《Hidden words》Chapter 17


Chapter 17 · Twist

Zoe stood over me holding a tray with two drinks in a deep purple cups and plate with what looked like brownies. She places the tray down on the wooden table and slid into the other seat facing me.

"Thanks," I said quietly "but I can't pay you back for this."

"Ha, you don't have to pay me for this but if you don't mind me asking what with the voice." She asked picking up her drink and sipping on it her hands around the cup.

"I don't mind. It happened when I was a kid and I lost my voice due to my brain being under pressure from a... accident. It took a while but I had to relearn how to speak again but I still can't talk anything above a whisper due to my voice box being underdeveloped.

"That sucks. Did you teach yourself?" She asked still holding her cup to her face.

"No, I had lessons. It took about five years to get it to this level. My uncle tried to get a new treatment for me to try but no one would let them try it on a kid." I reply now reaching for one of the brownies. My tummy was grumbling from the lack of breakfast.

"I thought you told Void you didn't have any family." She replied

"You were listening to my conversation!" I exclaimed before I start coughing on the brownie.

After I stopped coughing Zoe explained "well I had to check you were ok. Voids a bit... on the colder side when it comes to people messing around with his business. I think it one of the only things that keep him going so I had to check he wouldn't try and scare you away."


I sat their not talking slowly munching away. It was a very good brownie with a gooey still harm centre and crispy sides. I watch a Zoe started twitching in her seat.

Trying to not pay attention to Zoe I looked around to see a very thin Tv in the corner of the room. I pretended to be watching it. I know it not like I had said anything import to that ass Void but still did she not trust me. She was like my uncle always shielding me.

I turned back to look at her. Her eyes quickly looked away from me but I could see the worry in them.

It not her fault. I couldn't be trusted. I had proven that from trying to get myself kill to the fact I kept getting knocked out. I hadn't proven myself to her and she had done much for me. I know what it is.

It me. I always push people away and then never talk to them. It what had made me lonely in the first place. It what invited that coldness.

At first, I fault a heard the tapping of rain on the window then when I looked I found I was wrong. Zoe's finger tapped the table with a nearness hand while she faced the window her body causing the light and the small dust particles falling around her that seem to catch twinkle like little embers. I reach out.

I felt the warmth of her hand as I held it " It ok. Thank you for... for everything."

She turned to me. Her wonderful deep eyes stared into mine. I could feel the light their; like a blazing forest fire. The cheeks coloured with a hint of rosy pink while her autumn leaf hair fell in front of her red lips.


I felt myself lead in ever so slowly as I felt her mimic my movements. I could feel her mint sweet breath. I could feel my heart like a hurricane in my chest. Body almost stiff in a mix of shock and interest. I wonder why I had ever been sad.

"Breaking news: superhero has been filmed during a bank robbery showing multiple magic effects. The governor has released a warning to report their happenings while the chairman of the library had yet to give a statement on this turn of events." The Tv hummed loudly.

I felt myself jumping in my seat. I felt my hand pull away as I hit my knee on the table. My face burned. Had I just tried to kiss someone? Had I just tried to kiss a girl and Zoe at that. My hands were shaking.

There was no way that what I just done was right trying to take advantage of Zoe. I looked up to see Zoe red-faced turn to the Tv and her grab her phone. I had tried to take advantage of her when she had already felt guilty about listing in on me.

"I'm sorry," I whisper so quietly only I could hear it.

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