《Fighting Spirit (MHA)》Chapter 2: UA Begins


Katsuki pumped the weights his mom had gotten him as a birthday present a few years ago as he sat in his room.

The exam for UA had been about a week ago, and the Shiketsu entrance exam was in two days.

He was basically certain he'd passed the exam, but he had to cover his bases just in case either way.

If he didn't get an acceptance letter within the next day or so, he'd attend Shiketsu's to make sure that even if it wasn't UA, he would be ready to attend 'A' top hero school next year.

To make sure he was in top shape for the Shiketsu exam just in case, he was mostly sticking to light exercise and studying for the last couple days.

As he finished up his last set for the night, Katsuki heard a shout from downstairs.

"Brat! Got a letter from UA for you!"

Dropping his weights onto their rack, Katsuki rushed down the stairs.

"Where is it?"

Mitsuki smiled as she handed him an envelope, Masaru standing beside her equally excited.

Katsuki inspected the thing for a second.

"Do they seriously wax-seal all these things? That's gotta take forever."

"It is UA brat. Being over the top is literally the school motto."

Katsuki looked up to the smile on his mom and dad's faces.

"So? You gonna go to your room to read it?"

Katsuki looked down at the envelope.

"…Nah, I'll just open it up at the table."

Katsuki started moving towards the table.

"You two coming or what?"

Ripping open the top of the envelope, Katsuki noted a small disk about the size of his palm inside along with the paperwork.

Masaru looked at it curiously as Katsuki pulled it out.

"What's that thing?"

"No fucking clue. Never got mentioned during the exam."

Turning the thing over in his hands, Katsuki noted a message engraved on it.

'This side down.'

Shrugging, Katsuki placed the disk on the table, engraved side down.

A moment layer the top of the disk lit up blue, a rectangle of light forming in the air above it at the same time as an exclamation sounded out.


"All Might?!"

The Bakugou family exclaimed as the number one hero appeared, his iconic theme sounding from the disk on the table. Masaru was one of the first to recover.

"These disks must cost a fortune…"

Mitsuki quickly elbowed and shushed him as the projection continued.

"It is my pleasure to inform you, that this year I will be taking up a teaching position at my own Alma Mater, UA High!"

The hero cleared his throat.

"Still, onto what you've been waiting for!"

"Katsuki Bakugou! I am very happy to tell you that you passed the written exam with flying colors, among the top 4% of all applicants overall!"

The Hero's face took on a slightly more serious tone.

"But even with that, just academics alone is not enough!"

The camera moved to the side, displaying a tv with the UA logo. Immediately that logo was replaced with footage from the exam venue itself, with Katsuki smashing villain bots.

"Over the course of the practical exam, you displayed great tactical acumen and physical prowess, young man! With your performance, you managed to wrack up a total of 39 Villain Points, a number any examinee would be proud of!"


"However, Villain points were not all there were to this exam."

Katsuki clenched his fists with his workout shorts.

"We here at UA recognize that there is more to being a hero then simply defeating villains, and to account for this, rescue points were added to the exam!"

The montage suddenly shifted, showing Katsuki throwing his bat to save another examinee, and another of him destroying a villain bot swinging at a different examinee.

"Over the course of the exam, you greatly assisted many of the other applicants, showing a heroic spirit that many others lack. Determined by an independent panel of judges, we here at UA granted you 20 rescue points!"

The screen suddenly moved to show a scoreboard.

Katsuki idly notices Izuku's name in 10th place.

"This gives you a total of 59 points! More then enough to pass the exam, and ranking you as seventh in the practical exam overall!"

Katsuki swallowed hard, his eyes watering slightly as Mitsuki and Masaru put their hands on his shoulders.

"Young Bakugou, you have overcome a great many things to get this far. It would be my pleasure, and those of us here at UA, to welcome you to your hero academia, as our first quirkless hero student."

Mitsuki and Masaru hugged Katsuki close from either side, crying.

