《Sent to another world because my coupon didn't scan》Chapter 16: Never Underestimate A Chitterling
The walls of the underground tunnel were lined with thousands of tiny crystals, they glowed blue and yellow and as the pod shot past them they blurred green. The pod moved silently and without any bumps, Freddy was about to start a conversation but by the time he had leaned forward to speak the door opened.
The Chief "Ah we are here!"
Freddy slapped the back of his hand against Stitch's chest and whispered into his ear "when did the cart even move, did we just teleport?"
Stitch "yeah, it is weird but just go with it, act cool like you've seen it before"
Sada "so you guys come inside, and we'll tell you what is going on"
Freddy tried not to look at the crystal palace that surrounded him or the sexually suggestive statues that lined the hallway, while Stitch looked around and nodded like he had a discerning eye.
Sada "so take a seat" she said once they were at the center of a large room that had a balcony that overlooked the shimmering city. Magical seats rose from the floor and hovered beside them.
Chief "so, I presume you guys want to go home to the surface yes?"
Stitch "actually we are looking for some kids that wandered in here, but we got chased by a hagworm and couldn't follow them, we were hoping to find them here or that you might be able to give us information on how to find them"
Chief "I see… So you came in search of children. How are they at fighting Sada?"
Sada "this one is fat and slow, he will quickly die, the other is still slow and will die shortly after"
Freddy was simultaneously heart broken and stabbed in the side by harsh truths. Stitch was shocked by being referred to as the other guy and also being called slow. They wanted to answer back with something witty but resigned themselves to the truth.
Chief "so you boys are just out to help even though you really don't know what you are up against. I guess that is noble"
The chief scratched his head in confusion for longer than either of the guys had anticipated.
Chief "so Sada why are they here again?"
Sada "the chitterlings were close by I had to leave anyway and they turned up looking helpless, so I just didn't know if I should leave them there to die like that"
Both guys felt a shiver crawl up their spines.
Chief "In any case, you two probably want to know what is going on down here…"
Stitch "really we just want to get the kids and leave though"
Chief "but surely after seeing the city and the technology we possess you want to know more"
Stitch "nah, that is fine we don't want to take up your time"
Chief "but I insist"
Stitch "just tell us if you know a way to find the kids and we will get out of your hair"
Freddy bumped his elbow into Stitch "but he insists" and then smiled at Sada who was confused by him looking at her.
"bah but I hate listening to old man stories" Stitch groaned.
Sada chuckled at the sight of her father's penchant for story telling being exposed. The chief was red from the embarrassment. It was clear to him that Freddy was a simpleton who liked his daughter and Stitch was impatient and simple minded. Neither could be persuaded away from their path, and would not understand the danger of their mission. He had wanted to set them up to be emissaries of a trade deal with the farmers on the surface but realized he would have to come at it differently. He tapped Sada on the shoulder and took her to the side, "transform into your human form and go with them to find the children, take some others with you, return to the surface with them and find a suitable emmisary for trade to come down and see us".
Sada's eyes bulged "but they are slow, and stupid, what if we run into chitterlings?"
"take firebrand"
Sada nodded, and left to organize for the expedition.
"OK gentlemen, we will help you find the children, Sada will be back in a moment and will be your guide"
"Yes!" Freddy screamed while jumping out of his seat. Stitch smiled as if gloating and gave Freddy a high five.
Freddy walked over to the cityscape amazed at the magical and technological knowledge on display, from the aurora to the crystal palaces and smooth streets. It all shimmered in the light like it wasn't quite real; a mirage.
The chief walked over "I see you've taken a liking to her"
Freddy "yes sir, how did you know?"
Chief "it's the way you are looking at my girl here"
Freddy "I can't help it"
Chief "I didn't build this city, but I look over it like it was a daughter. I want to see her reach her potential not be stuck in the conditions I grew up in"
Freddy had to double take, but he then smiled, and thought about how Sada's dad was a good guy, and even though his daughter was smoking hot he would get it.
"Your daughter is smoking hot sir, and this city is impressive, I'm a big guy but here I feel as small as you can get"
"Freddy… I like you, but don't call my daughter smoking hot to my face, it is really inappropriate"
"Uh sorry sir, I just thought we were bonding and I… Just admire her is all"
"Well, don't mind my opinion, Sada's life is up to her, I am just here to watch on and help her grow into herself"
"Your city is impressive, how did you guys build it, it must have taken forever"
"Not really, the founders thousands of years ago used the labyrinth's stone to form it in a matter of days. Then in the wars the stone was broken, and now only a fragment remains to keep our magic working"
"What happened to the rest of it?"
"It was destroyed by the insectids, their attacks shattered the stone, as the stone broke into shards the very center broke into a perfect sphere, and knowing that the insectids had come for it we placed another crystal sphere in its place"
"That is crafty"
"Without it the labyrinth would have destroyed the city and we would have to contest with the monsters in the open fields. We are crafty and can avoid dangers like the creatures that inhabit the fields but with the chitterlings out there we never would have made it"
"we don't see them much above ground. What makes them so dangerous?"
"The real question is what doesn't, maybe the fact they are smaller and weaker than us, and like us they can at times be taken by surprise. But beside that, there is no hope, or at least very little"
"Did you guys ever try to wipe them out, like with the stone?"
