《The Healing Thief》Book 1: Chapter 6, Truth


Chapter 6, Truth


Another dream for Lihua.

This time she was standing in front of someone who was weeping.

That someone was her best friend.

Her clan labelled her as a failure. Due to her latest test of affinity, giving her the mana grade 'E'.

Someone who had grade E in mana was nothing more than a mere cripple.

Even normal people would have an average of 'C' or worst-case 'D'.

She was almost near the grade 'F' for corpses.

Everyone who was kind to her... Now look at her with disgust and ridicule.

Her parents sneered at her before focusing on her younger siblings. Keeping no time to even comfort her.

Now Lihua visited her friend but... She didn’t know what to do at that time.

She just stood still pondering as to what to do... Before leaving her.

The dream ended there.


As Lihua awoke, her eyes opened slightly due to the morning sun brightness. The dream was still haunting her as she wipes away the sweat on her forehead. Her head felt light but she still recalled as to how Tengfei placed the blanket on her last night... which caused her to be confused.

Lihua then gets up while folding the blanket as she watches the sleeping Tengfei who is shivering due to having no sheet to prevent The cold.

'Tch, showing me your pained expression is not going to me make me pity you.. I say n-no effects at all.' She thought to herself

She felt gratitude for him caring about her but still her stubborn personality wants to deny that.

Out of curiosity while staring at his face, Lihua pinched his nose which made him twitch a little.

She then started poking his cheeks slowly for some odd reason.

'This trash dares feel remorse towards me and ignore my past needs... Once I get my Dantian fixed, I'll...' She tries to finish her sentence but every time an image of Tengfei helping her pops up.

Quietly she placed back the blanket on him before taking a bath.

Even if Lihua is spoiled, she still knows when to show her gratitude so she told him silently 'I appreciate your proper servitude.' before entering the bathroom.

In a way or another that is.

The day then continues with Tengfei and Huan waking up.

Tengfei was having this happy expression due to experiencing a pleasant sleep like yesterday even if it was deathly cold for him.

He flexes his fingers before saying to Huan. "So what girl you dreamed about this time?"


Huan made a depressed sigh before replying back. "The dream ended before getting to the good part..."

Tengfei looked at him with wry smile from what he replied.

"You don't need to give further details." Tengfei bluntly said to him before he gets off the bed.

At the same time Lihua already finished with her bathing as she witness him in first sight while rubbing her hair with a towel.

Immediately Tengfei shrieked in surprise as he feels the cold wooden floor and hid back on the bed similar to a cat.

Lihua was dumbfounded by his actions before trying to hold her laughter in... but she can't.

"You still got that annoying fear of cold..." Huan said while pitying on him.

"S-shut up! Both of you!" Tengfei yelled out.

And so the laughter continued for a bit until time flies by again.



While in those time, Tengfei was working in the restaurant and had an agonizing... I mean really wonderful time.

Apparently, Lou Jun was the one teaching him the ropes... and so he witnessed another side of her.

He would get mocked on or sarcastically praised if he blunders up on something.

Like for example "~Oh wow, such good skills you got there, it's as if you're a natural. Though that doesn't give you the excuse to be a turtle, Tengfei!"

Or maybe more like this "Don't worry Tengfei, we can just get some random kids in the streets and they can teach you."

'Uh... her personality truly is different when in work though she still has her shy and kind persona after work... I guess?' Tengfei thought.

In the middle of the hellish job, Tengfei was feeling stressed out with all the barrages of work on him.

Even while at those times, he thought to himself 'No wonder people didn't join this hell like place...'

After a long time, Tengei finally exited the restaurant with a haggard breathing from all the intense work.

Though he didn't mind at all due to the money pouch his carrying.

'This money was earned fairly and not from stealing. I really have come far... all thanks to her that is.' Tengfei though as he walks towards the inn.

While he was humming peacefully, a hooded person was following him without his knowings.

Before a little moment, the distance between them shrinked.

Tengfei wouldn’t possibly notice the person's presence due to the crowded area.

