《The Healing Thief》Book 1: Chapter 17, Question


Chapter 17, Question


Some auctions passed by since then. Huan didn't want to get involved in any of those due to either the item being useless or too expensive for him.

Though the next one caught his eyes. The flamboyant auctioner revealed a pair of gauntlets. Being shiny silver in colour while also emitting a weird feeling.

The pretty man then yelled, "This as you can see is something that took considerable amounts of work to make. Having been made by a talented blacksmith from Krehor and imbued with an inscription made from the beast core of a ferocious blood panther. Remember that the beast was 'mid' tier two!" After a little pause and hearing the crowd roar, he then continued, "Not only increasing your strength by 3% but also it can protect your hands from weak fire techniques!"

Some chatters could be heard around the palace.

Zhou Huan thought 'If I could get my hands on this piece, it would make it slightly faster fighting those 2nd to 3rd staged beasts.'

"The bidding starts now! Starting bid is 2 gold!"

"3 gold coins!" A man said with a funny pointy hat.

"3 gold coins and 5 silvers!" A woman called out, wearing a fluffy coat.

"5 gold coins!" A little noble girl said out loud.

"7 gold coins" Huan yelled out as he stood up.

"9 gold coins"

Huan gritted his teeth before yelling out, "10 gold coins and 5 silver!" before thinking 'This is my limit...'

The rich young man who closed his fan made a nasty smile before yelling out, "14 gold coins!"

Hearing the man's words, he sighed before feeling dejected. This time Zhou Huan lost on a bidding contest.

The next auctioned item which the man revealed was blue colored scroll, "This scroll has only one purpose and that is to master the art of developing electric drake characteristics! A mark initiator! Though only available to people who cultivate the elemental Lightning!" Yelled the pretty man.

He then continued, "Starting bid, 1 gold!"

Zhou Huan felt like someone was pulling his sleeve. He turned to find Li Meixiu staring at him hard. Without her speaking, he already knew what she wanted.

The hall went silent. Unlike before, no one wanted it. If you could hear closely, one was saying out to his friend "Now a days, there isn't that much lightning cultivators. It is as expected that no one wanted this scroll."

Huan yelled out, "2 gold!"

Everyone in the palace looked at him as if he was some sort of special duck in the pond. Some of them even scoffed him. The rich young man didn't even want to play anymore with him.

Though there was a man in the opposite side who yelled out "15 gold!"

Hearing this, the whole palace trembled. A commotion was then broken lose!

Li Meixiu paled from the opposite man's proclamation.

Zhou Huan turning around to find Meixiu having a different color than usual made him mad. He then thought 'This lady... will make me go back to having no weight in my pouch... but she still saved and gave me that chance. Though she's the reason why I was dying in the first place.'


He then gripped his hand before thinking 'If I predict the amount that I would earn from the beast core I given... then maybe. I'm really thirsty...'

Huan then yelled out "17 gold!"

His words caused the crowd to again roar in comments.

Meixiu slightly tilted her head before she asked him, "Isn't that too much for you?"

As a reply, I coldly asked, "Doesn't that pill cost more?"

Her eyes widened before replying, "In what world would bone fixing pills cost more than a gold coin?"

The lady's words caused Huan to almost lose his soul. He couldn't help but shudder to the thought of the bid he yelled previously. Now he's just hoping that someone else bid higher than him.

Though alas no one did. He won the scroll but in return lost something in him.

He turned to his right before asking Meixiu, "You better be happy..."

She replied with two adorable nods without a smile.


Some time later

After getting the mask and scroll, he grabbed his trunk before heading out. Looking behind him, he saw that the accursed lady was following him. 'I don't want you anymore... you're too demanding... too taxing...' He thought while having a dejected look.

Huan looked back to see her before asking, "Why are you still following?"

She replied "You already know I live beside you. So, I'm returning home." She also grabbed the scroll on my hands before placing it inside her ring.

Before he could speak, he was interrupted by a woman's scream. It came from an alley. People started gathering around something. This piqued the curiosity of both of them.

Forcing his way through the crowd, he found something gruesome.

The rich man that was making a fool of him was now on the ground mutilated. Having no hands, bloody eyes and a hole in his stomach. It was a sight to behold.

Some man arrived who seemed to be related to this corpse. They covered the body before whispering something to each other.

He didn't want to get involved no more with this so he went back to find Li Meixiu but she wasn't there. Huan was happy until she found her being led to an alley by three large man with nasty grins.

Huan clicked his tongue sound before following them. When he entered, He found Meixiu having lightning spasm across her. Her expression was calm as if she got it covered.

She brought out a chain attached to a sickle from what seems to be her ring.

The men surrounding her were petrified before backing off, step by step. The chains of her weapon were engulfed by electricity. It gave bright yellow color slowly coiling around it. The sizzling/static noise could be heard from her weapon. While at it, a ring appeared on her finger which was glowing in bright gold color.

