《Clouds of Fauna》27 - Protection Rune 2.0


Brek went to find Bassinee. After asking around for a bit he figured out she had to be in her home. He went to her opulent house to find her lounging in a plush red chair sipping bubble beer.

“Brek, I thought you would still be out on the field, a pleasant surprise. What brings you back so soon? Its been a long day, so I am taking some time to relax.”

“I’m sure it has been, you deserve time to relax, more than anyone else here. I don’t want to take up too much of your time. I just have a question, one I probably should have asked a long time ago.”

“Well, you are wasting more time skirting around it. What is it, ask me anything?”

“Who drew my markings?”

Bassinee let out a hearty laugh “That is a question you should have asked some time ago. Where do I begin? It was a short time after you were born.” This cued Brek to sit and make himself comfortable. Bassinee loved telling stories, especially when she was inebriated, and she had consumed almost all her jumbo bubble beer. “Your parents came to me saying you were displaying the symptoms of Elucidetris, lack of crying, sluggish movement, seizures, low body temperature, that sort of thing. Fortunately, at the time two dwarfs were here seeking the notes Myorni left on Obnenio Colm Sceltdor and the markings to keep Elucidators alive. I gave them a copy of the notes she made, however while I have drawn plenty of markings, I did not yet have the skill to draw the markings for Elucidators. It requires being able to see an individual’s Imdrina flow and properly trace over it, a skill I lacked at the time. Luckily, one of our Usgrat visitors happened to be a former student of Myorni’s. I gave him the notes she left, and it was he who drew your markings.”

“And his name?”

“Well, the big brawny one was Paouni, I know you met him. The one that did your markings was… Oh what was his name. I am sorry Brek but I can’t remember. You know, Kiliyi was there, I am sure she would know.”

“Thanks Bassinee, I’ll go find her, enjoy your drink.”

“Oh I am, actually could you fetch me another, I store them in the cabinet back there.” Brek went to retrieve another beer. He wasn’t sure which cabinet she meant, so he rummaged through a few of them before finding the one in the corner so full of bubble beer that they came rolling out when he opened it. It took him a few minutes to stuff all the bubbles back into the cabinet without popping any. He closed the door and went back into the main room, where he found Bassinee fast asleep in her chair. Next to her lay an ornate curled yellow feather, with a fine tip. He reached for it while keeping an eye on Bassinee. She showed no signs of stirring, so he grabbed the feather and left.

He went to the DUSTT training grounds, an area densely packed with structures and obstacles. The trainees were playing a game of Deceive and Thieve. Where the goal is to use guerilla tactics and perception manipulation to steal all the other teams’ ‘treasure.’ Players also had tassels around their wrists and neck, if one has all their tassels stolen they are removed from play. It was Brek’s favorite part of DUSTT. Vlux took on a whole squad of pixies and Satke by herself. She had already tasseled out most everyone except three remaining players. They had her surrounded as she casually waited in front of her treasure chest. He watched as the trainees coordinated their movements with gestures, while attempting to hide from Vlux. They moved in close , then simultaneously lunged for the chest each taking a sack full of coins, emptying the chest. They swam back to their chest to deposit the coins and assure their victory.


“We beat Vlux!” cheered the trainees.

“You sure about that,” she said, holding up some tassels. They looked down and noticed that all of theirs were missing.

“Showing off,” said Brek.

“Just assessing our battle readiness. Gron and Rux have done a great job over the short time they had. The trainees still have a lot to learn, but at least they know how to coordinate tactics. What’s up, did you ask Bassinee about your markings?”

“I tried, but she was indisposed.”

“She passed out drunk didn’t she. Can’t say I blame her. I heard about all that she’s been doing, and despite her efforts many Satke children and elderly still died.”

“Since the invasion we’ve all been on edge. The Koru have shattered the illusion of safety we once had. She did tell me that Kiliyi was there. I assume she’s with Ang. Do you know where he’s at?”