Katsuki let them cry it out, wiping his face with the back of his hand.

Eventually, the three separated, Katsuki clearing his throat.

Mitsuki wiped her eyes, her voice still a bit hoarse.

"We knew you could do it."

Clearing her throat, she continued.

"So. What else is in that letter you got?"

Katsuki pulled out the papers that had come with the disk.

"Looks like I'll need to send in a costume request, so UA can have it made before lessons start."

Mitsuki looked over the form.

"Do you have anything in mind for the costume?"

Katsuki thought about it for a second.

"I think I'll send in that one I drew up last year."

Mitsuki raised an eyebrow.

"The one with the massive collar?"

Katsuki looked away.

"I was in a bad mood. I'll probably shorten it before I send it in."


Katsuki pointedly turned back to the papers that had come in the envelope.

It was all fairly standard.

Masaru sat down next to Katsuki.

"So, this is it?"


"I take it you're not interested in going to the Shiketsu exam?"

Katsuki shook his head as he started filling out the forms.

"No point. I know exactly where I'm going next year."

Mitsuki nodded and placed a hand on Katsuki's shoulders.

"Alright then, lets start working through this paperwork. We'll put it in the mail in the morning. You head upstairs and grab your costume request."

The next morning, Katsuki walked up to the mailbox, envelope in hand.

Katsuki took a deep breath and looked at the envelope in his hands, a grin on his face.

This was it. After this, he was an official UA student.

Katsuki opened up the slot, and dropped it in.

*3 Months Later*

Katsuki put on the uniform that the school had sent him.

Thing was a bit fancy for him, but eh, it's a fancy school.

Moving out of his room, Katsuki picked up his backpack.

Moving to the front door, Katsuki pulled his shoes on and tied them up, Masaru and Mitsuki standing behind him.


Opening the door, Katsuki looked back.

"I'm off. Want to get to homeroom early. See you tonight."

Masaru and Mitsuki nodded.

"See you tonight brat. Knock em dead."

Katsuki felt a grin grow on his face.

"You know it."

Closing the door behind him, Katsuki headed towards the train station.

Moving through the front gates of UA, Katsuki was once more struck by just how big the campus was.

Looking around, Katsuki checked the campus map to help find 1A.

After a few minutes, Katsuki figured he had it and started walking.

On his way there, he bumped into someone. A red haired student with a spiky hairstyle and sharp teeth.

"Hey dude, do you know the way to class 1A? I'm a bit lost."

Katsuki sized up his soon-to-be classmate.

Decent muscle tone.

Still, no reason to alienate him.

"Yeah, it's right this way. I was heading there now."

"Woah! You're in 1A too? I'm Eijirou Kirishima."

"Bakugou Katsuki."

"Didn't you come like seventh in the entrance exam? That's so manly dude!"

Katsuki gave him a side eye.

"Says first place."

Kirishima blushed as he rubbed his face.

"Yeah well, my quirk was well suited for it. I'm really impressed with people who didn't have quirks good for stuff like that."

As they finally reached the front entry to the classroom, they both noticed how huge it was.

"This school is so freakin' awesome bro!"

Moving towards the door, the duo entered the room to find it mostly empty.

Looking at the seating chart, Katsuki took a seat while Kirishima moved to talk to a pink girl near the door.

After a while, the other students filed in.

The last person to enter the room turned out to be Izuku, who came through the door with minutes to spare.

Izuku surveyed the room, a smile on his face. Though Katsuki noted it seemed to get a bit brittle when Izuku spotted him and their gazes met.

After a moment, Izuku tried to strike up a conversation with the other students nearby, someone suddenly spoke up from outside the door.

"If you're here to socailize and make friends, then get out."

Izuku and the others near the door turned to look at something Katsuki couldn't see.

After a moment, some dude in a strange yellow sleeping bag stood up, slurping a juice box.

Stepping out of the bag, the dude moved to the front of the room whilst a couple members of the class gossiped.