"We tried many times, for our hatred of them runs deep you see, and our passions at times overtake our reason. They may look like little deformed goblins with sickly skin, they may look like they have only a rudimentary grasp on the world around them, but there is no creature more tenacious, no creature more brutal, no creature more capable of vile acts, and nothing in this world is half as smart as those creatures once they have had time to scheme. The real question is, why haven't they purged us…"
"But surely if you killed them all in one blow, that would be the end of it, right"
"They do not nest in only one location, and the tricks they use to protect their young are elaborate. You can destroy a nest yet under your feet are a dozen more. You can try to kill them as they emerge, but they multiply fast, and have a short childhood. They do not rely on knowledge passed down from elders, it is all instinct. When you kill them they procreate faster, and throw wave after wave of attack at you. No matter how perfect your army, you will take losses, you will be overrun"
"I used to breed rabbits in my family yard when I was little, what about starving them out, surely their dens need a lot of food"
"They possess rare magic, it draws sustenance from everywhere around them, the only reason they hunt is for greed"
"well what about poison?"
"They are masters of poison themselves and are immune"
Freddy couldn't believe what he was hearing "then how the heck do you kill em then"
"Shame they aren't able to be tricked to work for you really… If only you knew what they were really after, send em at those insectids and get the stone back and drop the little fuckers off the end of the earth"
"Haha, if only"
Freddy stopped and paused "wait… You haven't tried it yet have you"
"Well, it is kind of extreme and how could you even go about it, it's a nice idea but like everything else it wouldn't work. It is far better to get along as we have, and maybe get better trade"
Freddy fell into deep thought.
“Yeah, you are probably right”
A woman with blonde hair and purple eyes walked into the room that looked strangely similar to Sada. Freddy turned and his jaw dropped.
Chief “Ah, Sada, you are back”
Freddy “You m-mean, you are Sada?”
Sada huffed and turned towards her father “the others will be here in a moment, and I have firebrand”. The Chief looked down at a golden bracelet on her wrist and nodded “Good”.
Chief “when the others return, you can all head out”
The chief then turned to the view of the cityscape and gazed with stoic resolve at the view, “we are at a crossroad, and I fear there is no going back, the time has come, if we don’t find help soon in the other world, we won’t last”
Sada walked over and stood beside her father “You are right, the time has come, perhaps we should even leave the labyrinth behind if this does not work” and joined him in looking at the view.
The Chief nodded.
Something stirred behind Subi’s eyes that Rem had never seen before. Energies seemed to move in ever shifting streams, leaving behind small changes in color. She could only notice it because she had known him so long, but something was different about him beyond the growth of his human form. He seemed more independent, more focused, and like he might no longer need her. It was as if some limit upon his senses were lifting, and in the not too distant future, he would see the world completely different from her.
Subi caught Rem looking at him and smiled warmly, “Don’t worry, we have got this” he reassured her. Clive climbed up a rockface up ahead, and Cassius reached the peak and stood silhouetted against the ravines and pastures below. Clive gasped as he reached the top, and Subi reached the peak not long after. Rem’s last steps caused her to breathe heavily but she finally stood upon the precipice and gazed out upon the view.
An enormous ravine, surrounded on all sides by pastures, stretched far into the distance until it became surrounded by an eerie fog that descended further into swamps and dead woodland.
Clive nervously rubbed his hand, “So we have to go through that… Well on the plus side, it isn’t all bad. I can't see any monsters, so maybe it is a clear shot”
Cassius’ expression remained serious and he appeared concerned, “there is a reason monsters are not there, they have learned to avoid it. Also whatever danger they are avoiding those pastures are wide open, we will be sitting ducks out there, notice how the land is elevated on all sides, no way to escape, we will need to go as far around it as we can, no telling what monsters look over this view”.
Subi sniffed the air and gently closed his eyes, his senses reaching far into the distance beyond. His eyes shot back open, he then narrowed his focus upon a spot in the distance and grit his teeth, “Cassius is right, we will have to avoid the open”.
Clive’s hand began to vibrate ever so faintly, and he could hear whispers coming from the magic in his hand but could not make out what was being said, but whatever it was sent a chill up his spine.
Jon walked behind as Cat held up her pendent and led Dan ahead through the caves.
“Have you boy’s heard about the five classes of ordinary beasts?”
Jon “I’m not sure, unless it is connected to the story of Gnarl and Rawt, and how after they died, different beasts came to feed on their bodies”
Dan “Yeah, I think I heard about that when I was a kid, but it feels so long ago now, I just can’t remember how it goes.”
Jon “I think it goes that 5 beasts came to dine on humans for the first time, and these became the 5 classes of beast”
Cat “After Rawt and Gnarl died, they rotted in the dungeon, until the first class of beast arrived. They scurry, they skitter, they climb and slither, both under the ground and high above, they lay their eyes upon their prey, thirsty for blood.”
Jon “You remember even the words, how do you even do that, did you really read it THAT many times”
Cat “I just have a naturally good memory, it is something I am quite proud of actually”
Dan “So what are the first class of beast?”
