《THE OTHER LIFE OF ACP》THE OTHER LIFE OF ACP - Chapter 15 : journey to the capital


"And what do you want Arch Devil father?" [Henry]

"I was hoping to be able to come along with you." [Arch Devil 2]

"I already planned you coming along from the start." [Henry]

"What? Why do you think so?" [Arch Devil 2]

"Since firstly, your the father of Elgir, and secondly, i don't want family members to be separated." [Henry]

"Oh. then i'm sorry for trying to kill you." [Arch Devil 2]

"And i'm sorry for killing you." [Henry]

"So, if your joining us, i shall give you a name as well." [Henry]

"Really!? thank you so much!" [Arch Devil 2]

"How about...Rigil?" [Henry]

"Then my name is Rigil." [Rigil]

And, like last time, a cocoon enveloped his entire body. and it stayed like that for also 10 minutes. then he finally came out. he looked old, but not too old. like age 40-50 old. he had black hair and red eyes, and horns like Elgir. i naturally apprised him.

Name: Rigil

Sex: male

Race: Demon

AGE: 60

LVL : 200

HP: 2050/2050

MP: 2000/2000

SP: 2600/2600

STR: 2400

DEF: 2300

INT: 2400

AGI: 2450

SPD: 2360

LUC: 269


[Fire Magic LVL :MAX] [Dark Magic LVL :MAX] [Curse Magic LVL: MAX]


[Monster Killer] [Human Killer] [Human Eater] [Arch Devil] [Human Devil]

Skill points: 2330

He has gotten stronger. level 200, all stats in 4 digits, except for luck again.

"Welcome back." [Henry]

"I am back, master." [Rigil]

"How do like your new body?" [Henry]

"Different, but i feel very powerful." [Rigil]

"Yeah, me too." [Elgir]

While i was conversing with Elgir and Rigil, Catherine didn't know what i was saying, so she just kept quiet and just sat down.

"Um... Catherine?" [Henry]


"Yes Henry?" [Catherine]

"This is Elgir, the son. and this is Rigil, the father. they will be joining us in our trip to the capital." [Henry]

"But, they're demons! the capital won't let demons in!" [Catherine]

"Not if we remove the horns and hide there demonic aura." [Henry]

"You can do that?" [Elgir]

"Yes i can." [Henry]

"Well, it's a necessity now if you're going to go inside a city." [Henry]

"Just stand still." [Henry]

"Yes, master." [Rigil & Elgir]

I of course used [Code] to change their status into fake one if appraised.

setElgir {While} Appraised{

Name: Elgir gon

Sex: Male

Race: Human

AGE: 20

LVL : 21

HP: 250/250

MP: 250/250

SP: 250/250

STR: 250

DEF: 230

INT: 295

AGI: 230

SPD: 230

LUC: 140


[Fire Magic LVL: MAX]


Skill points: 40 }x++

setElgir Horns show = False |

Done with Elgir, now with Rigil.

setRigil {While} Appraised{

Name: Rigil gon

Sex: Male

Race: Human

AGE: 45

LVL : 31

HP: 350/350

MP: 350/350

SP: 350/350

STR: 350

DEF: 330

INT: 395

AGI: 330

SPD: 330

LUC: 340


[Fire Magic LVL: MAX]


Skill points: 50 }x++

setRigil Horn show = False |

And were all good.

"Did it work?" [Rigil]

"Yep, i'm confident that it worked." [Henry]

"But i still see my real status. and my horns." [Rigil]

"It only shows it when you are appraised. and other people won't be able to see it." [Henry]

"Oh, okay." [Rigil]

"Henry, shall we go?" [Catherine]

"okay then. but i don't feel like walking." [Henry]

"I am sorry, but Fenrig is a complete mess right now. it has no stable stables or any more horses."(AN: Badum tss!)

"Oh, don't worry. i have my own horse." [Henry]


"Really, where?" [Catherine]

"Right here!" [Henry]

I wanted to look cool, i then decided to do a little magic. not the magic here, but the magic from my previous life. i pulled out a giant cloth, and placed on the floor.

"Here?" [Catherine]

"Wait." [Henry]

I used [Code] to spawn a living horse. although i never tried it before, it was worth a shot.

spawnHorse 1 100 |

I pulled the cloth up into the air, and pressed enter at the same time. and it was there, a living horse. Every one was puzzled, but also had a look of surprise.

"What!?" [Catherine]

"Master is amazing!" [Elgir]

"Well done sir." [Rigil]

"It's just summoning magic.(not really though)" [Henry]

"But summoning magic was lost 50,000 years ago!" [Catherine]

"Oh, better keep this secret." [Henry]

"Let me get some more of my horses." [Henry]

spawnHorse 3 100 |

Then, without the cloth, 3 horses appeared out of nowhere.

they're jaws just dropped.

So we mounted our horses, and rode to the capital.

Halfway to the capital, a horde of ogres suddenly emerged from the nearby forest.

"Ogres!" [Catherine]

"Huh?" [Henry]

Catherine called us out, trying to get our attention. then we saw the ogres. there were about ten of them, and all having armor and iron clubs.

"Is that normal?" [Henry]

"No! these are the 13th demon lord Migol's minions!" [Catherine]

"What?" [Henry]

Oh yeah! the demon lord! but why the13th? how many demon lords are there?

"How many demon lords are there?" [Henry]

"You don't know master?" [Rigil]

"No." [Henry]

"Well, there are 13 demon lords, one in each continent. they always try to invade our continents, but all of the races formed an alliance and pushed them all back." [Rigil]

"There was originally 15 continents, but all of the demon lords joined together and destroyed 2 of them. the numbers associated with the demon lords, are on how strong they are." [Rigil]

"Oh, thank you for the info then." [Henry]

"You are most welcome." [Rigil]

"I've got this Henry." [Catherine]

"No! a woman are not suppose to fight! Let me deal with them master." [Rigil]

"No! let me deal with them Master!" [Elgir]

"Elgir, go." [Henry]

"As you wish." [Elgir]

Elgir approached the ogres, and the ogres laughed. the youngest ogre fought with him first. he charged at him, but then, metaphorically speaking, in a blink of an eye, Elgir was gone. he jumped into the air and landed behind him. his nails suddenly became sharp and pierced the ogre in the chest.

"My son has become powerful." [Rigil]

"And you are more powerful than him." [Henry]

"Will i ever be able to fight like that Henry?" [Catherine]

"But not with the hand, but with a sword of course." [Henry]

The other ogres became furious and all of them charged at him. then Elgir casted a fire spell. it was like a flamethrower-like spell, and it came from his hand. it was awesome. all the ogres were burnt to crisps. literally. they were burn until they became black.

"I have become stronger!" [Elgir]

"Shall we continue our journey to the capital, Elgir?" [Henry]

"Why of course!" [Elgir]

We mounted our horses again and continued our journey to the capital.

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