《Dark Chronicles》Ch 17 Homeroom


We enter the main building.So far the first floor has just been for the teachaers and there offices we had to walk past a few to get to the stairs.A long the way we see a few other students the boys just gave us a few glances, but the girl took one look at me got bright red in the face and then ran off with there faces in there hands.Serously was a really that good looking now.

We reached the first floor. And i have to say i hate the way it looked exactly like my school hallways back at my old school. We continued to walk past classrooms and students. Until we stopped at room with 1E atop the door.Luke slide the door open and i got to see what my classroom and classmate look like.

The first thing i noticed was the teacher.He was a middle aged man with long black messy hair and a scrappy beard,his cloths are a messed up scientist coat with a green jumper underneath. He must be our homeroom teacher.We were able to enter without anyone really noticing us.We sat at the back. There i got a good look at everyone they were all different nothing really noticeable about them just regular teenagers.

"So what do you think of the school so far".

"Well the image of the school is nice,but i have to really experience it to know what it's like".

"I guess that's true but i should tell you a little of hierarchy of the school,the lowest is the first years,then the second years, and then finally the third years,but in each year there is a class ranking system and it always end up the same class A at the top and class E at the bottom, so just to let you know we are the lowest of the low right now".

"That's perfect that just means we have a long climb to the top".

"Hahaha,i guess it's going to fun climbing".

"Trust me i make everything fun, now i have a question for you the [Grand Combat Tournament] how do i get into it".

"Wow you sure know how to aim high don't you,to get into that you have to register yourself then take the test to get in and if you pass that then you're in".

"Thanks for the info".

We continue to talk for a bit longer. Even Cerberus and Netherwing were chatting a little but it was hard to tell since i can't understand them.More and more students fill in the class when all the seats are filled the teacher starts the class.


"Ok good morning class i hope you all having a wonderful day,time for the roll".

He starts going through the roll calling out each students name.



"Oh so you do exist i thought you were a typo".

"No sir just had things i needed to do before attending".

"Ok well i hope you got everything sorted out,ok next on the role".

He finished the roll.

"Now then class i have a very exciting announcement today we will be picking to important people first the class representative and the class president this two people will be how the rest of the school looks at us".

"Sir what do these two people do".

"Well that's a good question the class representative competes in combat challenges that represent the class as a whole but can also do there own things,and the class president does things like formal paper work and attends meetings with other class presidents,so does that clear it up".

"Yes thank you sir".

"Now then any candidates for class representative".

The class room grew silent. I guess no one wanted to be the one the represented the strength for the whole class.i thought no one was going to do it when i heard someone from beside me say something.

"I nominate Kaito".

"Okay one nomeny down any more".

What the fuck Luke.There was no one else who stuck their hands up dammit.

"Okay now then any one object to Kaito being our representative".

"No fine then from now on Kaito is our class representative,now all we need is our class president".

Again the class grew silent.But this time someone stuck their hand up a timid girl with glasses and long black hair that covered her eyes.

"I-i-i wi-ll do i-t"

"Great so from now on Celeste is our class president,and Kaito is our class representative any complaints"

No one said anything.There are a lot of quiet people in this class i wonder if it's just a new people thing.

"Well now that's out of the way we can move on to the main event the [Class Bonding Fights] prepare yourselves for something awesome".

He pulls out something very similar a teleport stone but this one has much bigger runes on it then my masters so we are going somewhere. This will be fun.

The teacher smashed the stone onto the floor,and bright lights blinded me.

When i opened my eyes i could finnaly see where we where taken.It was a collseum. Me and the rest of class 1E where seating in the stands, there where other people in the colosseum as well but rows of stairs separated us,in the middle was a arena the floor was made out of sand and stone, the surrounding walls had writing at each section of students 1A,1B,1C,1D,1E.So the other students are from the first year i wonder what this is all about.


I was looking around when Luke whispered in my ear.

"Do you know what this is about"

"No how would i,but i'm sure they will tell us"

We don't have to wait long.A beam of light light comes down from the sky and lands in the middle of the stadium and left in it's place is a old man, with a long white beard he was wearing a very formal golden and black suit with a bow tie, but it wasn't his looks are i was concerned about it was the aura he gave of it was very similar to masters.Who the hell is this guy.

"Hello students some of you know me I am the pricibal of this school and i am the host of this event that will former a closer bond between classes.In this stadium the class representives will challenge each other then fight until one is un able to continue.Now understand this students this is just event to teach each other and form freinships so please keep that in mind now let's start"

The whole coliseum exploded with people cheering. I even heard some betting on who would come out on top and who would come out on bottom.Then a huge drum was sounded and the place returned to being silent.And a new man stepped into the arena he wore a light metal armour, he had a very big build and think muscles, as well as a mean bald head.

"NOW listen up this is how the challenges will go.A class representives will declare there challenge to another class representive and then they will fight in the the arena.Now then do i hear any challenges".

"Yes i Kite Enern class representative of class 1C challenge classroom 1D representative to the arena"

"Fine if you want me to beat that bad i will happily agree"

I thought this was suppose to be a friendly event.

The two fighter meet in the middle. The one from class 1C had blue hair and carried a excused gold and blue staff that had a design of a serpent on it it gave off a blue magical aura.The other one from class 1D instead took a martial arts position that reminded me of a tiger i wonder if this will be interesting.

It wasn't to me all they did was use very basic techinques against each other and that glow the staff had never did anything.They where closely matched i have to admit the fight could have gone either way but in the end it went to that of class 1C.Now then i wonder woh the next fight will be between.

"Now that pathetic show is over i want a warm up so class 1E send up your trash representative so i can warm myself up".

The one that was challening me was the representive from class 1B.He was a blond attractive boy that seemed to be wearing a even nicer uniform then the rest of us it even had a crest of golden tiger with a firery mane.So i guess the first person i crush will be a pretty rich kid how lucky am i.

"Luke can you look after Netherwing till i get back".

"Will do,as long as you give it to that doosh".

"Can do"

I slightly get out of my seat. I walk down slow like i have all the time in the world. I can feel everyone's eyes on me. When i reach arena the blond kid is already there waiting for me.

"You dare make me wait for you peasant i am Richard LionBlaze and you will show respect to me".

Oh now i remember the LionBlaze family rich but not very powerful known mostly for their swordsmanship.He draws a golden rapier and points at me. I take a quick look at him the stance he is using is built for speed but not of a ameteur so he does have skill let's see how good skill is against absolute power.

He charges at me with a burst of speed his sword is aimed at my left shoulder.Fine let's fight but it will be fast i activate my [Sword Mark].The blade continues to come closer. I catch it in between my fingers the faces of everyone's in shock especially Mr blond asshole,i send my knee into his ribs with such force that it lifts him off his feet,next i land a punch to his face sending him flying into the closest wall,he lands with a boom and cracks appear like a spider webs.Well that was slightly entertaining.

I look around the stadium and everyone has a face of shock and disbelief only one person doesn't have a face of shock Luke .Time to leave i have crushed my opponent.I begin to leave just as slow as i entered.


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