Jon “Things like the razor birds, fang monkeys, and slimes. They are dangerous in groups and in certain situations but if caught without a weapon you will be badly injured, but you could probably still survive if you had to face one of them”
Cat “A solid foundation in fighting arts, magic, use of armor, or even riding a horse can give you a big advantage against these kinds of creatures, but the ordinary peasant could easily be killed”
Dan “Okay, I think I get it, what are the second class of beast”
Cat “Open your ears, you will hear their thunder, whether heavy in hoof, or looking for plunder, whether by clutch or by claw, they find their mark, and will leave no lone man alone if crossed in the dark”
Jon “So this one is about the predators, goblins being the weakest, but then you have, the smaller pack hunting predators like lesser wolves, minotaurs, and grave bears… Grave bears are only class two because they hunt alone, never in packs. With these creatures, you must be trained, and you must have several people to fight them off, but even then you are likely to be critically wounded”
Dan “This all sounds like a something they just made up to scare kids”
Cat “Yes, it is meant to scare children to not attempt to explore caves and dungeons, but it is also based off of some important research. Apparently”
Dan “Not that I don’t appreciate the theatre of it and everything but would you mind just telling me what the classes are?”
Cat “Aww, come on, that is no fun!”
Dan “what is no fun is trying to figure out what is going on, from riddles, when we might actually have to fight these creatures”
Jon “He has a point”
Cat “But if you just learn the classes it won’t mean anything, come on, hear the rest”
Dan “Fine… Whatever”
Cat “Open your eyes, open your ears, these are the creatures to be feared. They buzz and creep, and swallow you whole, they slice and gut, and fill you with holes”
Dan “Oh geez, they tell this to kids? What the heck”
Jon “Insects, ambush predators, hagworms, great wolves, ogres and clever creatures like chitterlings, though many contest that chitterlings should be one higher on the list. They are the creatures that won’t just kill you, but will prolong your suffering, and even if you are in a large trained group, you really are not safe at all”
Cat “Darkness, a crack and crunch the only sound, one limb here, another on the ground.”
Jon “Ah, titans, lake serpents, the golems, the fire spirits. They are like forces of nature, entire armies and all a nations might has to be used to drive them back”
Dan began looking around the cave with eyes filled with paranoia, “I’ll just get ready to run if we see any of that…”
Cat “No man, nor even a god, could face this foe, a beast like this brings only woe”
Jon “The creatures with which we have no defense”
Dan “Damn, so, tell me what are the classes of beast?”
Cat “It is simple, the first is Class D, the second Class C, the third Class B, the fourth is Class A, and the firth is Class S. There are lower classes but they aren’t considered beasts, just animals, flora and fauna, but they can be dangerous in their own way. The point is to know when you are outclassed, and to not overestimate your abilities, I just think it is a really important point right now”
Dan “Yeah, you aren’t wrong, we’ll just have to keep alert, avoid what we can. I have a question though”
"Those giant vines, they were a high class right?"
Cat shook her head "no they were class C, same as the ogres that got into town"
Dan's eyes shot open, "no way, those things were only Class C"
Jon "Ah look, ahead, an opening, finally we are out of the caves"
The troop of guards marched along behind the Captain who in turn followed the three magisters. They would have seemed to have been moving in organised formation if it were not for them having to occasionally break off into small bouts of fighting with the critters of the forest and occasional troops of goblin scavengers.
Cassandra followed just behind the Maestro and Baz just behind her. Her sparrow flew in the skies above, and circled out around them watching into the distance for miles. There were signs of monster dens and herds that moved through the trees. She signalled to the maestro with faint wisps of magic that he could interpret as easily as words that told him everything about the movements her sparrow saw. He had extensive experience in the research of the creatures of the labyrinths and could surmise from what information she gave him the likely identity of the creatures and their next change of course.
The Maestro knew it was important for everyone to conserve their energy, and fortunately most of the monsters in the forest around them were easily identified and able to be avoided. He focused on low scale wind spells to prevent the scent of their group being caught upon the breeze, and had helped the guards alter their equipment to lower the sound they gave off. Clashing with the smaller creatures was unavoidable, but often sounds of fighting broke out in the forests, so it was not uncommon for the surrounding animals.
Cassandra’s bird chirped, it finally could see a path towards the central pillar, following a ravine and through the swamps. They were miles out yet from the precipice and large herds roamed the perimeter which would slow their progress.
The Maestro stopped, “take a quick twenty minute break, I have to think”.
Baz stopped and then looked at the captain “You heard him, quick 20 minute break, then we will resume”.
The captain nodded and then turned to his men, and motioned for them to take a break.
Cassandra “what should we do, that ravine looks dangerous”
Maestro “yes, but we can’t navigate through all those herds of monsters when we are this size, we might have to just go straight… but fast… using a cloaking spell. But it would be risky, maybe too risky. I have to think”
Cassandra “do you think there is an A class out there?”
The Maestro nodded “I’m certain of it”
Cassius and Rem were out in front with bows half drawn. Clive followed behind while subi traveled beside him on the right side. Subi looked at the gem from out the side of his eye, trying to get a feel for its energy and nature. He had been in many dungeons and had sensed the magic of many abolath crystals, so his senses were far sharper than ever before. And ever since he had grown to his current size he had noticed that he could use his senses in human form at almost the same degree he could as a wolf, but just with the limit of the size of his breath and his ears.
He could see a set of hairline fractures inside the crystal and noticed a series of whispers moving through and around the cracks. He thought to himself quietly that it was likely Clive was hearing them too but wasn't eager to speak about it. He also noted that the whispers were different from the voice within the dungeons, it sounded almost like Clive but with a deeper and more mature sound to the voice.
