《World of Warcraft- New beginnings》New Landings
If you already have a good deal of knowledge on wow lore, just skip this chapter till you see the line breaks
In a small room in front of a 3 screened desktop sat a rather large man. Not to be insulting but it was rather a fact of life that he was a bit chubby. He was rapidly typing on the keyboard in front of him while screaming curses at both his incompetent teammates and the enemies, though without a mic he would never be heard.
"GET TO THE FUCKING TOWER! IT'S IN DANGER!!!!! FUCK!" he slammed his hands down on his table shaking the monitors on in. his screen displayed a defeat sign followed by his character doing an animation of failure. "WELL FUCK YOU TOO GAME!" he immediately signed off from the game before taking a few seconds to calm down.
Breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and release for 4 seconds. "Well, at least something works so far, unlike that incompetent retard of shit, what was his name? Ah well, I will just report him later." the young man began muttering to himself while he began getting his next game started, WOW, also known as World of Warcraft.
A relaxing game, at least on PVE servers where you won't be ganked every 5 seconds by enemies of the opposite faction. "LOGIN DETECTED" while logging in a surround sound robotic voice came from nowhere. As he looked around he noticed a small golden and blue globe appear in front of him. it had just appeared out of thin air. one second there was nothing nothing, the next second it's there in its shiny little glory. Like magic. While looking at the oddly beautiful little ball, he attempts to touch it. Much to his regret, for as soon as he touched it, it was like it was being ripped off. He immediately tried pulling back, only to his dismay as the globe instead pulled him to it. He tried to use his other to push the globe away. Not the smartest move as his hand went straight into the globe and immediately felt the ripping pain. He was slowly but surely pulled into it till his whole body was out on the other side.
Throughout stories, there have been many different world's that people have conquered. Be it through invasion and war, peace and diplomacy, or through the economy. However, few which are as war-torn as the world of Azeroth.
The elemental spirits of Azeroth became more and more erratic as time went on. the longer they lived the more the elements fought, causing the elements of Azeroth to become extremely violent and destructive.
The elementals raged freely on primordial Azeroth, waging war upon one another for endless millennia, and the four Elemental Lords reigned supreme over innumerable lesser spirits. Al'Akir the WindLord, used to send his minions to spy on his enemies and sow distrust to weaken them. Ragnaros, The Firelord, embraced brute force, seeking to boil the seas, reduce mountains to slag, and choke the skies with ash. Therazane, The StoneMother, was reclusive, entrenching herself behind towering mountain ranges before attacking her exhausted foes. Neptulon, The Tide Hunter, fought strategically, allowing the forces of the other elements to clash, before crushing his divided rivals.
When the Old Gods plummeted down from the Great Dark Beyond, they slammed into Azeroth's surface and embedded themselves in the continent of Kalimdor. For the first time in history, the four Elemental Lords banded together in an attempt to fight the Old Gods' fledgling empire. Though the elementals were mighty, they could not stand against the constant swarm of N'raqi and Aqir, creatures created in the image of the old gods and made to fight their wars, and they were enslaved by the Old Gods. Without the native spirits of Azeroth to counter the Old Gods' influence, the borders of the Black Empire crept over much of the world.
The Old Gods constantly fought against each other, through infinite armies that clashed in ceaseless battle. The forces of N'Zoth, led by the C'Thraxxi Warlord Zon'ozz, waged an endless war against the forces of C'Thun and Yogg-Saron and at one point, N'Zoth also lost a great battle to Y'Shaarj in the land now known as the Broken Shore. However, as was so often the case, even defeat ultimately worked in N'Zoth's favor.
