《A Dessert of Dreams》Chapter Fifteen: Hitting On Enemies


“I have no idea why you would think like that, Father,” Choice replied in a much calmer tone, “Women are not allowed to ascend the throne in our kingdom. I have no intention to interfere in my brothers’ competition for the throne.”

“Hmm, you were more open with your desires before you went to Perpetual. They really know how to remodel women. Still, if that’s how you really feel about the throne, it’ll be a real shame. I was thinking about giving you a hand.”

“Giving me a hand? Father are you saying that you plan to amend the rules of ascension to allow female royals to become the monarch?” Choice asked, her excitement and enthusiasm no longer hidden.

“What! Of course not. I would never do such a ridiculous thing. That’s political suicide.”

“I’m confused father. If the idea is so ridiculous then how would you lend me a hand?” Choice’s voice lost all eagerness and she looked at her father in confusion.

Frank chuckled and took another puff from his pipe. “I was thinking about giving you unofficial permission to try and fight for the throne. I doubt you’d actually win the right to reign but I’m going to close my eyes to your plans. I want to see if you can actually overcome all your obstacles and sit on the throne.”

Choice looked waringly at her father and after a moment of silence responded. “I am still surprised father at how you came to the conclusion that I even want the throne. I am certain that mother has no such ideas about me.”

“Ah, she thinks this travelling around the country is to drum up support for your brother, doesn’t she? When in reality, you’re doing this for yourself. Of course she wouldn’t understand what you want. Why would she, she never looks at you but you are my favourite, right? That’s what everyone says,” Frank said cynically. “I pay attention to you. The way you look at the throne with naked desire and hunger? Very obvious. At least to me.”

Frank had a small smile on his face as he gazed at his daughter but contrary to his words, he did not look at her with any goodwill. If someone sees the way you’re looking at me, will they ever think I’m your favourite, Choice thought then smiled back at her father.

“Father is very astounding. I am very surprised…”

“At what?” The King demanded with irritation, “My intelligence and observation skills or my knowledge? I don’t know what you’ve thought about me but remember that I am King. I am the King of this kingdom and I didn’t reach this position and stay here by being stupid or by not knowing what’s happening.”

At the end of this diatribe, Choice dropped into a deep curtsey, bowing her head while doing so. She had been very careful in her words but it seemed that the King had issues with people underestimating him.

“Your Majesty,” Choice said softly and cautiously, “I would never imply any such thing about you. What I was saying was that I was surprised and disappointed in myself for being obvious. I have not learnt well from my school. You are the King and guardian of the Legume Kingdom. You’ve protected us from our enemies and have rooted out spies and traitors from amongst us. There is no doubt to your bravery, knowledge or intelligence. If I have said anything that implies I think otherwise, please forgive me.”

Choice remained in that position for what felt like an eternity before she heard her father’s voice telling her to stand.


“There’s no need for all of that. I wasn’t rebuking you nor was I going to punish you. Also, don’t say that thing about you not learning well from your school. If I must say you learnt too well from them. So get up. There’s no need for grovelling.” You say that but you sound much happier after that whole speech I just gave. Hmph, you can’t fight with the ministers so you take it out on someone who you think has no power.

Choice made no mention of her thoughts and rose with a pleased expression on her face. “Thank you father for not holding my thoughtless words against me.”

“Of course I would not do that. Regardless of what people think, I am quite magnanimous.”

“Of course you are,” Choice said softly with a hint of sarcasm that her father seemed not to recognise. She shook her head a little to clear her thoughts and reorient herself before looking inquisitively at her father. “I know you said you don’t really expect me to actually get the throne and I assume you’re only doing this for your own amusement but what if I actually am better than my brothers, will you support me getting the throne regardless of anyone else says?”

The King chuckled, shaking his head at her. “Ah, you really are very eager for the throne aren’t you? If you can’t convince people that you are worthy of becoming their King, how can I support you? Don’t try and too much at once. Start from the little things. Maybe...convince one person to support you during this...pilgrimage.”

