《Divine Rebirth》Chapter 16 Obsevation


Ok so I put the Stult in the Shop what am I gonna do now with it my free time. Well, I could go and visit the library of Celeritas. He could have some cool books for me. Or I could go and train a bit to learn my limits and eventually improve upon them. Both would be cool, but I promised Cely that I would train but on the other hand, reading would be fun.

I don't want to train but damn I know that this would be the better thing to do right now instead of reading. With the training, I would have to do something and expand my energy. I would get tired and that would be annoying but if I read something then I would only have to read, and I could immerse myself inside the work of another. But I know that this isn't the way forward even if it is extremely relaxing. I have to improve myself for my world and everything else that is out there.

I have to protect my world, but I have to stay in the background of the Dwascall. I can't let them know that I exist or that I created this world. And even if they learned of me then would simply silence them with whatever means possible.

But that is still far away. I think I have to train (even if I don't like it).

Then for the next what felt like days I trained and put my "physical body" under pressure. I used every training method that I knew of running, weightlifting and some other things were the main focus of my training, but this all was interspersed with meditation. I didn't know why but it seemed to help and improve my gains. All the while I hadn't checked the System for anything but according to what Cely said my gains were truly massive.


He compared me to bodybuilder and while saying that had slightly slipped up that the other people of Earth were also gods but right then I didn't care about that but put that in the back of my mind. And then Cely even said that I didn't have to train this much I just had to get a bit better, but I retorted that I had to choices right now, either just do nothing or following through with what was said. So, either no training or hardcore training right now.

I the end I knew that what I did was ridiculous, but I just couldn't stop I felt as if nothing would stop me. And the problem was that at that moment nothing could stop me because I would train, and train and my stamina would go down but then my limit would have risen because I grew so fast. And I recognised it as something strange, but I had to use that occasion to improve myself, to Grow. And so, I did.

At the end of my first real training session in my life, I went around the valley where my tree and house stud. And just enjoyed the marvel that was my subconscious mana and my followers. Everything around me grew in the light of the sun. The complete valley was filled with plants of all sorts. In the valley, every flower bloomed in gold and purple, not the best colours to be honest but better than nothing. Then there were the mystical herbs in the shades of trees that I have never seen. Even the grass that was here at the beginning grew now so much taller and thicker. Even the tree that held my house changed as it began to emit a warm light. And while this all seemed harmonious, I could feel how each and every plant here changed and fought for its place.


So, I asked the whole valley in front of me not expecting an answer "So this is how my followers imagine that I live?"

"Partially" was the surprisingly clear answer I got from my waist. That's because while training I tried to at least offer conversation to my manual. Often, I got nothing and silence only sometimes did I get a simple Yes or No. But both were rather rare. So, it's no surprise when I say that hadn't expected the book to answer me and even with something that wasn't a simple Yes or No.

After that, I tried to get a couple more answers from the manual but all of them only ended in silence.

Stats of our MC:

Spoiler: Spoiler


Name: Motus

Species: Dwascll (Creation god variant)

Domains: Creation, Plant, Light

Achievments: And there was light, Light borne, Progenitor, Precursor, Magical help, The time is right, My first world creation set, custom provider I, Golden goose I, Self-taought I, Public Domain

Effects: None

Strenght:11 (8+3)

Dexterity:14 (11+3)

Wisdom:15 (12+3)

Intelligence:15 (12+3)

Endurance:10 (7+3)

Charisma:12 (9+3)

Perception:16 (13+3)

Stats of the world:

Spoiler: Spoiler


Name: Mutatis/ Domum

World size: 3

Mana concentration: Extreme

Main species: Dwascall

Technology: Stoneage

Gods: Motus, Cely

World System: Trois pouvoirs System


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