《I am a Fairy that can’t cast Magic!》Potions


The potion wall felt like a magnet, attracting Gabriel's eyes almost forcefully to look at it. The wall, or more specifically the many potions on the wall were glowing bright luminescent colors. Although they didn't light up the entire room, they did produce enough light to faintly see the wall they were stationed on.

Standing up, Gabriel walked to the edge of the table and kept looking across to the potion wall.

Was getting over there even possible for how she was right now?

Although the tables were up to the stomach of Azeroth it seemed that due to the height difference between her and Azeroth the table was more like a tall cliff side than a table, for her. Gabriel stood at the edge of the table for a little while thinking. There had to be some way for her to descend peacefully, right?

A few minutes passed before she remembered a certain moment from when she was trying to escape Azeroth. There was a moment when it seemed that she slipped through his hand, could that be the key to getting down from the table? Gabriel first needed to know what skill that was before trying it again.

(Perhaps I could grind this skill into OP-ness?) she thought.


{Status has been updated please wait a moment.}




Name: Gabriel Race: Magical Fairy Gender: Female Age:

LV. 1 Hp 5/5 Sp 10/10 Mp 632/0 +0.01Mp/s

Skills: Spirit Body Lv.4, Auto-Hp Regeneration Lv.1, OverCharge Immunity, Glow Lv.3, Attention Reflection Lv.5, Magic Manipulation Lv. 5, Contract, Intimidate Lv.8, Space-Manipulation Lv.3, Appraisal Lv.4

Titles: Magic-less Fairy, World-Crosser, Adaptive(New!)


(What do you mean 'Open for 1'!?)

Gabriel forced her lewd thoughts of the contract to the back of her head, and focused on the skills that may have helped her escape Azeroth. Currently there were two skills that seemed to cover physical manipulation. the skills were; Spirit Body, and Space-Manipulation. From what she could remember, 'Spirit Body' was due to her Fairy racial trait and Space-manipulation was due to her 'World-Crosser' title. This made Gabriel come to the conclusion that Fairies were more kin to ghost than something like a Elf.(From Azeroths talking about their record it stands that Elves are a thing here. The Question is, are they like Anime fantasy Elves or do I have the wrong interpretation of what he meant?)

Unlike what a normal fairy would do in this situation, fly to the potion, Gabriel did not have that option. Glancing around for just a bit to double check that no one was in the room, Gabriel struck a old fashion sentai pose and yelled.

"Spirit~ Body~!!!"

Gabriel kept her stance for a few more seconds before letting out a sigh.

"Of course that wouldn't work, what were you thinking!" She facepalmed before taking a deep breath. Maybe she just did not say it right.

"Spirit Body!"


"Skill: Racial: Spirit Body!"

Still nothing.

"[Spirit Body]!"

(Might as well be cricket noises.)

"Spirit.... BODY!!!"

The glowing potions on the opposite wall mocked her with their glows. Stopping for a moment Gabriel sat down on the ground to ponder what the skill actually was.


(Spirit body was part of the 'Race'-type skill tree. The skill was already level four when I first looked at it. Focus... the skill is attached to my race so it stands to reason that those types of skills are more intrinsic than just skills. Are they perhaps closer to instinct? Like how cats know how to always fall on their feet? The other skills in that skill type were either complete nonsense or something that makes scene. An example would be 'Attention Reflection'. How would a person reflect attention without something like magic? If only I had someone who was knowledgeable about this... wait! wouldn't Levi know about magic? She said she was a Leviathan.)

"Levi~, help me learn magic." Gabriel said. No answer. Gabriel sat up into a meditative pose and focused on calling Levi. The world seemed to fade from her sight as a new one took its place. This new world was rather small only being what looked like a living room sized jail cell. The jail cell had a single door and a single window they were placed at opposite sides of the cell. The walls floor and ceiling were made of concrete. The room looked aged, no, a better description would be worn. The bars of the door and window looked chipped and the concrete look as if some one was scraping against it with their finger nails. At the center of the room laid a beautiful maiden. She was without flaw, her black hair spreaded out behind her and her tanned skin defined her shape against the rough concrete floor. Gabriel looked down at her body, both she and the maiden were unclothed, though Gabriel did not feel embarrassment just... something.

The maiden on the ground stirred and woke up from her sleep. Gabriel brought her focus back onto the maiden, that is Levi. Levi turned her flawless face to Gabriel and gave her a soft, sad smile. Levi opened her mouth before closing it, possibly reconsidering what she was going to say before once again opening it to speak.

"Hey Gaby." Levi kept her soft smile and Gabriel responded.

"Hey Levi."Gabriel returned the soft smile with her own kind and supportive smile. Levi shuffled to the wall and put her back against it. Gabriel walked and sat next to her, there was an awkward yet comforting atmosphere for a bit before Levi asked a question.

"How... How can you just accept this all? How are you not shocked? Why can you just accept our new gend- changes like they were nothing?" Levi casted a tired but questioning gaze towards Gabriel. Gabriel met Levi's gaze head on and just let out a dry laugh.

