《Caveship》Chapter #15: The Mowaii
"So let me get this straight," Darius says with his arms crossed. "You figured out that Gene was planning to steal the Caveship, so you went and sabotaged his tractor beam, almost dying in the process, and then jumped off a building several miles high in the air?"
"Yeah, pretty much," replies Sarah, still holding her gloved hand.
Darius can't help but smile. "That's pretty badass, not going to lie."
"Tractor beam technology requires a high-level of radioactive energy to function," says Tah-Kuell. "I'm concerned that Sarah could have taken large doses of radiation while in that compartment. Again, I have to say, a very brave thing to do for one's friends."
"I feel fine," says Sarah, who is now a little concerned after what Tah-Kuell just said. "I'm just glad that we didn't fall into that maniac's ploy."
"So Gene turned out to be crazy, huh?" Nicholas shakes his head.
"Yes, and not only that, he wanted our omnitools for some reason," Sarah says, looking at her omnitool. "He said it would help with controlling the caveship. That it's a power we don't fully understand."
"Well, that's a given," Darius remarks. "We don't really understand them. We just sort of found them trying to look for food, remember?"
Nicholas appears pensive as he stares at his own omnitool. "I wonder if anything that guy said was true..."
"Who knows?" replies Sophia. "He was all kinds of weird. Maybe he didn't really have a way for us to go home after all..."
"Yeah... but we didn't even get to ask him where he was from. He was Human. Was he from Earth? How'd he get over to that part of space?" Nicholas sighs, smirking. "Guess we'll never find out now."
"Honestly, guys, I'm starving..." Sophia sighs, leaning back in her chair. "Can we eat?" She perks up, looking around at everyone else. "C'mon. I can't be the only one."
Tah-Kuell and Darius continue to play a holographic puzzle game by the piloting terminal, though it's more like Tah-Kuell advising Darius as he physically moves around the light-pieces to try to create a picture. Sarah, laying down on her bedroll, idly messes around with her new glove-like omnitool until Sophia speaks up. She nods lightly. "I could eat."
Ava, dozing off in her own chair, raises a hand lazily waving her interest in food. Nicholas, also settled into a chair near Darius and Tah-Kuell, feet propped up on one of the ship's consoles, watches in quiet interest. "I mean, I guess I can go grab one of the supply crates we brought from the red planet." He stretches both arms and legs, before sliding out of his chair. "How are we even doing on supplies? We didn't have a chance to get anything on Torith..."
"Our next destination isn't far. We should be able to get some supplies while we're there," Tah-Kuell assumes, looking away from the puzzle for a moment. "There's only one habitable planet in the entire system the ship is directing us to as our next stopping point. I suspect the ship is trying to deposit us there next, undoubtedly to keep us alive, so I sincerely doubt it will deposit us somewhere barren or too dangerous."
"Yeah, that's another thing," says Nicholas, stretching and yawning. "Why is the ship trying to keep us alive? Why'd it save you and Sarah when you jumped off that landing dock?"
"I can only assume that it wants us with it on its journey. It might need us or is interested in us in some way," Tah-Kuell responds. "Perhaps we are nothing but a live sample of each of our species. It might be taking us somewhere to be studied. That's what my people do sometimes."
"Well, that's not frightening at all," says Darius in a sarcastic tone. "Your people sound great, T.K."
With another stretch, this time just his legs, Nicholas pushes forward toward the back of the bridge, where the main door leading into the hallway remains closed. "All right, I'll be back in a bit."
The door generates a split down the middle as he approaches, opening silently to allow him to leave. Quietly, he wanders through the halls of the ship that the group has become more familiar with since being abducted, only slowing when he hears another set of footsteps approaching from behind. At first, he expects it to be Darius coming along to help him, but instead, he spots Ava approaching out of the corner of his eye.
"Oh, hey." Nicholas greets her calmly, looking back ahead when the female falls into step next to him.
"Hey." Ava stuffs her hands into her pockets, clearly afraid to look at Nicholas as they walk. Things are quiet for a while, before she finally returns her attention to the male beside her. "It's taken me a while, but..." She seems to mull things over before she speaks, a rarity. "Back on Earth, I know I treated you like..."
Nicholas lifts a hand to stop her before she goes any further. "It's fine. I know that you were just trying to keep up appearances."
"Yeah." Ava clears her throat, hunching her shoulders awkwardly, clearly not confident in expressing her emotions. "I uh... I know I haven't been the most reliable person over the years..."
Nicholas keeps walking as she speaks, without missing a beat.
