《Rise of the Empress of Stars》Family Meeting - 2


Confirming that everyone entered the study except for the missing Zera Ardon confirmed once again," Are you sure to leave Zera alone? It might take a long while to explain by looking at your expression back at the hotel."

"You don't need to worry about her dad, instead you better pray that she doesn't find the beloved antiques that you have been in the warehouse."Answered Sylvia with a chuckle and a mixture of gloat and playfulness in her tone as she has already imagined the scene of her father getting blown up when those things get taken apart by Zera who always has been interested in those old things.


Grunting at his daughter and not taking her words seriously Ardon activated the electronic and security defenses while locking the door, making the room unable to snoop through.

"Okay, let's continue about it now. I have already raised the security measures and no one can snoop into this room now."

Nodding at her dad Sylvia the already prepared iron rod and squeezed it from both ends turning it into a metal ball in a matter of seconds making the newcomers in the room gasp in shock as they couldn't believe what they saw just now.

Playing with the heavy metal ball like a sponge ball, Sylvia explained," As you can see this is what I said by improving strength along with senses while using aura for the evolution of the human body. As we are speaking right now our planet is transforming into a Grade-9 planet which supports the generation of aura in the atmosphere to evolve its inhabitants whether animate or inanimate.

I know you might think I am talking nonsense but currently, even if I jump from a four-story building I can land on my feet without much difficulty and run at a speed of nearly 30 miles an hour for around 45 minutes before getting completely exhausted and so is the same with Zale. No, in fact, he is much better as he is at a level higher than me in evolution.


Another thing that you need to know is that the radius of the earth is increasing exponentially in the past two years every month and it won't be long before the government notices it. This is also due to the evolution of the planet.

The other things such as the discoveries of new plants and minerals frequently and you might have also noticed if you observe the pollution indexes in the recent months. The weather is gradually getting pure and the seasons are also more easily distinguishable. These are also caused by the introduction of aura on the planet.

Anyone got any questions to ask?"

Tyrin raised his hand and asked as Sylvia nodded her head while taking a sip of water to moisten her throat.

"Sister in law you mentioned levels when talking about evolution, you mean that it's possible to gain more strength using aura."

"Yeah, actually evolution is more than the improvement of strength and senses. It also increases life span along with the ability to control or create elements or energies and sometimes both."

Several gasps are heard in the room as everyone is shocked at what they heard just now.

"You mean we can really become a magician just like in the movies?" Said Tyrin excited at the possibility of razing down a mountain with a wave of his hand.

"Yes, completely possible."

"What about the source of this information, Sylvia? Are they trustworthy? This is a very important piece of information to give out casually." Asked Xander with a solemn tone after calming down his heart as if the excitement just now was a piece of their imagination.

Sylvia and Zale gave each other a look and smiled.

"I will talk about this at the end, dad." Said Zale from the side.

Xander gave a nod and got back into drinking his coffee, leaning back into a comfortable position.


"Currently there are three known stages with ten levels each; Human Evolutionary, Earth Evolutionary, Sky Evolutionary.

Once you reach the Earth Evolutionary stage you can control your element or energy, sometimes even in the Human Stage if they have sufficient mental strength and are talented enough to control the aura in the surroundings.

For a strong person at Sky Evolutionary level, even if you drop a nuke beside him he will come at it with minor injuries at best and unscathed at most times as it is nearly impossible to evade their perception unless they trust you.

The average lifespan of Level-10 Human Evolutionary is 250-350 years, Level-10 Earth Evolutionary is 1200-2500 years and Level-10 Sky Evolutionary is 15000-30000 years."

Zale and Sylvia give each other a knowing smile as they watch everyone being gobsmacked by the increase in strength and lifespan.

Sylvia continued with a playful tone,*clap, clap,clap*" Okay, back to attention guys. That life span and everything is great but can anyone tell about the disadvantages of what's going to happen to Earth once the transformation is complete and the effects of evolution are known to ambitious people?"

The atmosphere in the room became solemn as they all thought about the disturbances the sudden improvement in power might cause.

"Disruption of social order leading to chaos if an Evolutionary wants to go on a rampage." Said Ardon.

"Yeah, Dad. Instead of this, there is one more thing that is more dangerous, guess what it might be." Said Sylvia with a smile and raised eyebrows.

As everyone is confused and thinking seriously about other dangerous phenomena that can happen, Tyrin's voice once again rang in the silent room," Ah!!! I got it! Animals, it's wild animals on the planet that are dangerous once they evolve and we aren't prepared."

Taking a look at Tyrin, Silvia nodded and said" Yes, that's right. Imagine what can happen if a group of rats evolve and attack a city. They are small, fast, and have a high reproduction rate which is quite dangerous. So are the pests everywhere.

We can't really kill all those things with hot weapons now can we?"

Everyone has a fear stained in their faces as they imagined the scene of getting attacked by a group of evolved beasts.

Xander and Ardon looked at each other and immediately understood what the other wanted to say and nodded.

"Here is more detailed information on the Evolution of humans and some plants and animals that we encountered.

One more important thing is that communications will fail as the transformation of the earth reaches the final stage due to the changes in earth's magnetic field leaving the whole of mankind practically blind to information around the world.

We need a new way of communication for which plans are already made and we need to send it for research now." Said Zale as he distributed the prepared copies of information to everyone.


The door opened slowly making a screeching sound, making everyone turn their heads towards it just to see a fluffy head cautiously poking into the gap and looking inside.

'Opps, looks like I got caught as soon as I entered. But I am sure I hacked it without getting discovered and setting off an alarm. Well let's just act innocent for now, anyway they won't believe I can hack the military grade invasion protection.'

"Hello, uhm, did I disturb anything?" Said Zera, waving her hand as everyone stared at her.

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