《The Healing Thief》Book 1: Chapter 22, Another Day


Chapter 22, Another Day


Her eyes slowly opened, what she saw baffled her. Somehow, Tengfei was... hugging her.

She was surprised by his act but didn’t despised it. She loved it.

A sigh released by her when she recalled what happened yesterday. Though didn’t ponder into it any further. Reminiscing what that man did, shuddered her body.

For a while, she watched his face carefully while hearing his breathing.

Around her, in the room, you could hear the chirping of the Heron bird on a pond slightly far away.

Lihua shook Tengfei before telling him in his ear, “Hey, wake up. It’s already morning.”

He didn’t respond that much except muttering quietly something before scratching his stomach.

Seeing his act, she then persisted to waking him up by pulling his nose.

What she got in return was Tengfei’s hand feeling her chest. This made Lihua shiver before feeling flushed. She couldn’t move... or better yet didn’t want to. It was different as yesterday, even though she hated it really badly... but it was him.

Though all that emotion dropped when Tengfei said, “Why... is there... a soft... wooden wall...”

Hearing his words caused her to lose all expression before a killer’s aura emits out of Lihua. Like a wife who found out his husband went to a brothel.

She then kicked Tengfei causing him to fall out of bed and waking him up.

He rubbed his head before wondering as to what happened.

Tengfei slowly stood up before asking her “What was that for!?”

“Hmph! You really care too much about my growth, huh!? It’s not my fault I’m a wooden wall!!”, She said before pouting and folding her arms.

Tengfei tilted his head and thought for a while to what she said before exclaiming out, “Oh! So, you were the one who was blocking my path!”

Lihua threw her pillow at his face before saying, “What am I too you in your stupid dream?!”

He caught the pillow before placing it back.

Tengfei then observed the flushed Lihua who was pouting while puffing her cheeks.

Recalling as to what happened to her yesterday, Tengfei felt amazed from her current way of acting. As if yesterday was trivial for her. That thought of someone casting aside something like that worried him.

‘Just how much did she suffer before?’ , He thought. Feeling dejected.

He then asked after fixing his bedhair, “How do you feel?”

She averted her eyes before saying meekly, “...Better than yesterday.” A feeling of happiness welled inside her from his question.

Lihua then shook her head before saying to him, “Thank you.” Then revealed a smile.

He looked at her earnest expression which reminded him again that she was different than before. Not like the princess who messed around with him.

Unlike the spoiled girl who complained every time he sees her.

He felt happy with this change. Or maybe she was always like this but in the past, hid it.


Tengfei then sat down before asking while folding his blanket, “Do you know how my healing power emerged?”

She hugged her pillow before replying back, “Yes, it’s from the element Light. People who cultivated that element normally end up as healers.”

“Only healing?” He asked curiously.

Lihua pondered about his question before replying, “I’m not so sure... but for the most part, yes.”

Tengfei thought about it for a moment as his shoulders lowered dejectedly.

He then said after thinking it through again, “Well, at least I can do something now.”

“Hmm, but I believe you can't freely activate it.”

He wondered about her question before confidently saying, “Isn’t it easy?”

Lihua felt slightly annoyed by his confidence before asking, “...Huh? Just because you luckily activated it once, it doesn’t mean the next try woul-”

Before she could finish her sentence, Tengfei’s left hand was glowing with bright light.

“See look, my hand is glowing.” He said before showing a grin.


“What’s... the matter?”

“Hmph, just because you can redirect your mana easily, have a solid innate mana sorce and natural opened mana gates doesn’t make you any good!” She said as her brows knitted and pointed daggers at him.

Tengfei was surprised from her reaction before asking, “Why did you suddenly become angry?”

Knowing how she reacted made her flushed. She then quivered before replying, “I’m not... maybe a little.”

He moved close to her before asking the reason with a sincere expression.

She averted her eyes before saying, “I’m not as talented like everyone else thought that I am supposed to be. It took lots of practice, hard training and fainting until I could release my mana you know? But you easily did it.”

Lihua lowered her head before remembering all the pain and time to just insert sufficient mana to activate her first technique, the wind dagger.

Focusing her mana movement in order for it to go through her mana gate into her imaginarty nerves before diffusing out of the skin. Having to mentally concentrate the amount of mana inserted into the inscription was not to much or to low.

Though after she said those words, Tengfei’s glowing hand diminished. He then felt his forehead as the strong head ache pains him. A strong exhaustion then took him.

Knowing as to what happened. He cursed before saying, “I might’ve have done it easily, but I think from the feeling exhaustion... I have a low source of energy compared with others.”