One day, however, the Titans arrived with the intention of purging Azeroth of the Old Gods' corruption and saving its growing world-soul. As the Titans' bodies were too massive for them to take action directly without risking permanent harm to the planet, they instead crafted the mighty titan-forged — the Aesir and the Vanir — to do battle in their stead. The titan-forged succeeded in defeating the Elemental Lords and sealing them in an Elemental Plane and destroyed most of the Aqiri race, but when they began making their way towards the temple city of Y'Shaarj, the Pantheon feared that the Old God would prove too great a challenge for them. Aman'Thul the Highfather decided to take direct action, despite the risk of inflicting permanent damage to the planet. Thus, he reached down through Azeroth's skies and ripped Y'Shaarj from the surface of the world, tearing the Old God apart and obliterating hundreds of titan-forged in the process. To the Titans' horror, a great wound was left in Y'Shaarj's wake, and the world-soul's arcane lifeblood erupted from the scar to roll out across the world. The Pantheon realized that the Old Gods had burrowed far deeper into the surface than anticipated, and they could not risk excising the remaining three Old Ones, lest Azeroth is completely destroyed. Instead, the Pantheon ordered their titan-forged servants to imprison the remaining Old Gods and contain their evil below the earth, rather than outright killing them.
After several long and difficult battles, the titan-forged succeeded in imprisoning N'Zoth, C'Thun, and Yogg-Saron where they lay, even after Yogg-Saron unleashed its mighty C'Thraxxi generals. The Black Empire was no more, and for the first time in Azeroth's history, a tentative peace settled over the world.
In the ancient past, the world of Azeroth was comprised of one major continent called ancient Kalimdor but had four known regions. Ulduar is located in the north, Hyjal and Un'goro crater in the west, Uldaman in the east, and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in the south. At one time, all of the four major continents, The Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor, Northrend, and Pandaria, were part of this one large super-continent. The Well of Eternity lay in the center of what was ancient Kalimdor and was created when Aman'Thul ripped Y'Shaarj out from the embedded location there.
When the Well exploded at the conclusion of the War of the Ancients, this continent was shattered, leaving behind the continents and islands that exist today. The Forbidding Sea is the expanse of water to the east of the Eastern Kingdoms and the Veiled Sea sits west of Kalimdor. Between the continents lies the Great Sea, while at its center lies the Maelstrom — a massive chaotic whirlpool over the area where the Well of Eternity once stood.
'Throughout history, it's believed that a part of the Well still exists in the Rift at the bottom of the vortex. It has been active since the Great Sundering ten thousand years ago and still, there is no foreseeable natural end to its existence.
The Eastern Kingdoms are made up of several sub-continents including the southern sub-continent, Azeroth and Khaz Modan, and the northern sub-continent of Lordaeron.
The Broken Isles are major island group that may have once been a continent but now is more like a few large islands.
Although known to exist for several generations, the major island groups of human-ruled Kul Tiras and troll-ruled Zandalar are becoming more well-known to outsiders, if only to subgroups by major faction.
The world of Azeroth also may have land located at the other side, beyond the Veiled Sea to the west of Kalimdor, and beyond the Forbidding Sea to the east of the Eastern Kingdoms. No one is sure or has knowledge of what kind of creatures, lands, cultures, life, and sentient beings live on the other side of Azeroth. It is likely, though, that it is very dangerous.
"A handful of ships have ventured from Kalimdor away from the Maelstrom — to the north, west, and south. None have yet returned."
Azeroth also has two moons, the White Lady and Blue Child.
However, before the sundering of the well of eternity, and at the very beginning of primordial Kalimdor, there were the elementals. Beings made of earth, water, fire, and wind.
In an endless void stood a small white light, with a glow similar to that of a torch. It looked to be a small ball simply floating. In the background, different lights began to enter the void until the small light had friends. Though as it was unconscious it didn't move nor speak. Its background began to morph around him until there stood a small hill, with blades of swords, axes, staves, and small bits of grass trying it's best to live in front of a fading red sky with small clouds dotting the background. The white little light slowly moved towards the top of the hill before stopping and a loud *CLAP* went off around it causing it to 'jump' in place. "Where the fuck am I?" it immediately asked no one in particular. Unfortunately, there was a response.