Subi noticed that if he were able to touch the crystal he might just be able to communicate with the voice. He also had an abolath crystal in his satchel, and it's energy was somehow retreating from the direction of Clive's. Whatever Clive's hand was infused with, it was able to intimidate the very powers that called him a Feyr.
He decided that for now the best course of action would be to observe him quietly, until he could talk with someone experienced. Reducing the parasitic connection between the gem and Clive's soul wasn't something he thought should be rushed, but neither could it ever be ignored.
Clive slid his right hand into his pocket, not because he saw subi observing it but because subi was on that side.
"So… Subi, what happened out there? And also how did you find us"
"Well I learned about the dungeons and their crystals, enough to know that while yours is parasitic it is not the same as in the dungeons. I also learned that I can communicate with something alive within the crystals, not directly, but more Iike in a shared dream. Once I learned all I could I headed back, then I saw the giant drowner vine appear and I ran over and sensed you guys had gone into the opening so I tracked you down"
"Ah I see, well I am glad you are here, and thanks for investigating, I know it can't have been easy"
"You have no idea, I barely slept, cuz it is time dependent, and stupid chitterlings almost trapped me, and I just haven't had a chance to really stop yet"
"Same here I haven't slept well since I got this thing in my hand, but I appreciate it because you didn't have to feel that shitty, but you did it to help me"
"Well hopefully we can get out of this place and figure it out"
Clive nodded.
Sada tsk'd with her tongue, "they are so slow"
Freddy, sweating and tired, was pushed on by the sight of what he saw as an angel, her blonde hair and purple eyes as she stood above him in the light in her human form.
Stitch heaved and gasped for air as he reached Sada's side. "Who are these other guys?"
Sada "trackers and warriors, to help find the kids"
Stitch "Oh, yeah that makes sense, but why do they look all serious"
Sada "chitterling tracks, their scouts are following something…"
Stitch "what if it is the kids"
Sada "could be"
Freddy finally reached the hilltop Sada was stood on and fell to his knees out of breath.
Sada "and you ask why the others are here, I would get nowhere with you two alone"
Freddy couldn't hear her over the sound of his own struggle for breath, he looked up hopefully at Sada like a dog that had done good waiting for praise from its master. Sada looked down at him with disdain and his hopeful smile sank into a frown. He knew he was doing his best, but now realized that maybe it would not be enough. He shook his head and decided instead to focus on the kids, "any sign of the kids yet?"
Stitch "chitterling tracks, they might be following them"
Freddy "those little monsters? Then let's go!"
Freddy pulled out the shield on his back and slammed it onto the ground, and then unstrapped his helmet and armor.
Stitch "what are you doing?"
Freddy "I am too slow like this, I know our training says to never take it off, but the kids need us, so let's do this"
Freddy threw off his massive chest plate and it thudded on the ground.
Sada "hrmm, OK, this way"
Jon "so where do you think it is taking us?"
Dan "dunno, seems like it is just ahead but maybe it is over by that ridge off on the far side"
Jon "what do you think it is?"
Dan "I hope it is a badass pair of knuckles so I can defeat anything in on blow, you know?"
Jon "what if it was a pair of boots that let you run really fast, you could use it to run around opponents and to escape any foe if it got too hard"
Dan "I dunno, only cowards run away from a real fight, so it is definitely some knuckles"
Cat "hey what is that?"
Dan "what?"
Cat "just ahead in the trees"
Cat raised her lightning staff and pointed it forwards.
A bolt of lightning shot at the figure in the trees and left a cloud of smoke at the point of impact.
Jon ran up to the puff of smoke "goblin"
Dan elbow poked Cat "nice spot"
Cat smiled satisfied with her work.
Jon "wait, why is it holding half of a giant centipede?"
Jon looked up ahead and locked eyes with another goblin with half a centipede in its arms. Its eyes shot open in terror and it began running while its partner scout lay dead and smoldering at Jon's feet.
Jon's first instinct was to yell and go after it but he was hit with a wave of remorse. "Ah, crap, that was meant to be your dinner… " he knelt down "gotta be hard living in a place like this"
Dan "are there any more?"
Jon "nah just this one"
Jon walked back to the others.
Dan "it is weird, we haven't encountered much… since the chitterlings"
Jon "yeah that is weird"
Cat "don't worry I will get em"
Jon scratched his head "maybe I am just overthinking it"
The maestro's hand motioned caution to the others. They now stood at the edge of the open plane with the ravine cutting through its center.
He motioned with his arms and erected a giant magical shield around the entire troop of guards and then walked out.
"We must move swiftly"
The entire troop stood ready and followed the maestro out into the field. A few soldiers marveled at the green and blue moving shield and how it moved and morphed to hide them within its dome.
The entire troop moved at double pace, to conserve energy if they needed to charge or retreat, but fast enough to reduce being spotted by fifty percent.
Cassandra's sparrow flew overhead allowing the maestro to see where to go. At their current pace it would take them twenty minutes to reach the fog.
The maestro looked collected and his focus was as sharp as steel, but inside he was nervous. He knew a battle lay ahead and he ran through hundreds of options in his mind of the opponents he might face and the ways to counter them.
The barrier he erected to hide the troops would not fool a Class A beast, so he would need to shut it off before they reached the swamps, even if it meant revealing their position, because he would need all his magical focus to react to the beast's first attack.
As the troopers ran they started to notice slash marks in the grass, as if large blades had sliced through the ground. An ominous mood overtook the troop and some of the less experienced guards started fidgeting and looking around.
