《The Healing Thief》Book 1: Chapter 8, The Continent


Chapter 8, The Continent ~/````````````````/~

As Tengfei's eyes opened, he heard the breathing of someone very quietly nearby and he already knew that instant.

Arms wrapped around him and red hairs on his cheeks.

Well, by now it is quite obvious and in case you still don't know, it was Huan... I mean Lihua.

Tengfei looked at her sleeping happy face for a moment before flicking his finger on her forehead just like last time.

She woke up startled as she rubs her forehead and back away from Tengfei.

"What was that for?!" She yelled at him.

Nothing was replied back except silence as Lihua recollects her thoughts and slowly her face turns bright red.

"I really wonder why are you so fond of my body?" Asked Tengfei with one of his eyebrow raised.

She couldn't speak for a moment due to being embarrassed until she replied back "I-It's just... just.. just... I.. really don't know.." Lihua gave up.

Her expression was downcast as she tried hide her red face while her hands clutched the bed blanket tightly.

"Even you don't understand? At least we are lucky that Huan didn't wake up or else... I would torment you for life." Tengfei sharply said with a smile.

Though it was a smile, Lihua couldn't help but shiver and gulp from fear.

Shortly after, she then proposed. "What can I do for you to forget this event?"

A surprising opportunity is what he thought from her words and so immediately he took advantage of it.

"Let me see here..." He begins pretending to think with his hand on his chin before snapping his fingers quietly. "I know, why not you teach me about the world we're in?" Tengfei asked.

Lihua looked at him with surprised look before replying "Are you not from this planet, and didn't my sister already taught you all of those things?"

He looked puzzled before replying "...Not at all, as far as I recall."

"...That's weird." Lihua said quietly mumbled with a puzzled expression.

"So will you do it or what?" Tengfei questioned again as he starts poking her.

She scoots off his hands before replying with an annoyed look. "Yes yes I'll teach you but in exchange, next time I go shopping, you must accompany me." Lihua proclaimed.

Tengfei raised one of his brows before asking. "Are you perhaps a maiden in love or something in that line to be asking like those stuff."

Lihua stared at him blankly before... she started laughing as she says. "In love with you?! Hahaha! Are you trying to kill me with laughter?"


"Then what other reason you need me then!" Tengfei angrily replied back.

She chuckled before answering "To carry my heavy bags~ duh."

"What if I refuse?" He questioned.

"Well just forget about me telling you any information then~" She said slyly as she starts straightening her hair.

Tengfei clench his fist before asking furiously "Didn't you just asked me to forget the events recently in exchange for something?"

"Did I?~" Lihua said while making a gesture of someone remembering.

He then stared blankly at her before bluntly saying "You know, I really hate you?"

"Of course, and I hate you too." She replied back with a devilish smile.


After a while, Zhou Huan went out to do his job but this time without Lihua.

Though he tried questioning Tengfei as to why she gets to skip the job and only he works.

So Tengfei thought of a reason and said to him in front of Lihua "It is the time of the month for her."

This caused Huan to be speechless for a moment before he nodded and left the room.

After he left, Lihua's face was dyed in complete red as she walked towards Tengfei with condensed killing intent aura.

Her clothing today consist of a white dress and an opened baggy robe that is pink in color helt together by a violet sash.

She never felt this sort of humiliation in her life as she gnashes her teeth.

Before she could even touch Tengfei, it was stopped by his hands.

Though this didn't stop her with that only, as her leg moved in a form of a side kick after she tilted herself to the right.

Even if the strength is little, but it is sufficient enough to cause him to topple down.

As Lihua was going to celebrate her triumph, she was pulled also to the ground with Tengfei holding her tightly.

His back landed on the wooden flooring and Lihua followed him as she planted on his chest.

He didn't feel much pain but anger welled him as he literally was swept by a young girl.

Their eyes interlocked each and not much distance were between their faces.

Both of them hissed at each other with sparks of anger flow.

Lihua then gone closer... and head butted him.

This caused Tengfei to feel dizzy for a moment before he also gave a head butt to her.

