《The Healing Thief》Book 1: Chapter 1, Princess Xiao Lihua


Chapter 1, Princess Xiao Lihua


One by one, droplets of rain fell. It slowly increased in pace before engulfing the sky with its presence; Like the heavens above giving sympathy to a certain woman.

'There must be a reason...', A lady thought as she focused her entire strength to block the incoming blade with her own weapon.

She, with skill, led the enemy's blade to fall onto the ground before horizontally slicing her foe's torso.

Blood gushed out, entrails spewed, and the stench would have suffocated her if it weren't for her bloody nose.

The puddles of water around her were dyed in crimson.

Even by inflicting a life-threatening wound, her opponent didn't stagger nor flinch; instead he raised his blade upward with great speed.

Sensing this imminent danger, she was about to step back as a reply, until she realizes that one of her feet was stepped on. The lady cursed before feeling the excruciating pain. The blade scrapped the back of her forearms skin before slicing through her armpits. Across the muscle tissue, through the ligaments before curving around the bone.

The lady's entire arm fell and landed on the wet ground along with her sword.

She clenched her teeth tightly to avoid screaming in pain. Her face was pale, eyes voided of hope, and having no other thoughts except meeting death.

Though the will to survive still lingers in her.

The lady jumped back before moving her finger and wrist, forming a symbol on the air. She did it with haste as silver lines appeared; following behind her index finger movement. This was her last chance.

"And here I thought you had run out of mana like me." Said the man who was strangely not moving from his spot.

The lady's golden hair fluttered as she focused entirely on her final resort.

"Vengeance, that's all you can think off. A man who sold his body to the devil and chased me all the way to this plane! I'll show you-" Before she could complete her sentence, the ground glowed around her before forming a red circle. In the center, formed a symbol. A complex and dreaded looking one.

The bleeding man laughed madly before replying back, "I didn't chase you! I instead had led you to your demise!"

Before she could react, spears launched out of the ground stabbing her in many different areas. Blood sprayed out before eventually slowly oozing down her body.

This type of pain couldn't be expressed anymore as she felt nothing but numbness. Her eyes became hazy as she knew that this was her last sight.

It was of the man's blade piercing her throat.

Though after all of this, she finally finished her previous thought.

'There must be a reason...


as to why was I even born in the first place.'


Years later, in a faraway land

"...Do you really have to go?"

The thirteen-year-old boy asked with a downcast look. As he felt a woman pat upon his grey hair. "Tengfei, don't make it even harder for me. I already have decided."

The boy raised his head before he closely paid attention to the lady's continuation, "But I have to obey my grandfather's order and return. It'll be a far journey, as he's currently in our main branch of Imperial Lunar Sect. Due to an emergency, he needs me. So please be a good boy while I'm away..."

The woman told him as she dearly pats his head.

Before the boy called Tengfei could reply back, the distance between them increased. Followed with the woman letting go of his head as she walks away.


Her flowing red hair fluttered from the wind when she nears the exit.

He tried crying out her name as he chased after her.

The boy had one aim and that was to grasp the hem of the lady's clothing. To prevent and save even a moment.

Sadly, the distance kept on growing until his vision turned dark...

And thus, the boy woke up from his dream.

It was more of a memory which kept on lingering inside him. Ever since that day where he was left behind by that woman.

They were not related but they treated each other as if they were.

He was supposed to be a street lurker, or more elaborated, a mere thief till today if it weren't for her.

She brought him into a small branch of a famous sect, and took care of him.

Ever since that day, he would call her big sister. They spent two years with each other while he learned about etiquette, writing, simple math, chores, and so on. More importantly, she brought life into his fragile and distrusting heart.

As shown on his recent dream, the lady has left him behind. Due to this, numerous things had changed since then.

A year has passed since that event and he was now sixteen years old.

After the dream, the boy's eyes slowly opened.

Normally it would take time for someone to fully wake up, but for his case it was different; Due to the overwhelming scent of numerous wastes from animals.

