《When Earth Sneezed A Dungeon (A LitRPG)》The Female Dragon Loves to Eat Young Human Males (1)


Nothing tastes better than teenagers boys, or so the young female dragon Dragoona says. The sight of young human boys drools her mouth with saliva. Why? Isn't it obvious? They are hairless, their meat is young and tender, and their bones are still strong and crunchy. Yum!

Dragons are picky eaters. They prefer eating high-quality beings like demons and angels. Eating them provides the dragons with the abilities of their victims like curses from demons and blessings from angels. This diet eventually had split the dragon race into two factions, those that ate demons and those that ate angels.

But Dragoona was different. She simply liked eating young male humans. The reason for it was a coincidence. One day she tried to hunt an angel, but as she was fighting him, the angel bested her. She then fell on Earth heavily injured and could not move. Dragoona was about to die.

But after three days she saw a young boy named Baroon. The boy seemed to have a caring heart and wanted to help her. However, a human helping a dragon was a highly suspicious act. Because it was considered a taboo in the human world to come close to a dragon since throughout history, dragons never lost a single battle against a human. So what Baroon was doing is a guaranteed death attempt, even if the dragon was injured.

"Are you fine?" Asked Baroon.

"What do you think?" Dragoona replied. "Do not you see me bleeding and unable to move? Are you retarded?"

"Oh my God, even a dragon says that I am retarded? Why is the world so cruel? It is not like I wanted to be born with this brain." And with that, Baroon ran away from Dragoona crying.

"No, wait. Damn it. Looks like I missed my chance to eat him."

Dragoona knew this marked her end. She had no more than two days to live. And if she ate nothing within these two days her body will not heal itself and she will die. She missed her golden opportunity.


"Are you fine?" Baroon asked the next day, completely forgetting what happened yesterday.

Huh? He's back? Dragoona thought. He looks as if he is seeing me for the first time. Did he forget about me? I didn't know humans had such a bad memory, or is it just him? I got to try my luck anyway, it's now or never.

"I was happily flying two days ago. But I suddenly had a very sharp toothache that I fell on the ground as you can see and I cannot move."

Baroon looked in pain, "That is too bad, but I know the feeling. It is probably because you eat lots of sweets like me."

Wow, it worked. This human is messed up. Now I know why dragons don't like to eat humans. But in my current state, I have got no choice but to eat him.

"Umm, I am very embarrassed to ask you this, but could you please take a look at my teeth. You look very smart definitely you can help me with my toothache."

Baroon covered his eyes and cried once again.

"This is the first time I was told that I am smart. You dragons are good creatures, unlike humans. They enjoy hitting me and laugh at me because they say I am not smart."

Yup, this guy is messed up.

"Umm, I appreciate it. So could you take a look at my teeth?"

"Of course, could you open your mouth a bit more? I cannot see anything like this. Yes, like this. Sorry, but I will put my head inside your mouth to see it more closely. Ah, scary and smelly but no problem because I know that you are a kind--"


A single bite separated Baroon's body into two as his warm blood got splashed everywhere. His head got chomped by Dragoona, followed by the rest of his body into her belly. And that was it for Baroon, it is sad to see Baroon get eaten, but this is nature; idiots get eaten by dragons. He did not live a good life, but at least he saved someone's life.


But it was not all good for Dragoona either.

[Warning - you have eaten an extremely incompetent human. You will be receiving a substantial decrease all in your stats.]

Dragons absorb the good and the bad of what they eat, which is why they mainly eat demons and angels. And since Dragoona just ate a low-quality human, it will, unfortunately, make her weaker.

But Dragoona's focus was elsewhere. The juiciness of Baroon's meat, his chewy fat, his warm blood, and his crunchy bones lingered in her mouth. She ate tons of angels, but it was the first time she ate something this tasty. Perhaps the less nutritional the food is, the better it tastes.

With this, Dragoona returned to her floating dragon islands. But for days and then weeks, the exquisite taste of Baroon never left her tongue. She could not forget the taste even after she ate a few angels. Soon her body was sending her all sorts of nerve signals to eat another young boy like Baroon. And the more she resisted, the more her body desired, and eventually, Dragoona gave up. She decided to eat another young human male.

I do not care whether it is wrong or right, and I do not care whether it will harm me or not, what is wrong about giving my body what it dearly wants?

The closest human settlement to Dragoona was the waterfall kingdom, established mainly for the sake of fighting against the monsters in the dungeon. So basically the entrance of the dungeon was inside the kingdom itself. And because most of the kingdom's residents are males, since fighting is a male-focused job, Dragoona found it the best hunting place for young males.

Dragoona transformed herself into Baroon's form. This is not surprising because dragons can shapeshift into anything any creature they have eaten. With that, Dragoona lived in the kingdom, and within a week, 50 teenager males went missing. And after a year, more than half of the teenager males in the kingdom had vanished. The spellcasters detection spells and the guards who patrolled day and night could not see through Dragoona's shapeshift spell. The young boys were forced to stay inside the house most of the day or simply leave the kingdom.

But as time passed on Dragoona's body became weaker. She could no longer rely on brute strength to hunt for food. She instead switched to a simpler tactic by simply shapeshifting in her most gorgeous human female form, and wait for the young boys to leave the dungeon. Such an attractive sight was always welcomed by everyone, especially the young virgin adventurers. Then she would invite that exhausted and wounded boy to her home, drug him to sleep then enjoy a delicious feast. They tasted best this way because they were already well-seasoned with salty sweat.

And during one of her boy-hunting days, Dragoona saw the most beautiful boy she had ever seen leaving the dungeon. She could not explain why, except that she wanted to eat him right away. The adventurer is the same one who had killed the legendary six-packed slime Slimey. His name is Terax.

Her two hearts were beating fast. Yes, dragons have two hearts on both sides of their chest. And her body became warmer the more she stared at Terax.

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