With a simple movement with her arms and hands followed by a pull, she managed to remove someone's head with the sickle. Blood was then splattered all around the place. One of the man beside her, fell to his behind before crawling back.


She was indifferent even when killing. Her dull eyes looked around. The other man brought out a dagger before rushing towards her with it.

As if it was simple instincts, she made the chains wrap around that man's legs before pulling it. The man tripped and fell to the ground.

Grabbing the sickle, she smashed the sharp edge of it upon the person's skull.

The cobbled grounds were dyed in blood. Her clothes tainted in red.

The other remaining man already ran away after leaving his piss on the ground.

Meixiu turned around to find Huan speechless as he watched the blood flowing from the person's head.

She then returned the chained sickle back to some space inside her ring. Li Meixiu sighed before she walked towards him.

Huan had no words to say. As she was walked away, Meixue told him, "I'm frightening right?" With a blank face.

That was the last time they last saw each other for the week.


In the Inn

Lihua was currently on the bed motionless. Tengfei was beside her poking her cheeks. He kept on saying, "Can you move?"

Eventually Lihua got mad and bit his finger. He pulled back his finger before waving away his hand to numb out the pain.

He then asked after blowing his finger, "Are you going to lay down there the whole day?"

Lihua glared at him before replying back, "Then what am I supposed to do? Crawl using my chin?"

Tengfei sighed before asking, "Do you want me to massage you?"

Hearing his words caused her to look at him with disgust before asking, "I'm not allowing someone perverted to touch me!"

He rolled his eyes before asking, "How did you get into this state in the first place?"

"Why do you want to know everything? Huh? Just leave me alone." Lihua replied before turning away her head, away from him.

Tengfei, as if figuring something out, clasped his hands before asking, "I think this time you actually are at that time of the mo ---" Before he could continue, a pillow was thrown at him.

Lihua was flustered as she angrily gnashes her teeth and hawks out "Get out! Get out! GET OUT!!" Though her body ached tremendously from throwing the pillow, she didn't care about it. Even her master praised her endurance of pain.

Tengfei hurriedly ran out the room. He saw Huan getting up the stairs and so gave greetings, "Huan! It has been a while!"

Zhou Huan shook his head before replying back ,"It has just been a week my brother. Now I'm finding that you are having your quality time? I presume?"

As a reply, the grey haired young man sighed in relief before saying, "You don't know how stressing it is with me and her only. Though I got to admit, it's quite fun being with her."

Tengfei didn't noticed that Huan was narrowing his eyes before he was told by him, "It has been almost a week since that incident and I still can't figure out what's... your purpose?"

"Brother, why so serious suddenly?" Tengfei laughed after saying that.

Huan punched the wall nearby, causing a crack on the wooden frame. He then proclaimed loudly, "I'm being serious Tengfei!"

The grey haired young man was frightened from Huan's actions. He became silent for sometime while his eyes expressed turmoil.

He then replied loudly after looking at his brother's eyes, "I don't know! I have nothing else except finding who I am and repaying Big Sister! What else do you expect from me?"

Tengfei then stepped closer to Huan before continuing, "I'm not someone who has a grudge, nor a hero that would save this world! I'm just who I am..."

Huan understood his answer but couldn't help exclaim out, "At the very least become strong." Replied Huan.

Tengfei was perplexed from his answer before asking, "And how is that supposed to help me?"

Huan surveyed his brother from feet to head before replying, "To know something in this world we live in... usually it always requires strength, brother."

Tengfei's eyes looked upon the window far from there. He focused on the bird moving around. The bird fell and tripped. Even if it got up and tried for flight, it still remained at the same place. Though after countless efforts, it eventually flew.

He turned back to Huan before sighing

A little while later, he then told Huan, "Thank you, I needed that."

"Stick to your goal my brother. If it's about finding your birth parents, then go for it." Huan said before showing his hand. Tengfei grabbed it and shook.

Though their reunion was cut short due to the inn keep downstairs yelling out, "Who left this trunk laying in front the door! Especially scraping the wooden floor!"

Huan jumped before running down the stairs clumsily while replying back loudly ,"SSSSorry!!!"

Tengfei smiled at his immediate changed mood.

Inside the room, Lihua heard the conversation clearly and was still lost in thoughts. Her expression was quite sad. She looked at the door before thinking 'Why can't I be his goal?' She then immediately shook her head before continuing, 'I'm just too stupid. In the future l might forget this feeling, and he'll forget me. Our past caused a ravine between us. It's already a miracle being friends...'

The master in her replied back, 'There are many men in these world, servant. Don't decide your immature feelings on someone without looking. Now throw away this trivial feeling and focus well to become worthy of being my only servant.'

Lihua remained silent.


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