"When you risked your life to save us from that big beast on the red planet we landed on," Ava continues. "Well, it changed my opinion about you a lot. I thought you were really brave."
Nicholas stops at the door leading to their supply room which, like the rest, splits open to allow them entry.
The walls inside, still lined with boxes, hasn't been touched since they first arrived. The box that originally contained the omnitools has been sealed again and placed in a random corner. Their supplies, however, are in small boxes secured to the grating by small metal chains. What was once several boxes of supplies have dwindled over time to only a handful. Stepping over to one of these boxes, Nicholas bends down to unlock it from its chain. Once he releases it from its hold, he attaches a coupling to it, allowing him to lift it to chest level. It stays floating at that exact level, now weightless.
"Alright, spit it out. You're not being forced to talk to me or anything, so there must be something you want." Nicholas doesn't even spare her a glance as he picks up another coupling and attaches it to the box meant for Ava, securing it before turning it on. He leaves it for her to lift herself.
"Okay, I deserve that." Ava admits, kneeling to lift the box, also to chest level, like Nicholas. Though it's clear she's only following the male's lead in this case. "I'm just trying to clear the air. Back when we were younger, we used to hang out a lot. Remember?"
"I remember, but that was back in elementary school. No-one wanted to talk to you because you were a snob," Nicholas responds, maneuvering his box back toward the door. When it doesn't open, he nudges at it with his foot. It doesn't react, and so he calmly carries his box to another door on the opposing side of the room, which does open as he approaches.
"Why'd we stop being friends?" Ava secures her hold on the box and follows the male out of the room.
Nicholas laughs at her question, shaking his head slowly.
"What? What's so funny?" Ava gives him a genuinely confused look.
Wheeling around on her, Nicholas gives her a pointed look, repressing the urge to throw the box at her. Not that it would have done anything, considering it is floating. "I guess I'm not surprised you'd ask something like that." He says, narrowing his eyes. "Ava, we stopped hanging out because we got into middle school, where boys and social status became more important to you than actual friendship. So because I wasn't attractive, or rich, or popular, you just stopped caring about me." He shifts the box slightly so he can stare her right in the eyes. "At least, you pretended to care long enough to try to get closer to Darius."
Initially, Ava's reaction to this is anger, but as Nicholas continues, her features soften into something more remorseful. "Nick..."
"The only reason why you're even giving me the time of day right now is because we're trapped aboard a spaceship in the middle of nowhere," Nicholas states. If Ava hadn't been turning her gaze downward and away from him, he'd certainly have kept his eyes locked onto hers. "I've already come to peace with the fact that you're never going to be the friend I always thought you were. I don't hate you for the things you put me through. I'm man enough to know that that sort of thing is petty." He turns his gaze from her and begins to walk in the direction of the bridge again. "I'll leave the pettiness to you."
Ava takes in a ragged breath before she pushes forward to follow him, jogging to catch up. "I'm so sorry."
"Yeah," Nicholas states simply, staring straight ahead.
Feeling her anger returning, Ava groans and throws the box ahead of them, where it floats harmlessly down the hallway. Surprised by the box floating past him, Nicholas doesn't see Ava approach to grab him by the sleeve of his shirt, pulling him around to face her. In the sudden movement, he loses his grip on his own box.
"What more do you want from me, Nick? I'm really trying here!"
Reacting angrily to being manhandled, Nicholas forces her hands off him. "There you go again, trying to play the victim. Don't you ever get tired of that?" He growls at her. "Do you ever sit there and wonder why no one here wants to hang out with you? Or why Darius barely acknowledges you around here? It's because he knows the kind of person you are. You use people, Ava. You only exist because other people prop you up, and that's how it's always been."
Slowly, Nicholas lifts his hands up to his shirt to fix it, smoothing out the wrinkles created by Ava's grip. "You were born with a silver spoon. You don't care about having friends, you only care about what makes you look better. Someone had to tell you eventually. I just didn't want it to be me." He looks around for the boxes, moving away from Ava to find his. He gives the girl a glance, spotting the tears rolling down her face.
Ava tries to brush away the tears before she places her back against the wall. She takes in a deep, shuddering breath before she nods. "Alright, fine. You're right. I'm a terrible person. Is that what you want to hear? I'm not proud of it, okay? Back on Earth," She stops herself. "Back in school, I couldn't be associated with someone who wasn't 'in' with the cool kids. But you know how it was back then. A jungle. It was stupid, I see that now." She turns her gaze back to Nicholas, who's clearly fighting a mix of emotions himself. "I know it seems like I haven't changed, that I'm still seeking popularity, but I have. I'm not the same person I was when we left Earth." She approaches him with eyes tearing up. "I truly am sorry, Nick. Can we please start on a clean slate? Please?"
