《Corrupted》~:\| Chapter 3 |/:~
“The Regalian Royal Tragedy of 2509 TE, was known as the greatest calamity that had befallen the continent of Trifecta. There was only one eyewitness account who had witnessed the wholesale murder of the Regalian Royal line, it was the second daughter of the countess of Refaria, a small county near the Restrata Barony. Her haphazard accounts, began with a gathering of the peerage, not just any gathering, but a royal ball, in the extravagant high halls of the castle Regalt; situated in the prosperous city of Resaant. The island city of Resaant was the capital of Regalia, centered within the three vast rivers that crossed the Tempaar into the Split between Marcia and Rhaodia. The accounts of The now Countess continued with the heir-apparent Prince Redivad of Regalia, drew his sword and assaulted the High Councilor of the King, Registre. Who was accounted to have been the loyal childhood friend and tutor to the then King Regis. Her accounts of what followed next were more haphazard as written by the scholar who wrote her account.
The Countess, of only four, who the only primary witness of the massacre of the Royal Family, the incident affected her young mind, altering mental faculties to instability--which sent her into spirals of insane bouts. Nonetheless, from what was gathered from her young recollections was that after the brutal murder of Registre, the royal guards all drew their swords and then began to massacre the Royal Family who was all gathered at the center of the ballroom. The Dukes and Duchess and most of the upper nobility who attended the extravagant event were also assaulted by their own attendants. It was the wholesale murder of those who held the blood of the nobility and those with common.
How the young Countess survived this incident was vague to the point of mystery, but it has been argued that she was buried by the dead bodies of her family, hidden under the eyes of the traitors. Like a spark in a powder keg, the event blew down into the city streets of Resaant, common folks began murdering their fellows, and nobles fleeing the onslaught. The events that occurred that summer eve of 2509 TE, started the hundred-year civil war, between the barons and the lords, claiming territories of their liege lords, splitting the duchies of Regalia into five separate regions.”
------------Lesson Notes from Tutor Tonselwift.
Thwack! Thumping her head onto the wooden study desk that she had been currently leaning upon taught Reanna a world of lessons for her dozing, rather than the harsh rebukes she received from their tutor, the dower and grammatical Frederick Tonselwift.
“Lady Reanna Recrest! This is not the time for you to be dozing off again.” The dower man pointed. “This component of your history curriculum was an essential account of how your noble heritage was ennobled.” The tutor Frederick fumed, with the indignation of a man who thought himself above such students.
“I sincerely apologize... Tutor Tonselwift...for my...tardy...and un-lady-like display, in your humble and scholarly presence.” Reanna drawled slyly, annoying the dower tutor further. Tonselwift huffed out loud his inflated ego to the nonchalant Reanna. Slapping the rod against the blackboard that depicted Reanna’s family tree in intricates white chalk, Tonselwift continued his repetitious and downright tedious lesson on the labyrinthine history of her family. “Arse…” She muttered under her breathe, behind lanky scholar’s back.
A sibilant snort was her only reply to her muttered words. She swirled her glare towards her brother, Regulus, who was snorting and snoring through his absent slumber. Outraged at the notion, of being scolded by the dower and lanky tutor, whilst her brother--a desk next to her was slumbering his feeble mind away. She quickly, with pleasure, prodded him awake by a firm stomping on to his unaware foot.
“Ow!” Regulus howled. “-I’m awake! I’m awake!” He instinctively uttered in his panic. Reanna replied only with a grin. Tonselwift ignoring the outburst from Regulus, favorably continued his dower lesson to the class of two. Regulus rubbing the drowse of his face, glared back at his sister, who kept her shit-eating grin.
“Who was the last remaining relative of the Royal Regalian line, that managed to escape the Royal Regalian Tragedy of 1506 TE?” Tonselwift queried. When no reply was apparent, the dower tutor spun around to regard his two students. He eyed the two students, trying to scrutinize their glare with one another. He then abruptly cough, disturbing Reanna’s staring match with her brother.
“Well?” Tonselwift said. “Well, what?” Regulus replied. Tonselwift annoyed, repeated his question.