As he got up, he thought to himself, 'I can't still forget her.' He then continued his trail of thoughts after pinching his nose, 'And I hate waking up to the scent of shit... And here I thought that I'll be used to it by now.'

After standing up from the hays, Tengfei grabbed hold upon his hand sized book. It stayed with him for years and so on; A book which taught him the ways of fishing.

Apparently, the cover had the picture of a carp biting upon a dragon's neck.

He then began his normal routine. It consisted of stretching his arms, cleaning his face and mouth, patting away the dust from his shirt before lastly straightening it.

Tengfei gave out a sigh before making his way out of the barn.

He repeated this routine every day for 12 months straight.

That animal rearing place was his own living quarters. It was forced upon by the princess's mother after her older daughter, Xiao Ling, left.

Tengfei made his way through the cobblestone road, and headed towards the living quarters of the sect's princess.

While at it, he did not seem to notice the yawning floating girl behind him.

Quite the beauty you can say as she follows him without his notice.

That young lady was there for some time; By some time, I meant one year.

Though not a single being could notice the presence of this transparent goddess. In other words, she resembled a ghost with unsettled business or so one thought.

At first, she tried her best for him to notice her by trying out lots of things. Even going so far as to making silly faces. Eventually she gave up, and so until now the young lady could do nothing but follow him.

She also seems to have some sort of relationship with the boy, due to how she looked at him with gentle and caring eyes.

Meanwhile, the young man decided to whistle his favorite tune while walking. Unfortunately, it was plain torture to the ear. So bad that they might have even bled.


Even the ghost lady closed her ears tightly as she gritted her teeth. Feel some pity for her.

If it weren't for the cursed tune, the surroundings could have been admired. The beautiful scenery in front of the barn; The meadow and ripe green trees; The scent of blooming flowers coupled with the pleasant breeze.

These and some other things made his morning at least descent for him.

'This place always makes me feel nostalgic', He thought as he watched a floating leaf follow the wind's current. The leaf then gently tapped upon a pond, giving forth a ripple.

Tengfei, after a given while, entered the large house. The first thing he did was head towards the kitchen to prepare tea.

Even though he hated making tea for that certain individual. It was something that he couldn’t help but be forced to swallow.

He was the type that would mix aphrodisiac with the drinks, to cause grievance to the one he hates. Though he couldn't obviously do that because it would be obvious.

When he finished pouring ginseng tea which had a profound aroma into the cup. He then placed it upon a platter and made his way with it towards lecture room.

In there, you could find a young lady who was sitting on a chair in front of a glass table.

The princess Xiao Lihua was one year younger than Tengfei, though even with that being said, her demeanor resembled a haughty queen.

Her black cold eyes, dark long red hair which was made into a pony-tail, small luscious pink lips, perfect small nose and pale skin. The type who hates the sun.

Before Tengfei entered her room, he first bowed and waited for the princess's permission to enter.

Don't get a wrong idea, he hated performing that shameful pose.

The aroma given off from the room was soothing. The surrounding wooden walls were covered by decorated sheets.

After a short moment, the princess noticed his presence which caused her to knit her eyebrows.

Giving off a sigh, the princess said out loud, "You may enter but please don't sully my attire with your filthy eyes." The princess told with a teasing voice before she continued listening to her mother's lecture.

Tengfei seemed to be smiling in front of them, but in reality, his teeth were grinding terribly as he thought to himself, 'Such a horrible fate I have.'

The ghost behind Tengfei was having an annoyed look with eyes filled with disgust towards the princess.

Xiao Lihua's mother who looked around her 30's, didn't resemble her daughter; Aside the cold eyes.

Her mother was lecturing about knights and their culture. Speaking about how they have a completely different system compared to theirs. Like riding wyverns and wearing heavy armor.

Tengfei entered calmly with an expression filled with ease. He then was about to place the platter on top of the glass table, until he felt a strong gust of wind flow wildly below his feet. This caused him to slip and drop the things he was holding, making them shatter upon touching the table.