“That...makes sense,” Choice replied with an open mouthed smile. You basically mean that you’re doing nothing to help. If I convinced everyone else to acknowledge me there’s no point in asking for your support. You want to amuse yourself by watching me struggle and fail but you don’t want to put in any effort. I won’t fail. I’ll get support and I’ll get that throne. And I’ll do it without your help. Yours or mother’s.

“Thank you for your advice, father. I will make sure to follow it and do you pride,” Choice said then curtseyed to her father. Frank did not react to this gesture and continued smoking his pipe, facing the ceiling. Choice closed her eyes for a second then, “I can sense that I can sense that I am disturbing you and keeping you from official matters. I appreciate you letting me accompany you, Father. I will withdraw now but will never forget all you have told me today.” Frank still did not respond to her so Choice rose up from her curtsey and walked to the door of the throne room. Before she left, she turned around to see her father still on the throne smoking in the previous position.

Choice gritted her teeth in irritation before she turned back to the door and walked out.

On the throne, Frank blew smoke rings into the air and never moved from his position.

A week later, a side door to the palace opened and a few seconds later two figures came out. Both figures were covered in clothing but their body shapes would have let any observer figure out that they were women. Both women walked away without speaking and behind them the side door closed noiselessly.

Choice glanced at Rachel before reaching into her cloth and unwrapping a scroll. This scroll contained a list of all the prominent shrines and temples related to the worship of the moon. Some of them were dedicated specifically to the moon spirit while others worshipped a broad array of spirits.


“Did my mother give you any extra information about these temples?” Choice asked Rachel after a few minutes of reading. Rachel smiled and shook her covered head.

“She really did not tell me anything except to protect you. Your mother does not really tell me things. I am simply your protector and guard.”

Choice rolled her eyes and tutted but decided to not comment on her uselessness. After all, according to what she had seen that day, Rachel was one of her mother’s strongest recruits and while she had magic, she couldn’t use it where Rachel could see. Not to mention that her magic wasn’t very reliable anyway. It’s not good to antagonise your protection. Although I only plan to have you with me for a few days. After that, it’s bye bye Rachel.

“I guess I do need a guard outside the palace,” She said instead, “Also, on this trip you have to listen to my every word. I didn’t continue refusing you because I thought I would need the help and I didn’t want to seem suspicious by travelling alone. I don’t have to tell you that although my King father is mighty and works hard to keep the roads safe, there are a few people that refuse to follow instructions. Naturally, these people eventually get disciplined but we might meet a few of them before they do. I hope then you show me why mother insisted that you accompany me.”

Choice did not in any way believe what she had just said. The country of Legume had a bandit problem. It was only outside the capital that there were few who dared to rob travellers but this was not always the case as shown by the attempt on her life in the capital twelve years before. Things would be so much better if not the fact that her father prefered to focus on his hedonism and nothing else.

“Of course, your Highness. My blade is yours and so is my life.”

“Right. Of course.” Rachel did not say anything in regards to the disbelief colouring Choice’s voice and Choice did not say anything. Instead, she brought out another piece of paper. This one was a map that specifically marked out where these shrines were located in relation to one another. She put the two papers back into her pocket and brought something else - rolled up papers with a red ribbon. She still hadn’t opened and looked at ‘the list’. Choice returned it to her pocket and inhaled heavily.

“Let’s go to the market,” She said to Rachel and walked in a different direction than the one she had been walking in.

“But my Lady, that’s different from the plan.”

“The plan doesn’t work. If we went along with the plan, there’s no way we would have appeared as common women. It would have been laughably easy for someone to discover that we are more than we seem. Also, don’t ask questions. Just do what I tell you to do.”

“ As you say.”

The plan had been to pretend to be men, buy a horse drawn carriage and use it to travel to the first place on their list. But that would have given away their positions as important people. Sure, it wasn’t a Kariot but it was mostly the rich and nobility that had the ability to purchase carriages. The plan she had would be able to better conceal their identities. Also, she really didn’t want to pretend to be a man (or follow any suggestions made by her mother).

