《Eternal Soul》Chapter-23


Layla looked at Grekorio from head to toe, and spoke," You are exactly like your name. It's rare to see players here.", and pulled back her hand.

'That is a compliment, right?', Grekorio thought. Then opened his mouth to reply her, but before he could speak anything a few more silhouettes got out of the tent.

One of the silhouettes said,"Grekorio, it's good that you are back, since we will be departing now.", After Grekorio and Layla gave them space, they stepped out, letting Grekorio know who they are and who spoke earlier, they are Alexandre and the four leaders, that Grekorio can't remember the names, and the who spoke was Alexandre.

Alexandre with his back straight like a spear, spoke to Grekorio again,"I couldn't get a lich to help us, it seems that the general isn't that great of a fool, but the lich took pity on my situation and offered one of its two apprentices to help us for half the price, 200 cores.", and motioned to Layla at the side,"This is the lich's apprentice. It seems that you two already got to know each other."

"Yes, sir, but the plan is still the same?"

"Yes, it is.", Alexandre looked deeply at Grekorio, and it soon was replaced by a blank look.

'So i was right....', Then Grekorio replied,"Sir, when i was walking deep in the forest, i meet a friend, this friend said that he could help us by sending a few treants to fight against the wood elves."

Alexandre suprised said,"This friend of yours, by any chance, isn't one of the four kings, is it?"

"I don't know, maybe it's.", Grekorio answered innocently.

"You know what the four kings is?"


Grekorio shaked his head, and Layla by his side looked interested, after all Hyathea was released just a few days ago, so much isn't know, even more from this desolate part of continent, that don't have much players.

"On this mountain there are 4 kings, one for each face of the mountain, the north, south, east, west. They are North King Great Elder Treant, South King Black Wind Falcon, West King Undead King, East side is a place that where is born a lot of earth golem, they always stay sleep, their elder said to us that this mountain is an earth golem/elemental, and it's the one who gave birth to them, but due to their passive nature the one who is recognized as the king is from another race, The Shadow Fox."

Grekorio saved this information in his brain, and said,"What about the center?"

"The central part is neutral, place where the dark elves lives in between the north and the center, and in the center there is only grasslands, so that don't interest any race that lives in the mountain.", Alexandre finished speaking, looked at the sky and sayd,"Okay, i already answered enough question, we don't want to be later for the party, so hurry up and get ready to move!", he shouted the last part.

Alexandre moved to where the campfire was and waited there, Layla looked at Grekorio and asked,"How about we trade information to help each other?"

Grekorio looked silently at her, she pouted and said,"Okay, i will go first, name Layla, race half-dark elf, level 9, class necromancer apprentice, hope to end this quest without any difficulty, that is it."

"Name Grekorio, race dark-elf, level 12, class warrior.", Grekorio stayed silent early to think of a disguise, but luckly Layla unknowing help him.


"You are at quite a high level, if i am not wrong the one with highest level is 14.", Layla began to gesticulate, and soon Grekorio received a notification about friend request.

"Then good luck to us on there.", Grekorio said and turn to walk in one of the rows that are forming in front of Capt. Alexandre, while waiting for everyone to take their position, Grekorio opened his pet window, and pressing on woody avatar, a few option appeared, he choose "feed your pet with core's energy", after choosing it a window appeared to asking him if he was sure of his decision, after fed up with the energy from the 65 cores that are still inside his bag, Woody reached level 41 and the exp bar was 10% full.'It seems that i would need to farm many treants to level him up in this way.'

After everyone was ready, Alexandre explained to everyone what was the plan, and each they will take, then he taking the lead, they marched off to the cave.

On the way Grekorio was chatting with Woody, asking if it was ready, any mysterious place around here.

Half a hour later.

They reached the cave entrance, and without stopping, entered it. The inside was pure darkness, but to dark elves and even half-dark elves like Layla, it wasn't a problem, but Grekorio wasn't a dark elf, even though his race is overpowered, they can't have everything.

So while everyone was walking like it was a sunny day, Grekorio was like a blind man in middle of a gunfight, he even asked Woody if it has a way to help him, and was suprised with its answer.

"Master, close your eyes.", Woody said in his mind.

Grekorio closed his eyes and was suprised that he could see, his new vision showed him the silhouettes from the people around him, and it's not the body but the energy inside them.

"So this is how your race see?", Grekorio asks Woody.

"Yes and no, this vision is used for when we are disguised, it help us tell the difference of the things around us better than just feeling the vibration in the ground."

"I knew that it was the right decision to accept you as my mount.", Grekorio said happily, now that he wasn't blind anymore.

"Thanks Master.", saying that Woody went back to staying in silence.

While Grekorio was enjoying his new vision, Alexandre stopped and lifted his hand to gather everyone attetion, Grekorio not paying attetion almost collided with the person in front of him.

"Everyone find your place, and hide there.", Alexandre said in a loud and commanding tone, after which he started to call names to come forward, and soon Grekorio was called, suprised he stepped forward and stopped next to other called before.

"The 10 of you, me and Layla will go outside the cave to wait for the wood elves there, attack them and protect Layla.", Alexandre then turned around and shouted to everyone to get to their position, and took Grekorio and the other to outside the cave.

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