《Player’s Fall: NPC Takeover》Chapter 10: Reinvasion


The fond memories of the beginning of their guild and Fire Town were always pleasant for Serion. By their act however they had left an area undefended. Looking below it was obvious goblins had moved in and taken a turn at building a town. Hundreds of tents filled the interior grounds of the town’s keep. Odd slanted buildings made of burnt debris from the rest of the town formed the better part of the little settlement.

Looking back at the rubble behind them Serion noticed they had been rebuilding the damaged keep, or they had tried to. Goblins weren’t known for their architecture skills and in his mind the only word he could think to describe this whole place would be shithole. Goblins of all shapes and sizes walked around or worked on some project.

Some guards were up on the walls opposite of them but they didn’t need to be stealthy. The creatures were playing some kind of game or sitting around. Their laziness disappeared and they scrambled about gathering their weapons puffing out their chests when a bigger goblin came around. He was bright green, almost yellow with a red mohawk and engineer goggles.

“Plains goblin, many of those in the untamed lands out West,” informed Tombe.

Sneaky! You have snuck into an enemy encampment and spied the boss monster in charge.

100 Experience Gained.

“Fire Town became Goblin Town. I prefer our name.” Serion spoke darkly.

The others gave him a grin and they decided to leave for now. It was time to even up the numbers.

The fiery hog lay how they left it, forlorn and burnt. They had been careful making their way back. It wouldn’t do to alert the enemy too soon. Revenance shot a burning arrow into the sky. It rose high and fell slow. Then they waited. Minutes later Harkin’s group came running, weapons drawn and ready for a fight. They waved them down.

“Good hunting?” Serion asked.

“Not so much. A few giant rats and zombies, picked off 2 patrols of goblins,” Pyron replied.


Telling them of the adventure they had the group agreed on the plan and spoke about how they would go about it. Still waiting on the last group they heard a faint racket from down the street.

“We got incoming, possible patrol. Pyron take your people across the street, that alleyway there. Wait until we attack,” planned Serion. With a nod he set off. He had them set up in sight of the inn.

A band of goblins marched down the street out of sync. Rusted armor rattled with every step. A good sized group roughly four dozen strong Serion estimated. Half carried short spears, and the others swords with shields. They were clearly searching for the cause of the signal arrow from earlier. Some looked into the sky searching for another one, most just gawked at the blood one.

One of the lead goblins spotted his group, it gave a cry and pointed at them. It wasn’t like they were trying to hide. Three of them stood in the doorway waiting, Drecksis sat on a window sill kicking the air. He was a grown up kid at heart, one who was happiest in the thick of battle.

As one the goblins started a mass charge swords and spears leading. Serion cast a few Arcane Bombs in the thickest areas and went inside. Revenance shot off a few arrows and did the same. Tombe launched off a volley of rocks. Drecksis fell backwards and did a somersault landing just inside. Nonchalant he took his position at the door.

The leading goblins bunched up in the doorway struggling to be the first inside. Just to add to the confusion Serion cast off a couple veil of shadows and one last bomb before downing a potion. It took a few attacks before the goblins started to get inside.

Drecksis cleaved the first goblin and then the second. He was in luck as nothing with a spear was there to take advantage of his short range. A handful of goblins were too little for him. Slashing one he took the next with a downward stroke smashing through its weak armor. He took a cut to his thigh and smashed his shield against the offender.


Tombe covered a window shooting rocks at anything climbing inside. Most pushed the little creatures back outside but some managed to fall in. Shaking off the attack they got to their feet and charged the Terramancer. Those without shields quickly fell to his lethal stones but as more and more got inside they would hide behind others with shields and started closing the distance. Eventually he abandoned his ranged attacks and cast Stone Fists on himself. Surprising the first few he smashed bodies back protection or not.

Revenance stood atop the only large piece of the bar left and shot arrow after arrow. Anything that was unarmored and didn’t carry a shield fell were prime targets. The force of his attacks threw the creatures back sometimes with gaping wounds. He even managed to get multiple targets at the window and doorway as arrows would rip threw a foe into another standing too close.

Serion stood back observing where he was needed. If too many were attacking from a certain point he would cast Arcane Bomb just outside. The resulting explosion would create a short time of respite. His Shadow Bolts would sometimes slow down a goblin getting inside. Unable to see where it was going its fellows would push it back and forth or throw them out of the way.

The enemy was truly committed. If this continued for too much longer they would be overwhelmed. For every one they struck down, two more were ready to take their place. Good as any he thought.


At first there were no signs of their allies outside. After a few seconds a colossal wave of heat assailed them. Right outside the doorway burnt bodies gave off steam. There were some screams from the survivors and a few that were on fire. The unguarded window had a block of in front of it, goblins trapped inside. One unlucky goblin was hurled inside with an arrow lodged in its skull. Weapons clashing Reg had charged the enemies rear cutting down confused and frightened foes.

Those goblins inside were now panicking. The reinforcements they were expecting were not coming to aid them and as each one fell the inn became a little less crowded.

Serion suddenly felt…healthier. It could only mean the third group had joined the attack. Drecksis let out a dark sigh and swung faster. The goblins couldn’t keep up and were soon dead. As each of them finished off their assailants they turned to give each other a helping hand. And suddenly there were no more targets to fight.

The front of the inn was covered in black blood and broken bodies. Not hesitating for a moment they rushed outside to finish the fight. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on who was fighting a handful of goblins were left. Beset from all sides they were quickly slaughtered.

9 Goblin scouts killed. 23 Goblin Warriors killed. 3 Goblin Sneaks killed. 12 Goblin Sentries killed.

654 Experience Gained.

Congratulations you are now Level 5!

10 stat points awarded.

Your Arcane affinity has grown by 1!

Your Shadow affinity has grown by 1!

Serion - Lv 5 Mage

Guild Leader of The Dreaded Thirteen

Arcane 14/Shadow 13

Vitality - 45. 10 more Vitality. Stay alive forever!

Might - 10

Dexterity – 10

Resilience - 10

Intelligence - 40

Wisdom - 50

Willpower - 50

Perception - 10

Charisma - 10

Luck - 20

“Ding baby! Level 5!” Serion’s group cheered. The others stared at them in amazement.

“Level 5? We are all level 3. Alright what have you guys been up to?” demanded Harkin.

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