The further they ran, the more the surrounding hills and cliffs seemed to tower above as if they were slowly being swallowed.
Sada "this way we aren't far now"
Stitch "why are they heading towards those cliffs?"
Freddy "maybe the chitterlings are chasing them?"
Sada "no, these chitterlings have a plan"
Dan "look ahead! It is a chitterling!"
Cat "and it has an artifact! Look in its hand!"
Jon "Did it run away from us? And we've been tracking it this whole time?"
Dan "yeah it must be, let's finish it off"
Cat raised her staff "I can't get a fix on it get closer!"
Dan dug in his toes and summoned forth his augmentation aura. His legs shot him forward like powerful pistons and the chitterling that was tiny in the distance became larger and larger until Dan was on top of it. Dan kicked it hard with the flat of his boot and it squealed as it was flung like a rag doll through the air. It smashed down on the ground up ahead. Cat drew up the staff, electric charge built up and illuminated the crystal at the tip. The chitterling rose to its feet and spat out blood, wiping its mouth with disdain and contempt.
The lightning bolt shot out like a force of nature, ripping and tearing at the air around it, sending tremors that shook the ground.
The bolt struck into a metal pipe it had stuck into the ground the instant before Cat had fired. The chitterling had deftly released the pipe just before the bolt had struck and it all channelled into the ground. Everyone was in shock except the chitterling, who shot a knowing look and dived over the ridge precipice and began scrambling down the rock face.
Cat “quick! It’s getting away!”
Dan sped towards the precipice and quickly analysed the height. The wind blew with an eerie chill and the distance seemed to increase the longer he stared at it.
Dan “tsk!”
He quickly looked around for other ways down and jumped to a ledge along the rock face, then quickly looked again and jumped to another.
“hey wait up!” Jon yelled from the top of the precipice.
Subi paused and held out his hand in a motion that signalled for everyone to stop. He sniffed the air with closed eyes then grumbled. “There is no doubt about it”
Clive “what is it?”
Subi “Catia and Dan are on the other side of this field, by the ridge, as well as chitterlings”
Subi continued to sniff, and turned his eyes to the right “but it isn’t just them, to the right, where this ravine begins is the entire town garrison, the Maestro, Baz and Cassandra”
Clive rubbed his hand with a concerned look, his hand had been buzzing and vibrating for a while now, “yeah, this isn’t good, should we help them?”
Subi “I don’t think we really can, I mean, what could we do? I really don’t see anything we can do”
Subi wore a troubled look, and muttered under his breath “things like this always happen… It is how the world works… You always get driven into a corner”
Subi then looked back up and out at the other side of the ravine, “what if they die, what do I do…” he grit his teeth “why can’t I ever do enough”. A tear welled in his eye.
Clive clenched his fist, secretly wondering if there was something he could do. Tension rose within him, the magic from the gem swirled and churned like a volcano ready to blow.
Rem and Cassius looked at the pair and overheard what was being said. Rem turned to Cassius “Cat and Dan are our friends, is there any way they can escape the chitterlings?”.
Cassius sighed “I have seen things like this before, we would need an entire squadron to help them and even then I don’t know if that would be enough”
Rem “What about the magisters and the guards”
Cassius shook his head “it’d get ugly… Really ugly”
Rem “But… It is better than nothing right? We just need to give a signal right?”
Rem stepped forwards, and opened her dusty old grimoire, she stood up upon the precipice of the cliffs leading down into the ravine below. She raised her hand, and shot a flare into the air. It trailed up into the sky like a firework flying up above the center of the ravine before exploding in a flash.
Dan “what was that!”
Cat “It was a flare, someone is over on the other side of the ravine”
The chitterling scurried off and away from the base of the cliffs and began running out across the fields towards the central river. Dan regained his focus and jumped down in one final hop “don’t worry, I got this!”.
Cassandra’s sparrow flew towards where the flare had started and circled in for a closer look, it was Rem, standing on the edge of the cliff, far down on the left side of the ravine. The bird then followed the path where the flare had gone to and saw Dan and Cat landing at the bottom of the cliffs on the right side of the ravine.
The maestro grumbled “what are they doing down here?”
Baz yelled out “I have to go help them!”
The maestro held up his hand “Not yet, we shouldn’t give away our position. Cassandra, keep scouting out what is going on”
Cassandra nodded.
The Captain looked ahead and saw the magisters talking amongst themselves while they jogged up ahead, he gave a signal to the rest of the troopers to be extra alert.
Rem “Did they see it?”
Subi “Yeah, they saw it, but what are you thinking giving away our position like that? Now we are knee deep in this too. I was hoping to keep us out of it, at least a little”
Rem “But we have to do something!”
Subi “No… We don’t… There is a difference between wanting to help, and having to help. When things are dangerous, you have to be know the difference no matter how hard it is”
Rem “So what, we let the chitterlings attack Dan and Cat, no way”
Subi pinched the bridge of his nose “this is bad”.
The chitterling struggled for breath as it limped through the open pastures. It still clutched an artifact tightly within its hand. It knew its job, and what the plan was, and knew that no matter how dangerous the artifact was that the children now possessed, there was no way they could face what was coming.
“Mulaaaaak!” the chitterling screamed, as it reached a pile of debris at the edge of the river. It rushed over to the debris, and pulled on a rope, which released a mass over herbs into the streaming water. They sizzled and smoked as they were thrown about by the fast moving currents.
