
A new day! a new adventure!

I woke up smiling, ready to go and meet my possibly new friends! as always i went downstairs, and ate breakfast. i then went to the west gate immediately, and there i saw the party waiting for me. i silently teared up in my mind, since i never had a group to hang out with.

"Good Morning." [Henry]

"Good morning to you too, Henry." [Mark]

"Are we all ready?" [Henry]

"Yes, we were just waiting for you." [Mark]

"What's the battle plan?" [Henry]

"Me and Ron are going to be the front, Sam, Anabel, and you will be the support." [Mark]

""""Right."""" [[[[Henry, Ron, Sam, and Anabel]]]]

We then got on a wagon, and just went. here's the time to finally appraise them.

Name: Mark hilpin

Sex: Male

Race: Human

AGE: 18

LVL : 19

HP: 100/100

MP: 30/30

SP: 70/70

STR: 90

DEF: 50

INT: 85

AGI: 30

SPD: 45

LUC: 35


[Fighting Spirit LVL: 7] [Slash LVL: MAX]


[Adventurer] [Hero] [Leader] [Damage Dealer]

Skill points: 0

Name: Ron lipeg

Sex: Male

Race: Human

AGE: 18

LVL : 18

HP: 200/200

MP: 20/20

SP: 70/70

STR: 50

DEF: 90

INT: 80

AGI: 25

SPD: 30

LUC: 35


[Fighting Spirit LVL: 7] [Slash LVL: 3] [Defence LVL: MAX]


[Adventurer] [True companion] [Challenger] [Tanker]

Skill points: 0

Name: Sam Reelem

Sex: Female

Race: Human

AGE: 18

LVL : 15

HP: 50/50

MP: 70/70

SP: 40/40

STR: 30

DEF: 30

INT: 100

AGI: 40

SPD: 45

LUC: 35


[Heal LVL: MAX] [Area Heal LVL: 5]


[Adventurer] [Priestess]

Skill points: 0

Name: Anabel Requil

Sex: Female

Race: Human

AGE: 18

LVL : 18

HP: 90/90

MP: 40/40

SP: 80/80

STR: 85

DEF: 50

INT: 85

AGI: 50

SPD: 55

LUC: 35


[Fighting Spirit LVL: 7] [Power Punch LVL: MAX] [High Jump LVL: 5]


[Adventurer] [Monk]

Skill points: 0

Hero? is he suppose to be like the one that will defeat the demon king and save the world? well good on him. but it looks like they have amazing stats for a level 20 and below.


When noon struck, we stopped the wagon and had lunch. i din't bring any food with me, and i can't use [Code] since they'll become suspicious on where i got the food, so i endured it. but their lunches looks so good! they even have pie! and the best of all, manga meat! where the meat is cooked circular, and has a bone to hold the meat!

While they had lunch i went to the river near to our spot. i just skipped some rock along the river, since i had nothing to do, nor eat. then mark suddenly talked to me.

"Umm... What are you doing?" [Mark]

"Skipping rocks." [Henry]

"Are you using magic?" [Mark]

"No, just physics." [Henry]

"I never heard of this kind of physics before." [Mark]

"Really?" [Henry]

"Anyway, why aren't you joining us?" [Mark]

"Because i didn't bring any food with me." [Henry]

"Oh, don't worry, we can share." [Mark]

"Really!?" [Henry]

"Of course." [Mark]

Mark is a good guy. a really good guy. so i joined in, and i picked up a small piece of the manga meat. i drooled, and then took a bite. as expected... it was delicious! the juice of the meat just flowing in your mouth, the meat melting in your mouth as you eat it, it was the most delicous thing i ever tasted. it was heavenly.

After we ate lunch, we went back to the wagon, and started traveling again. and a few minutes later, we arrived.

We stopped in the middle of the dirt road, we got off, and then we payed the coachman. the coachman then went back to Fenrig.

we sneaked into the forest. searching for the fanged bear.

It was quiet. all we could hear is the sounds of cicadas. we stayed alert, we stayed cautious, and then finally, we found it. it was rampaging in the forest, tearing down, wolf after wolf after wolf.