“Uhmm..uh..” Regulus on the spot dumbfoundedly slurred. Tonselwift face reddening, ready to explode like a volcano was embarrassed at his favored pupil, who tried to stutter an answer. “Lady Reanna?” He said, ignoring the young boy’s jeopardy. Now, Reanna was at the limelight. ‘Where did I hear this?’ She hastily thought. She recalled her father thanking the name of his great-grandfather when discussing a Recrant treaty several years back. Reanna recalled the hazy memory, her father just finished a meeting with Lord Recrant, where she happens to have been walking past parlor. When she saw her father, he greeted her with a grin full of mirth. She remembered running up to him to hug him, she recalled she was a lot younger than Regulus when she had this memory. “Why are you so happy? Papa?” she inquired.
“I am happy, because of your great-grandfather Reinhart, who took to wife your great-grandmother, Ravera Cross.”
“What so funny about that?” Reanna mystified.
“It’s because your great-grandmother was a bastard descendant of the Royal Regalian Line, which is very fortunate for us on our claimant the throne.”
“What’s a throne?”
Her father took a deep long sigh, not wanting to get into specifics with her. “Do you not want to be a Princess?” he ended her prodding questions with a question which she squealed at delight too. ‘Yes, that was it!’ She excitedly thought. Thwack, the rod from Tonselwift slapped against her desk for her attention. Back from her memories, she recalled the question again and then announce the answer.
“Ravera Cross.” She stated. Tonselwift, huffing to continue her answer for, was interrupted when Reanna continued. “-Who married my great grandfather Reinhart Recrest, who was heir-apparent to the Count of Recrest.” She proudly stated. Tonselwift abashedly stuttering said. “Thank you, but you missed the part where Ravera Cross was a bastard child of Prince Redivad and his mistress, Lady Shae of Raiport.
Reanna proud smile turns into a frown at Tonselwift add-on correction. ‘Couldn’t he let her have this one.’ Reanna gripped. Her brother Regulus spun his head towards her and smarmily smirked at her. Reanna's face reddens with outrage at the rebuke, began to lift her hand up to slap the red freckles off her brother’s stupid face. Similar to her, they both had red flocking locks, curled and silky smooth, Reanna was about to smack her younger brother of thirteen back to his place.
Tonselwift, instinctively knowing that they were not listening to his lecture, turn himself around to scrutinize the two redheaded nobles, again. Observing the way Reanna was about to smack the sur-grinning Regulus, Tonselwift hollered.
“Lady Reanna Recrest of Registrar!”
Dropping her arms, Reanna quickly faces the huffing Tonselwift. “Yes, Tutor?” she said shyly.
“Your brother will become the next Baron, Lady Reanna. So you should not antagonize him any further.” Reanna shy smile turns into an outraged frown. She knew that her brother will become baron one day, for only the male line to attain the head seat of their house in the peerage. She had been told this constantly, even though she was the elder, she understands that she will never hold any true position of power amongst the peerage but to only be cattle to be sold to the highest and noblest bidder.
Reanna knew this, but she doesn’t have to be happy about it.
“Now apologize to your brother and me for the interruption,” Tonselwift demanded. Outraged at the notion, she was about to curse them to the flooring but held her self from bursting out. ‘Stupid, I should be patience, or mother would be scolding me all night.’ Reanna thought whilst taking a deep sigh.
“I apologize for disrupting and to my little brother for my un-lady-like behavior,” Reanna grunted. Regulus replied with his insidious shit-eating grin.
“Yes, very un-lady-like, and I will be informing your father of your blatant tardiness.” Tonselwift nodded. Annoyed, Reanna said. “Could you please repeat the last fifteen minutes of the lesson, Tutor Tonselwift. Because of my un-lady-like actions, I did not pay any attention whatsoever to your lessons, about the Royal Regalian Tragedy and how Duchess Refaria survive the massacre.” Reanna feigns with interest. Tonselwift eye twitches at the blatant request, that would annoy him further.
“The lady was not a Duchess, but a Countess of Refaria. And she was not Countess at that time because of her age and her parents were not yet murdered by the common rabble at the time.. .”