"To be honest, I think I am in shock from all the changes. It hard to understand but, I think we just have to think about the best for right now, right? It sucks losing pretty much everything I know, including my own body, but now I super hot ,right? That's not so bad... I'll never be a father but now I can be a mother! I have always wondered what makes shopping take so long for girls but now I can experience it first hand!" Levi turned and looked at Gabriel, there was a strained smile on her face. How was it fair if Levi kept bothering her friend like if she didn't offer anything in return? It was only fair, Gabriel was trying to cheer her up to get something out of her anyways. Levi let a small smile creep onto her face.


"So, what do you need help with? I have lived a while so I got some wisdom under my belt if you need it." Gabriel let out a nervous laugh.

"Well, I was wondering if you could teach me magic? You know, throwing fireballs, and wind blades the whole shabang." Lev looked at Gabriel as if he said something completely stupid.

"That is not how 'magic' works. What you are thinking about is magick and yes there is a difference."

"What is the difference?" Gabriel asked curiously.

"The main difference is what happens when you cast something. Basically magick is the manipulation of the natural world around you, while magic is the creation of supernatural phenomena. Think about it like a fire bender vs pyromancer or super speed vs teleportation. Magick is a science while magic is ocult-ish."

"mhmmm, so then can you teach me magick?" Gabriel put her arm around Levi and begged.

"No, you can do magick. Period."

"Wwwhattt? I thought we were friends? Waaaaaa~" Gabriel cries in her obvious crocodile tears.

"We'refriends?" Levi blurted out. "I mean, you can not do magick but you can do magic."

" aaaaa~ Ah, really? Why is that?"

"Before we get to that, Gabriel. Do you know where we are?"

"Nnnnnnooooo?" Gabriel replies with a tired slur.

"hm, you are coming out of meditation. Ok so what you see" Levi motion to the whole jail cell they were in. " this all is you soul and to make a long story short, you can not use magick because I am here taking up the space magick should usually be stored. Anyways you want to get to those potions right?"

"ye-ah." Gabriel was now desperately trying to stay awake. She felt her self slowly disappearing from this place.

"So what... do is... focus.... stretch yo-r mind... few centimeters.."

Comeing out of her meditation Gabriel fell backwards into her back and grasped her head.

"mmmmaaaa..." Gabriel could compare the head ache to one you get after hitting you head on water when going fast on a boat.

Recollecting what Levi said to her Gabriel followed what Levi described.

"Focus. Stretch mind. And... go for a few centimeters?"

Sitting her self into a meditative Gabriel begain practicing what Levi told her. Focusing was easy but It took her awhile to understood what Levi ment by streaching her mind. Essentially what Levi ment by 'stretching' her mind is to give herself phantom limbs. Not exta limbs per say just to 'desynchronize' her limbs to make her mind believe they were in places they were not.

Putting her new found ability to work Gabriel began climbing down Azeroths work station. At first it was difficult for her to hold onto the crevices and move these phantom limbs but after quite some time spent climbing down she gained more control. Now on the floor Gabriel walked across its smooth stone surface. After a short walk across the floor she reached the bottom the potion. The shelf looked as tall as a skyscraper and seemed to glow like one to. Gabriel began climbing it. She rigidly made her way to the fourth shelf and began inspecting the potions.

There were six potions on that shelf. Two red, two blue, a yellow, and a alluring purple potion. Gabriel approached the purple potion and felt the outside of its glass cage. There was precipitation on the outside that glowed ever so slightly. Gabriel put her hand into the droplet and drank the liquid. It was sweet like white chocolate and quite filling. Though it did not stop her unnoticeable hunger.

Gabriel continued drinking all the droplets until there was none left. After throwing a small fit at her self for drinking all of it in one go Gabriel went up to the potion once more. Perhaps she thought that if she wanted hard enough that more would come out.

(If only I could get into that bottle... Wait! I can get into the bottle if I can get spirit body to work!)

With renewed vigor Gabriel set her self against the potion and focused on getting inside of it. She stood like that for the next hour until her feet became sore from standing on them. Right as she was going to give up something in her mind just clicked and she fell through the bottle into the potion inside.

On the inside Gabriel was having the time of her life, it was like she could taste the chocolate from every part of her body that it touched. It was very akaward and shameful feeling tasking the chocolate from all the lady bits but other than that it was a blast.

After taking several mouthfuls of potion She was ready to get out. Going to the wall of the bottle Gabriel tried pulling her self out.

(hmmm? I can't get out? Am... am I going to suffocate?)

Gabriel could not get out.

In a panic Gabriel through of ways to get out of her bottle death trap. She settled on throwing her self and the bottle onto the floor. Even if the bottle didn't break it would probably make enough sound for someone to check what happened out and help her. Or enslave her, but that was a less likely possibility after all who would enslave a endangered species? Making up her mind Gabriel rocked the potion back and forth. Just as she made her last attempt to make the bottle fall Azeroth burst through the door and rushed to a work station. Gabriel was already falling as he pulled out some expensive looking tools. As Gabriel felt herself go weightless she pondered if this choice was really the best idea. The bottled impacted the ground and shattered into a million pieces.

As she was about to get up Azeroth picked her up and placed her on the work table.

"WHAT WERE YOU- never mind. Just sit still and DO NOT throw your self off the ledge.

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