“He was showing Kartegus around but I’m not sure where they ended up. Maybe ask Azurumene and Zurtegus, their with Aletha. That’s the tall one wearing every other color of the rainbow, and the deceptively nimble old guy. But you know Kiliyi isn’t with Ang, she’s on the field with her daughters gathering intelligence for us.”

“I remember them, Azurumene made quite an impression.”

“He’s a spectacle and wealth of knowledge.”

“I need to make a trip to the surface, anyway. Did you have the Highhorns brought down?”

“Yeah, Tial-Meh went back up and brought them down. How do you plan to find a spider?”

“I don’t, she’ll find me, especially if Ang is with me.”

“Well, you know to be careful up there, the Koru is getting close, and we’ll be preparing to make our move real soon.”

“We won’t be gone long, thanks Vlux.” He swam to Aletha’s place whereupon entering he found Aletha, Isu, Zurtegus and Azurumene obsessing over Dungii’s new traits.

“So after the soul mating ritual, he can freely transfer his sight to Rungii. He’s a conglomerate, an enigma, an amalgamation of completely different life-forms functioning as a single being, this is truly fascinating,” said Aletha.

“Meep, meep.”

“Um, excuse me I don’t mean to interrupt.”

“Brek, a fine young subject like yourself is never an interruption. Are you ready to let me trace your marking? I was hoping to learn how to draw them so I can treat other children with Elucidetris.”

“That’s very noble of you Azurumene, but I’m afraid just tracing my markings won’t be enough. Everyone requires different markings so you have to be able to see their Imdrina channels. Bassinee could show you how to do it, but she’s very busy at the moment.”

“Why didn’t you say so. I can teach you how to do that. I practically invented the technique,” said Zurtegus.

“That’s marvelous, but I still need to learn how to draw them, and of all the markings I’ve seen yours are the most eloquent. Did you ever confirm who your artist was?”

“It’s definitely not Bassinee, she couldn’t remember the persons name, but she said Kiliyi should know. That’s why I’m looking for Ang so I can find her.”

“He was here to answer some questions about Dungii and Rungii, then he left with Kartegus. I think they went to the jellyflower garden,” said Aletha.

“Are you going to show Ang what we found?” asked Isu.

“Yeah, I feel it’s important for him to see it.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”


“No, if we take the Highhorns we’ll be fine. Besides as soon as we get out there, Kiliyi and her daughters will be watching us, and she won’t let anything bad happen to Ang.”

‘If you aren’t back by nightfall, I’m coming to find you.”

“Thanks Isu, I hope everyone is enjoying their stay here.”

“I most certainly am. This Nenio is very reminiscent of Goblesues.”

“Vlux mentioned you’re from a sky city, Kebv was it. I honestly didn’t think they were real,” said Brek.

“We are swimming in a Nenio at the bottom of a lake. That conceals the path to it by producing multiple lakes that only certain creatures can produce the right tone or recite the correct incantation to get to. Yet a city on a land mass that flies through the sky and creates clouds is too far-fetched?” said Zurtegus.

“You’re saying Brexcen itself is a Nenio?” asked Brek.

“Oh yes, it’s a Nenio within a Nenio. It produces clean water and provides us with this unique space. The Ardin Crescendo is actually an organ we fitted with crafted parts to allow us to manually modify the entrance,” said Aletha.

“Huh, I didn’t know that. Well this has been very enlightening but I need to find Ang as soon as possible. Nice chatting with you Zurtegus, and Azurumene I look forward to when we next meet.”

He left and swam down to a far corner of the city densely packed with small, vibrant flowerfish. Gracefully they blossomed and closed, while aimlessly floating. Though mostly harmless, touching their tentacles felt like getting shocked with static, more uncomfortable than painful. Thankfully, the fish clear a path when they detect someone nearby. They aren’t fast or efficient swimmers, so moving through the garden is slow.

“Ang, are you out here.” called Brek.

“Brek is that you? We're over here.” He heard Ang’s voice reply. He moved toward the voice, the flowerfish becoming so dense he couldn’t see but a few centimeters in front of himself. Finally, the fish parted like a colorful curtain, and he bumped into Ang, who right away grabbed him in another bear hug, his beard tickling his forehead. “I was hoping you’d find us here.”

