the ground. So I asked quietly back to Zalia, “Is there a reason this ice looks like it has never even begun to melt?”
She looked at as if only realizing it then, but just acted as if it wasn’t that big a deal.
“As you may have felt, it is very cold in these parts. What is more, the change of seasons has all but stopped. It is what it is; the ice is permanent as is.”
Her reaction really drove home how entrenched they were in this winter that didn’t go away.
Up ahead, Gregor stepped onto a swirling old stone staircase, which caught me somewhat off guard. Although, as I looked closer it seemed to disappear into the ice, it seemed to me an old tower’s staircase before the ice took over. And as if answering my question, we stepped into a room that was without a doubt an old tower’s top room, and in its centre, a big telescope like object stood proud.
“Fascinating, I didn’t expect this at all.”
Zalia giggled and said,
“Your reaction is amusing,” She paused, “This had been our hope the last past years, always holding to the chance of spotting something that could come to our aid.”
I nodded and she wandered towards Gregor. Looking around then, the amount of scribbled notes scattered all about was quite remarkable and then there were charts... charts of the stars and the lands. This caught my attention more than anything else did. I stooped down and observed more carefully what was on them.
As I looked at the first map, there were several points of interests marked. I recognized one or two on it from my journey. Without expecting it, I heard a ping.
I just hovered my finger over the icon to see what it was about.
Map updated
That was a plus. I need to remember that. I was sometimes more of the type ‘complete the map by exploring it’. However, this had its uses.
Looking back down, I saw a big-circled area maybe half a day’s walk from Frosgar. A massive rock in the middle of nowhere lay in its midst. I had a large suspicion that this harboured the reason of the icy grip of the zone. Again I wondered if it was even remotely possible to complete on my own...
I shook it from my head.
On the map, south of that big circle, a city was marked clear as day. This was probably what Zalia had talked about, their city abandoned after the frost drove them from there. What a nightmare that must have been...
I turned to the west of the city and a few things were marked as points of interests, but I had no reference for them.
Well, it might hold value to ask what is out there.
One thing, I took keen interest in then was the several areas where a small monster drawing was dotted down, and seeing as the Sabre Tooth tigers had one of its own around the area where I had been... well I was going to make sure to ask about those other areas.
Then, it dawned on me. These people didn’t sound like the type to explore the icy wastes apart from finding good fishing grounds and ways to make hard liquor. I wondered if Zalia was the one to make the map...
“I see you found my map.” Zalia said from over my shoulder. It startled me, I’ll admit that. The girl was stealthy.
“Ah, uhum. Yeah, it is quite useful. I have been going over things to take note of.” I paused, “Zalia... what is that city’s name? The one you came from.”
Her smile dropped just the smallest of margins, but she had a thoughtful look on her face.
“It is called, Shauteer. I hope you can see it as I have one day; it is a beautiful city. But, these days, the blizzards make it almost impossible to stay there for more than a day or two.”
I could see the frown on her face deepen, so I quickly said,
“Well, I look forward to seeing it without the ice. By the way, what is with these star maps? I can’t rightly say I can really recall their like in the realms. They are quite remarkable.”
Her frown disappeared within the span of a second and her eyes lit up.
“Oh! You took interest in them? I created them because I found a fascinating connection between the constellations and several ancient stones dotting the lands. For three days exactly each time, a stone would light up with a constellation that is in the night sky. I have been following them, trying to discover their secrets.”
As she talked, her hands gestured wildly between the star chart and the map, and it became clear what that certain icon dotted across the map meant. What was more, they were dotted almost exclusively in a circle around that big stone.
Just when the realization hit me, a small light orb drifted from Zalia’s hand.
My breath caught a bit. I glanced at her, but she didn’t seem to see it. I reached out and the moment I touched it, almost the same thing happened from back at the fire when she asked if would share her quest.
It was like knowing her fascination, seeing brief glimpses of the standing stones and their glowing marks.
A small voice whispered to me,
“Follow her stars.”
Shocked, I looked around. But there was no one near me except Zalia, and she was busy happily discussing the different stones with their connecting constellations. I touched her arm, still looking around.
“Did you hear that?”
She tilted her head,
“Hear what?”
It bothered me that I was the only one to hear it.
Finally, I shook my head and stood up.
“Never mind, I think I will speak to your father.”
“My step father really, but you are welcome to.”
This was a bit surprising, but I took no mind of it as I turned to the man looking through the telescope.