But when he entered an alley, immediately he found out about him being stalked.

As any person would say, he yelled out "Show yourself!"


A deep silence was responded until the hooded person came closer.

A hood covering the face, an iron plated armor, and a sheathed weapon strapped to the person's belt.

Red tiger like stripes engraved on the plate of the person's armor while having gloves that is completely white.

Even though all the person's equipment looks worn out, it doesn't mean the aura emitting from it diminished at all.

Tengfei felt the fierce killing intent and without thinking backed off.

He can't fight back at all as he has left his weapon back in the inn.

Then the person said in a different language to him while getting closer "Which division were you on? And as to why were you all the way here far away from home?"

Surprisingly Tengfei could understand as he thinks out to the person's words.

Before he noticed, the person was already in front of him which then the person's hand was placed on Tengfei hair.

"Why are you hiding your ears and keeping that fake human organ instead?" The person said as white hue with black sparkles emit out of his/her hand.

Nothing happened exept his eyes turning to something that's similar to a wolf.

"...Now I know why you're all the way here, you're just a disgrace to our tribe for being born as a half breed." The person said before pulling out a thin sword it’s scabbard.

Tengfei fell down on his behind as he noticed the whole place had a weird color.

He tried moving backwards but the strong sensation of being killed has struck him which caused his tracks to halt.

A long silver thin blade was facing in front of him as the person says. "Even though you're from my tribe and some part of them accepts your kind but it doesn't mean I will."

"What the hell do you want!" He mustered up his courage and yelled back at the armored person.

The eyes of Tengfei was filled with anxiety as he protects himself with his arms from the person who was about to thrust his/her weapon.

Even though it was futile as the blade pierced his arm and carved through the bone.

A horrible agonising scream was released from him as slight tears came out from his eyes.

His hopeless expression was shown towards the person which made him/her pissed off even more as he/she says. "A worthless trash like you should not even be born in the first place! I would have shown you an honorable death if you didn't scream like a pig and piss your pants from just a small flesh wound."

The person then was going to get over it by piercing him through the neck, but suddenly he/she felt a weird atmosphere.

Before he/she could stab him, the blade was stopped by Tengfei's hands.

This shocked him/her before the person looked towards his eyes.

Nothing like the fear filled eyes like before but instead it was replaced with the will to survive no matter what.

A certain someone drived him to commit that act and I guess by now you already know who it is.

Blood was dripping on his hand as he holds the blade tightly.

For a while, the person looked upon him... before sheathing back the blade.

"Keh, I don't have time messing with someone worthless. For now I'll let you live but if you show me your pitiful self again, I won't show mercy at all." The person said before walking away from him.

Tengfei's wolf like eyes slowly disappeared and reverted back to normal.

At that split second of the moment between the blade and his neck, the will to live in order to see his sister Ling drove all his senses to focus on stopping the sword.

Though he felt a surge of heightened senses during that moment.

He was left with questions as to what happened as he holds his wounded arm to prevent the bleeding.

'Someone knew where I originated from... but am I human or what that person says, a half breed?' Tengfei thought to himself as he shows a deprived look.


In The Inn

On the bed of Tengfei, there laid the ghost with a sad expression.

Observing her face, it was seen to show slow drips of spectral tears. The lady's white robe caressed the blanket sheets. She with care, rubbed of the tears on her face before thinking to herself 'How long must I suffer.'

The lady then started floating before continuing 'I crossed through several higher plains. Traversed the endless golden sea homed to the Butterfly Queen. Escaped from the deranged worshippers of mount The'er. Cultivated and ascended beyond the human shell and much more!'

Her hands started appearing a silver ball of light before she continues 'All this... was to find my birth parents. Though now I have found one... and my lost younger brother. Alas, I can't meet him anymore. That person was... merciless to me. Instead of leaving me be after ending my life, he instead brought me the worst faith of them all.'

"A soul who can't do anything but watch." She said before straightening her golden hair.

The silver ball of light hummed as it floats to the sky.


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