《The Healing Thief》Book 1: Chapter 19, Understanding


Chapter 19, Understanding


The young man that passed by Tengfei had a bandaged face and also covered some parts of his hair. Wearing a silver scaled plate-armor and hard leather gear. Having a traveler's bag with a strapped odd shaped sword to his side. He passed by our gray-haired friend as if he was but a bug that doesn't deserve his notice.

When he entered, the shop owner happily welcomed him by exclaiming out, "Welcome back, Aerash."

By the time they started their conversation, Tengfei already exited the shop. Though he heard some of their words which were using the common language. He was not too familiar with it but could still tell that his visit was to receive something.

He didn't bother any further and walked away.

While he was walking, he couldn't help but notice a person. It was Qi Huai. The single man who made him taste how hell is like. The person who looked too shady but was still forced to follow.

He was having a stall and bunch of scrolls on top of it. Having the appearance almost like before or maybe... even worse.

Tengfei went up to him angrily before shouting out, "What was that previous pill used for?!"

Qi Huai Turned to his direction before asking with a puzzled expression, "Did we met before?"

His words caused Tengfei to secretly curse before replying back, "You already forgotten me?? Even though it has only been a week!?" He came closer after showing his clenched fist, "I'll make you remember!"

The dirty man rubbed his beard before saying with a 'figured out' look, "I remember now! You were my experi-" He coughed before continuing, "My first dear friend!"

"Wait, were you going to say expe-", Before he could complete his sentence, his mouth was covered by the middle-aged man.

While covering his mouth, Qi Huai looked to crowd looking at him as they pass by, before saying to them, "Nothing to see here, it's just me and my nephew having some fun."

Tengfei removed his hand which smelt like fish before asking, "I demand an explanation! As to why you made me suffer and ran away?" He then looked at his eyes before continuing, "You're lucky I'm not like some other people or else you would be trying to remove the knife stuck in your gut by now."

"Calm down, calm down lad. You know there was a purpose to what I have given you. Though right now, you're still too young to fathom the extent of the gift I gave. So, like every other person I'll give this."

Qi Huai then gave an old battered up book to Tengfei.

The old man then gestured for him to shoo off while saying, "Now leave, I have business to attend to."

Tengfei grred before walking away.


Inside the Inn

When Tengfei entered, the meek princess spotted him before asking, "Did you get the medicine?"

"If I didn't then what was the purpose of me leaving in the first place?" Scowled Tengfei.

He then removed the liquid content from the beaker into an earthenware bowl. Before mixing it with an oak spoon.

Lihua could barely move as she stayed on the bed eyeing the green sticky liquid fill the bowl from afar.

Tengfei brought the bowl to her before saying, "You have to use this and massage it on to your body."

She tilted her head before asking, "Why can't you do it? Won't it be faster and efficient?"


"Oh, I don't know... Maybe because this is your medicine?! And didn't you said that I was a pervert for trying to help you get a massage before? Huh? Aren't I some 'Perverted stranger' to you?" Tengfei rebuked while showing a stern look.

Lihua averted her eyes from recalling what she said before, "Hmph, I was not in the mood before."

Tengfei muttered a curse quietly.

Lihua looked into his eyes before saying with teasing voice, "Also, you should know that you're no 'someone' to me. You even said just recently that I'm your dear friend~"

Tengfei sighed after remembering that incident. He now couldn't deny but just help her place the liquid on her back.

She rotated to show her back before rolling her shirt up. A bright pink color could be observed if you can see her face.

He cursed before applying the medicine on her back. Sometime she would squeal and complain about his handling.

Eventually that pinkish moment ended.


Some time later

Tengfei read through the book that Qi Huai gave him.

The contents were long and had so many things written on it but it could be summarized.

Firstly, it was about the theory behind cultivation. Having a central area of space that can only be accessed through a method or being unlocked by some sort of spirit. Some say you turn ethereal before entering inside yourself. The place has many names. Dantian, source palace and Inner garden.

Those places are connected through a mana line which traverse all around inside your body.

Releasing the wanted element prowess, requires to drain the respective amount of liquid from their pool. This 'pool' or 'pond' is where all their mana gathers from cultivating, learning, training and gaining comes from. Those mana would then be mixed with their respected element affinity, hence why they call it refined. Each pond belongs to an element add that.

Though the speed and amount of mana released were restricted by gates. At the start of cultivation, there was only one gate opened which moves to both hands.

Mana is what Arts, techniques, spells and all sorts use in order to activate. Some require a lot or very little in amount. Though even if you can supply tremendous amount of mana, without refinement, it's barely usable. Special exception when it comes to physical cultivators or enhancers.

In this world, techniques are formed from diagrams and insertion of power. Either by drawing on a scroll or paper. Shaping a pile of rocks joined together to represent a symbol. Some even can draw on the very air. Tattooed into their skin. Though it could only be used once as the medium would be useless afterwards. Unless the diagrams were meant to be eternally used.

Reading through this caused a question to arise in Tengfei, he then asked Lihua who was massaging her arm, "I recalled you used a technique to form green daggers to fight that man. Though I didn't see you make any inscription and also same goes for that person."

Lihua pondered on his question before replying back, "We usually have inscribed papers with our technique on them hidden inside our sleeves and all it requires is for us to navigate our energy/chi into it. But for my case, I have this ring right here!" Lihua then proudly showed her emerald ring in front of Tengfei in a proud manner. He didn't care about it that much... maybe due to envy.


