《Rise of the Empress of Stars》Training with Mom and Dad - 1


As the golden light slowly illuminates the rolling mountains and their valleys, we can see a group of kids along with two adults running around a monastery bearing the low temperature of the early mornings.

"You can rest for now Inora, you did better than before. Renn, Lancer both of you will have to do more laps till you are as exhausted as Inora. The same goes for me and my parents as well. So let's go on, you can rest after this is over." Said Zera as she watched Inora nearly fainting as they finished a lap around the monastery.

"Oka….okay, whaa….whatever you say boss!" replied Ren, panting and supporting himself with his palms on his knees while bending.

"Then what are you waiting for, Let's start!" Said Zera as she continued to run.

Time goes by as Lancer faints first followed by Ren and then Zera. They watch in awe as both Zale and Sylvia are still doing their laps and start to bet who is going to faint first using their snacks as collateral.

"Hahaha….I win! See I told you uncle Zale is going to win, now where are my snacks Ren," shouted Lancer excitedly as he started jumping around when Sylvia got tired and quit first.

"Looks like you still have energy for another lap Lancer, do you wanna do it?" Said Zera, who is a little grumpy at the loss of her snacks as she also bet on her mom to win.

Lancer wilted at the mention of exercise and immediately laid back on the ground and confessed," No, no, Boss, where do I have extra energy. I just jumped up as I got poked by some thorns just now."

"Hmm...By the way, you guys didn't give me your snacks yesterday! So you can collect my share from Ren. "Said Zera, rolling her eyes at Lancer and getting up to send a bottle of water to Sylvia.

After adjusting their breath for a few minutes Zera clapped her hands to get their attention and continued," Okay guys I will now send some aura into your body one at a time and try to remember the feeling. Let go of your thoughts and try to feel the environment you are in and at a point you will get to feel the aura."

Zale raised his hand looking like a student asking doubts to a teacher.


"What's wrong dad?" Asked Zera.

"We can't communicate with elements till we are in the Earth Evolutionary stage according to what you said yesterday, right Zera? But how can you send aura into our bodies right now?" Asked Zale looking curious.

"Wait! What is the Earth Evolutionary Boss and those elements?" Asked Ren, unable to make heads and tails of what they were talking about.

Looking at the complete idiotic look of Ren along with Lancer and Inora, Zera quickly realized and explained in simple terms "Opps...I forgot to tell you about them yesterday. It's like this, I told you that it's easier to get stronger after you are completely exhausted and breathe in the aura. There are also power levels according to how strong you are, namely Human, Earth, and Sky Evolutionaries. There are more above them but I will explain it after you reach the Sky stage. Hmm… Control of elements is like magicians in movies and in comics which is possible when you reach the Earth stage."

"Wow...So can I fly in the air if I can control wind elements, Boss?" Asked Ren with excitement visible in the eyes..

"Yes, You can. Now calm down and let's get started. I will start with you mom." Said Zera.

Placing her hand on Sylvia's back Zera explained," I can control aura because my Mental Power is strong enough though most of it along with soul power is currently sealed as my body won't be able to bear them."

"Metal power is like the invisible 6th sense of our body which can be used in various ways if it is strong enough. These I will explain to you later when we start mental power training."

"Mom, now calm down and let go of any distracting thoughts and try to feel the aura I am sending into your body. Then try to sense it in the surroundings. Don't panic if you can't, it will take a while. For some people, it can be done in minutes, while for others, in a few months to few years or never." Said Zera while constantly sending a stream of aura in Sylvia.

As time goes by, sweat starts to trickle down Zera's forehead as her body is unable to bear her huge mental power. She quickly stopped the aura supply and sat down beside Sylvia and started to regulate her body and breath with aura.


As Zera opens her eyes, she encounters the magnified face of her father who is looking at her with full concern."I am fine, dad. My body needs a break every few minutes to bear the mental power."

"You don't need to send any aura into my body. I will sense it without support, otherwise, how can I be your father." Said Zale awkwardly, quickly hiding his concern.

Looking at her father who is trying to reduce her burden, Zera's heart warmed and she said," I am fine dad, look I can still jump around. Let's get started. Don't worry about mom, she seems to be immersed in herself cutting off her senses. This is good as usually people who enter that state are highly sensitive to the aura. So you have to work hard dad or mom might be able to defeat you by the time you sense it."

Realizing that his wife is highly sensitive to aura, Zale no longer delayed and sat down in a meditative posture closing his eyes as Zera went behind him and repeated the actions from before.

Repeating the same for her little friends Zera also sat alongside them strengthening her body with aura without wasting time.

As the time for breakfast approaches Inora, Ren and Lancer wake up from meditation as their stomachs grumble from hunger. Watching that her parents are still not waking up, Zera gets up.

"Haha...Let's go for breakfast. Don't get disheartened, I am sure you will be able to sense it in due time." Zera comforted them as she noticed their dejected faces.

"Yeah, let's go have food first. I am famished." Said Inora completely oblivious that her two friends are sad while rubbing her stomach.

"Hahaha...Let's go, you're right." Chuckled Ren and started following behind them.

Time goes by playing for a few hours as Zera suddenly discovers a surge in aura where her parents are practicing and quickly runs there completely ignoring the delivered expression of Ren who is currently playing with her.

Sensing the constant absorption of aura into Sylvia's body Zera let out a sigh of relief and sat down vigilantly to stop anyone from disturbing her, as more aura is absorbed into the body it's more beneficial later on to reach the Earth stage.

Time slowly tickles by as Zera and her little brothers also start practicing sitting close by Sylvia. Nearly 40minutes later sensing that the crazy absorption of aura slowing down Zera opened her eyes as she watched Sylvia peacefully meditating in front of her.

Feeling the comfortable breath flowing in her whole body, Sylvia slowly opened her eyes. Looking at her daughter who is watching her with a face full of smiles, she took her in her arms and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

"Congratulations mom, you have now officially entered Level-1 Human Evolutionary stage and now you can easily defeat dad." Said Zera, chuckling and happy that her mom is better than dad, which can be one more thing that can be used to taunt him later.

"Thanks, dear. It's all because you sent the aura so that I was able to sense it qui...what is that?" Sylvia said, noticing the surge of aura around Zale.

"Haha...Looks like dad is also able to do it, mom. Don't worry, the more he is able to absorb now the more beneficial it will be to later breakthrough into Earth stage." Explained Zera patting on the back of Sylvia's hand which is used to hug her.

An hour later, suddenly laughter boomed in the backyard of a certain monastery in Tibet, scaring a lot of sleeping children and disturbing monks in their rituals.

"Hahaha….I have succeeded little witch, now you can't escape from me, Zera." Exclaimed Zale, opening his eyes and clenching his fists, feeling the increase in strength and the warm breath flowing through his body.

"Uhm...Dad you might want to take a look at your wife first." Said Zera with an amused face as she imagined the tragic appearance of her dad after a lesson from his wife.

"What do you mea…," Zale said, before staring dumbfoundedly at his wife as she quickly let down Zera and twisted his ears in the blink of an eye.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch ….Let go dear….Aww… I am wrong, I shouldn't threaten our daughter, I will recognize her as an ancestor okay! Please let go dear!" Pleaded Zale with his wife looking at her angry appearance.


Laughter spread throughout the backyard as the kids looked at the bickering adults in front of them

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