“Oh well, pardon my misinformed remark.” Reanna feigns an apology to the dower man. “Add this to the reason, why you should, humbly, repeat your lesson again,” she advised.
Regulus groaning at the idea of it, try to snicker a glare at her when looking down at the wooden flooring of the study room. Tonselwift muttering a curse, avoided eye-contact with her by turning his back, facing the blackboard. The Tutor was fuming at the audacity of the young lady, but out of decorum, closed his eyes to compose himself.
Reanna speculated that Tonselwift would sometimes contemplate leaving the Recrest household, because of her. Well, it was his idea to favor the child with the prospect of being head of the Recrest estate, instead of Reanna which was considered to have lower standing to her brother. At the notion of Tonselwift view of her, Reanna clenched both her fists as she sat down to the lesson.
When the midday bell rang, disturbing Reanna’s planned thoughts of a way to get their Tutor Tonselwift to contemplate further to retirement.
“Well…” Sighing deeply “-That’s it for today. Because of so many interruptions of today, we will continue on this lesson, tomorrow-from the beginning.”
Reanna and Regulus both groan at the news, and the idea of sitting through another boring lecture where Tonselwift praises the accolades of their noble house. Hours of the house of Recrest signing this, marrying whom and destroying another noble house. The thought of listening to that again left a sour taste in Reanna’s mouth. Regulus stood quickly up from his seat, eager to leave the study room. He paused just a moment then turn to Tonselwift who was packing up his utensils.
“Tutor Tonselwift, I humbly thank you for the lecture to today.” Regulus bowing to the Tutor. He slightly turns his head to Reanna, showing his slight grin plastered on his sneaky face. Reanna groans again, her brother always do this. ‘No wonder he was Tonselwift’s favorite pupil, among the two of us.’ She thought.
“Thank you young Lord Regulus, for your diligence in your studies,” Tonselwift said, pleased with how grateful his student Regulus was for his time. After Regulus bowed, her brother began to head out of the room, hastily. Reanna curious at her brother’s excited moved left her chair and followed her.
“Class dismissed….” Tonselwift said, watching gloomily at his two retreating students as he contemplates again, leaving this place behind. Regulus pacing himself excitedly out of the study room and into the inner garden courtyard, Reanna curiously following behind. Her interest was peaked at her brother’s excitement and could resist following her younger brother. Following her quarry, Regulus instinctively swivel his head back to find that his sister was following him. Reanna spotted, jaunted over to her little brother as they hurry to pass the yellow solar-flares, golden yellow flowers that their mother obsessively grooms to perfection. Stepping the stone steps of the garden path, they headed towards the open bricked hallway. “What’s have gotten you so eager, little Reggie?” Reanna asked at 5’7 only a few centimeters taller than her younger brother. Regulus grunted at the comment. “I’m not little...and I’m not telling.” He said a bit peeved.
“Ah come on?”
“Fine, you are not little. Besides, you are a man, you will probably grow as tall as our father.” Reanna sighed, walking shoulder to shoulder with her little brother.
“Yeah, Yeah…” She said. “-Well are you going to tell me now?”
“As tall as our father,” Regulus whispered under his breath, with awe at the idea of it. Their father was a giant of a man, at 6’3 with a thick set of red beard. The Recrest family was known for their autumn red hair, it was so prevalent in their family since conception. To be honest, it was surprising to have the Royal Regalian bloodline in their noble family line, when the majority of the Royal Regalian ancestry had thick dark blue hair.
“Well…” Reanna prodded.
“Father and the Rhaodian dignitaries are here.” Regulus confided.
“Father and Rhaodian dignitaries, huh?” Reanna repeated, she pondered what the Rhaodian dignitaries doing here--whilst pacing with her brother’s movement through the outer hallway and into the inner hallway. Passing the open hallway doors, the two siblings headed towards the lobby room where their family usually greets their foreign and domestic dignitaries. Reanna pondering, spotted Regulus moving further away from her.