Nicholas stays quiet, clearly mulling it over, before he lets out a sigh.
"Fine." He extends a hand out toward her, expecting a shake, but Ava takes hold of it and pulls herself in close, offering Nicholas a tight hug. At first apprehensive, he begins to relax, resting his chin on her shoulder as he squeezes her tightly for a moment. Even despite the flurry of emotions over the past several minutes, the resolution – along with the hug – still feels pleasant.
"I'm sorry for being such a bad friend," she says while holding on.
"Yeah," replies Nicholas, trying to find the right words. "I'm sorry about what I said too."
When the hug finally ends, Ava reaches a hand up to brush some hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. "Let's get back to the bridge before someone comes looking for us."
"Yeah, them catching us like this would have probably been pretty awkward," Nicholas chuckles, motioning toward Ava's box, which had drifted to the wall at the far end of the hallway. They step forward again to retrieve it, though the silence between them is thick.
Nicholas speaks up with a smirk growing on his face. "You know, I had a huge crush on you throughout middle school."
"Yeah? Even after everything I did to you?" Ava smiles, giving him a coy look. Her voice is hoarse from all the crying. She sniffles a bit as a result.
Nicholas laughs, stopping near her box and nudging it toward her with his own. "Well, I entered puberty and I guess I had a masochistic phase for a while. Eventually I realized it would never happen, so I sorta gave up on it."
"Sorta? So you still, sorta, have a crush on me?" Ava keeps her smile, catching her box, nudging him gently in the side as she turns around to head back toward the correct door they needed to take to get back to the bridge.
"Maybe." Nicholas admits, turning into a corner to wander through the large corridor in their path. "That was years ago. Also, have you noticed that whenever we wander around the ship in pairs, the path we have to take to get back is always longer?"
Ava chuckles. "It's probably T.K messing with us. He probably doesn't know how to handle peer pressure, I bet," she jokes, to which Nicholas smiles, leading the way down the correct hallway to the bridge.
"Sophia might be trying to play matchmaker. It seems like something she'd do." The door swishes open to the bridge, revealing that no-one had really left their spots where they'd been left. Sophia immediately slips out of her chair and crosses the bridge. "Thank God, I'm starving."
Darius looks over at Ava and Nicholas from where he is standing, noticing Ava's reddened eyes. "Everything alright?"
"Yup," Nicholas responds simply. "We got the food. But we're going to need to resupply soon the way things are looking back there."
Tah-Kuell offers a quiet suggestion for a puzzle piece movement to Darius, before standing to walk over and join them. "We should have enough time to eat before we arrive at our next destination." He opens the supply boxes, digging around in them for their rations. "First come, first serve."
"I want the weird grey stuff again," Sophia quickly grabs a bag from the box, littered with words in alien languages she clearly can't read. "Tastes a little bit like pudding."
Chuckling, Tah-Kuell lifts a ration he's chosen for himself as well. "That's a ration specifically made for Lokken, actually," he admits, tearing open his ration bag and reaching inside to shuffle through the contents. "It's a sort of insect paste. I'm surprised that you enjoyed it, although they do add a lot of sugar to your system for a quick energy boost."
Sophia frowns at this revelation, but tears open her ration regardless, removing a packet of grey paste. She bites off the tapered end of the bag, and just squeezes some of it out into her mouth. "I choose to ignore what you've said, TK."
Sarah, finally standing up, stretches before joining the others to pick out her ration. "I'm not going to lie... eating real human food back on Torith made me a little homesick. Going back to this stuff is kinda tough..." She dangles her ration as she pinches it between two fingers, before claiming a nearby seat to start working through it.
Darius keeps up work on his puzzle, knowing there's no rush. The food isn't going anywhere. "What's our ETA at this new star system, anyway?"
"I'd imagine a few minutes or so. The ship so far has made it a habit of coming out of hyperspatial transit a good way into the systems it's arrived at," Tah-Kuell responds, taking a bag of orange liquid from his rations and opening it easily, taking a deep swig from it. "So we should be seeing the star's light very soon."
Almost as if on que, the ship whines softly as it drops to a slower speed, the system they are arriving at appearing in the bridge's viewport, and on many screens. "Ah, and here we are."
"According to the ship's navigational computer," says Tah-Kuell, with a visible concerned look on his face. "We've arrived in Mowaii territory."