Upon approach, I dotted down another note next to him.
“Sir, what are you looking at?”
He turned to me with a twinkle in his eyes.
“Oh, I have been looking at the pass. I was actually expecting the storm to have settled a bit there. Alas, it seems it did not.”
“Why did you expect it to have settled?”
“Because, you are here.”
That slapped me in the face a bit. I had a lot of questions then, but he beat me to it as he then said,
“No adventurer had set foot in these lands. Even the ones to try the pass has never come close.”
Ah. That explained things.
“Can I see the pass?”
“Certainly lad! Just stand here and look through the eye piece.”
I stepped up and looked through the telescope. What became clear immediately was that the pass looked insane. No person in their right mind would respawn over and over to try and get through that storm and the crazy geography that accompanied it showed the only way in or out of the zone.
No wonder this place was such a secret... However, this begged the question, why on earth would the others have created this zone if it was this inaccessible. It didn’t make sense, not one bit. It was a mystery I couldn’t wrap my head around, not yet.
Looking away, I asked,
“Sir, are you also convinced that the ice problem lies at the centre of that big rock?”
“Yes, indeed I am! Would you accept a quest to venture there and free us from this never-ending ice? There would be rewards, if you succeed. The town would finally be free.”
I frowned a bit and looked to Zalia, whose eyes were shining brightly with hope.
“I accept.”
I fell on my butt as a big question mark popped up above his head and a quest ping rung in my head.
Okay! So, Gregor was definitely a NPC(Non-player-character). But my word! That question mark took me by surprise. Having been with Zalia had almost made me forget the way NPCs worked in the game.
I froze momentarily. Then... why was Zalia different? My brain did flops on a frying pan as I tried to force it to comprehend the moment.
But, nothing came to the forefront.
“Are you okay?” Zalia asked then from right in front of me, “Your forehead looks scary.”
As she said it, the tension let go with a flick and I took it off the frying pan.
I sighed.
“Don’t worry about me. I was just trying to figure something out. Um, which reminds me, are there any shops in Frosgar? I need to purchase some much needed supplies and then I want to find a bed. Any chance they have those too?”
“Of course there is, silly. Follow me.” Zalia giggled again. That at least was good.
I followed her out of the tower and the hall, but the more steps I took, the more it was on autopilot. Questions abounded, but answers? Well, they were in very short supply at the moment.
“These are good quality gems! No way they are worth that little.”
The man behind the counter looked nervous as I tried to barter a better price for the gems I found on the Ice Embraced Gremlins.
“I see your point good sir, but how can I know the quality just by taking your word? I would gladly take them to study, and if it is of the quality you say, we can discuss a better price. It won’t increase much, but we can talk.”
I sighed. I couldn’t remember bartering in the game being this complicated. Then again, this zone was... weird.
I was about to say yes, when Zalia swooped in from the left and grabbed my arm saying to the man.
“Delin! A good day to be about. I am sorry for my friend here keeping you from enjoying a day without a blizzard. Excuse us.”
“What—?” I asked, utterly confused.
“Wait—!!” Delin hurriedly shouted.
But, Zalia had already dragged me away at a fast pace. Within seconds, we swept around a corner and Zalia gave a big sigh of relief.
“What was that about?” I asked somewhat irked.
Though, she just gave me a measured stare before she huffed.
“You know, I guess I should have expected it, but maybe you should have spent some time asking who is affiliated with whom in the town. As for that man, well, he is a regular around my stepbrother. And my stepbrother is definitely not on friendly terms with the either of us at the moment.
I chuckled nervously. I did not think about that, at all. My previous assertion of ‘Complicated’ seemed to be an understatement. The prospect of being able to finally buy some much-needed supplies made me a tad single minded in approach.
“Thanks,” I said finally, “If I may be so bold to ask, can you help me do what I need in the market, without running afoul of those who might have, um malicious intentions?”
“You want my help?” She asked with a smile tugging at the sides of her lips.
“Definitely. I feel, what is the word ... Out of my depth in this place.”
She took the gems with a playful look and I watched as she popped into the market square.
It wasn’t five minutes before she came back with a sack full of coins. I stared at it in surprise. That other guy wanted to give me a fraction of that for it.
She held it out for me.
You received 475 gold pieces, 20 silver and 10 copper.
“Whoa,” I said aloud. “You don’t pull your punches, do you?”