“Hold on!” she hollered. Regulus paused to let his sister keep pace with him. ‘What got you so excited, it’s just Father and a bunch of Rhaodians that we are allied with?” She asked.
“Father just came back from the front! And also, there might be a bunch Rhaodian Knights with the Rhaodian dignitaries.” Regulus excitedly told. “Oh that,” Reanna muttered. Of course, her brother would be excited, it all made sense to her now. Her brother always adores militant orders like the Holy Rhaodian Knights, an Order, with the primary objective was to slay the evil of the world. There were stories about them slaying monsters and abominations that the common folk and nobles could not ever dream of. Like the many-armed Aqrabuamelu a scorpion abomination, with multiple human hands and arms or the Hecatoncheires, a bipedal giant with multiple torsos and heads, wielding swords and mallets to kill and devour their foes. But to Reanna, they were all fables and pish-posh that would awe the mind of common folk, making their reputation more grandiose to what they actually were, a bunch of dogmatic priest wearing plate, more like their sister order the Holy Inquisitors. Deflating at the thought of seeing these so-called legends, made her slow down her pace.
To be honest, though, she could not fault her little brother’s worship of the Knights, for she was once awed by the stories of their heroic deeds, such as the Gratorian plague that occurred hundred years back in which the Holy Order of Knights were established. The order not yet established was sent to the Kingdom of Gratoria to quarantine and destroy the plague-riddled populace, who had turned into monstrosities that the world had never seen. Legends tell that only a dozen of Rhaodian knights came back alive, who had wielded the Holy Obsidian Swords of Thy Mother and slain the thousands of plague humans in the field of oblivion at the very feet of the Crater. After the eradication of the monstrosities, they were recognized for their valor and faith, and anointed the by Rhaodian Faith of Thy Mother, to be one of the fourth revered holy pillars of the Holy Rhaodian Empire.
It was said each knight who survived the onslaught, slew hundreds of plague abominations with the steel of their Obsidian God-given swords. The Order was known across the continent of Trifecta that they were the deadliest warriors that have ever existed across Split and onwards.
“Why would Rhaodian Knights be guarding Rhaodian dignitaries?” Reanna ponders out loud.
Regulus halted his movements further into the corridor that would lead them towards the lobby room. Deflating. “Yeah...you are right. No Rhaodian Knights would be escorting their fellows around here. Especially, when there are no monsters around. They would probably be on a battlefield, winning honors, or saving a cursed village that is plagued by the Crater.” Regulus mood peaked up at the notion of his heroic and mythical figures, battling the monsters of the dark. Taking a deep sigh, Reanna put a hand around her brother’s shoulder, to give him a tight squeeze.
“No need to fret, Reggie, there might be a chance that a Rhaodian Knight might be here to help our father,” Reanna suggested.
“Yeah sure... but you'll never know if tarry here any longer.” She said. Unclenching her brother's shoulder, she continues onwards with her younger brother following behind.
There were two guards standing next to the entrance of the great lobby room, a room with several lounges for dignitaries and guest. One of the guards wore an uncommon attire amongst the Regalian wear. The man was garnered in black fabrics, with gold intricate patterns on the edges. A varnished steel breastplate overlayed the ensemble. The other soldier a few meters from the side of the Rhaodian guard was a loyal retainer of the Recrest Household, garb with the Recrest colors, crimson wool with golden filigree on the sides. The two guards were both holding the pommels of their rapiers, staring at one another while a loud conversation behind the closed lobby doors was progressing.
“Where were the Rhaodian Holy Inquisitors during the right brigade of my army?! The right brigade that was almost devastated by the Renfort’s left brigade! Where were they?”
“Calm down Lord Recrest.”
“Calm down?! I lost three regiments of foot and my son from that assault! Calm down!?”
“Lord Recrest-”
“That's Baron Recrest to you, ser!”
“Baron Recrest, as per the agreement with the Holy Father, we cannot in any way influence the battle with soldiers of Rhaodia. Only monetary and supplementary support was pre-agreed.”
“As per-agreement, huh? Your Inquisitors, who you assigned to monitor--have been acting like vultures to my men.”