Mark made signs to get in formation, so we did.

"Okay, Henry will make the first move, and then we attack."


"After Henry takes of some damage to the horned bear, Ron will defend, me and Anabel attack, and Sam will heal." [Mark]

"Got it." [Henry, Ron, Sam, and Anabel]

So i cast a volleyball-sized fireball, and i threw the fireball to the fanged bear. it took out almost all of its health. and i set it to only use 10 magic point. the party was surprised, but quickly focused on the fanged bear. Ron ran in first, then Mark and Anabel came and started attacking.

"This bear is tougher than i thought!"

"[Slash]!" [Mark]

"[Power Punch]!" [Anabel]

"[Defence]!" [Ron]

Even with the activation of skills, Mark and Anabel could only do little damage to it. the fanged bear retaliated, Ron took a huge deal of damage, then Sam quickly healed him.


"He-henry, cast another spell!"


I then cast the same spell as before and then threw it to the fanged bear, the fanged bear was then engulfed with flames, and it's health quickly depleted.

'Henry Black has leveled up.' 'Skill points obtained.'

'Henry Black has leveled up.' 'Skill points obtained.'

'Henry Black has leveled up.' 'Skill points obtained.'

'Henry Black has leveled up.' 'Skill points obtained.'

'Henry Black has leveled up.' 'Skill points obtained.'

'Henry Black has leveled up.' 'Skill points obtained.'

'Henry Black has gained the title: [Bear Killer]'

Yes! level up six times! and a new title too! oh yeah, i wonder what i'm going to use my skill points on. since i have the skill [Code], it doesn't really have a purpose for me. i don't know, let's just keep stock piling it.

"Wow. Henry, how did you get such powerful magic?" [Mark]

"I can't tell you that Mark." [Henry]

"Well anyways, without you, we would have surely died!" [Mark]

"Don't say that. this is my first time in a party, so i thank you for your guidance." [Henry]

"C-could you please show me how you got so much magic power?" [Sam]

"Well, i'll show you, as a gift of appreciation." [Henry]

I then took out a normal stone and told everyone that this is a stone I found when i was a child. I said that this was the key to my magic. i then proceeded to give it to Sam.

"Wha-what!?" [Sam]

"Here you go. it's a gift." [Henry]

"N-no! i cannot accept such a precious stone!" [Sam]

"Don't worry, it only works once for every person." [Henry]

"Really?" [Sam]

"Yes, really." [Henry]

Sam then cupped her hands, covering the stone and she placed it near her heart. i then used [Code] to give her the real gift.

giveSamReelem MP 100 while{

giveSamReelem white particles 10 50} |

Then some white light covered Sam as if she was being called out by god. but after 10 seconds, it disappeared.

"Now, check your status." [Henry]

Name: Sam Reelem

Sex: Female

Race: Human

AGE: 18

LVL : 15

HP: 50/50

MP: 170/170

SP: 40/40

STR: 30

DEF: 30

INT: 100

AGI: 40

SPD: 45

LUC: 35


[Heal LVL: MAX] [Area Heal LVL: 5]


[Adventurer] [Priestess]

Skill points: 0

Then Sam expressed a surprised face, she then walked towards me.

"Tha-thank you!" [Sam]

"It's no problem." [Henry]

"But this stone is amazing!" [Mark]

"it could probably sell for a million gold!" [Anabel]

"Really? would people go that far?" [Henry]

"Yes! mages would do anything to gain more MP." [Mark]

"I guess i should be more secretive about the stone then." [Henry]

"Yeah you should." [Mark]

I then Gently took back the stone from Sam and put it inside my pocket. we walked back to town. when we arrived, it was the stroke of midnight. so we quickly went to the adventurer's guild and redeemed the awards. i was given about 20 silver and 5 GP.

We exit the guild, said goodbye to each other, and went our separate ways.

i proceeded to the same inn i always went, payed the silver, and went to room 4. i lied down on the bed, tired. i closed my eyes, and went to deep sleep.

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