《A Dessert of Dreams》Chapter Seven: Why Do All Men Want You Dead


A few days later, Choice found herself in front of a giant portal. It had been a week since she and her brother had left Legume. She’d turned back to glance at her kingdom as it disappeared out of sight. This would be the first time that she had left Legume in her lifetime. Perpetual didn’t count because for her it was exactly the same as her country.

The Kingdom of Favrier was a very rich kingdom not because of anything inherent in the kingdom but because of its portal. Portals were the only real method to use to travel between continents. You could try to travel by sea but the ocean was filled with frightening creatures that forged on any ship that passed their territory. Even mages resorted to portal devices because although a lot of them could fly or power a vehicle with flight runes, the sky too was too dangerous for mortals.

So the Fevrier portal serviced the entire southwest side of the Xin Continent. It brought riches and plenty trouble but money always helps in situations like that. No one knew where Internationale was based but they had an address programmed into all the portals so the only way to get to the school was through the portal. Using the portal was expensive but the price for travelling to Internationale for its students and ex students was almost non existent.

Choice turned away from the portal and looked at the busy market that surrounded it. It was packed with people and constantly there were people queueing up to enter the portal and people coming out of the portal. She’d spent hours just looking at the vibrancy of the market and comparing it with that of her home. She couldn’t help but find that of her home inferior.

“Is there something you’d like to buy,” Rachel asked beside her. She’d come on the day they were about to leave Legume and had told her that her mother had asked if she could accompany her for her protection.

Choice knew that this was her mother’s way of spying on her and making sure that she was going to fulfill her part of the bargain. It made her even more suspicious of what was in the envelope that would lead her mother to lend to her one of her best trained fighters.

“I don’t have any money,” Choice replied nonchalantly. She had not received any money from anyone with the assumption being that her brother would take care of her.

“I have money,” Rachel replied, “Is there anything you want me to get for you?”

“Aren’t supposed to be spying on me?” Choice said grimly. Did her mother really think she was that stupid that she wouldn’t realise the real reason why she had sent this girl to her. Or did she know and just not care?

“I’m just here to guard and keep you safe nothing more.” Choice scoffed at this response and said nothing else. She listened to the hustle and bustle of the noise and imagined Legume as a thriving Kingdom. She saw it being a country that could survive off its produce and not have to sell the food it made below cost price. Most importantly she imagined herself being in control of a kingdom that powerful.

This was what she did every day. Whenever her dream seemed impossible, Choice would imagine herself being Queen and it would help her continue on this difficult path where she had no one. Where her birth mother had just asked her to whore herself out for a brother she hadn’t seen in twelve years. Don’t think about that.


Choice got up and walked to the palace, Rachel walking beside her. She really didn’t know what was keeping them at the palace. It had been two days since they’d arrived and they still hadn’t been able to go through the portal. She was almost certain that the delay was the refusal of the King to let them travel with the entourage but she couldn’t be certain. She’d been dissuaded by her brother from joining the conversation. The princess had even tried to entertain her by going shopping for clothes but Choice couldn't be bothered.

She liked wearing gorgeous things just as much as the next person but she was already bored of Favrier. Yes it was richer and more vibrant and more extravagant but this wasn’t her destination. Choice knew that the smarter thing would have been to go around looking for information that could possibly help her in the future and not to have a sulk like she had done but for once she wanted to do the stupid thing and make a fuss. She just wanted to fix her magic.

When Choice arrived at the palace she was surprised to see her brother waiting in front of the palace.

“Time to go,” he said sullenly when she came closer to him. Looking at his face, Choice guessed that he hadn’t been able to come with all the guards they came with. That was to be expected, if I was Cedric I would have agreed to let go of some of my protection in exchange for some incentives. But I guess he didn’t get anything in exchange.

“What’s happened to all the guards, brother?”

“I told them to stay behind. We don’t need them, your older brother is strong enough to protect you,” Cedric said and flexed his muscles.

“Of course. I never doubted you. You’re very strong. So does this mean I have to leave my maid behind,” Choice asked glancing at Rachel.