“I should have guessed, everyone avoids this place but you.”

“It’s my favorite spot. I love the city, but sometimes it’s nice to get away from it.”

“Ouch, Ang, where are you, how do we get out of here?” called Kartegus.

“Were over here Kartegus. I don’t think he likes it here.”

“Ouch, Ahh, darn it, I hate this. I’m going back to Couraderi. Ang help me get out of here.”

“It’s good to see you again, Kartegus, how have you been enjoying your stay?”

“I’m not enjoying it, water resistance makes everything too slow, these flower fish keep stinging me, and I really need to go flying with Nantidae.”

“I’m sorry but travel in and out is restricted unless you can cast invisibility,” said Brek.

“Well, where’s the lady with the cloth?”

“Isu and her cloth Cascade are at Aletha’s place, your grandfather is also there.”

“Didn’t we just leave their Ang?”

“Yeah, but Isu wasn’t there.”

“She’s there now let’s hurry through this,” Brek produced his fine clear threads, which gently pushed the flowerfish away making a path.

“Whoa, that’s a neat trick, how do you do that?” asked Kartegus.

“The theory is that it’s a side effect of my special markings.”

“But that’s only a theory, meaning no one really knows. Could I have a closer look?”

“Thank you for asking. Yes, you may have a closer look.”

Kartegus closely scrutinized Brek’s markings and threads. “These are an extension of your Imdrina channels. Your markings are such that they can keep your Imdrina contained but you can still squeeze some through to produce these threads. Be careful of how you use this, if someone grabs these and pulls in just the right way they can literally rip out your energy, maybe even kill you.”

“Thank you for the word of warning, how can you be so sure of all that?”

“My grandfather is an expert in this field. Plus, the basic concept of your threads is similar to how I’m connected to Nantidae here.”

“Your grandfather is certainly a smart man. I feel wiser after our brief interaction.”

“That’s my Gupa. Ouch! That’s enough I’m getting out of here.” They hurriedly swam out of the garden.

“Will you be alright finding your way back from here?” said Brek.

“Yeah, I know the way back. See you later.” said Kartegus as he swam off.

“Finally, I’ve been trying to get you alone,” said Brek.

“Oh yeah, whatever for?”

“There’s something you need to see. Also, I need to ask Kiliyi about my markings, and I need your help to find her.”

“She’ll find us.”

“That’s what I’m counting on.”

“But you just said we need invisibility to move in and out of the city.”

“That’s what the Highhorns are for, follow me.” They moved up close to the city gate where a large oval shaped stable floated, the Highhorns idled within, oddly still with their chins turned up. “Once they get moving they become invisible.”

“Where did Aletha find them?”

“She took them from the Koru. That’s how she acquired many of the creatures she has.”

“Makes sense, so where are we going?”

“You’ll see, the Highhorns know where to go, just enjoy the ride.”

They dashed forward quick as the wind, swimming horns first, the water seemed to part for them. Without a splash they surfaced the lake and losing no momentum they ran across the water to the shore. They left no tracks, produced no sound, and their horns pierced through any wind resistance. Rather than galloping, they flew across the land. They came to an abrupt halt in a familiar field. Before them stood a small jade tree with bronze leaves.

“Ang this is..”

“I know, it’s Paouni.”

“How did you know?”

Ang jumped off his steed, Brek mimicked him and they met in the middle. “You’ll wanna see this.” Ang placed a hand on his cheek, Brek tilted his head into it as Ang shared the encounter with him.

“Wow! you had one epic fight with Yoorei. I like how you turned the hand back on him, it’s a good thing Dungii was there.”

“Yeah, I would be dead if it wasn’t for him. Did I ever tell you about the Silver Willow?”

“No, I don’t believe you did.”

“Here let me show you.”

“You should actually just tell me this time. I miss chatting with you, and we still have time before sundown.”

