《THE OTHER LIFE OF ACP》THE OTHER LIFE OF ACP - Chapter 23 : The banquet (Part 1)



The king's banquet? well, i guess it's to be expected. since i killed a dragon.

"When is it?" [Henry]

"You don't know? it's tonight." [John]

"Oh, okay. will you b going as well?" [Henry]

"Of course i will. i am the guild master." [John]

"Can i have a plus one?" [Henry]

"Yes, i think so." [John]

"Okay, thank you. but is this everything you want to tell me?" [Henry]

"There is still one thing i want to tell you." [John]

"And what is that?" [Henry]

"Why did we not know of you sooner when you're this strong?" [John]

"Cause i arrived here last week." [Henry]

"What do you mean by that?" [John]

"Nothing." [Henry]

"Really, what do you mean?" [John]

"Forget about it." [Henry]

"If you say so. oh, and there is a chance of you becoming an SS ranker." [John]

"Okay bye." [Henry]

I already knew that i had a chance to become an S ranker. it was obvious from the moment he said king. i exit the office, and went to the lobby. i told Elgir and Rigil to go home and rest at least. and then i saw almost all of the adventurers in one area. i first thought it was Catherine, but it was this man, that had pretty nice gear. his gear was enchanted, a really good sword, and he was really good looking. i appraised him.

Name: Shaun Hart

Sex: Male

Race: Human

AGE: 21

LVL : 61

HP: 1050/1050

MP: 1050/1050

SP: 950/950

STR: 1100

INT: 982

AGI: 991

SPD: 977

LUC: 284


[Slash LVL: MAX] [Shield LVL: 6] [Attack Up LVL: 9] [Defense Up LVL: 5] [Fighting Spirit LVL: MAX]


[Adventurer] [Goblin hunter] [Bear killer] [Noble]

Skill points: 0

Oh! he was the one the people expected to become S rank rather than me. he has some pretty decent stats too. no wonder he's popular. While i was appraising him, i spotted the [Shooting Star] party again, they were sitting near the entrance. i should at least say hi.


"Hey Mark." [Henry]

"And..... Who are you?" [Mark]

"It's me, Henry Black." [Henry]

"!!!" [Mark]

".........." [Anabel]

"C'mon guys, I just lost some weight." [Henry]

"..........." [Anabel]

"Then who am i?" [Anabel]

"You're Anabel." [Henry]

"And me?" [Sam]

"You're Sam." [Henry]

"........" [Mark]

"What was our first mission together?" [Mark]

"The Horned Bear." [Henry]

"HEY!! Henry!! good to see you!!" [Mark]

"You lost weight!" [Mark]

"........" [Henry]

"Really guys? you're just gonna brush it off?" [Henry]

"Sorry about that....." [Mark]

"Yeah, someone impersonated me, and he pursued Anabel." [Mark]

"And what happened to him?" [Henry]

"He's no longer with us." [Anabel]

"........." [Henry]

"Anyway, i just wanted to drop by and say hi, hi." [Henry]

"Hello." [Mark]

"Where's Ron?" [Henry]

"He's in there somewhere. i lost him after 5 minutes." [Mark]

"Well, i wish him good luck." [Henry]

"Um, hey. are you doing something tonight?" [Mark]

"Actually i am. why?" [Henry]

"Well, there was this party mission for a C-Rank dungeon. and we were short by one member."

"Hmm..... can tomorrow work?" [Henry]

"..... Yeah, guess that'll work." [Mark]

"Okay, nice talking to you, bye." [Henry]

"Bye." [Mark]

A new party mission! i can't wait! well, i can, but tonight is the banquet of the king, and i won't miss it for nothing. why? FOOD. you probably have guessed that i love food. eating it i mean. plus, this my first fancy-shmancy Party, and you know what that means..... expensive food! delicious food! FOOD! Food! food! food. food........ i'll stop. oh, and water.

I went back to Catherine's house, and once i opened the door, i hear a sizzling of meat. oh..... Oh..... OH...... that sound, that smell, who's cooking? when i reached the corner, it was....... Elgir. apparently Elgir had the talent for cooking, and he practiced all day. the first dish was good, the second was better, and it just goes on. this was his 7th dish, which i hope is delicious as fu*k. Elgir didn't even notice me. Catherine and Rigil are both in the dining room, drooling. i also sat down and started drooling.


"Henry! you're back." [Catherine]

"Yes, and i did not die." [Henry]

"Good for you." [Catherine]

"And i also killed the dragon." [Henry]

".........." [Catherine]

"What? Elgir or Rigil didn't tell you?" [Henry]

"Um.... language Barrier." [Catherine]

"Oh, right." [Henry]

"So, what did you get!?" [Catherine]

"200 gold." [Henry]

"Of course." [Catherine]

"And an Egg." [Henry]

"An egg?" [Catherine]

"Yes, this one." [Henry]

I pulled out the egg. wait, it's not crying anymore. i didn't notice that.

"That is one big egg." [Catherine]

"It's a Dragon egg." [Henry]

"Okay." [Catherine]

"Wait, no reaction at all?" [Henry]

"With everything going around, nothing really surprises me anymore." [Catherine]

"That makes sense i guess." [Henry]

"So, what are you going to do with it?" [Catherine]

"Raise it of course." [Henry]

"You're going to raise a Dragon." [Catherine]

"Yes, yes i will." [Henry]

"Okay, good luck with that." [Catherine]

"Thank you." [Henry]

Right after that conversation, i was bored. i was still waiting for the meat, so i got rid of small problems in the mean time.

giveElgir English Language MAX

giveRigil English Language MAX |

Okay, i got rid of that problem. after that, i can't really think about anymore small problems. so i waited. and about 5 minutes later, it was done.

"Okay, Here it i-" [Elgir]

"Hey Elgir." [Henry]

"Master!" [Elgir]

"I'd like some of that dish if you please." [Henry]

"Of course! i already cooked a dish for you sir!" [Elgir]

He placed the food on the table, and sat down himself. he then proceeded to eat everything that was on his plate fast. without a spoon and a fork. i ate slowly so i can savor the flavor, and it was delicious. after the meal, i told them the king's banquet thing.

"Hey Catherine." [Henry]

"Yeah?" [Catherine]

"I got invited to the king's banquet." [Henry]

"Okay." [Catherine]

"and i want you to be my plus one." [Henry]

"!!!" [Catherine]

"Really!?" [Catherine]

"Yes." [Henry]

"Then, i better go and get dressed!" [Catherine]

She ran upstairs, and went to her room. 10 minutes later, she came out wearing a dress.

"Henry, are you going to wear that to the banquet?" [Catherine]

"I was planning to, but i guess not anymore." [Henry]

"......." [Catherine]

"I'll change into a suit." [Henry]

I went to my temporary room, and used [Code] to get a suit. i changed into the suit, and went downstairs.

"That's a pretty good looking suit." [Catherine]

"Thanks, you have a beautiful dress." [Henry]

"Yeah, i already knew that. this was my the dress my mom wore when she was invited." [Catherine]

"and she gave it to you?" [Henry]

"Well, she can't really fit into a dress now, that was made for her when she was 18." [Catherine]

"Oh, But why are you so excited about going to the king's banquet?" [Henry]

"One reason..... my rival is there." [Catherine]

"Rival?" [Henry]

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