《Malcolm and the Toe Goblins》Chapter 3 - Night 3



All Sven felt was rage. It had been almost a full day since Svangal's untimely demise, and Sven hadn't moved. A friend, and more importantly, a member of his Foot, was DEAD. Dead because of the plan HE had made.

I KNEW we should have taken the other path! He thought, going over all the possible scenarios where Svangal could have lived.

Somehow through all of the rage and grief, something else began to form. A plan. Make them bleed. Make them pay. Show them the true meaning of suffering.

The longer Sven thought, the better the plan got. All I need to do is identify who shot the arrow. Then the fun can begin! And despite his grief, Sven couldn't help but smile. He sure did love a good plan!

He gathered the rest of the Foot together and proposed the idea. Needless to say, the Toe Goblins instantly agreed.

A few hours later, the Goblins crouched on a hill overlooking part of the village. "Remember," Sven whispered. "look for humans with arrows. One of them murdered Svangal, and they will pay dearly for their crime." The Foot nodded.

They spent rest of the night in careful surveillance, memorizing the homes and locations of archers. Sure, most of them would be innocent, but so was Svangal. They would get the right person eventually.

With the sun peeking over the horizon and the village beginning to stir, Sven gave the order. "Alright boys! That's enough for today. Go back to camp and get some rest. Tonight the fun begins!"

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