Sup cunt. how did you sleep? good? alright then.
currently, you're in the character creation area. make a good character man, we wanna see a good show from you. if you wondering, yes I'm god, why did I choose you? because you were the first to get on wow at that point in time. what world? wow. good luck fucker. try to amuse me at the very least a little. It wouldn't be too much fun if you just died. this will be one of the only times I will talk to you. now then have fun.
"........THA FUCK!? WHAT TYPE OF SHITTY GOD ARE YOU!? JUST FUCKING DROPPING ME IN HERE! THAT SHIT FROM EARLIER HURT!..... HEY! YOU FUCKING LISTENING, YOU SOGGY WET CUNT?!" the little ball of light immediately started cursing with such a voice that a sailor would blush from the flood of profanities coming out of it. Eventually sighing the man now wisp went to look at the area he was at. He noticed the hill in all its glory. "Huh, so it's the beta start. Does that mean I start in vanilla? Dang, I was hoping that I could see Sylvanus before she became the banshee queen."
He begins to look around him and notices the tables full of classes and races, surprisingly all the way up to BFA. "wait, am I spawning in vanilla or BFA? Which one? Ah, whatever let's try to see what happens now. If I'm going to be stuck here, then I'm going to make the best of it." the man immediately chose trolls while to his right opened small boxes full of information on the race that he had chosen. Next to the clickable troll face opened up a new setting that wasn't found in the game. It gave 3 options. Zandalari, Gurubashi, or Darkspear.
Looking at this he immediately chose Gurubashi. After all, he found that they had the most interesting back story of all of the trolls while still being one of the most powerful. He immediately began setting up his character. His character was hunched over as almost all males are hunched over with a height of about 9 foot 5 when in slouch mode, but he is about in standing 11 foot 4. He was built like a cheetah, lean and with muscles like cords. though the amount of muscle was easily twice that of an American football player. light blue skin similar that of a stream, hair that looks more like a spine on someone's head than real hair the color of unpolished silver as it attempted to go forward, small black markings on his face with one on his forehead, 3 on each cheek and one running down his throat. And who could forget the tusks that are protruding upwards at about the length of 1 foot long each tusk. then there were his ears, normally trolls have rather long ears and his character was no different. though he put in three small spikes along the ridges and at the very tip he put in an earring. on his body he put down a couple of scars to look cool.
And finally, he mosied on down to the genitals. He always thought that there should be more variation to the races and now he got it. He checked the average size for most trolls and almost died of embarrassment from his own. Normally he averaged at around 5 but he found the average for trolls was about 8. And here he was almost feeling proud of what he had before this. In a small time rage and embarrassment fueled tantrum, he increased the size to its maximum which was set at 14. Something quite terrifying to most women.
He then moved on to the classes. "Now which one, Hunter, shaman, or Shadow Priest? Hmm.. let's take another look at the priest." after muttering about for a minute or two he clicks on shadow priest and looks at the boxes which hold information. "Well alright then, now how about the hunter." he tried clicking away from priest to the hunter but he finds that instead of switching spots, the point remained on the priest. He tried clicking different classes all over but found to his utter dismay that he was unable to do so.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! WHY CAN'T I CLICK A DIFFERENT CLASS!?" he began yelling about how unfair it was that he was forced to choose a class when he was only looking. After moping about for a bit he got back up from his knees and looked at the create character button. Feeling a bit regretful of himself he tried to click create character but was stopped when he realized he had no name. "Now then, what is a good troll name? Hmm....... I got it! Raichu! No wait, that's a pokemon. How about.... Vaiku? Eh, fuck it." he immediately entered the name Vaiku into the bar below him after debating with himself. He felt himself being pulled again though this time (thankfully) it was more pleasant than the last time, as it was like being soaked thoroughly in warm water. As he was fading he had time for one last thought. Wait, will I be a grown adult or a baby? And with that, he floated away.