Although, Choice thought and looked at Rachel, the plan needs some adjustment. I can pretend to be a normal person who looks better than the average but Rachel is too pretty to be anyone important. I’m going to have to cover that face.

“Rachel from now on, I want you to cover up your appearance. Your beauty is too distracting and your hair especially is too different and draws attention. I’d tell you to cut it but,” at this Rachel flinched but Choice continued on nonchalantly, “That’d make it even worse. I don’t have time to dye your hair so take care of it well.”

Rachel smiled sharply where Choice could not see and said softly with well hidden malice, “What about you, your Highness?”

“What about me?”

“I don’t know if you are aware of this but women with your colouring are very rare in the country. Yes my hair is very distracting but it is more easily hidden than your face.”

Choice stopped stunned and Rachel looked self-satisfied for a moment before hiding her expression. “Are you alright, my Lady? I hope I did not offend you by mentioning it?”

Choice scoffed. “Don’t worry about it. I just hadn’t thought about it before. I too will keep my face covered.” She’d gotten too used to the nonchalance and disinterest accorded to her appearance in the palace that she had forgotten how people reacted to her at Perpetual. “Also, don’t call me my Lady or your Highness from now on.”

“I shouldn't? I’m sorry my Lady but I don’t think I can call you by name. That would be disrespectful to you, the royal family and your mother.” So my mother is the most important one on that list. Still she’s right. I don’t want her to call me by my name but...

“I don’t expect you to call me by my first name but you can call me by one of my other names.”

“Which one should I use?”

“Huh. How about you call me Deka then? Yes, call me Deka if you need to specifically refer to me.”

“Yes my Lady,” Rachel said then changed her address when Choice glared at her, “I mean Deka.”

“Good,” Choice replied then smiled widely, “Now to the market.”

In the end, although she did not want to, she followed her mother’s suggestion of pretending to be men. No matter how she racked her brain to explain away why two women were travelling on their own around the country, she couldn’t think of anything. Also dark skinned men were more frequently seen in Legume than dark skinned women. Still everything other suggestion of her mother’s was inferior to her own.

Choice had used some silver to purchase some rice as well as other foodstuff from one of the prominent stores in the capital. This way she could pretend to be a worker in one of the villages on Legume rented land who was buying food for said village.

There was a reason why people said Legume was a cursed country. Yes it was one of the most best places to raise food crops in the entire continent if not the best and it had never experienced a famine before still that was the only thing that could be grown on Legume soil. If a plant wasn’t useful for human consumption, it could never flourish on Legume soil. Not cotton, not tobacco and certainly not grass for grazing. So animals were a luxury in Legume as most of them couldn’t be fed and had to have food imported for other countries. Other things such as gold, silver or diamond could not be mined in Legume. It truly was a food country!

Previous Legume Kings had tried to circumvent this curse by snatching pieces of land from other Kingdoms but as soon as these lands were conquered they could only produce food crops as well. Usually, this wouldn’t be a problem but the continent had been experiencing an unprecedented length of peacetime and prosperity. Legume was no longer as desired or important as before. It could still export food to other countries as it was a great producer or food and small skirmishes still happened but Legume food was no longer necessary. Other countries could grow their own and other types of crops as well.

The idea Choice’s father had come up with was to rent land from countries around them which would allow Legume to use these lands for their benefits but prevent them from falling under the curse. It worked but the curse still followed Legumes in some way as rented lands that were populated by mostly Legumes were not able to produce much animal feed or cash crops. And even with these lands, Legume was not able to produce much alternative means of creating money. In addition to that renting these lands and hiring people from other nations to work on them took some money. If they kept on going like this, Legume would have nothing left in the treasury.

Choice hummed to herself. This issue would be one of the most difficult ones to solve when she ascended the throne. Under the curse, anyone could pluck a plant from the ground and be certain that it was edible although they may not know how to prepare. Still, a curse was a curse and there was no way that such an insidious curse that looked like a benefit would not bring problems when she ascended the throne.