“Oh no. She can come. It wouldn’t do for you to have no female companion. That wouldn’t be proper.”

“Ha, of course brother. I’m so glad you care about my reputation.”

“You’re my sister. I wouldn’t want to affect your marriage prospects.”

“Mmhmm we wouldn’t want that.” Cedric nodded to her and led her to the horse drawn carriage that she and Rachel were going to use to get through the portal. They couldn’t use Kariots to go through and beyond the border as Kariots were powered by runes. Apparently, portals destabilised magical devices that used more than a certain amount of mana. What a pity that things that relied on few runes or little mana are left unaffected or else I would have been able to read what was in the envelope.

The closer they got to the portal, the more nervous Choice got. She began to worry about the negative things that could happen. What if her body got split between the two sides of the portal? What if the portal led to different places for different people and she got sent to a place she’d never heard of?

“Don't be nervous. Portals are very precise and very very few accidents happen. I’ve used portals before so don’t worry it’ll be okay,” Rachel said and held her hand.

“I am not nervous. I’m quite excited,” Choice said and removed her hand. She had to remember that someone was always watching. Since she’d discovered her magic (and killed that assassin) she’d found it more difficult to hide her emotions to be the perfect upper class woman. She just wanted to be herself.


Choice looked perplexedly at Rachel. Rachel was a curious person. Based on what she’d seen Rachel was a good fighter who’d been in a real fight before. She had also used portals more than once but she was a common person who worked as a maid in a palace. Not for the last time, Choice asked herself what exactly her mother was doing to those children in that hideout of hers and whether she could learn it.

Since they were members of royalty, they didn’t need to queue with the rest of the crowd so they rode to the side entrance to the portal which was a distance away from the regular entrance.

Choice looked up at the portal. It was a giant circular device with black metallic edges and a violet coloured middle which pulsed with flashing lights.

“Don’t get too close to that,” said Cedric as Choice tried to get out of the carriage to have a closer look. He got down from his horse to speak to the person manning the booth , “I haven’t entered our destination yet. Get to close to that and you’ll get sucked in and sent to the wrong place.”

Choice took this in and returned back to the carriage. Cedric walked toward ehr and gave her a piece of paper.

“That’s your ticket. It tells the portal where to take us and only works one.”

“Is one ticket enough for the three of us in the carriage.” Three people referred to her, Rachel and the driver.

“Yeah, one’s enough. As long as each transport has one ticket, everyone in it is covered. Let’s go.” They all moved forward and slowly entered the portal.

Choice’s first travel by portal was...an experience. It seemed like it happened in an instant and yet the pain of having every bone and muscle and flesh of your body being stretched in a thousand different locations seemed to last forever. She couldn’t even scream because she could not move while they were travelling through the portal.

As soon as they crossed the portal, the pain immediately stopped and yet Choice could remember it vividly. Her neck twinged and for a second her throat was slit again.

“Is it always like that,” she asked Rachel breathlessly. “Is it always that painful. How in Moon’s name do you do it more than once.”

“Painful? Do you mean travelling by portal. I mean there’s a little bit of pain and you can’t move but it’s really nothing.”

“So it’s not painful for you?”

“Not really, the pain reduces after the first time,” came the response, “Are you okay though? You’re sweating very much.”

“I need some air,” Choice said and immediately left the carriage. She bent her body and put her hands on her knees breathing rapidly. After a few moments, she turned her head to discover her brother and Rachel looking at her with puzzlement. It seemed they hadn’t experienced the pain she did.

“I’m fine,” she said and waved her arm, “I just...needed some air. Wasn’t expecting that. To her surprise, she really was fine. The memory of the pain was already fading away to the extent that now she could only compare it to rather bad massage rather than the bone crushing, soul shattering pain than it was. Probably some magical reason, She though but for the first time in her life she wasn’t yearning to find out why. She never wanted to experience that pain again in her life.

Choice stood up from her crouch to discover the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She glance wide eyed at the building she could see afar off.

“Yes, that’s Internationale,” Cedric said at her expression, “You kind of get used to it after a while.”