Dan thumped down behind the chitterling, and as the chitterling turned around, it saw his fist.
Everything went white, and the chitterling dropped to the ground unconscious. Dan shook his hand, “stupid thing”. Cat hopped off Dan’s back and went over to the fallen chitterling to inspect its hand “Its a ring” she called out. Dan huddled closer “really, what does it do?”.
Catia scrunched up her brow and looked at the magical inscriptions inside, “it’s ancient Vermath”.
Dan “Vermath?”
Cat “The language of the gods… It says, to the stars look the heralds of light, foresight is a gift for those with the will to fight… Wait, this is...”
Catia’s jaw dropped and her eyes shone.
Dan “what? What is it? What does it do?”
Cat “A ring of the heralds, the ancient assistants to the gods, it allows you to see a few seconds into the future, and according to legend, the greater a person’s will the further they can see”
Smoke clouds flooded the area around the river in smoke, and as the river separated and spilled into the swamps the smoke clouds got even larger. It wasn’t long before the entire entrance to the swamps was completely hidden within.
Dan “Ah, as cool as that is, hop back on, we should get out of here”
Cat “Yes, you are right, let’s go”
Dan picked up Catia and began running back through the fields up towards the cliff edges.
A giant shadow appeared behind them in the smoke.
A deafening roar burst out from the edge of the swamps. It was so loud it shook the ground. Cat turned and looked, and her eyes widened as she saw a massive silhouette cut through the dark smog.
Dan ran as fast as he could, but the fields were miles wide so he was only a third of the way to the edge. Even with his augmentation, he couldn’t run as fast as he normally could because he was carrying Catia.
A loud thud boomed behind them, followed by another.
Cassandra’s sparrow swept in through the smoke. The figure was almost as tall as a skyscraper, held up by four massive insect legs. Hard chitin armored it's exoskeleton. The smog blew in and out of six large holes in the thorax.
The sparrow began to cough, affected by the smoke, it's eyes saw the world around it warp into strange colors before it thudded loudly as it smacked into the mud. The last thing it saw before it shut its eyes was a massive grey paw as it stomped forward.
Cassandra "the smoke is some kind of psychedelic"
Maestro "yes, the chitterlings use it to keep ritual sacrifices alive as they butcher them"
Baz "why would they use a psychedelic on a creature like that?"
Maestro "because they know something we don't…"
The creature blew out a massive puff of smoke from its thickly armored and wide centipede like head. It's neck was as long as its body, but where it's body was horizontal like a mantis, it's neck was vertical like a cobra. Coming off the base of the neck were four massive scythe like limbs that spread out beside its neck in two v-shapes.
It stepped forward out of the swamp into the fields it's four massive legs striking the ground with loud thuds. It screeched again roarin furiously towards the sky.
Some of the soldiers wet themselves at the sight of the great beast, indecision and panic broke out amidst the ranks and several soldiers in each file began to break away in an attempt to flee.
The maestro raised his hand in one swift motion and the soldiers stopped in place, waves of golden light eminated from a bright golden ball in his hand.
Maestro "courage men! It has spotted us"
The captain of the guards quickly signaled to the men to scatter formation. As the creature's red eyes stared down at them.
Maestro broke off the barrier hiding them and built up another spell, chanting and forming a mass of magical energy between his hands. Baz took a fighting stance and squatted his legs as if ready to jump. Cassandra ran over to the maestro and helped channel more magic into the spell.
The trees all around were rustling.
Subi's ears twitched "we have to run, now". Rem followed after him quickly and Clive shortly after as they started scampering down the ridge towards the fields and the giant beast.
Cassius was perplexed but trailed behind them. But his confusion was short lived as he soon after heard a thunder of hooves behind him. He turned to see all the monsters of the forest stampeding towards the fields.
The trees shook from every direction and mobs of monsters began surrounding the fields on all sides.
Hundreds of insect-like monsters with four legs skittered and crawled from the swamp, their bodies like that of large cockroaches, and their mouths armed with powerful mandibles. And from behind the mist loomed four large shadows. Smoke streamed off of the shadows to reveal glowing red eyes, and snarling teeth. A wind blew and revealed four great wolves about to let loose hell.
The maestro looked up out the side of his eye. He noticed the wolves and a chill ran up his spine. He continued to pool magic into his spell however and remained focused on the menacing beast ahead of him. He began to growl as the magic grew more and more intense, strands of wild and uncontrollable magic began peeling off the central core of the spell.
The large insect roared a final time, lifted its four scythes, and suddenly dived at the maestro. All four blades slicing viciously through the air.
The magic exploded outward into an incredibly thick shield, slamming against the creatures body knocking it ever so slightly off balance, forcing it to make a clumsy step to readjust. It held one of its scythes on the barrier to prop itself up, and then smashed powerfully with the other three, which deflected off the barrier and smashed into the ground.
Baz grit his teeth and hurled himself into the air, his fist cocked and ready. He roared as his augmenter aura burned bright red. He put everything he could into one enormously powerful blow, aiming for the creatures chin.
The strike thundered through the labyrinth, and a pressure wave blasted from the spot of impact. The creature’s head swayed back, and it was forced to step back to reorient itself.