“The Holy Order should be respected, Lord Baron Recrest.”
“Respected, tsk. Your so-called Holy Inquisitors degrade themselves as bloodhounds to the pope.”
“We cannot give you the specific aid that you request for, Lord Baron Recrest. If we aid you by putting Rhaodian soldiers onto the field, it might jeopardize the trifecta agreement that was signed 300 years ago.”
“My King has been dead for over ninety years. The succession to the throne is vital for the stability of Regalia.”
“I’m regretful to say, but if we interfere any further, the Marcian City states might also involve themselves into backing another noble house to further this civil war.”
“Than pray tell, what is beneficial about this agreement? To marry my daughter to the third prince of your empire, yet you cannot aid us in the fields?!”
The lobby doors slammed opened--ending the argument. Both guards step back from the loud commotion. A man in priestly black garb, stormily exits the lobby room, with a Rhaodian soldier following behind.
“I’m not done, Mereck! Come back here!” A heavyset man inside the lobby room with a thick red beard yelled out. Reanna and Regulus both hid behind a pillar wall next to the open doors of the lobby.
“Curse this pestilence.” The priestly garb named Mereck cursed.
The priest swivels his body to face the furious big man inside the lobby room, it was their father Rembrandt Recrest. Reanna did not want to get spotted by her father at this moment. The red rage of the Recrest was known across the land as a berserker of a man. Mereck finally noticing her father’s building rage, began to prostrate himself with a stiff bow.
“Do not worry, Lord Baron Recrest. I will inform my superiors of your demands. You will get the troops you deserve, Lord Baron Recrest.” Mereck stiffly says. Her father nullified by the Rhaodian Priest words, deflated from his reddening face.
“If you don’t mind, Lord Baron Recrest. I will take my leave now, to report to my superiors.”
“Fine, you are dismissed.” Her father grunted, acknowledging that Mereck was just the messenger.
Turning his heels to the back of her father, Mereck sauntered past the huddle children behind the pillar. The tightness of Mereck’s face told Reanna, that he was disgusted dealing with her father.
“Come Balic, let the pestilence rot in their valley,” Mereck said. The guardsman that was at his read, was colossal of a man. He was bigger than her father at nearly 7 foot, with a weight matching his figure and a slightly larger waistline. The three Rhaodian dignitaries walk past Regulus and Reanna who was still huddle behind the pillar wall.
Mereck spotting the children, he paused his movements for a moment to glare at them. “The offshoots of pestilence.” The priest muttered as he continued onwards away from the two Recrest children. The colossal man known as Balic eyed Reanna with such lechery, it sent a shiver down her spine. The malevolent intent behind those black eyes froze Reanna to her spot.
Moments passed when Reanna realized that she was holding her breath.
“What did he mean by the ‘offshoots of pestilence’?” Her brother said.
Reanna finally able to move, turn her head to glare at the backs of the Rhaodian men retreating within the halls. She turns her head back a little bit flustered with the red rage of her birth, to glance at her brother who was still puzzled at his query. “Who cares... all I know--is that that Priest is an arse,” Reanna grunted. “Sister, you not supposed to curse like that. It’s very un-ladylike.” Regulus brows furrowed. “Mother might scold you--”
“--Not if, you don’t tell her.” Reanna interrupted.
Regulus perk up at the idea of her getting in trouble, burst out into a sprint towards the opened lobby door. ‘Oh for Regis sake.’ Reanna cursed inside. “You better not tell father!”
“Father! Father! Sister cursed again!” Regulus traitorously tell to a startled man.
“What are you children doing here?” Rembrandt inquired, whilst taking a running hug from his youngest son. Reanna followed behind ready to tackle her little to the ground, to pummel him good...real good. “Father! I heard Sister cursed at those Rhaodians.” Regulus lied. Reanna didn’t curse at them, she only just called one of them an arse--he didn’t even hear it. Rembrandt turns his gaze towards her. “What did you call them?” He said with harshly adamant tone.
“I just called the Priest an ‘Arse’” Reanna confessed. “He didn’t even hear it.”
“--I heard it!” Regulus fib.