Choice could not understand how anyone could get used to this sight. She was already astounded and all she could see were the walls. Internationale had diamond walls. Internationale wasn’t a school, it was a city and it had diamond walls.

From afar, the light of the sun reflected on the walls gave the city an ethereal look. The closer they got the brighter the light became. At a point it became too bright for them to keep their eyes open. Choice closed her eyes but only for a moment as she felt the brightness reduce.

“That’s the security measure,” Cedric said grinninging, “By the time you get to the city gates, it so bright that you can’t keep your eyes open. If they think you are an enemy, they gather all the light and use it to fry you on the spot. I’ve seen them do that before. Ah Internationale is just as I imagined it”

“What if we were not considered enemies but were not given access?”

“Oh then they’ll just leave you there boiling. You’ll either get the hint and go or you’ll stay there and melt. I have seen that happen as well.”

“What do you mean you’ve seen it? Do you climb the walls and watch people dying in front of the gates.”

“No, I don’t need to do that. They save images of the deaths and show it to us when we join so we know to be careful of the walls.”

“They do that to children,” Choice asked in surprise. She’d thought that the Internationale would treat the children of their school in a gentler fashion seeing as every child there was either high up in society or was immensely talented.

“It’s to build us up they said. Anyway, I know you like diamonds so don’t climb the walls. Just don’t. A kid I knew died from doing that.”

“How many deaths have you seen at this school. And how do you know that diamond is a favourite of mine.”

“I’ve seen a few,” Cedric replied, “And of course I know that diamonds are your favourites. You talked about diamonds and silver all the time when we played as children.” Choice nodded her head somewhat pleased that Cedric remembered something she’d told him over twelve years ago. Still his attentiveness would not shake her even one bit from taking the throne from him.

“I really have to leave you now,” Cedric said apologetically, “I’m quite late for the business I had planned here in Internationale. You can take the guard and you have your companion. They’ll keep you safe. But I really need to rush now. I hope you have fun in these three days.”

“Thank you Brother Cedric,” Choice said and curtseyed, “Sun willing may the next time we meet be as pleasant and joyful as this one.”

“Same to you. And here I though you were becoming less formal,” he chuckled and said.

“I am never going to become less formal with you brother,” Choice said and rose from her curtsey. Dang, she still hated doing that.

“Well, we’ll see. Goodbye for now. See you in three days,” Cedric said and ran down the street. It was not just her, Rachel and her guard.

“Your highness, may I be excused,” Rachel said. Choice looked at her sharply, wasn’t she here to make sure she delivered her mother's envelope without tampering. It looked like she wasn’t. “I have urgent errands to run for your mother.”

For a second, Choice thought about refusing her request. There was obviously something more going on with Rachel and she could keep an eye on her if she kept Rachel with her. But that moment passed. While she was very curious about what was going on with her mother, she was more concerned about learning what was going on with her and keeping Rachel with her would be a burden.

“You may go,” Choice told her, “In fact, I would rather if after this excursion you returned to my mother. I am sure she would require your help more than I would.”

“I’m sorry Princess Choice. Your mother told me that she was assigning me to be your maid so I don’t know if she will accept my return.” There was silence for a moment. Choice grit her teeth together and sighed.

“I guess I will have to speak to my mother when we return but just go.” She waved and dismissed her.

Now there was only two. Choice turned to her guard.

“We’re lost here. Please go ask someone where directions to our temporary residence is.”

“No need your highness. The Prince provided me with a map,” came the reply, “I don’t need to leave you.”

Oh that is it. “Guard,” Choice said, “I’m not asking you to actually go look for directions I’m dismissing you.”

“Well that is very direct, your highness but I am here to protect you.”

“I see but who is protecting your family while you do this.” Choice sneered.

“I-I don’t understand.”

“Fred. I know you have a wife and a daughter. A young child really just born. Imagine what if you no longer had the income the palace provided you to take care of them.”

“What do you…”

“What I am telling you is that I am here on official royal business and it’s not something that is open to the general public. It would be very unfortunate if someone lost their job and got into trouble all because they didn’t know when to look away. Now, I really need directions so can you ask someone how to get to where we are supposed to stay.”