The ginseng tea was spilled all over the clothing of Lihua's Mother.

Before Tengfei could even process as to what happened, he took a glance at Xiao Lihua. He saw her eyes glow in a tinge of green before reverting back to normal.

He cursed at her silently before immediately kneeling down in front of her mother, and saying out loud, "Please forgive this pitiful servant's mistake and grant me a punishment which is light!" He told while feigning the horrible feeling from his unpleasant plead.

The princess's mouth curved into a grin. She then excitedly watched her mother stood up, and walked in front of Tengfei before slapping his face.

Though Lihua couldn’t help but wonder as to why he was so scared.

"Useless trash! You dare drench my clothing and still have the guts to speak!?" The princess's mother yelled as she tried removing the tea on her clothe with the help of a small fabric.

The princess also then stood up before she asked, "Can we finally throw him out?"

Her mother turned her attention towards her daughter, "No need Lihua'er as this trash from the slump isn’t worth the trouble. It would waste your precious energy." She then pulled aggressively on Tengfei's hair which made him stand up.

Xiao Lihua shook her head, "But I recently broke through the barriers of the second stratum in cultivation and so I want to test out as to how my techniques changed."

Lihua's mother smiled before she replied, "You are starting to become a daughter that I'm proud off. Though if you were to use those techniques on this trash, he would turn into nothing but a crippled insect."

"But why does it matter if he becomes like that? We could hire another better servant than him!" The princess rebuked arrogantly.

"If it was that simple, then he would have been thrown out of this place long ago. Unfortunately, your older sister Ling'er had persuaded your grandfather to protect him. Even your own father seeks his safety.”

The princess made again the 'tch' noise before she returned and sat down on the cushion.

Tengfei got slapped again before Lihua's mother told him, "You are dismissed, return to the barn. You're not allowed to leave until I give you the remaining punishment."

Lihua heard the word punishment and couldn’t help but have thoughts of slapping barrage.

The young lady ghost wanted to do something to the mother but she couldn't touch her at all... She was truly infuriated after recalling all those horrible moments.

Tengfei controlled his anger as he grips his fist and gnashes his teeth.

Blood could be seen dripping downwards on the right corner of his mouth.

After a short moment, he bowed, "Thank you for being kind, Madam." He then gave a smile towards her and the princess. Afterwards, Tengfei left the room with pure hatred inside of him.

The princess thought to herself as she watched the back of Tengfei, 'He could still force a smile, no matter what happened to him.'

Her mother turned before her eyes were glued upon Lihua's right hand. Particularly the nails which were bloody. There were signs on the princess's palm of nail wounds. She then asked, "What happened?"

Lihua trail of thoughts halted before she replied, "Oh this? I had a spot which was itchy. There's no need to be worried."

This was not the first time that her mother caught Lihua doing something like that. She was also afraid from her hollow eyes.


Near the barn, the lone Tengfei couldn't help but release a barrage of curses upon his faith.

Like as to why he was raised with no parents, and not to mention his terrible childhood which was filled with tragedies.

If he was strong then he would've not ended up as the princess's lapdog.

The princess mentioned earlier about her being in the second stratum or second stage. This was no easy feat for a commoner. As it requires diligent efforts and hard training. Not to mention the efforts of finding certain pills which helps the training process.

Without the pills, the training could range from four to five years to raise from the first stage to the next. On the other hand, a person with good supply of pills would require two years. This makes you appreciate the talent of princess Lihua as she was able to get to the next stage in a mere year.

Lihua was born with wind affinity.

Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, Light, Darkness, Lightning and Ice consists of the elements that every living creature has an affinity towards.

The world works around mystical writings. Strange runes that brings forth the capabilities of harnessing destructive or protective magic. All it requires is your mana.

A place where it follows the law of the jungle, the strong prevails.


In the middle of the night.

Tengfei was laying down on the hays as he watched the moon from the open roof.