Choice thought about it for a moment longer and decided to put it aside for later. She had time to discover the reason for this curse and think of a way to keep Legume as a country that never had a famine but also produced other types of crops and resources. Besides, Legume’s problems were beneficial for her. No one would suspect her of being someone different from what she claimed.

“For the first time, fada’s decision are beneficial to me,” Choice muttered under her breath.

“Your H- Deka, were you speaking to me?” Rachel asked curiously while wrapping her breasts so as to prevent it from protruding and ruining her identity.

“No,” Choice said curtly as she patted her body to make sure that nothing was out of place. They were currently in one of her mother’s secret rooms scattered around the capital. Choice had reasoned that since she was taking her mother’s advice, she should take more of what her mother was offering.

Choice turned around and saw a curious sight of Rachel in her underpants still struggling to put the material around her bosom. For a moment, she paused looking at the amusing sight of a beautiful woman having difficulty with her clothing. It reminded her of the first time she saw Rita and so she chuckle quietly.

“Are you having problems with it?” Choice asked teasingly moving closer to Rachel, “How surprising. I thought my mother would have thought you how to dress in men’s clothes.”

“No she didn’t Your Highness. There’s wasn’t a point in doing so. It wasn’t necessary for fighting.” Rachel did not turn around to talk to Choice, the tape had slipped down from her body and so Rachel had bent down to pick it up. Choice noticing her trouble did not bother to correct her for forgotten to not call her by her title

“We just need them to use their bodies.” Choice remembered her saying and understood. There wasn’t any point in teaching them how to engage in subterfuge by hiding their gender. People like Rachel were just bodies to be thrown at a problem.

Maybe it was this thought that did it but when Choice spoke again to Rachel, her voice was noticeably gentler.

“Since you’re having such trouble, I’ll help you with it.”

“Ah, you don’t have to.” But Choice had already crossed the room and put her hands over hers.

“Let it go,” Choice said smirking slightly. “If I let you continue, you’ll take forever or might do it wrongly.”

“Ok,” Rachel said and flushed but Choice was behind her and did not see her eyes flash with something else in then.

Choice grinned at the blush on Rachel’s ears. Finally something I can show off as being better in.

“But Deka, where did you learn things like this? Did you learn at school.” Choice frowned momentarily. She hated being reminded of Perpetual.

“Mmm, something like that. I guess it was like an optional in school.” It was not. Choice put her hands in front of Rachel’s chest and placed the tape on top of it layer by layer until the tape had completely covered her breasts. Then she brought her hands slowly and deliberately over her chest.

“Mmn, it’s good but not good enough,” Choice whispered, smiling, “It’s good that there’s another piece of clothing to put on top. It’s a good thing that mother is thorough. Raise your hands I’ll put the vest on.”

Rachel said nothing but raised her hands and Choice put on the vest that had been given by her mother. There was some history there but Choice wasn’t interested in asking her mother why she had something that could hide a woman’s gender.

“There it’s all done,” Choice said in that still gentle tone. She was about to step back but then she noticed Rachel’s long hair. “Hah, I don’t know what to do with this hair. I was willing to leave it when I thought about us walking around as women but for a man, long hair is really noticeable. Especially when it’s as beautiful as yours. What do you say? Should I cut it?” Choice’s tone was still quite teasing as she stroked the long hair.

Rachel frowned and a stony look came on her face. Before Choice could react, she moved in a flash and cut her hair close to where Choice’s hand was on her hair. If not for the fact that Choice’s physique had been boosted after her rebirth, her reflexes would not have been fast enough to avoid having a cut on her hand.

“Careful,” Choice snapped a frown on her face and looked at the hair that was on the floor. Rachel’s hair had been to her waist but now she had cut it, it was just below her shoulders.

“Sorry, Your Highness. I was just trying to follow your instructions.”

“I told you not to call me by my title. And who told you to do that? I was considering i not commanding it.”

“I’m sorry that I misunderstood your orders,” Rachel said and turned around tO face Choice, “Please discipline me as you well please.”