The soldiers behind the magisters watched on in disbelief and began to gather back together in a circular formation to prepare themselves to fight the monsters gathering around them on all sides. But before they could gather together into formation a giant swarm of razor wings swooped in from the skies. Their wings slashed and cut at any part of their uniforms that was not armored. Some soldiers struggled as razor wings held onto them with talons and pecked and slashed at the openings in their helms.
The Captain of the guard smashed a razor wing off one of his soldiers “Fight together! And form up!”. Other guards in seeing his example did the same for their comrades and then helped each other into formation.
The barrier burst as the giant creature was sent stumbling backwards, and the maestro fell to one knee from the toll of using such powerful magic. Baz landed and similarly, stumbled to one knee after having put his all into his punch.
The four great wolves eyed hungrily the magisters, and in sensing weakness shot towards them like a flash. They panted and huffed and thudded forwards, their footsteps like a hailstorm. Baz and Maestro rose to their feet, and Cassandra drew forth a magic spell in her hand.
Cassandra shot a lightning bolt at the closest wolf to her and struck it between the eyes. Its momentum carried forwards and it thudded into her sending her flying off her feet and dragging across the ground. Baz, dipped down his head and charged another of the wolves, tackling it and sending it hurtling back. The maestro sliced a blade of wind at the one closest to him, catching debris in its shockwave and blinding it. The maestro then turned with spell ready to his left, only to see a set of gnashing teeth about to slice him in half.
The maestro thought to himself “it was too quick, I couldn’t get to it in time, oh no!”
A loud growl could be heard along with snapping jaws. As another wolf with bluish silver hair, tumbled and fought with the great wolf. The maestro was momentarily in shock and could not comprehend what was happening.
Subi smashed at the great wolf with his paws, and shot in with his mouth when the wolf was exposed, opening up large wounds in the beasts neck and sides.
Cassius stood awe struck as he had witnessed a teenage boy transform into an enormous wolf and enter the fight, “I didn’t know you magisters could do that!”.
The maestro in shock, prepared another spell and launched it at Subi. Subi caught it out of the side of his eye and dived out of the way of the wind blade, and then pounced backwards and entered a defensive position. The maestro turned berserk and began throwing more and more wind blades at Subi. Subi leapt left and then right, and then ran in a circle around the magisters, while the spells tore up the ground behind him.
Baz grabbed the maestro “get a hold of yourself, look!” he then motioned towards the surrounding monsters and the recovering Class A beast, “that wolf there, for some reason isn’t a threat, it saved you”.
Maestro “saved me? A wolf? Impossible?”, he then raised his hand to cast another spell at the blue wolf, his hair a mess.
Baz “no, enough” he said as he pushed down his arm.
The maestro then regained some of his senses and looked back towards the surrounding creatures and the Class A beast.
Rem raised her bow and shot an arrow into the eye of the wolf that was previously blinded by the Maestro’s attack, finishing it off. Clive, Rem, and Cassius then joined the formation along with the soldiers and the magisters, monsters not far behind.
Dan was running as fast as he could but the closer he got to the ridge, the clearer he could see the swarms of monsters up ahead “Aw crap”. The monsters had not yet found a way down the ridge because it was much steeper than the other side of the ravine and looked more like a cliff than a very rocky downslope.
Cat “Holy crap, they staggered it… Now there are wolves! And a lot of monsters”
Jon hopped down from one of the rocks, “We can’t go back that way, monsters have taken over in every direction”
Cat hopped off of Dan’s back and looked up at the monsters on the ridge.
Dan “what do we do?”
Jon was about to respond, but then dropped to his knees and fell forwards, his face planting into stones and mud. A chitterling was stood behind him with a dart pipe. It lowered the pipe and smiled, and from each side dozens more chitterlings appeared.
Cat slipped on the ring and grabbed the eye of power. As the ring slid onto her finger she was overwhelmed by its powers. She saw images of Jon being taken by the leg by two chitterlings and then stabbed through the back into his heart. She saw images of darts flying into Dan’s neck and a chitterling using its spoon like teeth to chew off his face. She saw herself being grabbed and pinned down as they carved sigils into her skin, and …
Her eyes swelled with rage. Pain, fear, and the raw swell of magic filled her veins. She felt a degree of hatred and disdain she had never felt before, and surrendered to it almost entirely. Chaotic spirals of wind drew towards her, and then became thick with magic. The energy surrounding her began to pulsate and shake, and small stones began to lift off of the ground. Her hair rose upwards like a furious flame, and her eyes glowed with intense magical power. The images still flooded her mind, and with every action she thought of taking, every alternate way of adjusting, she saw death after death after death. The number of ways chitterlings could kill, dismember, and torture their victims was truly horrifying. Even with her power, even with the ring, it seemed almost impossible to save the boys.
Her heart ached to the point it almost burst, and something else took over her. An instinct buried deep inside of her rose to the surface and with it, an even more powerful wave of magic. Everything around her started to distort, much like the heat waves of a mirage. The grass tore away from the earth, and turned to dark mists. Chaos enveloped her.
The ground below Jon opened up, his body sliding away deeper into the labyrinth. As chitterlings attempted to follow they were hit with gusts of wind too powerful to make their way past. As the other chitterlings aimed their darts at Dan, Cat shook the ground, forcing the chitterlings to miss their shots, and at the same time causing a cave in from high above in the ceiling. A giant rift was being torn in the labyrinth itself.
Cat was driven to the brink by such magic, yet still she saw the chitterlings brave the storm and pounce on her and Dan after she falls unconscious. So with the last of her strength, she turns to Dan and communicates to him without words to take the eye of power, and to go.
