《Tales From Mirthland: Girl Meets Devil》Girl Meets Devil: Chapter 7


The Old Wood of Hauntergast often possessed a grim, predatory atmosphere. Tall, dark trees and cloistering canopies of leaves covered the forest floor in darkness, and eerie silence its usual music. But with the passing of winter, the gloom lifted. By Middle Spring, the ancient timberland became downright pleasant. Sun dappled the newborn blossoms and thawing creeks babbled sweetly. Life came back, however briefly, to a land that so often seemed cold and haunted.

Alinka trod her way through this revitalized landscape, a basket of treats on her arm. Despite the Witchfolk still being wary of letting the Children of Xur wander too far into their hidden glades, the Coven Mother made certain exceptions for her.

She half-skipped down a low hill and came to her destination, a cottage built into a cave beneath a huge tree's roots. A brook ran in front of the cozy domicile, with a small bridge over it. On that bridge Alinka spotted the reason for her visit.

Tabri lay there on her stomach, bare feet idly kicking behind her, and twirled a flower between her fingers. Her loyal devil, Damné, sat on her back and stroked his chin, lost in thought as he stared out into the foliage. Despite his thick onyx skin, he weighed no more than a cotton sheet.

Their visitor called out to them.

"Hello, you two!"

Tabri waved back. "Alinka, welcome!"

The old friends rushed forward to meet each other in an embrace. Alinka hugged Damné too. He wouldn't say so, but he appreciated the gesture. Soon all three gathered on a blanket on the lawn to indulge in Alinka's goodies. She updated them on the goings-on of the Xurean village, which Tabri found more convenient than treetop snooping.

"Nearly everything has been rebuilt, thanks to the help you sent. Those male Witchfolk may not be great talkers, but darn if they aren't industrious little fellows. I think one has even taken a shine to me."


"Alinka, you naughty girl. He's probably twice your age."

"Well we all can't find Fiends for husbands."

They chuckled like they did as girls and Damné just looked on, uncertain whether he was being mocked or not.

"And the Deacon?"

"Exiled to the mountains. Where he'll remain for selling us to that Fiend."

Tabri sipped some tea, taking comfort that some justice had come to that awful man.

"Good," she said.

"You'll like this. We lashed him to a barren tree up there. But yes, we've turned back to the old Gods since. As we did back in Xur. Fear of magic is fading as well. Maybe we'll start training in the arcane arts again."

"I wish you luck."

"You're welcome back anytime, you know."

"I know."

Alinka looked over her old friend, and scarcely believed how much Tabri had changed. Not just from when their people tied her to that tree all those years ago, but since she banished the nameless hag in the autumn past. She wore naught but a loose white dress. Her already wild hair had grown down to the small of her back, held out of her face by only a simple strip of cloth. The spellcaster's bearing was that of an untamed she-wolf, beautiful and free, like she'd never known life in the city. Tabri seemed to glow and in all her visits, Alinka never saw Damné leave her side.

"This is a nice cottage, but have you two given any thought to moving back to the Witchfolk village?"

"Not really." She twisted the wolf tooth amulet around her neck. "I have this for when I have to go there. Ozaika could make another one of these easily, but Damné and I are content out here. We're all we ever needed."


She and the devil shared a kiss.

"Don't you two get lonely?"

"We won't be alone much longer," said Damné, "Tell her the good news, beloved."

Tabri ran a hand down her abdomen and said, "I'm pregnant."

Alinka gasped, clapping her hands over her mouth. She pointed to her friend and then to her Patron. They both nodded in turn.

"Congratulations," she said, "Oh, I wish I had someone to tell about this."

Morning turned to afternoon and Alinka had to be on her way. Pledge and Patron waved goodbye to her.

"She seemed rather excited about our news," said Damné. "Do you think you'll take her up on her offer? To go back to your people, I mean. I could go in your shadow."

"Maybe some day. We'll take our child there."

Tabri leaned back on her husband, Patron, and devil's chest. She traced a finger up and down her belly, sensing the magic of a different kind growing there.

"But for now, I'm happy here. I'm home."

"I couldn't agree more."

Damné bent down and kissed his wife again.

In the years to come, the two would fulfill their promise and their child would leave their home in the Old Wood. Their only child, who would become the first monarch of Hauntergast and start a dynasty, born from two abandoned souls who found each other in the forest and fell in love.

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