He then suddenly heard a large slam which he presumed was the front door. This scared him as he panicky stood up and gave a deep bow. Tengfei thought it was Lihua's mother, but instead it was a young man; Carrying a wooden platter on him with food on top.

The black-haired person had an appearance of someone with a much greater condition than Tengfei. It's due to the badge pinned on his clothing, labelling him as a mid-level servant. His face reminded you of those mischievous types.

He rolled his eyes from witnessing as to how Tengfei bowed towards him, "I truly appreciate your respect towards I the great sage Zhou Huan, the most handsome woman charmer, but it doesn't mean you'll get any of my share." He then laughed.

Tengfei immediately relaxed after hearing that familiar voice. He knew well that it belonged to his friend.

"You almost scared the shit out of me." Tengfei whined before he eyed the platter on Zhou Huan's hands, "Did you steal again from the kitchen? I'm surprised that no one caught you till now."

Zhou Huan placed the platter down on the floor before he sat down. "Me, a thief? Then what does that makes a master like you who stole the most mystical and priceless item called 'bread'." He then huffed proudly as he revealed a teasing look. He then thought to himself, 'The food was actually given to me.'

"Take a sit."

A wry smile appeared on Tengfei as he sat down, and observed the food that Zhou Huan brought; A pair of porridge, a plate filled with buns, and two cups of orange juice.

"You called me a thief which is funny coming a person who dreams daily of fondling women." He then eyed his friend who already began stuffing his cheeks with buns.

After he swallowed his food, he then started stroking his imaginary long beard, "Young one, every man's dream is to conquer women."

"Even Xiao Lihua?" Tengfei pondered.

Zhou Huan furrowed his eyebrows, "You always like spoiling my meal by bringing up that name."

"My bad." He sighed, "I'm in a terrible mood due to being ridiculed by her magic. Later I'll have to suffer again through her mother's gruesome hobby." Tengfei then began filling his belly with porridge.

"If we were famous cultivators, that lady and her daughter would be begging us to step on them."

Tengfei nodded with a look of regret.

Both of them decided to finish up their food before they chatted about life.

Zhou Huan was a slave bought by the sect, and was one year older than Tengfei. Being 17 and lustful for women. Despite his age, he was immature to the core.

He stayed longer in this place and so he gotten himself the privileged with a status of a mid-servant.

Compared to a low servant like Tengfei, he was given better accommodation, given food twice a day, and especially medical needs.

The only ones above him were servants who took care the princess and her mother directly.

After a while, Zhou Huan left the barn after bidding his farewells.

He didn't want to leave early, but he still had his duty of being mid-level servant.

Before long the long-awaited woman entered the barn with a whip.

The fear on Tengfei's face was not compared to his first time, and so he showed little to no anxiety on his eyes.

As usual, he would turn around and remove his shirt before getting whipped horribly on the skin.

Normally a fifteen years old boy would scream in agony but he didn't at all as he controlled it by gritting his teeth and cursing at her.

Before he would cry in agony horribly but now, he was used to it, and so he stayed silent.

While he was getting whipped, the woman thought to herself, 'It's because of you that I'm in this horrible place. Stuck with a doll and nowhere close to him. At this rate, my status will be nothing but a low concubine.'

Wrinkles were shown on her forehead as she felt irritated from not hearing any sound of agony.

She stopped earlier than before, "You better have learned your lesson or else I'll change my ways of punishing you."

Blood was seen dripping on his hand as he slowly watched the back of that woman escape from his sight.

'Someday, I'll have her grovel on my feet,' A thought came through him.

He fell to the ground before he felt the constant barrage of pain on his back. Tengfei grabbed the wet towel from the bucket before cleaning his wound. If he's unlucky, an infection would occur.

Till this date, he felt grateful that his wounds would heal faster than usual.

After Tengfei cleaned himself, he then laid down on the hay and tried to lull himself to sleep.

Though a certain scream which sounded familiar was heard.


Thank you for reading.

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