《Heart of the World (LitRPG)》Ch: 3 - There are more of them?!


Chapter 3 - There are more of them?!

Now the developers can go on about how balanced the game was and how the AI’s were programmed to ensure that. But, one thing they could not always guarantee balance was with roaming higher level monsters, and the uncommon glitch that caused them or Level Scaling monsters, who were lone wolves, to fight together.

Whatever caused this scenario, made on thing sure. It was going to be a long battle, or much more likely, a quick death for me…

I jumped back; increasing the distance that I gained after my, ughm, unceremonious flailing through the air like a fat turkey that believed it can fly.

Deftly I tapped on the left of my peripheral vision, a faded sword-like icon with colored dots on it, and swiped right.

The world didn’t pause. So, had to hurry while I watched the hunters stalking me with rapt attention. I swiftly switched out my Great Strength II rune in my sword to a Deep Harrow Tree rune, a pretty rare critical hit rune that you have the option of changing its nature through several chain quests to unlock its unique qualities. The ‘Tree’ in the name said it all. It took a lot of patience to acquire while learning this vast game, which I only feel I have scratched the surface of while I started to work on my small piece of the first world overhaul patch. But regardless of how difficult it was to obtain, by everything that is good I was sure glad that I got that rune at that moment.

It slipped into one of the two slots of Xianmou, secure, the other was still an attack speed rune. Yet I was very aware of the two minutes it would take for the switched rune to attune to the sword. That crazy sweat mechanic was working overtime on my face. I licked my lips. I just had to keep dodging four Level Scaling monsters until my sword was back in business. Yup, too easy… Not.

Still, the rookies had stopped running around wailing. That at least was something. It didn’t encourage me one bit that they sat cowering behind a big bush looking at me with big puppy eyes. Almost like they were sure I had this in the bag. The big guy that acted so unmanly lifted his arm and threw me a thumbs up.


My lip twitched, but I ignored the group staring at me.

I popped a regenerate health potion and saw my health slowly increase. Far too slowly.

Unsurprisingly the third Hob Goblin came at me from the side, though my focus was on the Miasma Druid drawing energy for an attack. I had to dodge that one no matter what; my health was too low to tank it.

Improvisation was the only way I could think of. I switched my sword for the only other blade in my arsenal, an average dagger. One I kept for special kind of side quests, but useless against the enemies I faced now.

But there was one ability that had slight promise. One I had long since unlocked in a skill tree that gave me a chance here. And as I watched the Miasma Druid finish drawing energy for that large creepy looking ball that it was certainly going to chuck at me, I tensed my feet, my boots got a glow to them and I held the dagger in a pose where it looked as if I really wanted to stab my own leg.

Of course, as that creepy ball suddenly came flying at me, I did not stab my leg. It would have been imbecilic. Instead, I activated a rush ability towards the third Hob Goblin. The Miasma Druid’s attack came at me like a heat-seeking missile and the sweat was pouring down my features like a fountain!

Within a meter of hitting me, I tried out my risky attempt at dodging the attack. I aimed at the leg of the closest Hob Goblin, and activated ‘Skin Monster’.

Sure, I’m almost convinced no one had ever used this ability while rushing at breakneck speed towards a living monster. And that was my hope; that the very developers who were my co-workers never even stopped to consider the crazy possibility of ‘Skin Monster’ being used like this.

A moment passed and nothing happened.

Then with a flash and some serious G-force that made my cheeks flap, I was sent flying at the Hob Goblin’s leg. The miasma ball brushed past me as the dagger plunged into Hob Goblin’s flesh. The brute roared and stumbled with my neat circular extraction of its hide.


Then the momentum of Rush and my impromptu Skin Monster, sent me flying into the bark of a tree. I folded neatly in two around the trunk and made a sound I’d rather not think about.

At least hitting the tree only took off ten hit points against probably instant knockout from that creepy ball.

I stumbled to my feet and blew out a breath. This was going to be a tough one. With a flick of my wrist, I unsheathed Xianmou. The timer still ticked down on the attuning of the rune, 5…4…3…2…1.

Relief flooded over me before I proceeded to lift the sword into an active position. I checked my Energy bar, Rush had only drained a minute amount. It was full again, thankfully.

The Hob Goblins were walking towards me, all lined up, with the Miasma Druid in between the second and third one. A grin spread my face. I smelled a big combo.

My sword dropped to a horizontal stance, and I twisted it to ready the Swift Guardian Tree’s Log Chopper attack. A risky maneuver considering the situation, but, it could get me on the combo train quickly.

The first Hob Goblin came storming at me with the second one from the side. From my previous attacks, both were below half on their HP bars. With the second one’s flashing dangerously in the red. I leaned back and started spinning Xianmou in the circle that immediately activated Log Chopper. The first spin hit the first enemy’s legs as well as the second run by. The third collided with the knee cap of the next enemy. With all my strength and gritting teeth, I pulled the sword upwards for the next spin and it only just sunk into the second Hob Goblin’s stomach.

With a trembling groan, it fell to the ground, dead. After that, my Log Chopper came to an end with me staring at the gnarled features of the old Hob Goblin that was the Miasma Druid. It was pulling at the air as space around its hands became thick with menace. I briefly glanced over at my combo counter. It had four seconds left. I had enough combos in the bank for my Second Tier bar.

The full Energy bar activated at my prompt and two parts in the new bar flared up, hopefully, to be used this time.

I pulled heavily on my sluggish sword still on cooldown from my previous ability. But, as I pulled it up, the effect disappeared.

With a roar, I readied my stance for Sky Fury, an ability only available if you allow your Energy bar to fill up completely accompanied with four combo hits still active.

Just as the Miasma Druid readied its throwing arm, Xianmou swooped me into the air twenty meters up and arced before crashing down on the gnarled figure now below me.

The combat counter almost hit reset before I struck, but my sword hit my foe with three damage multipliers and the deadly red glow of my Deep Harrow Tree rune. It couldn’t even lift an arm before it was dead on the ground. I couldn’t celebrate as I swept my sword into another arc at the third Hob Goblin. It still had full health, but I had five combos, meaning four sweet multipliers now and my Second Tier bar increasing the critical chance stat by hundred percent and cool down’s between attacks. With one hit at its side, I took down half of its health. That was five, and then I reversed my sword, striking it again in a thrust, ending its rampage right there. Only one enemy remained. I was ecstatic!

Just as I was thinking about how I could maybe keep my combo for the last Hob Goblin, someone called my name.

“Wil! I’m here to help!”

Distracted, I looked around and then saw my step-sister, Eri, running towards me.

Something struck me hard on the head and everything went red before I blacked out.

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