Her words burrowed into Dan’s mind like a poison, forcing its way into his mind. And his hands suddenly snatched forwards and took the eye of power from Cat. He wrapped an arm around her and leapt with all his power towards the opening rift in the ceiling. He shot up through the falling stones like a piece of thread through the eye of a needle. The wind pushed against both him and Cat’s clothes with frightening force, tearing away fabric from both of their bodies. Everything became dark for an instant, before suddenly… Dan was in the middle of the blue sky, amidst clouds. He could see the setting sun.
He gently arched in a trajectory back to earth, and landed on his feet. He gently put down Cat’s naked body, and then collapsed naked into the dirt.
- In Serial114 Chapters
Tales of the Implock - A LitRPG Monster Evolution Story
Nyx - A demon, weak and small, too fleeting of a creature to survive the infernal wastes in which he was born - but after multiple brushes with death, the otherwise inconsequential demon experiences a destiny-changing encounter with an unknown and eccentric god, foreign to this world. Cast from the domains of old and conspiring gods to a land of which is sheltered from the divine, beyond the reach of whence they scheme, the impling who soon would come to be known far and wide as Nyx will find a new purpose. Born of Pride, with the fires of ambition fanned and burning deep within, Nyx will grow, learn, and evolve. From a weak and pathetic impling, to that of a mighty arch demon of untold demonic power, nothing would stand in the way of his ascent. Yet, the yearn of power might not be the only thing the power-manic demon will come to desire as he will encounter others who might just matter as much to him as the ecstasy of power does. [Info]This story features a wide breadth of characters with unconventional views, morals, and actions. There is no black and white - there is only grey. In a world where strength rules, notions of good and evil blur. The protagonist of this story is not a hero. He is not human. He is a megalomaniac demon trying to find his place in the world of which he has been discarded. This novel is my first crack at making something serious, a piece of work I can be proud of. It is a part of a bigger universe that I am creating, The Aethos, and I fully intend for this story to be professionally edited, then self-published on Amazon. The novel will continue on for a long adventure, as each arc will be made into a proper book. Therefore I heavily encourage feedback and interaction. Anything to improve my story and my writing is greatly appreciated. Thank you, and welcome to the Aethos. [Schedule] - Five chapters a week. [Discord] - Here
8 224 - In Serial41 Chapters
EndGame Online
In a world of technological advancement, the dawn of virtual reality gaming has come. So when the first ever Virtual Reality Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game was released, 500,000 people across North America halted their lives to connect.What they found within was a world of fantasy and adventure. A land of freedom. The immersion and realism crafted the illusion of being physically summoned to another world.However, what happens when the players are unable to log off? When death in game means death in reality? When the illusion itself becomes reality? At that point, is it really just a game? Rather than losing to despair, many opt to fight. But will they be able to live while struggling to survive? Or will this truly be their EndGame. This story will follow Quinn, an average gamer, as he learns to embrace the new life he has been given.
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A young scullery maid bound to a slumbering castle must embrace her innate powers to wake the castle and save the townsfolk from a fiery dragon. When Sleeping Beauty’s spell sweeps through the castle, putting everyone to else to sleep, Hailey is the last girl standing. While she watches everyone she cares about fall to the ground asleep, mages outside the castle battle to keep the spell from growing to cover the entire kingdom, giving their lives and their magic to keep everyone else safe. The legacy of the mages must be passed on and Hailey finds herself stepping in to shoes that she doesn’t think she can fill. Note this is a Work in Progress and hasn't been through any editing.
8 713 - In Serial64 Chapters
Some demons yawn at human affairs and others are outright mischievous. And then there’s Tiffany. Out of goodness or maybe just when her interest is piqued, she occasionally interferes in the fate of some poor soul. She usually shows up as a dark-haired woman in her middle 30s. Her eyes are black and blazing and she radiates authority… The world is ours but the sky above has been mysteriously replaced by eye-bending Chaos. A storyteller stumbles onto a secret of the Planners and a fearless little girl named Jasmine explores secret tunnels that lead into the demon world.
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Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard
Summary: A rotten country has summoned heroes without anyone’s permission like usual. Typical. The three heroes are like any normal heroes - They accept their task to save the world. However, when the fourth hero appeared... "AAH! NOO ONIICHAN! THAT PLACE IS..." She got caught in the middle of playing eroge. This is a story of a girl who does whatever she wants, whenever she wants, to live the way she wants. Not as a villain or a hero, but as a pervert.
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With You [Cannon Kuroo x reader]
You are a manager for the Karasuno the volleyball team, along with Kiyoko. When you met the captain of the Nekoma, Kuroo Tetsuro, at a practice game, life became more interesting. Read to see what happens when you two meet again at a training camp.(Absolutely no angst because only happy thoughts. Cannon Kuroo, because fandom Kuroo is sorta toxic. Please read, comment, share, and vote for no reason.)P.S: Y/N does not play a sport, not at all. (The reason why is that I hate sports and I've seen to much of the sporty girl x Kuroo. I wanted something different and everyone seems to think that Y/N is a fit person with some attitude, especially with those Kuroo x readers. I wanted Y/N to be normal and nice with no attitude and no sass. Thanks for listening to me rant. Oh and sorry if you're fit this fanfic works for you too and you're beautiful too.)
8 172