《The Exploiter》The wait.


"Hah...." Frey was beyond speechless after reading the email, he had to pinch himself before he could even start to believe it.

His heartbeat was far above his average as indicated on his watch, it warned that he may need to take some deep breaths to calm down. Frey took heed to the advice and regulated his breathing before opening the attached file...

After carefully taking his time and reading the hundred and fourteen-page attachment, he couldn't bear to keep in his joy and an awkward but truthful smile appeared on his face. How long had it been since he had last smiled truthfully? He couldn't remember, it felt strange to smile again.

The attachment contained lots of legal jibba'jabbah, causes of concern, warnings that it may affect health, cause epilepsy and much more. None of these was important as the game had been thoroughly tested and Frey was sure he wouldn't be medically incapable of using the machine. The pages also informed him of many amazing uses of the capsule, things like a feeding tube for long gaming sessions, health monitors, a direct chat with the main team of the game and much, much more.

One catch however, one was forbidden from recording any gameplay, no pictures, recordings or soundclips were permitted. However, you could create guides and ect and send out spoilers so long as it had the spoiler tag and people knew what was about to be spoiled.

Naturally, he didn't hesitate to sign his full name on the bottom right of the document and sign it off. Now, it was a simple matter of waiting 3-4 days as it was currently Sunday by the count of the billboard that obscured any view he may have had outside of his small, one flat.

"I guess I could check the news.." Frey unknowingly muttered to himself as he pulled his wristwatch up to his mouth and spoke "Today's news".


Hello British Citizen #56712 here is your filtered news page.

Posts Likes The thousand lucky ones are finally revealed! Details soon! 154,321 5,303,957 Retro gaming, still relevent? 1,042 300

Looking over at the first post, Frey wasn't so surprised to find a high amount of people claiming to be one of the thousand, though many were fakes as he could clearly tell by the sheer amount of people claiming so. There was hardly any real information posted bar the email and attachment a user named "African_Bluetack" posted.

"I wish retro gaming would make a comeback, I really miss the old RPGs... Guildwars, Diablo, Path of exile, Skyrim, the fall of the dragon, the abyss knight... There were so many golden oldies..." Frey sent a quick glance over to his desktop computer before looking over to the top left side of his fridge-freezer.

You have approximately 26 days worth of Dinners You have an extimated 3-6 days of snacks

I suppose I could always load up my desktop for one last time... Arcanum could be fun for 3 or four days...

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