"Isn't that so simple? Can't anyone hide many inscription papers inside their sleeves and be a powerful individual?" Asked Tengfei.

Lihua sighed before saying, "It's not that simple, not everyone can write technique/art/spells inscriptions on the paper. It would require years of experience and skill to finely write it down while possessing the vast experience to control their mana. That's why normally we would need the help of a Master. Not to mention that each inscription could only be used once though there are some exception. Their price is not even cheap as it gets more troublesome the higher the grade." Lihua then showed a grin before shaking her hand which had her ring on it before continuing. "Fufu, my ring can never run out as long as long as I supply it with mana/energy/chi!"

Tengfei digested the information while ignoring her last sentence before asking another question, "Then what about people who can write in the air? Can't they just insert mana on the tips of their finger and draw it out?"

Hearing his words caused Lihua to burst out laughing before replying back, "Where did you hear that from!? If it's a joke then that was a good one!" She then noticed that tengfei was serious before replying, "There hasn't been any historically documented occurrence of someone possessing such skill. And believe me, I read a lot."

Lihua coughed before continuing, "Even the theory of it is impossible! How can someone dye the very air with mana?"

Tengfei was puzzled before asking, "Can't inscriptions be made from rocks also? So, how come air is not possible?"

Lihua stood up before walking towards Tengfei. She then asked after reaching him, "Hand over that book! It's completely filled up to brim with bull shit!"

He refused while hiding it behind him. Lihua growled at him before asking, "Why do you care so much about it??"

Tengfei was silent for a while. He then answered proudly, "This book will make me powerful!"

"Why?!" She yelled before asking, "I don't understand what's the reason why you men always dream to be at the pinnacle of strength!"

Tengfei closed his eyes for a while to her answer. Lihua felt like she did something wrong and so stopped her actions.

"I have no where left. My origins are still unknown to me. I'm very weak, I couldn't even fend for myself when my life was threatened. If my friends are in real trouble, I'll be there being useless and watch them get harmed." His opened eyes showed sadness.

Lihua bit her lower lip before meekly saying, "Tengfei, you still didn't tell me about what happened back then."

He looked into her eyes before sitting down. She did the same beside him.

Tengfei with a bit of hesitation then said, "Someone knew where I came from. That person was the one who skewered me and revealed that I'm not human."

"You're not... Human?" Asked Lihua curiously with a baffled look.

He looked at her before replying back, "I don't know..." Tengfei then continued after a short pause, "It has something to do with my gray hair."

Lihua's Master then told her, 'No matter how hard he tries, if he wants to meet his clan then what he stated was the only way. Strength is needed.'

Knowing all of this, the tendency to hug him sprang up but she shook of that thought. 'He's alone... just like me. I'm useless and I can't help him. All I can do is this.'

Lihua leaned on to his shoulder before saying, "I'll share your burden, and you share mine. Like any good... friend."

He noticed the slight pause on her last word but didn't pry into it. Though he was happy that he had her. Someone else who he can speak with.

"...Now move away before anyone catches us." Tengfei said oddy quickly.

Lihua did as told but started teasing him by saying, "Aww! Look at your red shy face! Like a maiden who had her hand touched by a knight!"

Tengfei felt flustered dipped with annoyance from her words and so he mischievously replied back, "Really? Do you think I'm the only one who would get red... Then watch this."

He then held her chin and moved close to her face.

Like Tengfei previously, Lihua's face turned poppy before falling off the bed. Eyes and mouth wide.

With a triumph like pose, he then said, "Now look at you!"

"S-Shut up! That was... Unfair!" Lihua replied before standing up and patting of the dust from her behind.

Tengfei chuckled. He waited some time before asking, "Is it possible for me to enter my inner domain?"

She tilted her head from his words before replying back, "Oh, you meant that." She then straightened her clothing before continuing, "No, unless you started your path of elemental cultivation. Unlocking the door with the help of a tree spirit. Or like me who was bestowed a one-time use scroll which granted me access to it before I started cultivating."

"Hmm a shame. So, how do I start cultivating if I can't enter my domain?"

"There's actually lots of ways but first, you need to activate it. Emotion, will, desire and talent were some of the ancient ways.. Your best bet is to go through the contest being held."

Tengfei nodded before curiously asking, "Then how did you did yours?"

"..." She remained silent while averting away her eyes before saying proudly, "By Talent of course! It activated with just my thought! I'm that good!"

Tengfei observed her before replying, "I see..."

"Well, for you it will come out eventually, that is if you have the potential." She said with one eye closed.


Inside the herb store

"This is all the stuff I believe." Said the shop keeper.

The bandaged man who was called Aerash, gave the money before asking, "You too have heard of King Elric's forces visiting here."

As the shop keeper wipe the table, he grimaced before replying, "Yes, they seem to want to clear that area."

"If I recalled, you were one of his retainers and once a genius herbalist.", Said Aerash as he placed all the items in his bag.

"That's an old story. I'm now just a normal bystander making his living expenses."

Aerash stared at him for a while before making his way out. Though before he exited, he said, "If you were still serving under him, it would've been a shame if I had your head in a bag."

The shop keeper smiled stiffly before replying back, "True. I'm lucky indeed."


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