The guard, Fred looked at her in shock as if he could not recognise her. “Understood,” he finally replied.

“Good. Also, give me the map I need it.” After dismissing the guard, Choice was finally alone. There definitely were perks to being royalty. She looked around the plaza she was in. As expected it was stunning. There were no diamond walls here but the walls were white marble walls with blue sapphires arranged all over. The street road was the cleanest she’d ever seen and was artfully arranged with alternating grey and red blocks. It surprisingly worked.

When she strained her eyes, she could see on the road and on every wall runes of different shapes and sizes. She couldn’t read or understand them but she knew what runes usually looked like. Not only was this city school beautiful it was also well guarded.

It reminded her of her mother and suddenly all the delight she felt from being at the Internationale faded away. Time to stop dawdling. Choice looked at her map and started walking towards the library.

When she got to where the library was marked on the map, Choice looked around in surprise. There didn’t seem to be any buildings that would resemble a library.

“Are you looking for something?” A voice asked and Choice replied in the positive absentmindedly. Wait a second, who just spoke, she thought and whirled around. Behind her was a black haired man with olive skin and blue painted nails. He was trying to peek over her shoulder to look at her map.

“Can I help you,” Choice asked guardedly. She had not forgotten that she was in an unknown city without any guards and she fingered her knives in her pockets.

“Sorry,” he said smiling and raising his hands, “I didn’t mean any harm. I just saw you looking around and thought you were lost. Can I help?”

“Em, okay I’m okay. I’m just looking for the library. The map says the library is here but there is nothing here. Do you know where the library is?”

“Oh the library. Sure I can help you with that. It’s just right here.” If Choice had not been wary of him, she would have missed the needle he threw at her but she wasn’t so she dodged it and it pierced the tree right behind her. Holy shit, he was fucking trying to kill me.

“Who are you,” the boy asked. His demeanour had changed instantly. He had looked like a friendly, flashy person before but now he had an aura of a warrior, “All student and alumni have badges that give them access to the library. You don’t so you are an outsider and yet you have a map. Talk or the next one goes in your throat.”

Choice saw nine needles floating in the air and deduced that he was a wind mage. The last time she’d seen a wind mage, they were saving her life. Even if he had only a quarter of the power that green eyes had had, she still wouldn’t be able to defeat him. Dodging the first needle had been a drag even though she had been on full alert. Also there was something wrong with this city that dampened her sensory abilities even further.

The main narrowed his eyes,” You don’t want to talk fine.”

“My brother gave me the map,” She said quickly, “Prince Cedric Legume is my older brother and I have a younger brother currently attending called Cero Legume. Any chance you would have heard of them.”

“Not really. There are too many people in this school, I wouldn't know everyone. But I believe you.”

“You do. How.”

“School registry checks out,” he said showing her a device on his wrist, “Sorry for scaring you. Just have to be certain that there are no intruders coming to the library.” He waved his hands and all the needles, including the one embedded in a tree, returned to his hand. In a second, they vanished.

“It’s fine, I understand.”

“My name’s Lee,” he said and held his palm out to her, “I’m one of the student librarians. What’s yours.”

“I’m Choice. Nice to meet you,” Choice replied and shook his hands, “Can I use the library or is it for students only.”

“Usually, outsiders would have to go through a long process to be able to enter the library but families of student and staff can use it. To a point.”

“To what point can I use it.” Choice turned to him and asked with an ecstatic expression.

“Why don’t you come in and see,” he said and pressed the device on his wrist, “It’s not very often I get to do this.” After he pressed the button, a building began to emerge from nothingness. The mist cleared, the eyes opened and without fanfare there was a very tall building where there had been a little stall before. It had beige walls but had blue dots all over. It was very high going up six stories and it was gorgeous. All place of genuine learning are.

“Yeah,” Lee interrupted, “It’s being a long time since I was able to see that look on anyone face. Choice Legume, welcome to the library. How can I help you?”

Choice looked at Lee and smiled, “Well Lee, I’m looking for some books to read.”

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