She seemed worried before saying, “That’s maybe... True, but by fixing your mana pool(dantian) and increasing the level of liquid, your mana limits of using it would increase.”

She then continued after sighing, “Though it still seems that you’re much weaker than the average. Normally, a person who could heal can last a long hour but for you... even a minute is long.”


“...” Tengfei replied in silence.

Looking at the depressed Tengfei, she thought this was the perfect time to make her move.

With her loosened nightgown she crawled towards him in all fours with a blush look on her face. Acting like a kitty who found food.

Tengfei noticed the cat like human moving towards him before asking, “W-What?? Eh??”

She came close to him before snuggling his left shoulder before saying with a flushed look filled with stutters, “I-I-I said t-that I would be a-aggressive, r-right?” Lihua then shy imitated a cat by make a paw gesture.

‘Every man likes this type of stuff!’, She thought.

She then, with trembling hands, lowered one of the string holding her clothing before asking, “f-feeling enticed?”

Tengfei stared at her blankly before saying, “What are you doing?”

Lihua froze in place. Her face slowly started resembling poppy.

She then yelled out, “You deserve death!!” before wildly jumping at him then thrashing.


Back to where he stood

Farengoth who was having a blank look was sitting beside a mutilated breathing man.

His feet, hands and eyes removed. The man was Ming Lu. He had a distorted and pained expression as he mutters something lightly.

The knight with cold eyes then asked, “Is that everything?”

“...Yes.” The man hoarsly said.

After his words were heard, the knight finished him off by stabbing his blade in one of the man’s eye socket.

What he learned was something really important that he needed to tell the King at any cost.

Apparently, this man was hired to retrieve two youngsters. One being the daughter and a gray-haired lad.

It seems that his boss plans on faking this clan’s destruction as an excuse to start war against another faction. This was supposed to be done by them dropping obvious markings.

Though the mission was partly a failure as they couldn’t find those two. Instead they were surprised by an ambush from the assassin guild from the nearby town.

Wounding him and killing off most of his subordinates. You could say that we were lucky to find him at his weakened state.

He didn’t know the reason for needing those two youngsters but it had to do something with needing alliances formed and some sort of prophecy.

Though the most shocking truth was that the man who hired Ming Lu had a plan to rule a country.

Using different acts of assassination, bribery, and not to mention forgery to gain trust. In order to rise in position.

The ultimate goal was unknown but judging by their heinous acts, it could stir a problem for their kingdom in the near future.

Men who were wearing leather armor emerged towards Farengoth with most of them carrying dead bodies, and one of them was Sheirl.

The knight leader sighed before ordering them, after standing, “Dispatch two men to transfer the dead back to the kingdom, tell the prime minister that information about the events will be given upon the return of Farengoth. As for the others, follow me. We still have one mission left.”

All of them nodded before doing as commanded.


In another area.

“P-please forgive me!”, A lady said while trying to escape the clutches of two men holding her arms. Her expression showed intense fear with tears and snot pouring out. Hair disheveled and eyes pleading for mercy.

A fierce voice replied to her, “Foolish woman, to think you were the reason to our comrades perishing. I wonder how much that spy paid you to deceive us, the people who sheltered you. Why Dimia? My father brought you in after feeling mercy on you as an orphan from war!” She gnashed her teeth before continuing, “This is how you repay our love!?”

The one who spoke was Lou Jun, having bandages wrapped around her left shoulder which was covered by her fiery red robe. Medical patches around her face from scrapes.

Dimia gave out a weak cough before replying, “Love? Do you know what your father did to me this whole t-time? Every instance he’s free, he would do this... and that... since I was young! So, like anyone else, I grew tired of this and decided to have m-my revenge...”

Her words made Lou Jun silent for a while before saying, “You still act like a child despite being much older than me.” She sneered before eyeing her with disdain.

Lou Jun then continued her words after taking a sit on a chair nearby, “Can’t you just inform me? Don’t you know I can politely ask my father to stop molesting you? Instead you dragged lots of our comrades lives with your act.” She then poured tea into a cup before taking a sip.

The lady called Dimia this time couldn’t utter or better yet, couldn’t think of any words to rebuke her statement.

After sniffing the scent of the tea, she then said, “Not only did we lose half the number of comrades from that event but because of you, we got only 1/3 of our original amount left.”

Placing down the tea cup back to its respective saucer, she then gestured the man with her hands.

The cry and scream of the lady could be heard as she struggles out. Though eventually the sound of someone dragging was stopped before the noise of a blade hacking a wood block could be heard.


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