Year ??? Continent: Eastern Kingdom Area: Stranglethorne vale
On a small island off the coast of the vale was a woman in a small thatch hut, the hut was near the beach. With beautiful clear water, a setting red sun, and a blue sky with nary a cloud to be seen. Truly a wondrous sight. This was of course disturbed by a woman's screaming. Though to most of the inhabitants nearby, it was no scream but a banshee's screech. Animals ran from it as they thought it spelled their imminent doom. Though there were a few trolls here that had the same idea so you can't really the animals dumb. In the hut, a large pregnant troll was screaming at the top of her lungs as a witch doctor was watching her give birth while her husband was off to the side holding his hands to his ears in a vain attempt to keep his eardrums from rupturing. As the woman gave birth the witch doctor walked towards the child as it popped out and began screaming. The witch doctor simply stared at it with old eyes before wrapping the baby and bringing it to the mother. "Look at my son, he will be a strong warrior. Blood and guts for Hakkar doctor." the woman spoke to the witch doctor with reverence in her eyes as she smiled towards him. Staring into his eyes, which were just as sapphire as the ocean he was born on. "your name will be Vaiku, never forget" she spoke in a tone that only a mother could have before passing the now silent child to the father and falling asleep.
(Vaiku POV)
I woke up only to see a rather traumatizing sight. Cold steel eyes looking at me from directly above, with curiosity, happiness, and pride glimmering in his eyes like the stars in the sky. Before I realized it I was picked up by what looked like a giant. it towered over me, though I still knew that somehow this was my father. He had the same color hair as me of unpolished silver, but he held his in a ponytail instead of the spine like mine. Why would you do that to such wonderful hair? I thought as I watched with a glimmer of sadness in my now grey eyes. he seemed to be quite tall, compared even to other trolls, and had a lighter green color to his skin that I did. his tusks protruded out of the sides of his mouth before curving out in front of his face. How difficult it must be to speak with those things in place.
I thought with a giggle to myself, though he seemed to notice and smiled to himself. My father carried me over to another giant, though this one was a woman. I looked into her eyes, underneath the matted blue hair, her eyes shone. She looked at me with such caring eyes, I nearly broke down. not that my own mother hadn't looked at me with love, but never had I seen her look at me like that. it was so beautiful, and so passionate, that I knew it was the look that only a mother who had just given birth could give to her child. Before I knew it, however, I had already been handed to her, and she began gently swaying me in her arms while she began speaking in a language I didn't understand. it was very gruff sounding, but I could hear the love in her voice. Though one word stood out. Vaiku. My name.
While I was looking my mother over, I began to see that even though by human standards she wasn't the most beautiful person in the world, she still had youth in her eyes and no wrinkles on her face. she had a light blue skin color and small tusks that immediately came up from her lips about three inches.. her hair was a fiery red, with hints of yellow and orange flowing through it. her hair immediately reminded me of a bonfire that had been woven together into braids that ran down from her head to her a little below her shoulder blades. her amber eyes looked like they could suck a soul out of someone and hold them forever. and finally, I noticed her ears. Her ears had two rings put into them to show that she was married, a standard troll tradition for most women.
I watched as my mom then began to move me back towards my father, who held me gently as he once more looked me over before speaking to my mother. I couldnt understand what the words meant, but I could feel the intent that was behind them. I was being held very gently by him, but I could feel the slight trembling in his arms as he tried not to squish me. I started giggling uncontrollably for a little while, to the point where I thought I was gonna piss myself.
Or maybe I pissed myself in reality, judging from the face my father made. *SIGH* not 5 minutes alive and I've already embarrassed myself and disappointed my father. Oh well, at least I beat my last record of 6 years. My father nearly threw me with how fast he jumped away from the feeling of my piss running down his arm. The look on his face caused me to burst out into laughter, while he just stood there. Piss dripping down his arm, his child laughing at him, with a sigh emerging from within his very soul. He tried saying something to me but all it sounded like was what a wolf would sound like if it were given a voice. Gravelly, but still calm. Harsh, but guiding. It is difficult to describe without hearing it. Though it feels familiar. As I was laughing I started to feel my eyes close on me Ah, here we go. Let's take a good old nap. Maybe this will all be a dream when I wake up.
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