Blood was dripping from both their fore heads as they look at each other with hatred. Pure genuine hatred.

"I would really like to continue, but I'm afraid you have to fulfill your end of the bargain as we don't have much time before Huan returns." Said Tengfei as try control his anger.


Lihua laughed a little before replying back "Trying to run away I see, well I could stop if you admit defeat and beg~"

The annoyance meter on Tengfei broke and so he resorted to no choice but use that.

In an instant without her notice, a bra was flicked out and shown in front of her very eyes.

She processed as to what happened and noticed that the bra he’s holding was really familiar.

Almost like a lightning which striked her as she felt her chest area and noticed that something was missing.

"I still wonder as to why you even bother wearing this stuff if you don't have any hills at all?" Tengfei asked with a devilish grin.

Her face slowly became bright red as she immediately snatches it and gets off him.

Lihua's face was puzzled with questions as to how he stole it without her feeling his hands.

"But... How?" She questions him. (Copyright for Konosuba)

Tengfei gets up before covering his bloody forehead as he says out to her "My thievery skills are something to not mess with." with a smile.

"So that means when you were young, undergarments used to be your prized possessions!" Lihua said out loudly to him.

Tengfei was speechless before he says while averting his eyes. "This was my second time doing that to someone and it was a dare before..."

"And you're proud of doing so?" She asked again.

"Can we just not talk about this?" Tengfei said before he gets up and started walking towards the bathroom.

Her expression grew furious as she yells "You actually dare touch me, hit me, even snatch away my under clothing and now avoid it completely?!"

Tengfei thought for a while and actually felt kind of guilty to what he childishly did.

"Er... I'll payback sometime in the future." Tengfei replied back.

Lihua replied bakc loudly "You better do!"


Currently, Lihua and Tengfei were sitting on beds and facing each other oppositely.

Both their foreheads are bright red till now as to not forget their hatred for each other.

Lihua was narrowing her eyes as she slightly tilts her head and thinks out 'Why does he even exist, rot in hell for what I care'.

"So are you gonna keep glaring at me or talk already?" He asked with an angered tone.

She rolled her eyes while making a sigh before saying "Fine then, so we will start with the continent we are in."

So I'll just summarize what she said to Tengfei and it sounded like this.

Where our characters are standing on, is the main continent on the center of the globe as to what she said.

The population resides on the bottom of a very deep valley surrounded by the great reverse waterfalls.

There are a total of six countries in the valley.

To the west, resides Xoplis.

To the north west, Krehor.

Both countries have a total war with each other due to just a single princess dying.

Though it just happened recently and there ain't any detailed to the main cause of it.

In the middle of the continent resides the country Fuan which is currently where Tengfei and others are.

To the east, contains the barren lands of the country Xianjing.

To the south, the country with the least knowings, Tanyeong.

And the last country which is in between them while being near the center, Xuanqihar.

Three great rivers act as boundaries from the east to the north west, north to south, and south to middle.

This wide rivers are the only way for boats to go around the countries, though it is limited.

Above the the reverse waterfall consist of a large array of deep jungle that fearsome demon beasts live.

Another way of getting out the continent is through the stony staircase built by the past ancestors that reach to the skies.

For now, this is the only continent that will be said in detail.

As for the other races like merfolks, dragonians, furred humans, mergons and more will be explained later on.

At the end of Lihua's explanation, Tengfei asked her "Is that all?"

"Nope, I'm too lazy to tell any more~" She said lazily as she stretches her arms.

Tengfei again asked "So won't you tell me more?"

"No way..., maybe I'll change my mind if you take me out~" She said with a smile, let me correct it, a devilish smile.

Tengfei eyes twitched with frustration before he says "I know you just want to be with me because I have money..."

"You do? Well what are you waiting for and lets go out!" Lihua acted surprise with her voice as she gets up smiling and grabs hold on his arms before forcing him to get out.

There was no words for Tengfei to utter except releasing a long sigh.


Thank you very much for reading :> I really appreciate taking your time to read this novel of mine xD

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