‘Definitely a good pummeling.’ Reanna thought, glaring at her little brother.
“Ha!” Rembrandt's face lightens from the notion of his little girl insulting that weasel of a man known as Mereck. Pet his son's head who was under his arms. “It’s nothing to worry about, son. What your sister said was true. That man is an arse...”
“Okay…but, sister isn’t very ladylike.”
“You are right, son. Better not tell your mother.” Rembrandt conspired, hugging his son one last time before he stood up to his height. Reanna took a long sigh of relief at the thought that her father agreed with her. She did envy their closeness though. Regulus was always the favorite with everyone. It’s the innocence of his face that gets him adoration from the rest, like a pampered puppy with floppy ears.
She remembered when she was the favorite when she was younger, and Revon, her eldest brother was the one who’d envy her. Thinking of her eldest brother, she wondered what he was doing now. He was at the front with the rest of the army. The thought of her eldest brother, fighting, traveling, and soldiering, made her envy him now. Her brother studied abroad in the High Arts of Marcia, he also traveled amongst the Horse-tribe Riders that skirted across the Rhaodian plains. Out of all her siblings, she envied and adored her eldest brother Revon, the most. Now her brother is at the frontlines, a stalwart soldier to my father’s dream of uniting the Regalian Kingdom and re-establishing the throne to stabilize the country from war.
Thinking of war, and fighting, a thought crossed her mind. “Oh no…” Reanna said out loud.
Rembrandt looking at her, asked. “What’s the matter, daughter?”
“--I am late!”
“Late for what?”
“--Sorry Papa, I have to go.”
“Where are you going?”
“Practice!” Reanna hollered out loud, sprinting out of the lobby room, past the household guard and into the hallways. ‘Curse me for a fool.’ She thought, running past items of furniture and paintings of the Recrest family.
Reanna glimpsing the exit, paused her pace to quickly walk out of the hallway. A gust and rustle to quick for her to react, held her against the wall. It was the Rhaodian guard Balic who had her hand on her shoulders. Her back was against the wall. He pushed his weight against her. Gripping her shoulders tightly.
“I have never had spoiled meat before, especially a nobly spoiled.” Balic leered, breath reeking of meat and alcohol. Reanna’s face distorted in disgust at the odor. Her body was frozen to the colossal man’s touch, she was so frightened to say a word to her abuser.
“Such beautiful red hair…” The man caress, brushing a lock of Reanna’s red hair. Reanna still petrified at his touch, just stood there with her back against the wall, and his weight pushing against her.
“Don’t worry, young meat...now is not the time for us to feast. For today is still young, and tomorrow is inexorable.” Balic whispered in her right ear. Loosening his grip, Balic stepped back to view Reanna from a pace. Looking up and down, he grinned at her frozen form. He then turned around to walk in another direction. His stomping feet were nothing to the speedy thumps of Reanna's heartbeats.
After several moments had passed, Reanna tried to compose herself. ‘Come on...Re. You are better than this!’ She thought, clenching her fingers into a shaky-fist. Aghast of the notion of being touched by Balic again made her stomach hurl. ‘You are better than this.’ She kept voicing in her mind. Putting Balic’s looming warning at the back of her mind, shutting it with the force of boiling rage, Reanna continued onwards to her destination. “I am better than this.” She said out loud.
Outside in the garden courtyard, Sir Jayce Recraft was standing near the center of a grassy section of the garden. There were two wooden practice rapiers leaning against a brass garden chair.
“You are late, my lady.”
“I beg your pardon.”
“Given. Now let’s get started, shall we my lady?”
“Can we do broadswords again?”
“Why my lady?”
“I feel like bashing something…”
Jayce taking a deep sigh to Reanna’s request, went back to gather two wooden broadswords. He gave one to Reanna than took a stance before her, to prepare her for the sparring match that was about to start. ‘Never again…’ Reanna thought about the incident before. ‘-Never again, will I be caught off guard again.’
The sparring was brutal and fierce, most of the time it was Jayce’s broadsword that was getting pummelled by Reanna’s furious and heavy strikes.
- End190 Chapters
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