Her grin was shockingly wide. So, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was a merchant or two who were rocking back and forth in a corner. Though, I didn’t dare ask this strange wonderful creature with her big smile.
So, I veered off a direction with Zalia following almost at my side. As we walked, I would point to stuff I needed and Zalia would quickly haggle a price and then looked to me for finishing the deal.
As I held the first health potion I had in what like felt ages, I mewled with happiness. It really wasn’t something to be caught without. Luckily now I had 4, and for the low price of 52 gold, I was indeed a smiling man.
Regular Health Potion
Restores 100 Health Points(HP)
The single energy potion we found was at least something. It might help in dire straits.
Regular Energy Potions
Fills 70 Energy Points(EP)
Then I turned and spotted something else... a shop with Mana Potions. I paused in thought. With my previous very sorely missed, Swift Guardian class, I never even had a Mana bar unlocked... which was normal and as such, I was heavily invested on the martial side of battle tactics.
Still, being able to use mana in the game brought huge other perks to the table.
I wonder what my main class would end up being, a martial class again or a mage or a stealth ninja!!! I chuckled manically, until I spotted Zalia just frowning worryingly at me. A stopped immediately. Turning bright red like before. Making Zalia’s frown even deeper, like she was deep in though.
With an awkward sigh, I turned around slowly away from her, trying to hide my embarrassment.
As I did, it reminded me, that whatever my class, I still had to frikken find one and that is if I was ever to find one in this ice filled zone!!
A frustrated grunt escaped me and the shopkeeper in front of me looked quite startled. I was about to walk on, when I sighed.
“Fine, I will take one of your Regular Mana Potions.”
“Ah, fine choice. That would be 30 gold.”
I gave the gold, nodding. Then I almost choked! 30 gold for one frikken mana potion? What the heck?!
The shopkeeper looked please, but my features were brooding.
Yeah, yeah keep smiling.
Though, I had already given the gold.
Regular Mana Potion
Restores 120 Mana Points(MP)
A minute later, Zalia skipped into view next to me holding a rather strange looking green potion. I didn’t even notice she had left. That girl is stealthy! Then it hit me.
She held it out to me and I accepted it with big questions hanging on my lips.
“What? Have you never seen a green one before?”
I shook my head and she frowned.
“So, you only know the three basic ones?”
“I guess?”
“Oh, you are going to like this one! I have to admit I was quite surprised when I was collaborating with the herbalist, that we went on to figuring this type of potion out.”
I tapped it and the info popped up.
Regular Crafting Potion.
+10 focus while crafting.
+15% chance of creating one tier higher item.
Lasts 10 minutes.
My mouth gaped. This was... This was great! In a zone like this where crafting was incredibly important to stay alive...
I looked at Zalia.
“I... Thanks... How much do I owe you for it?”
She just shook her head walked off, casting a face over her shoulder.
“It’s a gift. A thank you for helping me.”
A smile tugged my lips and I followed her.
Still reeling a bit, I tried to focus on what was next on my list. It was a better vest for under my coat. My [Stout Shirt] was woefully inadequate for anything out here. It offered no protection and it gave zero exposure insulation.
So, I walked through a clothing shop Zalia had pointed out to me and as I browsed, I happened on a sturdy long sleeved shirt that clearly was made to take a hit. None of the others in the shop had that same feeling.
I tapped it to see what it was about.
{{[Shirt of the Lizardkind]
This shirt was crafted by better than average means using the hide of a Spotted Cave Lizard. It is flexible and warm. It offers the wearer good protection against piercing melee attacks.
+25 % Protection against Slashing and Piercing attacks.
+1 Vitality
-10% Exposure.}}
Oh, it was nice! I needed something like it. With it in hand, I stepped up to the clerk.
“What is the price?”
“520 Gold.”
I choked hard this time.
“What?! That is crazy.”
The clerk, a burly man with braided beard, looked at me.
“It is what it is. It is made from a cave lizards hide. It is very durable against slashes and gives good insulation against cold.”
My head shook as I looked at it, I tried to haggle. But the man only went down to about 480 gold before he threw up his hands and said,
“I can’t go any lower, the caves are dangerous and there aren’t many crafters in Frosgard.”
Finally, I just shrugged. It was above what I had. For now I would just have make do.
As I walked to the side, I spotted a jewellery cabinet, with several amulets and rings in it.
“Is there any chance you have something for movement speed?”
The man stared at me carefully for a second before he ventured over and pointed at a ring.