“Alright, let’s sit under Paouni’s branches.” They sat under the tree, the trunk too narrow to sit side by side, so they sat back to back, looking up at the lustrous leaves that glinted in the setting sun. “On my home island, grew a tree not too far outside the village that was a lot like this one, but a Silver Willow. It was my favorite place to sit and play my ocarina. My own little safe place where no one could hear me play the wrong notes. Under that tree the air always felt, calm and comforting, like nothing could harm me. Sometimes when I leaned my head against it, I heard a song. That’s what really inspired me to ask my dad for an instrument. My mother used to tell me about aunt Myorni. That she made a great sacrifice to keep us all safe. Now I understand. That tree is actually my aunt. That’s why my mom transported her somewhere safe. She transported all the Usgrat somewhere safe; she wouldn’t even tell me where they were. She said it was dangerous for me to have that knowledge.”

“So you did find your mother.”

“Yes I did, sorry I didn’t answer you earlier. My mom told me to keep it a secret that I saw her. She said that if I tell too many people, she may not be able to make it back here, but I can tell one close friend, that the spider is coming to help us.”

“That’s wonderful! The Master Rune Weaver Lysyntri the Spider, she’s a legendary magical combatant. I can see why she told you to keep meeting her a secret, she’s been fighting a tough fight, and probably made a lot of enemies.”

“I never thought of her as a fighter. To me she always seemed gentle and peaceful. But when I saw her she looked worse for wear. Hey Brek, is it possible for Elucidetris symptoms to show up later in life?”

“No, as soon as an Elucidator exits the womb, our exposed channels start leaking Imdrina, and the condition normally worsens from there, why do you ask?”

“Cause my mom had Elucidator marks like yours.”

“That’s odd, with what we know about Obnenio Colm Sceltdor, the first step is to have your channels flipped, but once that happens you’re too far into the spell to stop it. Lysyntri probably found a way to do it and had someone with her who knew how to draw the right markings.”

“And that same person drew your markings.”

“I hope Kiliyi shows up soon. I need to figure out this riddle. If nothing else I’ll try asking Bassinee again when she’s sober.”

Ang laughed. “She and Paouni would have been great friends.”

“They’ve met before, could you imagine the epic drinking challenges they had?”

“I could, they used to happen almost every night in my village. My dad or my uncle usually won.”

“Well, since you shared a secret with me, I have something I want to share with you.” He pulls out the curled yellow feather.

“What’s that?”

“It’s Quill, Bassinee has been teaching me how to draw markings so I… borrowed it for practice.”

“Brek you bad boy. You took it while she was passed out.”

“If I put it right back, even if she doesn’t know about it, it’s still only borrowing.”

“What would people think if they knew Brek took Quill out here,” jested Ang.

“That’s why it’s our secret. Now would you mind lifting up your shirt?”

“Not at all.” Ang took his shirt off, exposing his now well defined musculature, visible under a thick coat of hair.

Brek felt blood rushing to his face and sweat trickle at his brow. “No wonder dwarfs don’t typically use markings, you’re too hairy.”

“Here let me clear a spot for you.” Ang picked up his axe and used the blade to shave off a small patch of hair on his chest. “Is that good?”

“That’s perfect.” Brek wipes the sweat from his brow and activated Quill with a whistle, the yellow feather extended. Revealing a detailed pattern, with what resembled an eye in the center.

“What are you going to draw?”

“A protection rune. To keep you safe in the coming fight.” Brek knelt down close enough to Ang’s bare chest that he could feel the steam rising from his skin. Slowly and carefully, he drew the rune, knowing that once a line is drawn he cannot erase it. Once finished, he looked up at him. “It’s done how do you like it?”

Ang pressed his chin to his chest to get a look at it, his lips almost brushing Brek’s forehead. “It’s very different from the one I know but I love it.” Kiliyi crawled onto his shoulder. “Kiliyi we’ve been waiting for you to show up. Brek has a question for you.” She jumped onto his shoulder and after a moment Brek’s expression went from joyful to mild shock.

“What is it, who drew your markings?”

“It was Yoorei.”

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