Tah-Kuell seems to grow a bit nervous, fidgeting with his drink a bit. "The Mowaii are a technologically advanced race. I should know, they're my species." He takes another sip, trying to drop the subject, but the stares of everyone else – minus Darius, who seems more interested in eating now – forces him to speak up again. "Yes, the Mowaii are my people. They're what the Galactic Council considers to be a Type Four civilization."
More confused looks earn a sigh from Tah-Kuell, who continues. "The Galactic Council assigns types for every civilization they come across, from zero to three. Typically, they don't accept any civilizations into the Council unless they become a Type Two civilization. For contrast, Humans – your species – are still considered a Type Zero civilization because you've yet to learn how to efficiently harvest energy from your system's star. A Type Two civilization has learned to tap into their system's star for almost limitless energy. Type Three civilizations can tap into the energy creation of entire galaxies. So, what's bigger than a galaxy?"
"The universe?" Ava chimes in, trying to at least participate, even if she doesn't fully understand what's being talked about.
"Yes. My species, the Mowaii, are able to extract energy from the entirety of the universe. Therefore, the Mowaii are considered by the Galactic Council as a Type Four civilization," Tah-Kuell finishes, taking another sip of his drink.
"But wait," Sarah speaks up, adjusting herself in her seat to lean forward. "I thought your species were called 'Greys'."
"That's just a name that is thrown around by the other species in this galaxy, since most of them are completely unaware of my people's actual name," Tah-Kuell says. "Though it's often used to refer to us in a derogatory manner. You're welcome to continue using it, of course, since I know there's no ill will between us."
Finishing up their rations, the group wait for the ship tp approach a ringed planet, an obsidian-colored world relatively close to its sun, entering its atmosphere from the side that is eclipsing the sun before traveling rapidly to the side bathed in light. As the ship begins to descend, Tah-Kuell clears his throat. "They know we're here."
The ship begins to rattle softly, before slowing to a stop, forcing everyone forward. All of the food rations fly out of control and hit the screens with loud splats.
Slowly, the ship descends beyond a clearly holographic recreation of the ground of an icy, uninhabitable planet. With a soft hum, the ship's engines begin to shut down and the front of the ship opens, the grating beneath their feet rearranging into stairs that lead down to the obsidian black metal platform the ship has landed on.
Before the teenagers can get back up from the floor due to the sudden impact, two Mowaii enter, walking through the walls, both a few heads shorter than the group's own. One has pasty white skin, while the other is grey; both wear suits like what Tah-Kuell is wearing, except not red but transparent, and much newer and much less worn. When they speak, their lips don't move, but a faint echoing they can barely understand resonates in their heads.
"Tah-Kuell. We have no interest in continued fraternization with you," they speak in tandem, a dual voice within the entire group's conscious, slowly turning their gaze to the teenagers. "However, we are willing to waive this transgression for study of this craft and interaction with Species 1307. You are, briefly, welcomed within our domain. Please disembark so we can properly refuel the vessel."
"Ah, yes, we also need supplies," Tah-Kuell stands quickly, though he uses his mouth to speak, and thus, his voice causes the other Mowaii to sneer in disdain. It's barely notable on their thin lips, but even if the sneer isn't obvious, their contempt most certainly is. This reaction causes Tah-Kuell to silence himself, brow furrowed in concern.
"Silence," The echoing voices say. "Bring the Makers' vessel to us."
With a nod, Tah-Kuell turns his gaze to the teenagers. "Let's go. They don't tolerate delays very well, especially from lesser species."
Amazed, everyone moves to a stand, gathering near Tah-Kuell as the other two Mowaii turn to disembark first, leading everyone down a flight of stairs extending out from the side of the ship. "So they're powerful enough to not only capture this ship, but refuel it, too?" Darius speaks quietly. "That's insane."
"That Gene guy had to prepare for it ahead of time," Sarah points out as she follows the group. "I guess that just goes to show how advanced these guys are."
"That's not what I'm curious about. They called this ship 'the Makers' vessel'? Who are 'the Makers'?" Sophia, not wanting to be left out of the conversation, speaks as they leave the Caveship.
"We cannot answer all of your questions," the voices return and echo through their mind. "The journey to the end is a journey of revelation and discovery, one we would not rob from even the most basic of creatures. All will be revealed in time. For now, enjoy the splendors of the Mowaii. The artificial planet, Reitune."