“This would give some. It is 275 gold. And don’t you be wasting me time.”
I just nodded. That was more a price I expected. So, I counted out the gold and gave it to him.
The ring itself looked of quite a good quality.
[Ring of the Mountain Goat]
This was the ring of an old hermit that these people called the Mountain Goat.
It gives a boost to reflexes and speed for those who wear it.
+ 2 Agility
+ 7% Movement Speed.
This was a nice addition. Extra speed remained one of things where I could have desperately used some more of the last few days. I spared one last look at that shirt. Then left.
A bit put down because of not being able to even find a decent shirt I could afford, I searched for Zalia.
It was time to find a place to sleep. Somewhere completely safe for the first time in days.
The place I ended up, was an inn called The Comfy Icicle. I stared at the name for what felt like minutes.
Then Zalia tugged at my clothes, her brow already lifted in question.
“And now? Is this place not suitable?”
I drew in a breath as I pulled a face.
“It is... but that name... I can’t help but think how not comfy an icicle is.”
Zalia burst out laughing. She actually started pounding on the wall through the event before finally huffing out of breath,
“Ha! Good one! Hahaha. I have to remember that.”
I chuckled, but strangely, I was serious. It can’t at all be comfy.
Then Zalia grabbed my arm and lead me inside and well, I couldn’t fault her. I did actually look like a comfy place.
The room for the night cost 10 silver. Which was a real decent price. But, when the inn keeper asked me how long I would be staying, I hardly had an answer. As it went, the prospects looked slim of getting out of the zone soon.
Before I entered my room, Zalia said,
“Wil, I am glad I found you.”
“Then I hope I can give the town more than some hope going forward. I have to find a way to leave this zone eventually.”
All of a sudden her features tensed, and an uncertainty crept onto her face. One I couldn’t place. But, before I could ask, she waved goodnight and bounded down the hall.
That was strange.
All I could do was shrug and enter the room, before plopping down on a comfy bed! Ah, the joys!
But, then I sat up.
It reminded me. There had been a few entries into my Status Journal.
I tapped on it. And there was the quest Zalia’s Father?... had given me. It didn’t look like just a side quest, so that was good news. But I went on. There were a few passive side-quests that had popped up. One was for discovering what the ice-gremlins were up to. Though I guessed that one might have led me to Frosgard anyway, at least at first. It’s name. [The Ice-Embraced Master]
Interesting, there was a side-quest for exploring the caves and finding rare materials and crafting materials. Definitely worth checking out if I went that way. [Spelunking of the Ice caves.]
Then there was riff raff, stuff telling me if I wanted to explore crafting, fire starting, I vein throbbed in my head at that one! There was also one, for better learning the signs of wildlife in nature. [Path of the Wild Sense]
Probably Zalia’s input triggered that one.
I was about to exit the list, when my eyes suddenly glued to one and I tapped on it.
[Star Cartographer.] You have seen the hint of something quite extraordinary and set off on the journey to discover what secrets this world is hiding with the ancient knowledge of the stars. Where would this path lead you? Prerequisites: Met. Reward: ???
“I don’t understand?”
Then I snapped upright. That voice? Didn’t I imagine that? Nah... But still it was severely weird. What did it say again? I rolled on the bed plundering my brain for it. Then I remember. Follow her stars? Something like that. But that... and this. It couldn’t possibly be connected, could it. It definitely got my attention, though.
I shook my head. So much stuff has happened. Then I exited from that screen.
[Congratulations!] You are the first person to discover this incredibly hard to find quest!
Calculating Rewards.
+3 Patience
+3 Insight
+2 Perception
+1 Charisma
+7 Lore
+10 Luck.
I fell of the bed, on my head and my knees dropped to the sides of my ears.
Then, I rolled over and grunted while rubbing my aching head. I glanced at the screen, no way I had seen right.
Then I saw it again and my eyes went wide. Glad I was on the ground, because I was quite confident I would have fallen off again.
Ten luck??!! Gaining one or two points in major attributes has been so weird since I fell in this zone, and I chalked it off to the much higher level creatures I had desperately tried to evade. But this? I rubbed my hand over my face. I needed answers suddenly.
It was finally time.
My body was as safe as can be, hopefully giving me time if I were to leave the game briefly. So, I tapped on the log out button to check if I can exit Realm Of Ancients.
I clicked again.
And nothing happened.
“Ah, that complicates things.”
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