Once they were done, the new teacher(?) spoke up again.

"It took 9 seconds for you lot to quiet down. Time is a precious resource. You lot aren't very rational, are you?"

Taking another sip from his box, he continued.

"I'm your homeroom teacher Shota Aizawa. Pleased to meet you."

Reaching into his bag, the teacher pulled out one of the gym uniforms all the students had been sent before the first day.

"Alright, everyone get changed into your gym clothes. Quickly. We're heading out to the grounds."

Not wanting to waste anytime, Katsuki grabbed his gym uniform from his bag and headed out for the change rooms while some of the other students tried to ask questions.

Once he finished changing, he headed outside to where Aizawa was waiting, one of the first ones there.

Once everyone had finished changing and was out on the field, Aizawa explained what was happening.

"Today, you will all be undergoing a quirk aprehension and general fitness test. This will allow me to judge your potential as heroes."

One of the other students spoke up, one of the girls.

"Shouldn't we have an entrance ceremony? Or guidance sessions?"

"You don't have time to waste on that sort of stuff if you want to become pros. UA as a school is known for its 'Freestyle' Educational system. That applies to us teachers just as much as the students."

"I assume you are all familiar with standardized physical tests? Soft ball throw, standing long jump, 50 meter dash, endurance run, grip strength, side to side steps, upper body training, and the seated toe touch? These are your standard, no-quirks-allowed gym tests."

Aizawa pulled a softball out of his pockets.

"Japan as a country insists on prohibiting the use of quirks when calculating national fitness records. It's irrational, but the department of education is procrastinating."

Aizawa looked towards one of the taller students in the class, one with huge lips.

"Sato, what was your ball throw record in middle school?"

Sato seemed to jump as he was singled out.

"A-Around 60 meters sir."

Aizawa tossed the ball to him.

"Great. Now try it using your quirk. Do whatever you need to, just don't leave that circle."

The boy nodded as he took position.

Reaching into his pockets, Sato pulled out a packet of something, downing some white powdery stuff.

After a second, his muscles seemed to bulk, straining against his tracksuit. Then, with a massive roar, he threw it.


The ball quickly flew away, spiraling off into the distance.

After a bit, a beep sounded from the device in Aizawa's hands. Moving, he displayed it to the class.


"It's important for us to know our limits. That's the first rational step to figuring out what kind of heroes you want to be."

Katsuki smiled as he read the result.

Time to show his stuff.

Everyone in the class started gossiping as Sato moved back into the group.

"Whoah! This is awesome!"

"223 meters is so cool!"

"So we can use our quirks for real? The hero course is great!"

Aizawa turned back to the students, a frown on his face.

"Awesome…you say?"

Aizawa raised a hand towards his face.

"You all want to become pro heroes after 3 years here, and you think it will be all fun and games?"

Aizawa lowered his hand.

"Right. The one with the lowest score over all 8 events will be judged hopeless…and will be expelled."


An unsettling grin grew on Aizawa's face.

"Welcome. This is, The Hero Course at UA High."

Katsuki felt a massive grin growing on his face, one that matched Aizawa's in sheer intensity.

The rest of the class, wasn't quite as excited, Izuku speaking up.

"Sir, isn't that just a bit unfair for our first day? And even if it weren't- that still just isn't fair!"

Aizawa turned to face Izuku and started talking, his voice perfectly level.

"Natural disasters, huge accidents, dangerous villains. Natural disasters and calamities that cannot be predicted.

I would say that Japan is full of unfair things."

Katsuki could swear he saw Aizawa glance at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Heroes are the ones who correct that all that unfairness."

Aizawa addressed the entire class with his next words.

"If you were hoping to spend your evenings hanging out with friends, I'm sorry to tell you, that for the next 3 years, UA will run you through the wringer."

Aizawa had a small smirk grow on his face.

"That's Plus Ultra. Use your strength to overcome it all. So bring it."

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