Choice looked at Rachel’s blazing eyes and sighed. “Forget it. Come here, let me sort that out.” Rachel obeyed soundlessly but Choice did not take her time to braid it as well as she had originally planned. It didn’t matter anyway, the mood was already ruined.

Choice pinned the braid to the top of Rachel’s hair and handed her a wide brimmed hat. “Put it on. It’ll hide that hair of yours.” When Rachel took the hat, Choice turned away from her ignoring her and put on the rest of her clothes. She did not have much time to be fooling around, particularly with someone that she was sure she would have to take care of later. Such a shame, you’re my mother's person, Choice though glancing behind her at Rachel, you do have gorgeous hair.

Choice finished dressing herself and turned to see Rachel already done and staring at her. Choice paused for a second and admired her work. With her hair hidden and dressed in men’s clothes, no one would be able to guess that Rachel was originally a woman. Choice stared disappointedly at her face. Even dressing like a man was not able to diminish her beauty. Instead Rachel looked like a gentle handsome young man who had never touched a weapon or travelled much. Choice’s eyes fell down to the sheath strapped to Rachel’s waist.

“Are you bringing that out in the open.”

“Yes Deka. A lot of men carry weapons so it does not look odd.”

“I know that but I know you can hide your weapons so why is it out on display.”

“It’s quicker to use the sword in case of emergencies and it serves as a deterrent.”

“Hmm, I thought I was the one doing the thinking on this trip,” When Rachel did not respond to this jibe, Choice nodded and said, “Very well. It might yet be useful.” Choice turned her face away and looked in the mirror at her own reflection. Hmm as I thought. Just slightly good looking. Without the help of jewelry and accessory, I don’t look that good looking. This is good. I won’t stand out. Still can’t believe I was that insane to feel attracted for even a minute to her. It’s been some time since I last got some. I should meet up with someone soon, I’m obviously too horny.

Choice eyed Rachel for a minute and briefly flexed her consciousness. For a moment, she felt all powerful and connected to all the sources of water around her - the water in the jug, the pond behind the house, the water in a water skin - before she quickly withdrew her consciousness. Besides her Rachel flinched and subtly flared her aura.

“Is something the matter?” Choice turned around and asked, a puzzled look on her face. Rachel waited for a few seconds before she replied.

“No nothing. I thought I felt something.” Choice hmmed and Rachel waited for a while before retreating her aura. So Rachel is an aura user as well as a dual wielder. What is mother teaching the people in that camp of hers. Also, her senses are very sensitive. I guess I can’t use my power around her until I leave her behind. She is too eye catching even as a man. Oh well, this partnership will be over soon. Such a shame, I would have liked such a strong swordsman to be loyal to me.

Disguises intact, Choice signalled for them to leave. They still had much left to do if they wanted to live this capital with their lives in place.

“We are going to join a merchant caravan. It’s the safest way to travel towards the south. So from now on don’t speak much to other people. Also, as we currently both men, I will not call you by your name. I will call you....Richard. Yes, that is an appropriate name. It sounds similar enough to Rachel that if I make a mistake - which I will not do - it could be easily explained.”

“Yes, your Highness but how do you know if there is a caravan heading towards the south.”

“This is the capital, Richard. Also, don’t call me by that. How many times will I say this.” Rachel bowed her head apologetically and Choice continued on satisfied, “Besides when we were buying the rice, I heard someone in a stall near us talking about where their caravan was heading. We just have to pay to join it’s not that difficult.” Choice was telling a few untruths. Yes, she had heard someone talking about where their caravan was going but it was not someone next to her. Instead it was the head merchant speaking about their itinerary in an inn some yards away.

It’s not that difficult?, Rachel sneered to herself, If you go around spending money like water, how won’t that make us suspicious. Hmph, if you want to do the thinking then stop thinking like you are still a princess. Still Rachel did not say anything. She was very certain of her strength, regardless of whatever came their way, she would be able to take care of it. But not before she let the princess learn a lesson first, perhaps then this royal would learn to respect other people.

Choice walked towards where the merchant she had selected was based, unaware of her companions contempt and certain of her plans but adventures are there to temper people, isn’t that right?

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