《Dark Chronicles》Ch 21 Lunch


I see Luke and Cerberus out the front of the Cafeteria doors.

"Wait long"

"No me and cerberus were just talking a little"

Cerberus jumps up Luke and rests on top of his head.


It's hard to think that when Luke flows mana into Cerberus he becomes a big freitning death machine.

"So want to head in now"


We walk into the cafeteria. It's the first times i have see it.I have to say it's quite busy there alot of people eating food and chatting at the tables.At the back of the cafeteria is food stands where students can buy my food.

"So what are you going to get"

"Probably something with a lot of meat"

"Oh well then i recommend the lasagna, Me on the other hand i'm going to get a hamburger and Cerberus is getting a salad"

"Hmmm good idea. What do you want Netherwing"


He points his head towards a stand selling steak.I could go for that too let's get it.

"Sorry but i think me and Netherwing are going to get steak.Meet back here onnce we got our food"

"Ok see you soon"

We walk our separate ways. I go and stand in line for the steak. It takes 10 minutes until we get to the front. I see a familiar face in front of me .It's the girl who put her hand up for class president.And she seems to be having trouble paying. Might as well help her out we are classmates.

I walk up and drop a two gold coins onto the counter.

"I will be paying for her meal ok. And i would like to order two more steaks"

"Yes Yes sir i will get those right away"

"Thank You. But why did you pay for me"

"Simple because i wanted to. And we are both from class 1E we should support each other"

She gives me a deep now then grabs her food and runs off.She seemed to be nice i should get to know her more since she is class president.My meal comes out a little later i grab it and meet Luke back at the starting place.


"So where should we sit"

"That place looks alright"

I point to a empty table near the window with nearly no one near it.

"Looks nice let's go"

We go and sit down on our table.Netherwing digs in as soon as we sit down.Cerberus takes a little more time but soon joins in.I take my time eating my meal.I look over at lUke and he is eating like an animal come on man use a fork.

I am halfway through my meal when i feel a familiar aura enter the room. I look over my shoulder and it's the blond girl with the curls followed by her group of guys, her group seems to have gotten bigger since i last saw her. She looks over the room we make eye contact.She begins to make her way over to me.Why me.

Luke look up from his food and sees the girl.

"Hey Kaito i think the School beauty queen is coming over"

"School beauty queen"

"Yeah her name's Elizabeth Goldmage and she attracts guys around her like planets to a sun but she never dates all she does is use the guys to do her bidding"

Goldmage A high noble clan that is led solely by women the only reason men are even in the clan is for reproduction and their power well at least i now my opponent now.

"Hello you are Kaito right it is nice to meet you"

I turn around and see her smiling a sweet smile at me while her gang of boys just give me death stares.Yeah trust me guys not interested.

"And your Elizabeth the pleasure is all mine"

I shine my own smile at her.

"Well you are more than i expected Kaito i thought you were just a great fighter but you are all so a genius who can make potions.Since you seem to be eating lunch how about you come join me"

She shines another smile at me wow she is really trying to seduce me isn't she.


"Sorry but i am eating with my friend"

"Oh really i'm sure he won't mind if you come with me. Right you will let Kaito come eat with me"

Luke doesn't give her any attention he just continues to eat.I think i saw her eye twitch when he ignored her but she kept up the smile.

"See he doesn't mind so what do you say now"

Oh you want to know what i say to your little invite.

Sylvia POV

"YAAAAA WWW NNN! Man i am so tired after math class"

"How you slept through it"

"Where well just being in math class makes me tired"

"OK fair point"

"So what you want to do for lunch"

"I was thinking we could just get something from the cafeteria"

"Sounds good"

Me and Susan walk into the cafeteria it's really busy.

"So what you going to get for lunch"


"Probably a Pasta"

I line up for my pasta it doesn't take long.Me and susuan meet back up and go and seat down at a empty table and dig in.


I look up and see Betty and Claire.Betty has pink hair and incredible bust and a great face she is really attractive add on the fact that she's really clumsy and a bit of a air head, all the boys love her.Then there's Claire she is the class president for 1A and she is what most boys call a cold beauty she had long black that she keeps well kept her body is slim her bust is just bigger than susan's.They are both good people from noble families who i have known for a long time.

"Hey guys what you doing here,Don't you usually eat food from home"

"Most of the time we do but today we thought we would eat with you since that was one hell of a duel today".

"Yeah that guy was really strong he went"Pow Pow" and you went "Pew Pew".

"Yes he was strong and well skilled but get this Sylvia told me he told her he's not from any noble family"

"What is that even possible i though for someone to be on Sylvia's level that would at least have to be from a big noble house"

My friends kept chatting. When i see Elizabeth and her slaves walk past our table which is strange because usually she avoids us all together me and her don't really like each other for reasons.She looks at me and gives me a smile,what for.

I don't understand why she did that until i see where she is heading towards Kaito but why would she go after him because he has incredible fighting skills or some other reason it doesn't matter i have to stop her before i can think of a way to stop her she is already talking to him.For some reason i feel something in my chest while she does this,but then i see Kaito smile back why does my chest hurt even more now.They continue to talk more. I feel something on my shoulder and it breaks me out of the trance i was in. I turn around to see Susan.

"What you staring at Sylvia"


"Oh really then why are your cheeks red"

"They are not"

"Yes they are"

"Awww Sylvy that is so cute"

Damn they found me out and why are my cheeks red.

"So that's what you were staring at"


"So Elizabeth's seduce trying to seduce Kaito i don't think it will work"

"Me neither"

"I think it will"

"Idiot you're supposed to say it won't"

"Oh sorry, I don't think it will work"

"Thanks guys but i already know the outcome"

"Which is"

"Kaito will turn her down he's not that kind of guy"

"Well why don't you make sure he doesn't"

"And how am i supposed to do that"

"Go over there and tell Elizabeth to take a hike"

"No i can't do that it would just be rude"

"Well you can at least go over there"

"And say what"

"You just want to chat and eat lunch together"

"Ok that seems reasonable"

I get out of my seat and walk over to Kaito's table.

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