《Single Moms New World》Hannah's world


When the morning sun hit Hannah's home, she was blisfully sleeping curled into her blankets and sleepnig bag. As noon set in, the woman began to wake and see that she was still in this alternate world, and that her room had changed again. She sat up like a kid on Christmas surveyed her new surroundings, and was shocked at what she saw. The first thing she noticed were the walls. Yesterday she was surrounded by logs and mud and today they looked like white plaster. The next thing that jumped out at her was the furniture. Her bedframe looked like the one she had growing up at her parents house. A smile of familiarity tugged at her lips.

Then she saw the curtains. The window in the log home of yesterday was boarded up with a piece of bark. Today there were curtains. But these weren't just any curtains. They looked exactly like the tie dye ones she made at her parents house. She wanted to bring them with her to her home with Mike but he found them tacky. Reaching out to touch the fabric, she noticed the giant black spot on the bottom right side of the cloth where she accidentally spilled the color in the wrong spot. Then she noticed the emoji sticker on the bedpost that she stuck on there when she was 14. She moved around the room looking at all the items that had shifted from her crafts to gifts from this fairy godmother of hers and could identify most of them. The shelving unit that housed her jars yesterday, and her dried goods today still had the water glass mark from the party she held with Mark three years ago. All of the items she was surrounded by were from her world. It was a bittersweet feeling. Her heartbreak was like strangulation. It hadn't even been a week since she had been separated from society but facing all of these instances alone was overwhelming.

Fortunately big changes had happened overnight for her. She had a pot belly stove, furniture, cabinets and even a toilet where her poop hole was outside. The seat was ice cold but it was better than hanging her butt cheeks out in the wind. She stacked a pile of dead leaves next to the toilet and prayed for toilet paper. Her ass was starting to get a rash. She wasn't even sure what to do about soap or shampoo. Even with frequent baths, she couldn't scrub the body odor away like she could with proper cleaners. She needed a proper bath, but wasn't even sure how to ask her benefactor, or how to construct one with the resources she had. At this point she kind of had a grasp on how her surroundings were changing, and how she could shape them to what she wanted, or at least she hoped she did.


Her stone axe had tuned metal overnight, which was a huge boon for her. The broken rock fragments on her floor had turned into her mother's favorite knife set. She hoped that her benefactor hadn't stolen any of these items. Her mom took pride in these knives. The pot belly stove was the type of thing the survivalists in the deserts relied on the survive in the winters, and if that was stolen, people would die. Hannah had to just be optimistic and pray that these were just copies, but she was too optimistic. Fortunately this was just a newer model that had disappeared from its display overnight.

Hannah dragged her ass out of bed sometime after noon to sneak around the game trail and check her traps. Opening her door, Hannah was in for another shock. Her little camp was paved in concrete, and surrounded in a barb wire fence. Her old camp fire had become a covered outdoor firepit. If she had friends, she could invite them, and even charge a vacation rental fee, she mused. She headed to the pile of branches that she had set aside for dragging rabbits back to her home to see that small effort of hers had turned into a wheeled cart. Hannah laughed out loud in glee. She had wheels! She dragged back one and a half bunny corpses this time, but one of them was half eaten, like it had been found by another rabbit. There was still plenty of meat and fat on it, and the bones could be used in soup as well, so she plopped them on the cart and wheeled them home. Wheeled! The terrain wasn't friendly on the wheels and sometimes it was a pain in the ass, but since her surroundings weren't overgrown or hilly, there weren't many troubles.

In one of her traps she caught some kind of pink and blue bird. If it hadn't been for her cart she wouldn't have been able to carry this thing back to her camp at all. It's neck had gotten caught in the trap on the ground and strangled itself. The vines and the knots she used were very strong but she didn't realize how strong. After hanging the rabbits from the hanging metal rack that appeared in the rafters last night, she headed back gut and dismantle big bird. The job took most of the day, and then she had to figure out how to cook all this meat, and harvest the new round of crops before she would let herself quit. At least, that was her original plan.


After moving the meat back to her home, the sun was starting to drop over the horizon. Hannah lit the outdoor fire, cooking some of the rabbit meat and spent the wee hours of the night assembling a crude looking smoke house stacked with all the meat she had collected. At this point, she couldn't even see the fields in the darkness. Hannah felt overwhelmed but she knew that when you had abundant food, you needed to harvest and protect it. In modern society food is life and leaving any of this behind could mean her life, or the life of her child. Debating on taking a torch to her Tree garden, she finally decided against it. She was pregnant after all. Tossing back some cooked rabbit meat, she wrapped up the bright blue feathers and cooked meat and headed into her new home. Dropping her harvests on the kitchen table she didn't even bother washing her hands and dropped straight into bed.

From being betrayed by her husband, to being thrust alone into this world, she was still being looked after and her needs were being met more than they had been at home. If she weren't so lonely, this would be an ideal situation. She missed her Caleb like she was missing a limb. The plan for today was to lay around and do nothing, but she just couldn't bring herself to do that. She had energy to work, more than what was explainable and her mind was too quick to turn to depression when she was idle. For all she knew there could be hundreds of other people around her doing more than her and maybe they weren't friendly, maybe they were. So many scenarios went through her mind that she felt she was going mad. The idea of other people made her more excited than afraid, but everything about her situation seemed far fetched. She grabbed a couple pieces of firewood and stuck them together in the shape of a gun to see if it'd upgrade tonight. It looked crude but she was tired and only put like five extra minutes into the thing before giving up and dropping it on the nightstand.

Tossing her old sleeping bag on the floor, she wrapped herself up in the new soft blankets in her old bed and fell stared at Caleb's old crib. She had liked how she had bush crafted her daughters crib but felt comforted that Caleb's old crib was reliable. The trouble was that every time she looked at it she just felt the loss of her smiley eyed little boy. Every time she heard an animal cry at night she was hearing Caleb cry for Mommy. Every time she realized it wasn't him, it hurt. She tried to wake up throughout the night to make sure the smoker was running and predators weren't coming inside the fence. She was too tired to even realize that while she was intermittently napping between stoking the smoke, her surroundings had began to morph again. Her sluggish body dragged her through the motions as she spent a long night curing her meats. As she groggily headed back to bed after checking the smoker for the hundredth time, she tripped over her sleeping bag she tossed on the floor, and something round and solid was inside of it.

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