All around them, the black metal underneath them begins to sink and seems to stretch on forever; the shaft the ship had descended on sinks deeper and deeper, impossibly low to the depths of the planet, with the pure white of the holographic snow overhead now barely visible to the naked eye. Strips of blue light flow in waves toward the ship, perhaps recharging its fuel. Instead of rock or dirt, the inside of the planet seems to be completely artificial in nature, with several corridors, floors and hallways. Mowaii of all shapes and sizes walk around them on numerous levels above and around them, unimaginable in number. Yet, they walk silently, speaking not a word between them, creating an almost deafening silence. Not a single other species walks the planet's many halls. Except, now, for the Humans.
"Come." The Mowaii speak through their minds, leading them toward one of the many walkways around them. As they step safely into a nearby hallway, the Mowaii currently traversing the ship's platform all also turn toward their destinations to clear the platform. Down into the depths of the planet the teenager's ship descends. "Do not concern yourself with the Makers' vessel. We will return you to it when it's time. We will now answer any questions you may have."
"We can ask you anything?" asks Sophia, with a dumbfounded look on her face.
"Anything except where your journey ends," replies the voice in their heads.
"Alright, so, I've been meaning to ask, since it's been bugging me for a while, but..." Nicholas begins, nervous. "How come everyone out in space speaks perfect English? We've understood everyone we've come across perfectly. I mean, you're speaking English right now! What's the deal?"
Several of the Mowaii stop and turn to face the group with blank stares. There's a quiet moment where no one speaks and the tension becomes thick. Nicholas crosses his arms and is about to speak when suddenly one of the Mowaii approaches him and a voice resonates in his mind.
"The tools you've equipped are linked permanently to the vessel. It's how it is able to know where you are at all times. It monitors you, your interactions with others, and learns from your experiences. It helps the ship gather data. It also has other functions, among them is the gift of translation. You understand me now only because the tools you are connected to allow you to. Now, which among you have used these tools to their advantage?"
Sarah steps forward and looks up at the Mowaii in front of her. "I've gotten it to work for me recently, but it started as a bracelet, and became a glove. I can't get it off. Is that normal?"
The white Mowaii steps forward and gently takes hold of the hand the omnitool is attached to. "Bonding with the ship takes time, though it often responds to the wearer's needs. It will grow to take over your entire arm, and it will inevitably become part of you. The more you've bonded with it, the more control you'll have over it, and over the ship. It is how the ship knows you are a permitted user."
"Hmm, so it allows us to have a connection to the ship. Like a key. That's what Gene said, no?" Nicholas looks over at Sarah, although concerned at hearing that the omnitool will end up consuming her arm if not careful.
"Yeah, he said that the key to the ship's power was our omnitools..." Sarah says, looking down at the glove-like omnitool wrapped permanently around her hand. It no longer burns and it barely feels as though it is there now. She looks up at the white humanoid again. "Do you think maybe we could eventually gain power over the ship and control it?"
"Unlikely. The only ones who can give you full access to the ship's controls are the Makers, and not even we have seen them for countless millennia. They are present, as you've no doubt noticed as you've been unknowingly utilizing their technology... but are also absent... either gone forever, beyond the fringes of the universe, seeking out more knowledge where we cannot see them. Or, perhaps, observing, apathetic, somewhere in the void. Not since the Mowaii were released from the Makers' grasp have we had the misfortune of enjoying their presence."
Turning around once more, the pair of Mowaii continue to lead them down the hallway. "At Tah-Kuell's request, we will supply your ship so you have the resources necessary for the coming journey. Then, you will be freed to continue your voyage. If home is truly what you desire, you will either learn to make the ship do your bidding, or you will be lost forever among the stars."
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Losing his parent early on, he had to survive in a world he couldn´t even see… Blind and left alone, he was seen as a parasite by the social hierarchy of the new ages filled with martial arts and soulbondsForced to mature early his train of thought was different from his peers as he didn´t mind derogatory reviews about him.The day he awoke his soul was the day he cried in desperation while God played tricks with him as his soul-awakening was a blessing in disguise.Nobody would have ever imagined that he was neither blind nor a parasite until the final moment, he opened his golden eyes that flickered brightly, eagerly waiting to devour everyone daring to obstruct his path towards the summit.Follow Jason on his adventurous journey throughout the vast world
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the sincerity taehyung couldn't deliver.||COMPLETED
Taekook. All people in the country know what the word stands for.The two youngest of the biggest boy band BTS who fell in love and became a couple everyone loved and supported.That was until a few years later, when the couple unexpectedly broke up without giving any explanation.-💫-𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳,𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘵."If our story was a book people would read, don't you think they would want us to get the happy ending we deserve?"
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